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[Variety] The Romantic (더 로맨틱)

Guest didilovebi

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Ah the hearthache: What the hell happened between Jonghon and Yewon on their date? They went so happy and came back so sad...I wish I understood korean.
I still hope for this couple but looks like it won't work.

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The midway selections took a lot of time, i was expecting today's episode to show their date. Urgh, i'm dying to know what happened to yewon and jonghoon date because her expression shows that something bad happened during the date.

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I also thought that they would show the date in today's episode and kinda bummed that they didn't.  And what the h**l happened to Yewon and Jong Hoon's date for them to come back early (seems like it) and  appears to be barely on speaking terms.  And I'll just post my opinions after the subs, just to be sure.^^

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Guest nurianhu

The way Jonghoon kissed Yewon's forehead is as if he was going in for a french kiss.. LOL
seriously I want Yewon and Minhyuk together, to much drama with this triangle.


3 minutes in the episode and I'm pissed Yewon wrapped that food for Jonghoon.

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nurianhu said: The way Jonghoon kissed Yewon's forehead is as if he was going in for a french kiss.. LOL
seriously I want Yewon and Minhyuk together, to much drama with this triangle.


3 minutes in the episode and I'm pissed Yewon wrapped that food for Jonghoon.

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@inxomnia, thank you so much for the links ^^

@nurianhu, interesting! I didn't think about it in that way but yeah Yewon could have been upset that Jiwon chose Minhyuk and was thinking that he would choose Jiwon as well. Too much guessing and so much drama... especially in comparison to the season 1.

The midway selection was indeed a bit too long, but it's totally fine because we got to see Eunyoung! Why did the show hide her for 2 episodes? She's so much fun and cute. And I hope she'll end up with N. N's choice surprised me a bit, but it's cool that they chose each other. While nobody chose G.Na and Kevin. I don't even know what's their faith anymore because it seems that they'll end up with people who're not chosen either and it's sad. Plus, the clothes shuffle didn't really help them.

Also, what happened when they were sitting at the table and Jiwon was missing? It seemed like Jonghoon was scolding Minhyuk because Minhyuk was saying that he didn't think Jiwon would choose him/ or liked him?

Well, next episode is gonna be interesting for sure.

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Guest nurianhu

I watched everything, It's quite obvious something went wrong between Yewon and Jonghoon, I don't hope it makes everything awkward between them and between the entire group!

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the only possible thing that could happen to Yewon-Jonghoon to make things like that would be 

Jonghoon seriously confessing his feelings for Yewon but Yewon told Jonghoon about her feelings for Minhyukif i'm not mistaken in her interview, she said it's 50-50 between the two but seems like she's leaning more towards MinhyukJonghoon got hurt and things got awkward

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I'm not going to try and guess what's going to happen between Yewon and Jonghoon. It seems these PD's have a way with messing with our heads w/ the previews. 
The only thing I have to complain about is, I want to see the other couple's too, and if that means extending the show to more episodes I wouldn't mind but they can't just focus on this yewon-minhyuk-and-junghoon. I'm tired. N and eunyoung are cute and I barely see Kevin : (

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Guest temperateclimate

Arghhh... they didn't show any footage of the six others for the preview ... how disappointing!

I am glad that they did show several of Eun-Young's interview excerpts for this episode. Eun-Young is such an adorkable and funny girl.  I always find myself laughing at her remarks.


Pre mid-time selection interview

Eun-Young: My mid-time choice is N-sshi. Yes. Cha Hak-Yeon-sshi. *makes finger gun and giggles while bending down* If you don't choose me, watch out! *laughs loudly* To be honest, I don't know. He had a date with another girl today ... *points finger* Watch out! *laughs again*


Post mid-time selection interview

Eun-Young: *grins happily and points* Don't feel all relieved/settled! You're forever mine!


Clothing preference shuffle

As Ji-Won and N link arms and walk away ...

Eun-Young: *stands up* No! (This can't be!) *stomps foot* I can't accept this! *with a wide smile*

Captions: Eun-Young, who's a N-Sunflower, has a difficult time accepting this outcome.

G.NA: *laughs and points at Eun-Young* Ah, I like her.

Ye-Won: *laughs and points at Eun-Young* They're already a married couple.

G.NA: It's refreshing. I like it.


As Kevin stands in the yard waiting to be claimed by his shirt's owner ...

Eun-Young: *raises hand* Can I look at the shirt tag? Can I look at the tag on the back of the shirt? *walks over to Kevin and flips out tag to take a look* Ah! It's mine! *raises hand* It's mine.

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I am slighty disappointed that the preview was just Jonghoon/Yewon, seriously the whole last part was focused on them they could have at least shown the others on thier dates too.

@temperateclimate thank you for the translation, she is so funny. I am really hoping we will see more of her interviews and on another date with N.

Also was wondering what GNA said about Jonghoon? She looked so relieved that he didn't pick the hoodie.

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Guest temperateclimate


Pre clothing preference shuffle interview

G.NA: I don't want to have it (clothing shuffle date) with Jong-Hoon.

Writer: But what if Jong-Hoon ends up picking your shirt today?

G.NA: Ah, don't be like that. I won't do it ... It's really not (supposed to be) like that ... It'd be too cruel ...

Min-Hyuk and Jong-Hoon stand there waiting to be claimed ...

G.NA: *stands up* Ah, it's such a relief (it's such a fortunate thing).

G.NA: I'm going. Min-Hyuk, let's go!

G:NA: *to Min-Hyuk* I'm most content/satisfied with you.

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@temperateclimate thank you so much,  I have to say I was also happy they were not paired up together again. I dont see her and Minhyuk together romantically but I am sure they will have fun.

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Guest coffeebeanie

Just like everyone else, I was kind of irritated that the episode (again) focused only on Minhyuk-Yewon-Jonghoon. I mean, seriously. Can't they show snippets of other idols as well?

@plliar During the time when Jiwon wasn't on the table, Jonghoon mentioned that on the bus, Minhyuk slept with his head on Jiwon's shoulder.  (Eunyeong even confirmed this, lol.) Jonghoon was scolding Minhyuk that he shouldn't be that way because girls (Jiwon) can misunderstand. N came to Minhyuk's rescue by saying that Minhyuk for sure didn't mean to cause any misunderstandings, because if he was that kind of person, he wouldn't have fallen asleep in the airplane drooling all over the place. (Ha!)

Jonghoon just kept on getting on my nerves with his slick moves and forward personality.  And the way he was scolding Minhyuk? What for? And even in the car, he told Yewon that he didn't really get along with Minhyuk.  His excuse? Type A guys typically don't really get along with each other.  Geez.  And Yewon too, is starting to annoy me. I mean, I get that she's a bubbly, loud and happy girl, but I think I can have her only in small doses.  I really want to see G.na, Jiwon and Eunyeong more. And yeah, as she herself explained during the interview, she gave the ssam to Jonghoon to show him that she was open to him.  Yewon said that Minyuk was treating her and Jiwon the same way, and that he was showing Jiwon that he was open to her, so Yewon also showed Jonghoon that she too, was open.

I think Minhyuk likes Jiwon more but went with Yewon since she's the safer choice.  Before the mid-selection, he kept on mentioning that he wanted to change his footage. And even during his interview, he said that when he went to the aquarium, he was sure of his choice, but after their group date, he's starting to have doubts.  He just said that he went with the person he had the more footage of, and he spent more time with.

As for Jiwon and Kevin. Sigh. I really liked them off the bat but I don't think Jiwon is at all interested.  When Kevin picked Jiwon, she was quite surprised and told him that she didn't think he'd choose her.  And during the interview, Kevin was explaining that he thought he had dropped subtle hints here and there that he liked her.  And then I realized, that yeah, he was sitting right beside her during the halfway selection. And the way he shot her was just so romantic. Lol. Everyone was spazzing, even Jiwon!

Kind of sad that N-Eunyeong wasn't able to go on the shuffle date. They really are cute together. :)

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Guest xbeybidollx

Jonghoon tweeted this lastnight in his twitter account it something about love and friendship can someone translate? -> 사랑,우정 이 두단어들은 서로 표현하라고있는 말입니다. -- JongHoon/フニ様 (@FtGtJH)


i think the serious faces of yewon n jonghoon is bcoz their conversation is getting serious n yewon is now confused n maybe jonghoon really like yewon maybe after the show he will still pursue her unless he is a player that cam act well infront of camera and different in person. If these two will be paired again the feelings will grow first date is a bit awkward unlike minhyuk n yewon 2nd date prior to airport that makes them comortable like jonghoon and g.na comfortable since they were paired twice lets see but if im yewon it comes a shock if the comes too strong jonghun is the jealous type bf hahahah! not gf-bf very protrective and strict hahaha

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xbeybidollx said: Jonghoon tweeted this lastnight in his twitter account it something about love and friendship can someone translate? -> 사랑,우정 이 두단어들은 서로 표현하라고있는 말입니다. -- JongHoon/フニ様 (@FtGtJH)

i think the serious faces of yewon n jonghoon is bcoz their conversation is getting serious n yewon is now confused n maybe jonghoon really like yewon maybe after the show he will still pursue her unless he is a player that cam act well infront of camera and different in person. If these two will be paired again the feelings will grow first date is a bit awkward unlike minhyuk n yewon 2nd date prior to airport that makes them comortable like jonghoon and g.na comfortable since they were paired twice lets see but if im yewon it comes a shock if the comes too strong jonghun is the jealous type bf hahahah! not gf-bf very protrective and strict hahaha
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Guest xbeybidollx

this season is more popular because of the increasing tension in the house hahaha! im afraid one more wrong move of minhyuk he can receive a flying punch from someone lol. it will be weirder if yewon n joonghoon followed eachother on twitter but almost real couple celebs keep it a secret since alot anti will increase for yewon and if jonghoon is very protective of yewon he wouldnt dare put yewon in a difficult situation. Jonghiin maybe a Casanova but men under pressure and find it difficult to win his woman's heart will really gone crazy!! he seems a guy 'what he wants he gets' until he met his match Yewon bcoz she herself seems know how to handle men when she has crush on minhyuk but when she got offended abiut thr necklace she can quickly move on to another guy she likes & brush it off way to go girl! LOL!

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