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[C-Drama 2012] Love Actually (爱的蜜方)


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News about the high rating for first 3 episodes-not sure about yesterday, but some said maybe decline a bit,not a surprise because ep 4,5 and 6 focusing a lot on the other brother (he is doing very fine also and Dahae praised him in her weibo).

High ratings of "love the honey side Liduohaikan Ke life experience to lead a social hot (Figure)

At 10:25 on the August 15, 2012 Source: Golden Eagle network



TV series "the honey side of love" has been since yesterday in Hunan TV Golden Eagle alone broadcast theater delicious release, premiered the same day to usher in a good start: in 32 central cities, the same day ratings exceeded a single set of ratings as high as 1.321, ratings compared with the previous two weeks up to 35%. 在湖南首次启用的央视索福瑞全国网收视组中,《爱的蜜方》在全国网收视更超中心城市组,全国收视率1.35%,收视份额4%。 Enabled for the first time in Hunan, CCTV Sofres network ratings group, the ratings of "love the honey side" in the national network of more super-central city group, 1.35% of the national ratings, audience share of 4%. 作为一个典型的偶像剧,它既不乏李多海、郑元畅、李易峰等俊男靓女的组合,不乏感动人心的爱情故事。 It is no lack as a typical idol drama, a beautiful combination of Lee Da Hae, Zheng Yuan Chang, Yi Li peak, there is no lack of love story touched people's hearts. 它还是一个非典型的偶像剧,在男女主角小爱萌生的同时,社会大爱也在该剧中处处开花,给这个稍显冷漠的世界涂上了五彩的颜色。 It is an atypical idol, while initiation in male and female love, social love the play everywhere blossom painted colorful color to the somewhat indifferent world. 李多海身世坎坷引社会热议 Lee Da Hae life experience ups and downs lead to social hot 在《爱的蜜方》中,女主角李多海绝对是一大亮点,她饰演的角色是小夏,是一个味蕾天才,但她自己并不知道,因此发生了一些好玩的乌龙事件。 , Actress Lee Da Hae in the honey side of love "is definitely a major highlight, she played the role of the small summer is a taste bud genius, but she did not know, so some fun amusing incident. 李多海是韩国籍演员,因在《我的女孩》中饰演一个俏皮的职业骗子而被中国观众熟知。 Lee Da Hae is a South Korean actor and native, played in "My Girl", a playful professional liar Chinese audience familiar with. 作为来中国后拍的第一部剧,李多海在《爱的蜜方》中的表现可圈可点。 Come to China to shoot the first play, Lee Da Hae's performance in the honey side of love "is commendable. 将一个坚强独立又带点可爱的女孩演得活灵活现,这和她以前的一些角色有些相似,所以饰演起来也是得心应手。 A strong and independent and a little cute girl was vivid and somewhat similar to some of her previous roles, played up handy. 第一天播下来,让很多原本不是她的粉丝的观众都爱上了这个总是面带笑容的女孩。 The first day of the broadcast down, so many of the original is not the audience of her fans fell in love with this girl is always smiling. 不过很多观众都会有这样几个疑问:小夏的父母在哪里?为什么一个人带着侄子?她的身世的背后究竟隐藏着怎样的秘密?这几个疑团一直挥之不去,也是促动观众继续往下看得原因之一。 However, many viewers will have so few questions: Where is the summer parents? Why a man with a nephew? What is the secret of her life that lurks behind? These doubts have been lingering, but also to motivate the audience to continue down to see one of the reasons. 于是一场身世大猜想在观众群中展开了,最普通的会说小夏是孤儿,最温情的会说小夏和父母失散了,最异想天开的说小夏其实是美食大家的女儿等等。 So a life experience guess launched in the audience, the most common will be small summer is an orphan, and the most tender would say that the small summer and separated from their parents, the most whimsical summer is in fact the food the daughter of. 不过片方告诉记者,真相没有这么快公布,“小夏的身世之谜是贯穿整部剧的一条线索,所以不可能在开头就告诉大家,所以先卖个关子,等到后面就会有真相大白的一天了。” However, the film side, told reporters the truth is not so quick announcement, "the mystery of the life experience of the small summer throughout the whole drama of a clue, so it is impossible to tell you at the beginning, so sold off, wait until the back will have the truth of the day a. 郑元畅花样美男转型俊冷型男 Zheng Yuan Chang young men transition Jun cold sportsman 与李多海有大量对手戏的郑元畅在该剧中也是有出色表现,他在这部剧中的首次露面就让人感到冷若冰霜,毫无表情地就这样一直看着你,然后声音低低地说出更冷的话…面对热情的元气少女李多海,郑元畅也是面不改色,所以这部剧的“冷面王子”当郑元畅所属。 A large number of scenes with Lee Da Hae, Zheng Yuan Chang in the play who have excelled in his first appearance in this play, people feel frosty, no expression, so keep looking at you, and then a low voice, to say more cold ... and the face of passionate vitality girl Lee Da Hae, Zheng Yuan Chang is without blinking an eye, so this drama Prince of "cold" when Zheng Yuan Chang belongs. 而在后来的出场里,郑元畅几乎都没有笑过,誓要将“扑克牌脸”(形容面无表情)进行到底,面对郑元畅冷面的频频发威,李多海也招架不住。 In the later appearance, Zheng Yuan Chang almost did not laugh, vowing to "poker face" (to describe the deadpan), in the end, Lee Da Hae is also struggling to cope with the face of Zheng Yuan Chang cold frequently display its power. 郑元畅自己也坦承,这部剧是一个转型,从热转冷。 Zheng Yuan Chang also admitted that the show is a transition from the heat turns cold. 这让小综迷死人不偿命的笑容暂时无处发挥,也让他俏皮幽默的话语无处讲,很多观众也被吓到了,原来郑元畅还可以演出这种感觉!不过,大多数网友很喜欢郑元畅的这种冷冷的感觉,“拽拽的感觉,好帅啊!鉴定:小综转型成功!”谈到和冷面王子的合作,李多海也是印象深刻,“和郑元畅首度合作感觉很不错,虽然剧中小夏要遭遇很多困难,面对冰人的发难,但是都会被化。”不过两个人虽然在剧里暂时“水火不合”,但是私底下还是很好的朋友,“他生活中不会这么冷啦!” This allows a small mechanized awesomeness or attractiveness of the smile temporarily nowhere to play, also his witty and humorous words have no place to speak, many viewers were shocked, Zheng Yuan Chang had this feeling can be performed, however, most users like Zheng Yuan Chang this cold feeling, "pull pull feeling, handsome ah! identification: a small mechanized transition is successful!" talked about the cooperation and cold prince, Lee Da Hae is impressed, and Zheng Yuan Chang's first joint feels really good. play small summer to face many difficulties in the face of the Iceman, launched an attack, but will be based. "But the two people in the theater temporarily" fire and water substandard ", but private and very good friends," his life not cold!! " 小故事折射社会大爱家长放心让孩子看的偶像剧典型 Small story reflects the social love of parents to rest assured that the children watch idol typical 女主角小夏(李多海饰)孤身抚养弃儿8年,26岁没有谈过一场恋爱,靠打零工带大孩子,后遇上老店主和两个儿子,面对从天而降的大儿媳,虽然有种种怀疑,仍然给她一个容身之所,更发现她的美食天赋,把家业相交。 Heroine of a small summer (Lee Da Hae decoration) alone raising abandoned children 8 years, 26 years old have not talked about a love affair with the older children by doing odd jobs, after the encounter the old owner and two sons, the face of the large daughter-in-law from heaven, although there are various doubt, still give her a place to go by, you discover the talent of her food, the family business intersect. 这是《爱的蜜方》的故事大纲,也是一个爱的故事,在这个爱的故事里,每个人都是有爱之人。 This is a synopsis of the "love the honey side, is also a story of love, this love story, everyone loved ones. 这种爱贯穿着故事的始终,也是剧名的答案,爱的蜜方是什么?还是爱。 This love throughout the story always, the answer to the title, love honey side? Or love. 在社会上,每年有无数的婴儿被抛弃,每年又有无数的婴儿被抱回家养,但能够坚持到最后的少之又少。 Countless babies being abandoned in the community, each year, every year there are numerous baby is a wonderful reflection of domestic, but can adhere to the last few and far between. 所以像小夏一样的好人这个社会还有多少?这样类似的感人的故事多久发生一次? Small summer good people of this society? So similar to the touching story of how long once? 在《爱的蜜方》里,你会发现社会大爱无处不在,从第一集开始,没有现实生活中的利益熏心的黑店老板,也没有自私自利的阿姨,有的只是这个社会最美好的一面。 In the honey side of the "love", you will find that social love is everywhere, starting from the first episode, there is no real life in the interests smoked the unscrupulous boss of the heart, there is no selfish aunt, and some just society the best side. 这是对这个社会一定程度上的反映,同样,也是一定程度上对大爱的宣扬,就像歌里唱的“如果人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间”。 This is a reflection of this society to a certain extent, the same, but also to some extent, aired on love, like the song goes, "If everyone contributes a love, the world will become a better human." 曾经有一项在线调查显示,80.5%的受访者担心偶像剧泛滥误导青少年,仅4.6%的人表示“不担心”。 There was an online poll, 80.5 percent of respondents worry about the proliferation of idol mislead young people, only 4.6 percent said "not worried". 可见偶像剧的内容成为许多家长所诟病的一块。 Visible idol, the one criticized by many parents. 中国青少年研究中心少年儿童研究所所长孙宏艳曾指出,现在部分偶像剧传达的信息不够积极,不符合社会的主流价值观,对青少年的成长可能产生消极影响。 Director of the China Youth Research Center, Children's Institute, Sun Hongyan has pointed out that part of the drama to convey the information is not positive enough, not in line with the mainstream values ​​of society, the development of young people may have a negative impact. 所以一部积极向上的正能量的偶像剧是当今荧屏最缺乏的,而湖南台的《爱的蜜方》就好像一股及时雨滋润了那片干涸的土地。 Therefore, a positive energy and positive idol is most lacking in today's screen, and Hunan "love honey side like an timely rain moisten a piece of dry land.

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Offcourse we are similar u are "A" and i am "A":))   AQ thanks for the new HQ LA pictures i love the bigger version of picture and looking at there handsome and beautiful face make me happy.Let me read what wootness has written.
I agree although story is looking simple but as more character coming in story the story with gets it turns and twits too.As we saw the lady keeping eye on LYang and our summer getting blurry views in house.Oh i like the fact she want wait for sub before posting anything its true without sub we can understand only 15% that also whats going on not abt the story.She mentioned our girl lips sync is very good.Agree with her but our girl is speaking chinese that ,hy she is not syncing, i mean she is at same level with famous dubbing artist if her lip sync is going along with the artist too.Haha i love this line she wrote abt the dubbing artist "It’s so harsh but so good lol"
I can see ur comments too.
Even i read the drama is going to air in taiwan after it end here hope it's true then like wootness said we will surely get unedited version .I have seen the drama telecast in taiwan are also dubbed and shown in mainland.

Haha Taiwan will definately have unedited version that mean i have to download the series again i think i will go nuts downloading episodes.LOL
:)) But will be happy to see unedited drama with 100kisses.

Yes @samzz Joe is too hot and more handsome in this drama playing a cold character makes him lot hotter:x Yes even its first time me watching him in this drama.I have watched joe earlier but this is different from them.I am glad this both actor are in this drama.I remember LYF telling he will fly to korea so why not do drama too.Thanks dear for the articles and new that its No.1 Happy for it.

Oh @Bosco_96: Thanks dear i  know abt lettv website but i thought u need download link that why didn't past lettv.Thanks for posting the link.And Thanks for telling abt quality of video too. I downloaded from rapidshare link the quality of the video are really good even better then i thought:x I think the torrent one are not good.

I found one more blogger who loves Love actually love ready her blog too she has even given character description of the character which is more easy to understand.

Currently obsessed with LA

I am sure the blogger will post about episode after watching it. I liked what she said why can't they find dubbing artist whose voice matches the real actor now don't say only famous dubbing artist can dub and nobody else know good chinese.Actually if they wanted they could have found some dubbing artist with soft voice like DH so it sound real and doesn't look weird.

@angieknows_11 :Here is another torrent link.


Episode 7.Thanks to uploader.


Episode 8


Episode 9



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Why not @samzz count me in ,let march toward military camp.Now i know why he want to military LOL.oh Thanks dear for all the picture i am loving all close up pictures don't know how will i am manage watching the scenes.:x feeling to hot.If we are reacting with edited version like this then full version will make me faint for sure.

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@samzz, Anny take me with you PLEEEEEASE  :\"> :\"> Our Antarctica Ice Man is really ON FIRE :x I think the one melting now is our screens due to the hotness of our adorable couple :))
Thank you dears for all the caps, news, episode videos and blog link :x

Sadly, I have to mention this again. The editing and cuts in the drama are really distracting and done badly which really affects my watching :(( but I will keep positive and try to enjoy the drama for the sake of our lovely cast who I love :x
So, we got today so many adorable scenes between our main couple and also other heartfelt scenes full of emotions which I loved. Here are some caps from my favorites :)
HF is looking at summer here as if he didn't see a woman before :))68f8529dgw1dvxobzf2h2j.jpg
HF: Don't worry about my Ice Man face, My smile is actually charming (I must admit you are right HF :)) )68f8529dgw1dvxnu16m4zj.jpg
OOh I want to be carried like this :x :x68f8529dgw1dvxn7j5mycj.jpg Poor summer, who can resist this :-*

Also surely I can't forget to mention our other adorable couple, I felt so sad for both of them :(( As LY is obviously falling for summer who is actually helping Xiaoxiao to win his heart, How sad :(
And I felt so sad for Xiaoxiao in that kiss scene. LY is having his delusional kiss with summer he mistakenly kiss her instead and after she confess her love to him he tells her that he kissed the wrong person. OOOOH :((
Also some stills including a kiss :x and we don't what we will get of that, I will treasure the stills :)
Here is the highlight video of tomorrow episodes :)http://www.iqiyi.com/pianhua/20120815/1911776609ee3811.html
Are we going to see this ;;) 

Can't Wait :x Really hope they don't cut the kiss as I think it was actually supposed to show in EP 9 :(

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Offcourse dear we all are going together AQ.We even made a reservation one month ago remember but for hospital not military camp plan change now we are going to military camp.
Don't ask i was so angry with the editing suddenly the episode end in any scene and other episode start from same scene LOL.Is this the way u end the episode LOL it would have been better if they made 20 episode drama 1hours 20minute episode each.Rather then cutting the scenes like this :(.And the voice part when summer laugh the dubbing laugh makes me mad

This is the fastest pace drama i have seen no wasting of time even falling in love is so instant:x Although we are on 9episode then also u can see love symptoms.And who can't fall in love with HF when he is looking at you like that and even helps been father to the nephew.Ah so sweet.

Thanks dear for so many caps from episode,new pictures and video link. i know u can't help urself since HF and summer were so adorable.Haha maybe he hasn't seen women in long time that too as beautiful as summer:x.As u can see the house doesn't have a women.But the way he was looking at her and going more near her and summer looking at him.haha.It was like some charm was working he didn't do anything.It all happen itself.Did u  see when everyone didn't find summer and came back home HF knew the address so he SMS it to LY.haha it could have told directly but he didn't ? But when summer didn't come back with them he immediately runs out to get her so sweet i like it ,and  instead of talking or wasting the time he rather picked her up like Express service and goes as he know talking with her would have been of no use .
That carrying scene when HF is having summer on his shoulder his full smiled made my heart beat so fast.I replayed that portion so many time.AQ definitely his left shoulder is empty he will carry you;)

Between any idea what did he say to her on terrace or the place the clothes dry when our girl turns like that?

Hmm abt ya ya i mean LY kiss scene poor guy always summer bring him to same place and vanishes LOL.First time was funny i don't know what he was saying when HF landed there LOL.Yes this is weird XX is taking summers helps for LY and LY is taking XX idea to express is love for summer.He didn't even know the girl standing infront of him is XX so embarrassing imagine to are expressing ur feeling and kiss the person and u see its wrong person.I know even XX liked him she must be heartbroken when listening whom LY likes.But i liked how they patched up as friend till the end of the episode . I like the scene when LY was promoted how summer made a coat for him and XX brought a cook book i guess.

About the still kiss i am not sure it the same kiss which is shown in end of the loney song.And the picture under spoiler tag thanks for it.Hmm abt them i don't whether we will get it or not in drama but that scene is already on iqiyi i have seen it but i don't what happens after kiss LOL again the  scene get cut when kiss.I am already frustrated with cutting of so many scenes its not all working as viewer to watch drama like that.

But i feel we will get the scene since during that scene two imp things are happening .Hope they show it.
One thing which i like in taiwan drama is if the drama and its lead are hit they are cast again together as pair:)I have seen drama were almost the hit pair have done 3 to 4 series together.And in Kdrama we never get to see OTP again.

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@faraz3500, Thanks you so much and to the Delicious Love team for all the efforts you are doing for us to get to see this drama with subs :xBut unfortunately as you may already know, I don't know Chinese and so won't be able to help as well :( but you always have my support :x
Don't forget Chinggus, our Delicious Love team on Viki already finished subbing Episodes 1 and 2, YAAAY \:D/
Anny, today we got what we wanted to see  ;;) we didn't get one kiss but three and a bed scene "FAINT" :x :x 
But our evil ex-girl friend also appeared at the end of this episode so, it seems that our love birds may not be able to enjoy much time like this in future :(  But let's not think about this for now and just enjoy this :x
I will take your role today and post the episodes video :))
Episode 10:
Episode 11:
Episode 12:

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Thanks AQ for all the lovely pic of our couple and posting the video link :) I did till episode 9 now u do till 18 or more ;) LOL.

I know Ep1 and 2 have completed subbing didn't get time to watch.Thanks to DLT for subbing.Will  watch in weekend. Already i am watching non sub episode otherwise i will get confuse ,will they release soft sub for it?I hope they do.

I read that the parent are concern that there children will get spoil if they see kissing scene that why so much editing is done.But i am happy that nothing was edited in today's episode. Yes we got 3 kisses +one bed scene.:x I am happy that finally they are together i love how  she was in car LOL.
But felt really sorry for LY he see them together and he is hurt :( He has to see them romancing in restaurant too.

Haha the nephew was funny showing of summer was behaving LOL and yes Exflame has landed and tomm we have to see her..We saw HF having picture of her.Tomm we will get to see background story of them.And have to see our summer crying :(It was so funny when that aunt was giving XX the drink summer and HF were feeling so embarrassing becz of that they ended up on bed.

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@misterradio, welcome to the thread and I am happy that you are also enjoying this drama like us :)
@faraz3500, yes indeed. That is my ultimate wish now as well :))
OOOH, what episodes we had today :x my heart was beating so fast almost the entire time watching the episodes watching those adorable hot couple in LOVE :x :x How can they be that beautiful together, just PERFECT :-*
I am glad to say that today's episode editing was the best of all we have seen till now (although surely not perfect) and also I must admit that although I feel sad watching LY get hurt today many times catching them in bed, kissing and playing in the restaurant but I can't help but root and cheer for HF and summer ;;)
I like that each kiss we have seen today between our couple had different flavor and in so different situation which made each one special and unique in its own way :) I also loved that scene when summer was with her nephew having her day dreams and he starts to notice it and imitate her. SO CUTE :x
Sadly I knew that we will get to see only one episode on Friday and Saturday, I really got used to my daily triple dose :( but on the bright side we will get to see our cast on Happy Camp after the episode on Saturday =D>
Anny, yes I saw that preview already dear. You surely can imagine my state while watching :D This kiss is SO PASSIONATE :x :x :x 
Forgive me Chinggus, I am so shallow right now and can't resist posting stills from our kiss and bed scenes so, hope you don't mind it :\"> :\">

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Guest natsumi1430287076

Hi! I just watched Ep 2 SUBBED, thanks to Delicious love team @ viki :),..and yes I'm lovin' it!! 
The scene where his brother took her money in Episode 1, omg, I almost cried when he took the money!! and the 'bra' scene lols :D that scene was funny. 
So nice to watch LDH in a rom-com drama again :) 

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@natsmicess, yes it is great to see LDH back to rom-com again. Bringing back memories :)
Here is the video for today's episode:
Episode 13:

Also some caps:
It seems that our couple happy time may be coming to an end after the appearance of HF Ex :(

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natsumicess said: Hi! I just watched Ep 2 SUBBED, thanks to Delicious love team @ viki :),..and yes I'm lovin' it!! 
The scene where his brother took his money in Episode 1, omg, I almost cried when he took the money!! and the 'bra' scene lols :D that scene was funny. 
So nice to watch LDH in a rom-com drama again :) 

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Anny, thanks dear for the videos and from translation I think the name of HF Ex is "Tao XinHui

About the wedding I am not sure also :( but I remember watching summer with HF Ex in some store where she was trying the wedding dress :( So, I am not sure if it will end to be a real wedding or not.
I think HF talked to summer about his Ex girlfriend in that village house before their kiss but as you I don't know what he said exactly. So, I think she already understood what was going when she saw them talking in the interview. And I guess that she talked to him that he still think about her (his ex) and he told her not to be afraid and that he can forget about her (his ex) and then he hugged summer.
From what I see, it seems that our heroine will be stupid enough to help the Ex girlfriend to get HF love back :(

Also, here we have a short mid-point recap for the drama, thanks to the blogger :x
Love Actually (爱的蜜方) Midpoint Recap
And new beautiful and elegant character stills are out for our leading couple :x
Also some stills:
Another kiss still :x :x
And here is our couple in search for the soup ingredients :)
This still really looks like a part of photo shoot :)
A true father and son :)
OOH LY, you are already obsessed with this girl. My heart is hurting for you :(
The kiss which turned into a very sad moment :(
Lovely Sisters :x
Our cute and lovely Xioaxiao :x
Also you can find some beautiful HD signs in the following link:
Love Actually Sign Pictures
And here is some funny GIFs :))
Our leading man Joe is having couple of days off from the army and of course media didn't let this chance to get interviews and pictures of him after he has enlist secretly so, to all who miss him already like me and do want to have a glance of him I am posting a video of an interview and some pictures too :)
Doen't he look mighty fine and sexy even with this SOOO short hair? :))
Credit: Weibo, Baidu

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