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[Drama 2012] I do, I do 아이 두 아이 두

Guest yeohweping

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Guest reedtrip82

There going be a kiss? ?? Really! Though JA is older but she took good care of her body therefore in TK 's eye she is pretty .

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I have always found ES amusing, but at the same time I found him a little strange. He has decided on his own after two meeting's the first being the blind date and the second being the trip to see JA parent's and a handful of phone calls, most of which lasted under a minute that he is in love and JA will be his wife.Nothing in JA character suggested that she is a woman that can be led by the whims of some man ES will have his work cut out for him. That aside I never saw ES as being a match for JA. I like her better with TK.
On paper ES would appear to be the better choice, But for me his biggest draw back is he is a traditional Korean Drama Male, his reaction to her pregnancy and her thoughts on abortion showed us that. Also the fact that he as of yet has not contemplated who the other man is at all speak's volumes. He didn't wonder who the other man might be, if he is still around, had she told him about the pregnancy. Both of them only talked about what they felt about the situation. I also thought it odd that JA told ES but not TK. We have yet to see her even contemplate telling TK.
TK has grown up with something that both ES and JA are lacking,and that is a parent who loves and believes in him unconditonally. This is what TK brings to the table, and it is way more valuable for JA as well as the baby then the status of coming from the right family, education or career. TK and JA are drawn to each other, it is clear every time they are in close proximity. Not once when they have had one of their accidents that make them end up to close have either one of them tried to extricate themselves. I can just see ES being dismissive towards TK when they finally meet, think that he is no competition. I think her friend will see it and think she is crazy. ES might also see it and become more determined to win her.
JA may initially go towards ES simply because he makes more sense, she may even go so far as to lie to him so that he will give her up, but when she see him playing with NR and realizes that NR genuinely likes him it's going to be a different story.   

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Ok in less of a week i saw the first 6 episodes and after compare Tae Kang with Eun Sung mmm... i'm in love with Tae Kang, i know he is not the better option for Ji An and her baby (because she wants the baby?) He is immature in all areas, but he is trying to fix his errors, first with his father to who left without home and now with Ji An after realize that she is pregnant even before she told to him, and since TK & JA don't have any experience in raise a baby or have a married life so they can learn together. I know that doctor is in the same situacion that Tae Kang in this areas but there is some sadness in his eyes that make think...is not him... jaja i'm crazy I'm totally for Tae Kang, He will fill the holes in Ji An's life and she will do the same for him little by little. So here start my craving for the next episodes, i hope watch it live next wednesday

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I have always found ES amusing, but at the same time I found him a little strange. He has decided on his own after two meeting's the first being the blind date and the second being the trip to see JA parent's and a handful of phone calls, most of which lasted under a minute that he is in love and JA will be his wife.Nothing in JA character suggested that she is a woman that can be led by the whims of some man ES will have his work cut out for him. That aside I never saw ES as being a match for JA. I like her better with TK.
On paper ES would appear to be the better choice, But for me his biggest draw back is he is a traditional Korean Drama Male, his reaction to her pregnancy and her thoughts on abortion showed us that. Also the fact that he as of yet has not contemplated who the other man is at all speak's volumes. He didn't wonder who the other man might be, if he is still around, had she told him about the pregnancy. Both of them only talked about what they felt about the situation. I also thought it odd that JA told ES but not TK. We have yet to see her even contemplate telling TK.
TK has grown up with something that both ES and JA are lacking,and that is a parent who loves and believes in him unconditonally. This is what TK brings to the table, and it is way more valuable for JA as well as the baby then the status of coming from the right family, education or career. TK and JA are drawn to each other, it is clear every time they are in close proximity. Not once when they have had one of their accidents that make them end up to close have either one of them tried to extricate themselves. I can just see ES being dismissive towards TK when they finally meet, think that he is no competition. I think her friend will see it and think she is crazy. ES might also see it and become more determined to win her.
JA may initially go towards ES simply because he makes more sense, she may even go so far as to lie to him so that he will give her up, but when she see him playing with NR and realizes that NR genuinely likes him it's going to be a different story.   
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Tae Kang, in spite of his age, has shown more depth in terms of handling the knowledge of Jian’s pregnancy.  Even before Jian has yet to verbally confirm that the baby in her womb is his, Tae Kang convincingly had in mind that the baby is his “99%”.  Cue word - responsibility.  He has no qualms into saying that he will take responsibility though he still has, at this point, a very vague picture of what it entails and even if his best friend, Choong-beak, admonished him not to say anything until he is DNA-sure that the baby is his.  Tae Kang has the sensitivity to silently allow Jian to choose to reveal her condition or not to him even though he was restlessly longing for her to tell him.  With the brashness of youth, he could easily confront Jian about it.  But no, he allowed her the dignity and freedom to tell it to him.  And so he waits.  Without consciously knowing it, it seems that Tae Kang understand Jian more than the doctor, or even Jian herself. Hadn’t he correctly pointed out to Jian upfront that she is more of a loser compared to him because she has no one on her side but her beloved shoes to which Jian dejectedly acknowledged to herself in that scene where she was to eat her dinner of ramen…”how am I to eat this without kimchi”? alluding to the idea that man does not live alone, in its very simplest and most prosaic sense it means we all depend on one another.  Contrary to Jian’s existence, she who has preferred to live alone, whether by choice or by circumstance.  At this point, we still haven’t seen a clear cut idea if Tae Kang is already falling for Jian, although there are moments when he would shoot caring glances at her.  In the future, I would like to see him validate those moments beyond his eagerness to clean up her place and cook her food or carry her things.


On the other hand, I feel Eun-sung right off the bat would fall for Jian in spite of his declaration of no interest in marriage.  May be it’s true that for the past 30 or so years of his life, no one has stirred his world and it would take a missile to do so.   But, when the time did come he willingly relented and eagerly pursued ways and means.  He was in control and unwittingly, Jian’s parents further fueled his pursuit. Understandably, when Jian dropped the bomb he burst into anger. I think Eun-sung’s ire was not so much directed on Jian’s pregnancy but the thought that Jian contemplated on having her pregnancy aborted.  Take into consideration that Eun-sung is a doctor and an OB-Gyne at that who has made a Hippocratic oath to preserve life.  It was such a big jolt to his sensibility. Still, I would even consider the idea that Eun-sung would have wished that the baby was his.  Or would even accept Jian in spite of her pregnant condition. That moment at the nursery reflected Eun-sung’s tender side and gave us a glimpse of his paternal tendency.  Base from his outbursts during the medical forum and when they met at the restaurant, it is more of the issue of having a life aborted.  When we experience anger towards another person it is because our own expectations have not been satisfied or we have failed to gain control over a situation.  In this instance Eun-sung felt he is not in control of the situation, thus, the anger.  It is not about Jian at all…it is all about himself and his acceptance of the matter at hand.

And yet, between the two men, Jian chose to reveal her plight to Eun-sung but had second thoughts with Tae Kang.  What gives?   Is it because she sees Tae Kang as not mature enough to handle nor understand the gravity of the situation? Or because being the father of the baby, it is imminently possible for emotion and feeling to come in?  With Eun-sung, is she confident that she could discuss the pregnancy issue no holds barred?  And since there is no emotional attachment, it would be just like a business consultation?  

I am excitedly anticipating where the story-teller will lead us…and so I wait for the next episode.

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Guest Yurichin

Upcoming episode preview
yeah Tae Kang gone crazy :)) :))


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Guest Yurichin

Thanks for the link to the preview, Yurichin.

Looks exciting. Really wish that it's tomorrow

now. Is TK jealous? He saw the doc escorting

JA home.

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From the new preview it looks like NR is at it again. Showing off in front of the employees and trying to berate JA.

I really hope they don't go the cliche way of other dramas and have JA not tell TK he is the father.  

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Guest jastinel

TK is holding a ring, his ready to get married...hahaha! This men in JA life, they are very willing to take her as a wife, while JA has no plan to get married.
I wonder what happen after the doctor announced that his not going through the marriage, why he has to escort JA going home and why JA allows him to be with her. Poor TK his so excited to see JA and may be his going to tell her that he knows everything.
On the last scene, are they in the police station and what did TK said that JA have to cover his mouth?

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Guest Yurichin

awww..immature TK prepare a ring hahaha...
and he knows about ES first,
look at his jealous expression, something's going on  :x

and in Karaoke, when NR challenge/command JA to drink
drunken TK once again save the baby awww......

yeah wonder what TK blabber about in the police's office
hopefully someone didn't mind to translate the upcoming episode's preview  :)

그래서 낳으려구요....!!  So are you going to give birth????

은성은 더이상 자신에게 감정 낭비 하지 말라는 지안의 말에 상처를 받고, 양가 부모 님들께 결혼을 하지 않겠다고 말씀 드린다. 지안은 자신의 임신 사실을 부모님께 고 백하고, 이 사실을 들은 부모님은 충격에 빠진다. 지안의 집 앞에서 그녀를 기다리 던 태강은 은성의 존재를 알고 혼란스럽다.  한편 은성은 아이를 낳겠다는 지안에게 자신의 병원으로 오라고 권유하는데...

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Guest Yurichin

Actor Oh Min Seok Join MBC Drama I DO I DO, as Genius designer, Nari senior from US

come again the youngster hehehe...wish LJW didn't lose his charms  :):)>-
huwaaa.....enemy added

오민석, 천재 디자이너로 '아이두' 합류..김선아와 대결 : osen


ahh he remind me of 2AM member Seulong.....:D
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Guest Yurichin

Park Gun Hyung Off screen and on screen

PGH off screen action bring laughter as "mirror prince" lol

'아이두 아이두' 박건형, 촬영 현장선 '거울왕자' 폭소 : tvreport


PGH onscreen playing piano for Eun Sung's theme song (ksadc cover) OST part 4 - 나였으면 by Alex

wish KSA's the one who play the piano ;;)

‘아이두’ 박건형 테마곡, ‘나였으면’ 공개 ‘애틋 그 자체’ : starfnnews


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