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Shocking portions of something you ate/ordered (or something you saw)


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Are there things that you eat a lot (like a monster) but you have a hard time eating other things with monster portions?

Or have you witnessed someone with crazy portions of whatever it was, just for himself/herself?

I've ordered 10 McChicken to eat by myself. Since I'm in Canada, it sparked a lot of attentions from people eating here (I should try that in America)... If I were obese, I'm sure a lot of people would mock me behind my back.

But as I kept eating, people didn't stop glaring at every bites I made (I'm sure they were like "Whoa look at that guy eating! Spectacular!")... Until I finished everything, I stood up like a boss and threw the trash in the garbage like a superstar. Signed some autographs on my way to my car........................................................ mentally.

Some other times, I've witnessed a Vietnamese who ordered 25 McDonald's large fries only for himself. He finished them. I don't think I could ever do that. I easily get full from potatoes and it doesn't have much proteins... 5 of those large fries could strangely knock me out on the floor with fries coming out of my nose and eyes as tears, yet I'm the dude who can eat 10 McChicken in one go...

I ate 63 huge tempura shrimps in a buffet. 63 tempura shrimps don't seem much until you really see the plate... I ordered 80 but my friends helped me out. I wanted to go say sorry to the chef and thank his effort but I'm no Gordon Ramsay, so they kicked me out of my attempt to get in the kitchen to tip him 100 bucks.

Strangely, I still always have hard time eating 20 pieces of sushi... Some were like "Wow you don't eat a lot! You're gonna turn anorexic!"

I can only eat two huge bowls of pho at most while my friend can eat 5. He's crazy... But then he only ate four 8oz of steaks while I ate 8 of them (without veggies on the side, just cilantro or onions).

He's the same dude who could finish a bucket of 25 from KFC. I can't even eat over 6... It's too greasy and salty for me!

There's always something that we eat more than others. (Like me eating 15 raw onions in one go for a fart explosion).

What about your story?

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GIve me your potato chips.

I can eat them all.

Candy. I can eat them all.


French Toast.

French fries.

Fried Chicken poppers.


Pulled Pork.

Chipotle Burritos <- only 3.

Pizza <- Costco pizza. myself.

I have great trouble eating cheese though...

Good in small amounts, atrocious in large.

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I've been banned at this one Hometown Buffet for just pulling up a chair directly to and sitting at the various food service tables.

It also gave me a sense of accomplishment when you could clear out the whole service buffet table faster than the staff can properly re-stock it.

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Guest bellelagon

I can eat a whole plate of chocolate in an hour or two (200g). I can at times eat two, though, but I have no problem with one. I capacity for chocolate is so great compared to all other foods unsure.gif 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tokurei

not sure if this counts as shocking portions, but i've seen people finish the food challenges at restuarants and i honestly don't know how they can eat that much.

especially ones that have to eat like, a two pound burger plus a giant plate of fries and shake or something.

like that guy on 'man vs. food'

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  • 1 month later...

not sure if this counts as shocking portions, but i've seen people finish the food challenges at restuarants and i honestly don't know how they can eat that much.

especially ones that have to eat like, a two pound burger plus a giant plate of fries and shake or something.

like that guy on 'man vs. food'

You should watch Takeru Kobayashi... 93 burgers in 10 minutes... Imagine if he had no time limit!

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  • 9 months later...

Here's my experience, ok.I'm the sort of type that eats to live on. Not live to eat.I've been trying to maintain a dream belly since 19 by going on the yocool diet, apple diet, lemonade diet, marketing diets...
So, when I see people who eat like that, I think: how the heck do they make themselves out to be that way? 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest kitty_N

I can eat cake and candy all day long.
Whenever I eat out with my bf, we tend to split an entree since most restaurants tend to have big portions. We are always met with surprise by the waiter/waitress and questioning whether we want an appetizer, salad or etc.  What I am surprised at though is how they don't see what large portions they serve.  It really is an American thing....

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

For every Japanese exchange student I've met they always comment how the food proportions given in the US is huge. 
Also I can eat as much lychee that is given to me.

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