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Guest Classic Example

I'm not very good at Korean but I'll ry to translate something :sweatingbullets:

(formal, to an elder)

i'm sorry that i don't have a present to give you. i hope you have good health everyday. also, thank you for everything. the candy makes me happy :]

Sunmoor joorgae ubsusu jaesong habnida. Mae-nar gun gang hae gae jinae go yu, da hae-jo-su gomab-subnida. Satang-i gibboo gae maduru jo-yu :]

I'm sorry if you wanted it written in Korean. I'm doing this from my cousin's computer and he doesn't have Korean :sweatingbullets: I'm also sorry if I'm bad at Korean like I said before :P

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Guest KPxAngelTears12

Can someone translate this? please :mellow:

이름 : 강정미

나이 : 1983년 01월20일

쩡미의 고향 : 경기도 여주 아주 공기좋은 고장~ㅎㅎㅎ

키 : 169

몸무게 : 49

좋아하는색 : 핑크

좋아하는음악 : 슬픈 이별노래

좋아하는 음료수 : 오렌지쥬스 ㅎㅎ

즐겨입는 스타일 : 골반청바지에 티셔츠

나의 이상형 : 키크고 검은피부에 딱 벌어진 어깨에 ㅎㅎ 자상한 남자!!

존경하는 배우 : 심은하

가장 편할때 : 따뜻한 침대에 혼자 누워서 이것저것 생각할때

좋아하는 먹는것 : 닭고기 종류~

좋아하는꽃 : 제비꽃

싫어하는 사람 스타일 : 잘난척하는사람

좋아하는 향수 : 랑방, 불가리

가고싶은나라 : 몰디브

지금 제일하고싶은거 : 배부르게 먹고싶다

최근 가장 슬펐을때 : 혼자있는데 너무 아팠을때...(엄마가 너무 보고싶었다)

싫어하는 날씨 : 비오고 바람부는날

요즘 하고싶은거 : 조용한 섬으로 여행가고싶다

나의 매력포인트 : ㅎㅎㅎ 속눈썹이 아닐까....

마지막으로 하고 싶은말 : 이제것 잘 참아 왔다... 앞으로 더 힘들고

맘 아픈일들이 많을지라도 잘 견뎌 낼것이다

내인생의 출발은 이제부터다 쩡미 화이팅!!!! 가끔 나도 나의 모습에 놀라곤 한다 또 다른나를 찿고싶다~

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요즘에는 '다가와' 라는 말이 '거의 다 도착했다는' 말로 많이 쓰죠.

"다가와" is usually used for "almost there." As in "어, 다가와 [Yeah, I'm/we (are) almost there]."

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What I want to know is why you are trying to pry into two entirely different private conversations? Hahah.

In the first conversation an older female character greets a younger female character and says she has seen her picture at someone's cyworld. Then small talk.

The other conversation is of a male character and a female character remarking on the fretfulness of updating their cyworld blogs.

It's a mesh of random conversations and after examining it once more I'm not even sure it's ONLY 2 conversations. If you're attempting to spy on a possibly cheating bf or something, no worries! Absolutely nothing diabolic has occurred in any of the conversation(s)....

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Guest Mz.Cherry

Hey, i have a LITTLE problem...

..hope ya'll help me :P

Anyone who know "The Lord's Prayer" or the "Serendipity Prayer" ?

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.


Matthew 6:10-13

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Taking, as He did, this sinful world

as it is, not as I would have it;

Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will;

That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely

happy with Him forever in the next.


If anyone could translate these into Korean, or have a Bibel just write from it. Coz I don't have korean typo.. Sorry!

As I said, hope someone can help me bout this... :D

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Guest stellabella

I was wondering about 김선아's name. How do you pronounce it?

Is it pronounced 김서나 - because of the patchim?

Well i'll put it this way...

If you wrote it in English it would be pronounced Keem Sun-Ah. Is the Sun-Ah part what you are talking about? Because the neun in 선 carries over to the "Ah". Just run it together so it flows. I;m not sure if you can understend what I'm trying to say...it's kind of hard to explain by writing. Hope that will help you though.

edit: just so no one corrects me later, in Keem, the K is soft k, not a hard k. like a gk.

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Hi thanks for your reply, by the way I can read Korean but I'm not sure for people's names if patchims still count?

So her name would be if pronounced in Korean, Kim-Seo-Na?

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Guest xmichellee

my second or third time asking for help..ehehe >__<

ok, anyone knows how to say

1. damn it

2. oops!

or something like those 2 in korean? thanks!

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Guest xmichellee

^1. dammit- "shibal!"

2. oops- there's too many sounds for this one. =)

Thanks for your help, yoonshik

Now i can say damn it in korean! weee ~!


I OWN PAGE 24 <3333

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Guest Shinhwasux

Hello!! :D Can anyone help me?

I wanna make a shirt that says the thing that Koreans always say when theyre teasing someone or something like that, you know, "merong", but i dont know if its 메롱 or 매롱

anyone know 메롱 or 매롱

고맙습니다. ;)

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Guest SilentDream

^ jjang means the best and iono what changjyo means.

따라올 테면 와봐 does anyone know what that means? Thanks in advance! ^^

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