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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest elriany

anyone know the song that is in the preview episode 4? been released yet? Anyone know the download link? because I like that song. :wub: :wub:

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According to AGB Nielsen Media Research

"The Sun and the Moon"

 on the 18th rated 24.9%.

" and KBS 2TV "

Wild Romance

" both rated 5.7%.

Read more on Hancinema.

Ep04 Ratings from AGB Nationwide :

"The Sun and the Moon"    - 23.4 (+1.5)

Take Care of Us, Captain   - 9.8 (-4.1)

Wild Romance                      - 6.2 (-0.5) 

Btw, I just found this in TNmS Media Korea just now.

It shows that WR last week's episode 04 actually increased in ratings.asti_g_mei_1326944127_94272.jpg?type=w500 

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Eun Jae being Eun Jae! :lol:




The girls are so giggly and so happy. But isn't it so great to have a pal like Dong Ah?


Eun Jae's dreams are truly daebak! This scene reminds me of all those hilarious imaginary scenarios in "My Girl"


Our lovely "Wild Couple" at the PC!

Cre: KST WR (love them for all the EJ GIFs)

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I really like how fast paced this drama is, thought the gold digger story would last for at least 3-4 ep like the first story, but it kind of wrapped up in 1 ep... I like this writer's mark in casual scene like when she brings water to MY and smiles happily when he drinks it. Or how she changed her attitude when he got her a new cellphone lol like a puppy. We get to see EJ acts more girly, though MY always brushed it off, oblivious guy is oblivious, but he actually accepted her presence around and comfortable with it, guess it's still too early the feeling hits him.

Agree with  you. They wrapped it up so fast. It is better to have the ANTI doing different things to get at MY than use the same girl. I too love how the writer has made their relationship grow in such a casual manner. From enemies to frenemies to buddies, they are slowly getting there. It is funny when EJ acts girly and he does not have a clue or thinks she is up to something. It is too funny watching EJ act girly. I think she was trying to style her hair in the ladies' room, but all her efforts went unnoticed. I hope he doesn't laugh incredulously when he comes to know of her feelings. Wonder how n when his feelings will start developing. Is a makeover in the pipeline or have they put it aside as a cliche in the episode where she wears the red dress? I don't think EJ needs to dress up to impress anybody. The girl is cool just as she is.

i don't think it's the housekeeper because there's  a lot of scenes where she is scary,it would be too obvious .

the stalker really knows about MY because it's her or him who told the gold digger how to approch him and to interest  him but i didn't understand what she said...Is the necklace from his ex?seems like it is.I also appreciate that  the plot with the gold digger was fast to resolve,didn't want a stupid scandal and misunderstandings about it.

MY is also growing as a person. Not as brash as he used to be. For him to give the gold digger girl that movie to remind her of her better self shows he has a considerate side to him.

MY oblivious abt Girl EJ around him bt still acknowledging her as Bodyguard EJ.Oh gosh i dont want their 'wild' romance to be dragged til last epis, plz i want feelings to be blossomed as soon as possible.MYs aunt as stalker, possible. Also i found her act of keeping the stone that MY gave her a bit suspicious [just a rough guess].

Me too. I too don't definitely want it to be the last episode. That would be inhumane! But since the description goes "Two people who understand each other through love", I hope they give them time to fall in love first.

Hi all!

 MY's aunt is very suspicious and that's exactly why it can't be her, I think... :D because the writers seem to want us now to suspect her...EJ is starting to react to his actions differently and looks at him with more interest and compassion in this ep... moreover the BETRAYAL of stealing trueBlue daddy's lunchbox to give it to him was highly surprising. :D Of course I guess she felt guilty for making him get a cold by throwing him into the pool. (he clearly deserved it though :phew:)...I think EJ needs to have a guy around him who wants to date her (the riporter guy would definitely fake it to get info I bet, but I would prefer someone with real feelings, a boyfriend from the past perhaps  who is a true seagull fan just for the fun of getting on Mu Yeol's nerves) to make MY realize how he feels about her... (right now he feels comfortable around her, he also seems to trust her and especially enjoys teasing her... I see the buds of love on a kindergarten level which suits our wild couple just right - king and queen of immaturity :) ) of course it won't happen now, but I think jealousy and EJ continuously saving his hard richard simmons is the thing that can make our gangpe baseball player confront his feelings in the future... I so adore Manager Kim and Dong Ah pairing up in the investigation, such an awkward ball of weirdness... when Manager Kim covered her "bare" legs with his jacket I laughed so hard. :D These two need to get together in the end...

Great analysis, PBaddict. What you said is also right. I mean the housekeeper has so many chances to mess with MY since she is all the time there in his house. Also none of the pics on the wall of the stalker were private pics, more like pics you would collect from the newspaper. If it was the housekeeper, she could click his pic any time right? But something is up that lady's sleeve. She is someone important, I feel.

I totally agree with "mission get MY jealous". EJ needs someone to fawn over her so that MY also starts getting insecure and recognize his hidden feelings. A Seagull fan or even a Seagull player would be awesome, just to mess with MY's Red Dreamers' antenna. But don't want a sweet second lead getting his heart crushed in the process. :( On another note, Dong Ah all dressed up, was a sight to behold. One thing I can tell the manager robot, life spent with her would be an adventure, of course an adventure spent within the four walls of the house. :P

Yay! Episode 05 is awesome. Wooott! 

Love this thread! Thank you all for sharing wonderful photos, POV's, love the discussions, everything!

Wild Romance followers, fighting!!!! *quoted image* *group hug*

Joins in the group hug 0_0. Hope WR keeps on rocking and we have lots of fun here with everyone! :)

According to AGB Nielsen Media Research"The Sun and the Moon" on the 18th rated 24.9%.SBS drama Take Care of Us, Captain

" and KBS 2TV "Wild Romance

" both rated 5.7%.

*quoted image* 

As Wookie said, it has just started, right? There is a long way to go still. Sageuks are so hard to beat n as in the article kler2009 shared, Moon and Sun is truly a monster that is strangling all the other dramas in its slot. But like BFB and MOH which started out slow, but reached good ratings, hope WR also manages to garner the ratings it deserves.

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What an episode!!!! really fast paced and entertaining. I found this episode really made some sense unlike the previous episodes where we had lot of comedy and crazy acting between the leads. But this episode, both of them try to understand each other and they have become casual like long time friends and getting used to each other. But the only dev. is EJ is becoming more girly these days.

And that kiss between that gold digger woman and MY was good and EJ to view in a very very close up shot, I think that time she realized tht she is a girl and falling for MY.

OMG!!! LDW was awesome and yummy in that photoshoot scene. and also i liked his reaction, actually a little smirk when he told her a second time "KOMAPTHA" in the car to EJ, after she rescued him at the bar by not revealing him. OMG, literally i fainted. I liked how he was craving for food after EJ got that food(which was supposed to be for Blue seagulls team) even though he was not feeling well. EJ, the backstabber as a fan to BLUE SEAGULLS TEAM, Only if the father and brother know that she brought the food to MY, their OPPONENT ENEMY she is dead!!!!!. I liked how she jumped on him after getting the cell-phone but he just treated her like she is a boy who clung on to him and just told her to get down. Still, he does not see her as a girl but just a female body-guard with boyish character.

Dong-ah and Manager are really cute.

Really looking forward to tonite's episode. I would like to see when the writer will make MY to realise that EJ is a girl. As the writer is not dragging any situation and the story is really fast, i want to see that scenario of MY's feeling for EJ as a woman and also jessica's appearance.

WR fighting!!!!!!

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Guest flora47

The 5th ep is completed in viki.Thank you for all your work viki's subbers!!!

It's weird but i enjoyed more the ep yesterday in raw,maybe it's because now i am used in their jokes but the 5th ep was more serious and less wacky .

The gold digger said to MY that he certainly knows the stalker and her words to approach him were "you are just straight forward maybe that's why some people don't like you".

After watching ,i still think that it's too sudden for EJ to fall in love with MY.

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Guest flora47

The reported played baseball at middle school with the star of the blue team ,the list suspect increases.

SY doesn't seem happy about her pregnancy maybe because she wants to works now and she also doesn't seem happy when her husband said that he wants to be a baseball manager.It reminds me the last ep when EJ said that SY shoud not sacrifice herself for others

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Hi guys

I'm doing a live recap of what I watch but not what I hear since I don't speak Korean hehe

Hope u guys can enjoy it before it gets uploaded in a couple of hours by others.


part 1

Start w EJ wanted to kiss MY opens his eyes then sleeps again Ej ran out quickly My woke up and went to his room next day Ej can't bring herself to press his doorbell but he open it himself know her head he tried to touch her head but she avoids him At field Ds with the team. two guys talk about DS at locker room and MY overheard then went to him meanwhile the reporter was overhearing the reporter went to the meeting place a club first then set up the listening device under the table MY went to the room in the evening w EJ the waiter was looking at them suspiciously MY stay at EJ a talk about her lips. DS came into the room EJ left the room then the two guys talked the reporter was listening from his car DS left the room but EJ didn't realise it coz she was playing with her phone the waiter went into the room while EJ was taking her own photo glass breaking sound and EJ try to pull MY from beating up the waiter further the police came just before the reporter about to leave he took photos of MY got taken away by the police into the police car the reporter spoke to the waiter and help him away at police station police was taking statement from MY the reporter spoke to the waiter while on the way to hospital My & EJ left the station and went back to the club He looked for the waiter but he is at the hospital getting x ray As the waiter got warded the reporter introduced himself spoke to him At MY home after Ej left, My recalls the waiter whispering to him that makes him mad NExt day the news of his arrest appear at front page reporters waiting at My front door EJ had to trick them to get in the house manager kim gave short statement to the press while the reporter continue quering the waiter at hospital ward MY ordered chinese take out came with helmet My disguise in the helmet and leave his home then then ej leaves aft the decoy left they went to DS place


the reporter went to a halmoni's house and took photos

online picture of the battered waiter appeared online

My & ej talking in the car

Ej sneak My into 2nd floor of her house

My refuse to wear sweats from EJ

Manager kim came the girls laugh seeing MY wearing the shirt

Ej ran down to the house but was surprised to see dad and bro

they went upstairs with food...hahaha

the guys had to hide in DA room hahaha

Ej got money from MY to pay for the food

while they were eating ... the 2 guys were hungry listening to them

DS at the gym talking to one of the blue players he met at press conference

the reporter visited the waiter again

the waiter looked at the photo of MY with stabbed eyes and smile

the reporter get a call from DS and they dine at bbq place

DS talks while we see MY practise batting outside EJ house

She saw him then went out to watch him practise

DS continue talking about MY

Reporter a bit upset and left

MY surprised to see Ej

they talked a bit while she looked at the kennel and he stare at her back

he said good nite to her and rub her hair

she smiled and tried to fixed her hair


Another headline report out

Ej was trying to calm him

DA woke up and sleepily thought they are fighting

reporters swarming My house and DS family

manager KIm got a note and they visit the hospital

they went to his room and get MY to bring gifts for him

Manager Kim showed his card and get the waiter to sign a statement

MY asking him but he pretends not to know

the reporters rush to his room and start asking questions

if My is apologising

My gave the gift drink to him while remembering what the waiter said

MY walked away

Ej asking why he didn't apologise, MY got pissed and shout at her

and shout at manager kim

MY drove quietly home ignoring the reporters

He asked EJ to leave. She left feeling miserable

Headlines all over about My and people complaining about him

DS visit MY at home

DS apologised for whats happening and left

Vandals vandalising on the red team bus

My looking at forums and sms about himself

My in meeting with the team board of directors who were not happy with whats going on

After the meeting he left and EJ try to stop the reporters..

the anti-fan threw stuff on him

then they get away in his car

ej got a cut on her temple

my pulled her and fixed a band aid for her after applying ointment and blew on it

she can't look at him while he had his hand on her lap

ends with him staring at her!!!


very intensed and serious and sad episode for MY. but the ending...something to look forward to next week ... kiyaa :wub: :wub:

no preview for next week

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Guest PBaddict

Kudos for the spoilers @red_ginger !!! :DWow, a red infiltrating blue enemy territory... :D I can't wait to see MY at EJ's YAY!!!  :w00t:

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@ red_ginger thanks so much for the recap! You are the best!

LOL ... EJ's appa and dongsaeng were able to get back at MY for the stolen packed lunch when they were able to divert the dinner supposedly for MY.

Epic betrayal # 2 - MY was forced to wear a blue seagulls sweater! 

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Thanks a ton red_ginger!


That was us reading all your spoilers! Hope MY keeps on looking at EJ like that!

Thanks zenti. I loved both the epic betrayals. Good to see the red n the blue mixing! I want to see MY in the blue jersey.

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@ red_ginger thanks so much for the recap! You are the best!

LOL ... EJ's appa and oppa were able to get back at MY for the stolen packed lunch when they were able to divert the dinner supposedly for MY.

Epic betrayal # 2 - MY was forced to wear a blue seagulls sweater! 

@bold.....zenti...at this pace we will Epic Betrayals in every epi and at last we have to conclude the BIGGEST EPIC Betrayal....was it a EJ's Blue Betrayal  or MY Red Betrayal ....

@mimi...loved all ur screen caps...and MY in blue haha....me too wanted to see him in Blue and at the same time EJ in Red.......

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@red_ginger thanks for the live recaps. But I am not able to read them as thy are in the spoiler box since I am using an ipad. Anyway thank you so much. No preview??? As this is a wed-thurs drama, I think this will not be affected with lunar new year programs.

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@red_ginger thanks for the live recaps. But I am not able to read them as thy are in the spoiler box since I am using an ipad. Anyway thank you so much. No preview??? As this is a wed-thurs drama, I think this will not be affected with lunar new year programs.

no worries guys... I do what I can

@padhari i use mobile too. You can scroll all the way down and choose Theme SOOMPI4000 or 5000 then it will in normal viewing instead of mobile mode. Mobile mode you can't see spoilers.

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