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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest mumudav

I still don't understand... DS really has been hating on MY all this time? He is really psycho hater? He wasn't doing all this just for the sake of his wife?

I understand that he is taking ALL the blame on himself, he says that he was the one sending pictures, killing the cat and destroying JH's pictures... of cause he does it to safe his wife... BUT the method he has chosen is too much, it's too cruel and brutal for the person who really loved MY and thought dearly about him for many years... That's why I think can it possibly be that he is doing it to safe his wife but his inner previously surpassed hate for MY is getting outside too now?..

But DS's love and devotion to his wife is really WOW, really something...

EDIT. now I think again about it and I think it really was the fastest and the most sure way for DS to make everyone believe that he was the one who was doing all those hateful things to MY

but their brotherly love and now this situation is just breaking my heart

in kdramas situations when two guys who love each other like brothers and have been together for a long time and when they have such a big crack in their relationship just break my heart, my heart always hurts for them T_T

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i think MY will not realize the clothes but will realize the shoes. they zoomed on shoes couple of times, that's not for nothing. he'll save the green shoes first (a.k.a EJ) but afterwards, EJ will think that MY wanted to rescue first JH because of clothes. and as we can see on the kissing scene, EJ looking sad. and i think it's because of that misunderstanding. but right after MY tying her shoes, she'll realize that moment and will realize that actually MY wanted to rescue her first, then kiss for sure. :)

I agree with your theory. They focus on the shoes to much to have no significance and yes it will fit in tightly with what MY knows as EJ's wish( which was for him to tie her shoes) and the kiss that followed in the spoilers.

recap by happy22qt at welcome to happy's world for episode 15 already out:

episode 15 recap :D

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Guest PBaddict

Well I definitely need subs to understand the old psycho a lil bit better but I'm not sure I care... Oh how I hated that satisfied smile of hers when MY was struggling alone in the dark in his room and how she tried to keep EJ away (Thank God she failed and we got a really sweet scene for our OTP) from consoling him. She is plain crazy and that's it no need for further explanation. It was a great thriller episode as some of you said, stalker Imo and her craziness got her screentime too, and I could only hope there won't be much more wasted on her, in the finale she has to be locked up, Manager Kim and the rest of the team will arrive soon and do that for us hopefully in the first 5 minutes... end of story. DS and his wife must come clean too and that will probably take time as well we can only hope not too much.:sweatingbullets:;)

As we know from spoilers both girls will be saved and the ex goes back to London, and EJ will get her other shoelace tied as promised before and her first kiss too. I felt really bad for my poor girl when she saw how intensely MY reacted to the news of the ex's abduction.... poor baby, now she thinks MY's heart is still that girl's... I could only hope that mopy, self-degrading, inconfident EJ won't last long in the finale and also that  MY will do everything to erase her doubts... and most importantly that the kiss scene won't be the last scene.... that would be just too bad. (Secretly wishing for MY getting introduced to EJ's daddy and bro scenes, not sure if we evergonna get them) :rolleyes:

Can't wait for the subs and can't wait for tomorrow! I already miss my Wild Couple so baaaaaad.... tears.gifblush.gif

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Despite lack of development bet the otp, I still like whenever they're on screen together. like how he leaned on her shoulder, I lol at the scene after when they try to think of what to say, so damn hilarious, I love it how our otp really lives up to their title as dumb and dumber couple xD love everytime EJ hit her chest because of MY being 'stupid' (MY did the same in ep2 when they were locked in that barn). also when they discussed with manager Kim & DA, how they supported each other was very cute, and their laugh xD Though I'm as sad as EJ when she sees MY's reaction to JH's disappearance.. This girl is too strong, until this moment, beside his confession, MY hasn't really done anything to prove his affection for her. I mean, EJ might accept it as it is cause she's fallen for him but I can't help feeling disappointed in MY. I guess it's because EJ is very different to other girls he'd liked, she's strong physically so he doesn't need to care for her that way. Their relationship reminds me of certain rom-com where the male lead barely pays attention to the girl, but the viewers are made to believe that he still loves her. With so many loose ends I think fans would have to be content with that kiss only.

I'm curious how MY can possibly save both girls, even after he saves one, the other might not be able to make it in the water. So the logic choice is to save one who's weaker, aka JH. then the inside me will curse this writer forever for being mean to my fav heroine til the end. D: MY better notice the shoes and follow his instinct/or his heart (I doubt he even had time to choose)

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seriously, i agree with the other posters this drama is in the wrong genre, it's more thriller/horror than rom-com. Honestly I think the first 4 episodes were the BEST, i laughed soooo much btwn their interactions! and then it started dwindling down, the other characters were getting more screen time and so the main couple got less especially with Jonghee around. And this stalker thing is going on for TOOO long, i feel like tomorrow's episode is going to be so rushed. I wish they ended the stalker stuff on this episode or even last week's episode!! I knew they were going to make it a cliffhanger, so lame.

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I still don't understand... DS really has been hating on MY all this time? He is really psycho hater? He wasn't doing all this just for the sake of his wife?

I understand that he is taking ALL the blame on himself, he says that he was the one sending pictures, killing the cat and destroying JH's pictures... of cause he does it to safe his wife... BUT the method he has chosen is too much, it's too cruel and brutal for the person who really loved MY and thought dearly about him for many years... That's why I think can it possibly be that he is doing it to safe his wife but his inner previously surpassed hate for MY is getting outside too now?..

But DS's love and devotion to his wife is really WOW, really something...

EDIT. now I think again about it and I think it really was the fastest and the most sure way for DS to make everyone believe that he was the one who was doing all those hateful things to MY

but their brotherly love and now this situation is just breaking my heart

in kdramas situations when two guys who love each other like brothers and have been together for a long time and when they have such a big crack in their relationship just break my heart, my heart always hurts for them T_T

Without any subs I might be wrong but I think that when he was beating him on the past was for MY benefit so people would accept him on the team since he was replacing DS or something that is how MY believed that he wasn't the stalker and that he was protecting him or the real stalker... I think it is hard on MY but he believe in DS and if we see the whole episode was to prove that DS wasn't the stalker and it was MY who forced the others to believe it. That is a deep friendship.

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Watched ep 15, was the first time I would not fast forward scenes without MY and or EJ.

wow, can't wait for tomorrow's ep

the yi-mo is really crazy

and DS? How could he?

yeah..not really a rom-com, is it?

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what a crazy episode even though it is the last week and last episodes. I'm so tensed. I really cannot find any appropriate word to define ajumma's pyscho behavs and thoughts.

I guess she has an obsession that she's getting older and also she has developed a complex to be called 'ajumma/imo'.

maybe she made me crazy, too. because as long as I hear ajumma's voice I want to kill her. how could be possible to exist such a crazy person?

she destroyed everythign and everybody's life.

the last scene was so stressful for me because I don't want to see any choice of MY between JH and EJ.

I'm a bit suprised EJ was jealous of JH even such a dangerous and fatal situation. she admitted its weirdness by herself, too.

for a long time, I suppose everybody is tense because of many reasons so I really wish the writer made us take a deep and comfortable breath by giving so enjoyable and full of love scenes in the last episode.

first of all, most of us got nervous because of JH, then stalker issues filled with our precious drama and still goes on. last week the writer gave us a bite of cake with confess scene and we're still waiting for the kiss and the other lovely dovey scenes.

ohhh!!! I'm really nervous. please god, tomorrow comes immediately and this torture comes to an end.

see you tomorrow (with a big smile I hope)


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Lupita!!!  What is a batter-runner? Is there such a thing? The subs are correct.

"What is a fielder's choice?

A fielder throws a fair ball

to put out another base runner,

instead of throwing out the batter-runner

at first base."

On  a passing note the aunt continues to freak me out as in a majorly bad way. Props to the writer for writing a fairly well fleshed character for the stalker. Her lines to Jong Hee about herself.

"I'm so old now.

To a point where I can't tell the person 

I love that I love him."

Does't it creep all of you out to hear someone her age saying to someone of MY's age? I mean we have heard of Autumn- Spring romance in real life... but this just gives me the creeps. It sounds so WRONG.

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I agree with your theory. They focus on the shoes to much to have no significance and yes it will fit in tightly with what MY knows as EJ's wish( which was for him to tie her shoes) and the kiss that followed in the spoilers.

recap by happy22qt at welcome to happy's world for episode 15 already out:

episode 15 recap :D

I dont understand why MY has to do length swim, isnt it faster to run around and jump from the other side?

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Guest PBaddict

I dont understand why MY has to do length swim, isnt it faster to run around and jump from the other side?

:w00t::lol: That's exactly what I thought when I saw that scene, he could have gotten there faster if he runs to the other side  of the pool and then dives in... or at least I think so, but I guess it seems more dramatic this way... :rolleyes:

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Guest incarnadine

Lupita!!!  What is a batter-runner? Is there such a thing? The subs are correct.

"What is a fielder's choice?

A fielder throws a fair ball

to put out another base runner,

instead of throwing out the batter-runner

at first base."

On  a passing note the aunt continues to freak me out as in a majorly bad way. Props to the writer for writing a fairly well fleshed character for the stalker. Her lines to Jong Hee about herself.

"I'm so old now.

To a point where I can't tell the person 

I love that I love him."

Does't it creep all of you out to hear someone her age saying to someone of MY's age? I mean we have heard of Autumn- Spring romance in real life... but this just gives me the creeps. It sounds so WRONG.

What creeps me out more is the fact that imo's obsession over MY started way back in the day, when he (and she) was still younger.  Like, how young? :crazy:


This has nothing to do with last night episode... I was rewatching episode 14 with the 3 almost kisses and I couldn't help but notice how hot the first attempt was:w00t: loved how MY was inching closer and closer to EJ while on the grass (like a cat) with that slightly hungry look of intent in his eyes. And when EJ blurted out that it's her and he said he knows, and continued inching closer and closer? That killed me. :wub:



dropping by just to share this!

*quoted image*

[난폭한 로맨스] 마지막 촬영, 동태♡

trans: [Wild Romance] The final filming, Dong-Tae ♡

so cute!!!

credit - https://twitter.com/...438214395691008


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Lupita!!!  What is a batter-runner? Is there such a thing? The subs are correct.

"What is a fielder's choice?

A fielder throws a fair ball

to put out another base runner,

instead of throwing out the batter-runner

at first base."

On  a passing note the aunt continues to freak me out as in a majorly bad way. Props to the writer for writing a fairly well fleshed character for the stalker. Her lines to Jong Hee about herself.

"I'm so old now.

To a point where I can't tell the person 

I love that I love him."

Does't it creep all of you out to hear someone her age saying to someone of MY's age? I mean we have heard of Autumn- Spring romance in real life... but this just gives me the creeps. It sounds so WRONG.

I sent you a pm in viki... but that is exactly what it is he is supposed to get off the person close to home then the first base since the one that is closer to score would make you lose the game but you have time to get the first runner out later... Loneliness is a sickness of the soul and she is just lonely to the point that she lost her mind...

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Well Moo Yeol would be in 2nd year of high school when she started looking after him. However it sounds like she started loving him 

 ( eww.... ) when he was in college when he fell ill. However college is still a guy who is 20 or 21 unless he's back from army. Either way... it was way too young for him and way too old for her.

Oh by the way looking at your explanation of the fielder's choice. MY is the fielder right? He goes to save one person hoping that Manager Kim will come in time to save the other- either MY and EJ? I have to run, working soon. It looks like sunny will be the one to get it to 100%.

Still shaking my head that the field kiss might be our ONLY OTP kiss for 16 episodes for like one of the best-est who actually knows how to kiss K actors. Aigoocrazy.gif


I am just looking at Seu Young. She is not showing much reaction for someone whose husband has just been accused of stalking and harming. There REALLY is something wrong with her.

Oh yes MY and EJ are really cute together but not the brightest  lights in the room are they? It's funny but sad watching them trying to brainstorm how to prove Dong Soo's innocence.

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Finale Text Preview is out.


awwww... looks like our otp finally get their screentime, I hope. :D MY does look like he is in apologising mode.

최종회 :: 끝까지 발버둥 쳐라 스트럭아웃 낫아웃 :: 2월 23일 목요일

오피스텔 수영장에 종희와 은재를 붙잡아 둔 아줌마는 두사람의 옷을 바꿔입힌다.

그리고 그 둘을 미끼로 무열을 수영장으로 유인한다.

무열이 도착하자, 아줌마는 종희와 은재 중에 누가 무열의 여자인지

물어보는 동시에 두 사람을 물 속에 빠트리는데...

Its another first 5mins text preview again... the pool scene

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Guest keysyoo0987

here is the preview for tomorrow's episode!!!


it's daebak people! DAEBAK!!!! OUR OTP!!!!

when MY and EJ were so sweet together it was EJ's brother and father that was looking at them right? and when EJ saw them he pushed MY away... LOL!!!

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