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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Nok Young told the evil queen dowager that she will see her grandchild but she also told herself it will not be Bo Kyoungs child, so I was wondering who's child it will be??? Either Hwon and Wol or Minhwa and Yeom....What do u guys think???

I so hope it will be Hwon and Wols child :)

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Nok Young told the evil queen dowager that she will see her grandchild but she also told herself it will not be Bo Kyoungs child, so I was wondering who's child it will be??? Either Hwon and Wol or Minhwa and Yeom....What do u guys think???

I so hope it will be Hwon and Wols child :)

Well the head shaman and the queen dowager were talking about an "heir" so he can only come from Hwon.

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Guest show2007

OMG! Finally I reconnect back to the K-Drama world and am so excited to see so many familiar names on this thread! Just read my favorite Ockoala's recap and she discribed MoonSun is a "Disney Saguek"? Couldn't agree more but in a good way! Hey I love most of Disney movie/animation! Who doesn't want/love to be Cinderalla - it always nice to watch some fantasy/blink blink eye candy drama! As of now, a lot of us still try to compare the acting skills between the adults and the teenages characters. I found it unnesscary! I agreed that the teens did a fabalous job here and I can't even believe myself will watch it at the beginning (the fact it, they are newbie to me and know nothing about them) We set a low expectation on their actings but they are so strong that keep us on the train for 5+ episodes. We as the viewers are getting spolied since they are better than we expected so we expected more from the 'adult actors". To me both KSH and JIW did a decent job here (well I wish JIW has more screen time - even though he is a second lead, he didn't get enough chance to express his acting skills like in FB) . We can't compare them to their teens' characters. With such a tragic incident happened between them, they are no longer the innocent and simple little kids. They see the real world and they know how cruel it is. I can see their pain through their expression.

As of HGI, I think she is a little weaker than the 2 main leads BUT have to give her credit on being so much like YW (her facial expression, her aura are just like the little girl - YW). Have not read the book so not sure what is her personality but for someone who has been stay out of touch to the world for 8+ years and have not memory, she convinced me that she did a good job for being Wol. Can't wait till next week and looking forward to read all the MoonSun lovers's insight on this wonderful drama! :rolleyes:

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After ep 8: -The scene of Hwon and Wol's meeting when he opens up his eyes, in the book. (Rough translation)

I don't know if anyone has already posted the detail of scenes right after ep.8, but it's too good to not share.

cr: redpinkboxes l twitter

"The more Wol struggled to push him away, the more he pushed her shoulders harder.

Hwon touched her whole face, from her forehead to her nose and mouth.He said: "So you're not a ghost and i thought i was having an illusion when i saw you that day."

It was very dark in the room, late in the night, so he ordered the palace maids to bring him candles, but he still felt it was too dark, as it could not satisfy his thoughts of missing her all these while.He ordered them to bring all the candles in the palace to him.As wol tried to struggle our of his grip, the more hwon pushes her shoulders down with more strength.

"I thought our fate has ended, but i still can see the image of mine in your eyes."

Poor woon sees all these, and turns to a darker side of the room to avoid seeing what's happening.

Soon the room was filled with candles, lighting up the room. The more the room got brighter, the more wol tried to move.As she moves her back from the floor, Hwon's arm moves more to hug her.He uses his other arm to cover her cheeks to block others from seeing her face.Wol pushes hard to get Hwon's body away from hers, but as she does so, he leg his a candlestick.

"Don't move. Do you want the candle to fall down, and end up donating the kind of Joseon to the fire devil?"(as in making him die due to the fire)

Wol moves her head to see the position of the candle stick, however Hwon blocks her view.

As she couldn't be sure of the position of the candle, she couldn't move under that situation, because she was worried that it would cause a fire. She therefore stayed there,being hugged by Hwon for a long while, with her face on his white silk robe.

In this cold night, wol felt as if she was smelling the fragrant of Chrysanthemum that felt like the sun.Hwon, on the other hand, felt as if he was smelling the fragrant of orchid, which was like the moon.

Hwon gently moves his lips to the side of her ears, where he smelt the nice fragrance of orchid. The light breeze of wind, as well as the little whisper of Hwon's entered her ears.

"I am Lee Hwon, who are you?"

Wol eyes went pass Hwon's shoulders and looked up at the ceiling, the ceiling started shaking in her eyes... Her lips started to move, as if she wanted to speak, but hesitated...She bit her lips, and finally talked.I am wol, I am the wol you gave a name to.

It was wol voice, the voice he heard back then, the voice he couldn't forget. As if he cannot use anymore force anymore, he uses his arms to hold her even harder.

"Yes, its you, from now, i will not recognise you wrongly as someone else anymore.

Hwon could feel the fast thumping of her heart, even though she looks calm on the outside, wol's heart has never beat as fast as this moment before.

"Were you shocked? Did i make you shocked? But i did not have a choice. If i did not as if i was sleeping, you would have fooled me again, so i had to bluff you, anyway, you bluffed me didn't you. If i make you stay here, will you still leave me?"

Wol moves her hand to Hwon's shoulders to actually push him away, but ends up holding it.

Hwon looks down to see Wol, the feeling of him being able to hold her again was incredible.

"Wol ah... wol ah"


"Wol, have you even once thought of me? Did you miss me?"

Wol eyes was feeled with sorrow. She did not know how to reply Hwon as only 2 months had passed.

She did not reply but said in her heart. "Days of tears, merged into a flowing river, that became a sea."

Hwon continued: "No matter how much i tried to forget wol, i could not. Was it not like that for you?"

Wol could not even nod her head. She was afraid that her eyes would tell him her answer, so she avoided meeting his eyes. Once more, she could only answer in her heart. "How much ive missed you, i cannot express it, how much ive missed you, is longer than the yellow river, deeper than the ocean. How can i even express it"

"You insolent shaman. I only looked at you for a short moment, but why do i see your image every time i close or open my eyes. Why do you make me feel so exhausted. You definitely casted a spell on me, tell me, what spell did you cast?"

Wol, with her heart beating fast, takes another look at Hwon, seeing his gentle smile.

Hwon:"How about you explain to me why my heart has become like this."

Hwon hugged her tight again, with his lips at her ears again saying:"Is it because of how you smell? Because of the orchird fragrance that affected my heart from a long time ago? or is because of the moon light that comes from you, that keeps shining?"

"The moonlight is being insolent. Cheonha, your illness is too serious."

"Are you saying that i'm getting a wrong impression? Wol, please don't say it like that."

Hwon loosens his grips, because he was too happy seeing wol, he forgot all his doubts.

"But how come you are here? This is the palace, why are you here?"

Wol did not answer and lowers her head. The 3 men in charge rushes over and kneels down outside the room. Because the room is filled with too many candles, they could not come close, and could only sit outside. Hwon widens his eyes and looks and wol, and then the professors. No matter how he thought, he could not understand.

"What is happening!? Someone give me an explaination."

One of the professors replied as he kneeled.

"She is a shaman."

"I know, i am asking why is she here."

"This shaman is supposed to absorb all the bad air and symptoms of illness away from you and therefore has been looking after you by your side for a month. But today is the last day already, so please do not be angry"

"What are you saying?! Absorb?!"

Hwon did not understand what the professor was saying. Because his mind was blank, he could not think of anything.But slowly, Hwon started to understand. The more he understood, the more his breathing gets heavier. He uses his hands to touch his chest. The pain at the chest was hard to bear. His emotional pain was a thousand times more painful than his physical pain. Hwon, panting hard, said:"Then, this shaman will replace me.. replace me..."

Hwon could not finish his sentence. The sadness and anger that was coming from his heart... They were worried that the King would once again faint, and wanted to come closer, but because of the candles, they could not. He grieved. Woon was still sitting quietly in a corner, not moving at all.

Wol, with her back facing Hwon by his side, looks down on the floor.

"What are you all doing!? You cannot even prevent the murderous air from reaching me, and still use this girl here to be my shield.... And even dare to conceal this from me.... You even dare!"

He wasn't actually angry with them. He was just finding an excuse to vent the anger from his heart. He was only angry because Wol has been sitting by his side everyday throught the whole month, and he did not have any clue about it.

"This can't be prevented.. Because we did not know where your illness is coming from and what it is. Early in the morning tomorrow, the shaman will be sent out of the palace, so..."

"Sent away!? Where?"

"To somewhere where the fengshui is good, instead of being by your side. Because we've found a place with good fengshui, so we will send her there so that you won't need to see her again."

"Shut up. What exactly are you saying now!"

Because Hwon was angry, he started having headaches. To think that once this night is over, Wol will vanish from his side, and replace him taking all his bad air and illness, his headache got worse. He turns to see the frail body of Wol by his side, and was so afraid she will vanish, so he quickly hugged her back tightly.

The professors, who were outside, are oblivious to the whole situation. Hwon bit his teeth and said:"I'm still in pain! My body has not recovered at all, so you cannot send her out of the palace, you have to keep her by my side!"

"You need not worry. By protecting you at the place with good fengshui, it will still be as good."

"I SAID TO KEEP HER BY MY SIDE. Are my words not words to you?!"

"But.. But... we can't leave the shaman by your side."

"Then why you could before today? When i did not know, you can, and when i know, you cannot?!"

One of the professors by the professor (who was always answering) finally opened his mouth.

"Cheonha, i am insolent... I know i should not do this, but i would like to tell you that this girl is a shaman."

"Which Shaman house is she from? I want to remove her name from there."

The professor replies that a shaman's name cannot be removed from the registry, and you cannot hug her, please swear that you won't.

Hwon cannot take what the professors have said... Cannot hug wol.. And cannot remove her name from the registry.... So hwon decided to ignore what they have said...

"Now, everyone leave. Now!" Hwon orders..

Under the orders of the king, no one moved.

"I called you all to leave, do you not understand my words?!"

The science professor says:" Tonight will be the day the Prince will be made. It hasn't passed the time yet, so we cannot leave."

"Go down and leave. HS what are you doing? Close the door and go!"

"Cheonha, i'm sorry, even if you dismiss me, i cannot leave."

Hs shouts to everyone around:"People, open the door!"

Under his command, all the doors started to open, hwon realises that the servants and maids outside are more than normal. Everyone was against Hwon hugging Wol. Hwon was angry.

"Aren’t you all scared of losing your lives?! You think i won't get rid of your lives?"

No one listened to Hwon, and hwon could not hug Wol in front of all of them.

"Take away all the candles, the light is too bright for my eyes."

The palace maids start to get rid of the candle light, and the room was finally left with with only the moon's light. Even in that darkness, they all did not leave.

"How? Wol, what should i do? Wol, can you feel the state i am in? Will you blame me?"

"No, i do not have that kind of thoughts... but..."

"Are you in pain in place of me?"

"No, i am in no pain at all."

"Thank you, thank you for being healthy."

Hwon's bleak mood was even more than Wol's happiness. Hwon leaned on Wol's shoulders but because he was sorry, he did not hug her.

Woon on the other hand, was in pain.He did not want to admit that his pain was because of jealousy.

Woon turned his head to not see them, but then saw his sword, the sword used to protect the king. He sees the cloud sculpture on the sword, and has a heavy feeling within him."

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Any Woon fans here?

I translated a small part of his from the book, cause my heart went all out to woon reading his parts, and his love for wol as well.

Here it is.


It shows how much Woon yearns for Wol, makes me so hurt. Don't know if they will show it in the show.

Hope they do, yet i hope they won't, since it will be so heartbreaking to see Woon in pain.

Can't wait for next wed, only 1 day has passed.

I am a Fan of the silent warrior~! He is soo manly ;) , no offense but he is a lot manlier than the other two men. haha, and now that I've read that I totally have a WHOLE different notion of him b/c...well I thought he fell in love with the King secretly...which is why I totally assumed that he didn't like Wol! But now that I've read this it makes soo much sense! :D

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Guest ds_dreamer

I've watched ep7 and 8 and indeed the cliffhanger ending at ep8 really make me giggle and squealing to the max :lol:

*quoted image*

this one here.

I've been raping the replay button just at the last part.

KSH and HGI chemistry finally can be seen in this episode.

lol amiliyana90, Hi 5!!! I replayed the last 1 minutes several time too!!! KSH is simply gorgeous there :P :P :P

okok, sorry, this is my first time posting in this thread. This drama is simply too good to keep quiet!!! Just finished the sub Ep 7 and 8, and I'm jus so happy that MBC has finally awaken, finally giving us a very very good drama!

min510, thank you so much for the spoiler! It will really be great if the final episode is close to the book! :wub: Can't wait for Ep 9!!!!

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Guest flowerboyramyunshop_FB

interesting buzz again..is this another goof? or part of the story?

as far as i can see, ilwoo dyed his hair for the fbrs finale. so..ottoke? :sweatingbullets:



A goof is found in The Moon that Embraces the Sun, not only unintentionally made viewers laugh his teeth off, but also hindering the immersion of viewers into the plot.

In the episode 8 of MBC Wednesday and Thursday hit drama series The Moon that Embraces the Sun broadcast on January 26th, 2012, Wol (Han Ga In) encounters Prince Yang Myung (Jung Il Woo) who is disguised as a monk while trying to escape, and she asks for help from the monk.

In the day’s plot, Wol who was kidnapped successfully escapes, and ran into Prince Yang Myung who disguise oneself as a monk in order to avoid from noble. In the scene, Prince Yang Myung is wearing a hat, with a hair band, but reveals sideburns that are dyed into brown color. Seeing the dyed hair in the historical drama that is telling the story during Joseon Dynasty era, will have some impact on immersion of the audience into the plot.

After the broadcast, viewers said, “Is Jung Il Woo acting the role of foreign envoy?” “TV series has frequent goofs, it should not as simple as just mistakes,” “When watchig TV yesterday, my mind was all about goofs,” and so on, the comments were quite harsh.

On the other hand, The Moon that Embraces the the Sun increased 2% in ratings from previous episode to make the 31.7% ratings record.

via Ilgan Sports

from asian drama

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Guest lildebbie464

In my opinion I think all the actors are doing a GREAT job.

For me personally, I think Jung Il Woo is amazing as his character. The fact that he gets so little screen time, but is still able to give off the emotions and longing for Yeon Woo and be able to emote his character as Yang Myung so well is something he should deserve praise for.

Even in episode 8, on a minute by minute anaylsis for the ratings, the highest point was JIW's' scene when he mistakes Heom for YeonWoo.

Kim Soo Hyun is doing an awesome job as well, but we have to remember that we actually get to SEE more of his acting and he gets more screentime to show off the different range of emotions.

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What is just me or did someone hear english in ep 8?? hahaha the scene where YM is being chased by spies, you hear one of them men say "YM dae goon stop~" (well thats what i heard!) hahaha

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Any Woon fans here?

I translated a small part of his from the book, cause my heart went all out to woon reading his parts, and his love for wol as well.

Here it is.


It shows how much Woon yearns for Wol, makes me so hurt. Don't know if they will show it in the show.

Hope they do, yet i hope they won't, since it will be so heartbreaking to see Woon in pain.

Can't wait for next wed, only 1 day has passed.

The last paragraph of your translation is absolutely beautiful.  And, after reading blue/electric undergrounds translation of the previous chapters, I think this author of the book writes beautifully.

Actually, comparing the translations of the book, from all of you, to the actual scenes in the drama, I'm becoming disappointed in the director and editor because they have not been able to recreate the beauty that each of you have managed to recreate in your translations.  -_-

What is just me or did someone hear english in ep 8?? hahaha the scene where YM is being chased by spies, you hear one of them men say "YM dae goon stop~" (well thats what i heard!) hahaha

Yep, I heard 'stop', too.  hahaha

"for good" means Yeon Woo will finally take her place as THE QUEEN?? hmmm damn this will be so exciting!

Sorry for shortening your post . . .

But, this would contradict Nok's original statement when she first saw the two girls entering the Palace as companions for Princess MinHwa.

Something along the lines of:  Two moons.  One who has the right/fate to be queen, but will not.  While the other will become queen, but does not  have the right/fate.

I don't mean to be downer.  But, I wouldn't put it pass all the selfish and greedy people to  come up with more evil schemes to find a way to turn her pregnancy to their advantage.  They murdered before and is not above murdering again for their selfish greed.  But, that's because I'm cynical, especially since we're only on ep. 8.   :P

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But, this would contradict Nok's original statement when she first saw the two girls entering the Palace as companions for Princess MinHwa.

Something along the lines of:  Two moons.  One who has the right/fate to be queen, but will not.  While the other will become queen, but does not  have the right/fate.

I don't mean to be downer.  But, I wouldn't put it pass all the selfish and greedy people to  come up with more evil schemes to find a way to turn her pregnancy to their advantage.  They murdered before and is not above murdering again for their selfish greed.  But, that's because I'm cynical, especially since we're only on ep. 8.   :P

Sorry to jump in or what not, there's a summary of the book and it's ending in the previous page at this thread. If the director decided to follow the book ending, i doubt that will be the case of your theory. It's a 20 episode fusion saeguk drama and seeing the pace of the drama going to, it would be unlikely for the director to put evil scheming into the plot after HW marries YW.

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It's been awhile since I was last on the Soompi forums so I've been skimming through everything today. Sorry, if I repeat a previously said comment.

Wow, the drama is still good even though the young cast members have moved on. I have to confess that I'm having mixed reactions to the casting choices. I love Kim Soo Hyun, Han Ga In and Jung Il Woo. Don't love it when Woon's hair is done. I know that sounds superficial. I much prefer it when his hair is up. And I don't love the casting choice for the older Yeom. He was so pretty as a teenager. I did feel like he did shine. Hehehe. Thanks lighting team! And Bo Kyung. I don't know. Kim Min Seo doesn't seem to match the younger version well. I think the younger version was better in the antagonist role than she is. Hmm, maybe I just need to wait until she meets with Wol. Oh and I love, love, love the casting choice for Janshil. Dead on. I also thought the princess didn't look anything like the younger version but what she can't change with looks, she makes up for it in spades with her acting.

Despite the fact that the younger cast was young and did a great job, a big chunk of the older cast is still very young and I think they handling the complicated concepts really well. I mean, the princess is of marrying age during Joseon era but there is a great age gap between her and Yeom. And you see that difference in their maturity but it enhances the world of the drama. I really like the dynamic.

Also, I was wondering in that scene when Wol first saw the Hwon again. Considering the conversation with Seol, it seems that she visually saw the king. And Woon is very aware of his surroundings or at least we saw that in the past. Did Woon not see Seol? And if he did see her, did he not recognize her? At the very least, I would have thought that Seol would recognize Woon. Unless, like some posters here she actually has a crush on Yeom instead. Hmm, I feel like it will take her seeing Woon fight in order to recognize him. Hulllll.

As for this last episode... RAWRRR!!! Wow, that was hot at the end there and I have to keep telling myself that Kim Soo Hyun is so much younger than me. Now I understand what Han Ga In meant about the age gap as we're similar in age. But she has Yeon Jung Hoon.

I am eager to see how the current Queen will be dethroned. I have to think that she is going to have to step up her evil scheming in order for her to be removed. Hmm... off with her head? Or is that too much Henry the 8th?

Anyhoooo, can't wait for the next episode and I can't wait to see some of the young cast on next week's Strong Heart.

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In my opinion I think all the actors are doing a GREAT job.

For me personally, I think Jung Il Woo is amazing as his character. The fact that he gets so little screen time, but is still able to give off the emotions and longing for Yeon Woo and be able to emote his character as Yang Myung so well is something he should deserve praise for.

Even in episode 8, on a minute by minute anaylsis for the ratings, the highest point was JIW's' scene when he mistakes Heom for YeonWoo.

Kim Soo Hyun is doing an awesome job as well, but we have to remember that we actually get to SEE more of his acting and he gets more screentime to show off the different range of emotions.

I agree but having said that - I really wish we could see more of the background of Prince Myung and Yeon Woo and WHY he's so desperately in love with her? In Hwon's case, we got to see the relationship develop and the beginnings of their love for each other. In Prince Myung's case, I don't see that at all! They showed him climbing over a wall once and leaving her a note. And then protecting her from the rain & going to his greenhouse. That's it? Wait, did it maybe start before that? Yeom made a comment about him "going over the wall again" so it happened more than once. I just feel a disconnect in that part of the story. We haven't seen enough of WHEN, HOW and WHY Prince Myung fell in love with Yeon Woo. (and I have a feeling unless it's shown in flashbacks it's too late now to explain it?) So I'm disappointed in that part of the story.

Some new super cutie pics of Jin Goo here:


Also more pics of younger Woon here:


AND more info about younger Lee Min Ho here: (he's already onto his next acting gig! biggrin.gif )


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Guest kpop_kdrama_fan

sorry, would you please tell me the way to copy-paste it...i don't understand copy-paste to where....thanks b4..

Hi,  I hope this will help :

it's a twitdeck/twitlonger link

>> you need to copy that entire line... (highlight the link < tl.gd/fiqko4 > then right click, then choose copy option)

>> then open a new browser page / open a new tab in your brower

>> click on the top bar where the url's are (ex.. www.yahoo.com   or www.soompi.com)   then erase whatever is there, then right click again to paste the link provided earlier, click enter for your browser to then proceed to that link ;)

or if you have a twitter account, just visit or subscribe to @redpinkboxes.  she tweets her summaries and just recently, she's been translating parts of the book :)  

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Hi,  I hope this will help :

it's a twitdeck/twitlonger link

>> you need to copy that entire line... (highlight the link < tl.gd/fiqko4 > then right click, then choose copy option)

>> then open a new browser page / open a new tab in your brower

>> click on the top bar where the url's are (ex.. www.yahoo.com   or www.soompi.com)   then erase whatever is there, then right click again to paste the link provided earlier, click enter for your browser to then proceed to that link ;)

or if you have a twitter account, just visit or subscribe to @redpinkboxes.  she tweets her summaries and just recently, she's been translating parts of the book :)  

thanks, i will try it...is the all of 4 parts same with

mnn510 spoiler above?

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