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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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that's true, but u have to look at it from the PD's point of view too.

Whatever the MBC president is doing, the MBC employees do not agree, and it is affecting them in a very negative way.

It first started out with the reporters going on strike and one by one, people started to join.

It's not fair for the MBC president to not care about the employees because he has these popular dramas right now, earning all the fame and money, keeping him at his place.

there was an article i read where 48 out of 51 drama producers decided to join the strike. 48 out of 51.

That's a HUGE number.

And these producers are enjoying the fame and wanting to make people happy, but how can they make people happy, when they themselves are NOT happy?

As much as I hate this strike for ruining the streak of the drama, I support the PD completely.

He didn't do this just to spite viewers. He's doing it to send out a message about the corruption in the company that's making all the profit from this drama. If PDs are willingly giving up their popular shows, there is A HUGE problem here, and not just the problem with the viewers missing out on their favorite shows.

i accept all your points. I know that this strike is for a noble cause. I also read that this is not the first time the staff strike to oust the president.

But i kinda feel PD is a strategist. The strike started on Jan 30, and all along he had tweeted that the schedules for the drama will not be affected and will air normally. But suddenly you know that the viewers are anxious about the finale and you go and strike before the airing/ filming the final episodes. Did he not understand the cause of strike on jan 30th??? I cannot believe the truthness in his tweeting that he is not averting his responsibility. does that even make sense??????

@marie67, i also accept your pt. on KSH. He just started his golden days in this entertainment. Can he not give some time for the production, even when he is so busy with the CF's. His agency keep on telling that it is very difficult for him after March 8th to film the drama. Even HGI has opened her schedule for filming the drama. She has also got her promotions for her movie, CF's etc. I dont know if the agency of KSH's is exaggerating his schedule of activities..

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Um, I thought I'd weigh in here on the MBC strike. News departments are usually separate from entertainment departments so I doubted that that bias opinion would be the only reason for the strike. It seems that the union is protesting against the president because he misused company funds. While MBC claims it was for promoting the network, the union claims that it had nothing to do with the company and it was all personal and it may need to be settled in court.


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Guest toho81

i accept all your points. I know that this strike is for a noble cause. I also read that this is not the first time the staff strike to oust the president.

But i kinda feel PD is a strategist. The strike started on Jan 30, and all along he had tweeted that the schedules for the drama will not be affected and will air normally. But suddenly you know that the viewers are anxious about the finale and you go and strike before the airing/ filming the final episodes. Did he not understand the cause of strike on jan 30th??? I cannot believe the truthness in his tweeting that he is not averting his responsibility. does that even make sense??????

@marie67, i also accept your pt. on KSH. He just started his golden days in this entertainment. Can he not give some time for the production, even when he is so busy with the CF's. His agency keep on telling that it is very difficult for him after March 8th to film the drama. Even HGI has opened her schedule for filming the drama. She has also got her promotions for her movie, CF's etc. I dont know if the agency of KSH's is exaggerating his schedule of activities..

I agree too. It's only CF shooting for Kim Soo Hyun, not another movie or drama, so I really hope the production company and his management company can work together around his schedule and complete the shooting. Kim Soo Hyun seems likes good young man, so I think he, himself would want to finish the hit drama of his career instead of leaving it at a bad end.

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Guest kishaleigh

I agree too. It's only CF shooting for Kim Soo Hyun, not another movie or drama, so I really hope the production company and his management company can work together around his schedule and complete the shooting. Kim Soo Hyun seems likes good young man, so I think he, himself would want to finish the hit drama of his career instead of leaving it at a bad end.

yeah, its just a CF....his management must do something to open up his schedule...are we not fans are not important too? because if he will not finish it..i think his reputation being an actor will be affected. Many fans will be disappointed to KSH.

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With all the MBC strike going on, we MoonSunners sure not in the good mood especially when the news of cancellation of this week episodes... <_<

me too .. i'm trying (really hard ... :tears: ) to think positive now ..

hopefully this is a blessing in disguise .. so ... no rush in ending episode

and we can get a full Royal Wedding with its sweet honeymoon scene

-_- *praying*

yes, I'm putting a positive mind too. I just dont want the ending to be rushed. I just hope the end product will be satisfying though despite these whole chaos. they can make it out in the early of production for this drama, I hope they can pull it out the best for the end also. Wishing and praying hard for this.

Don't forget - no drama = no advertisers = no money.

sorry to cut your post. yes I agree with this. since this drama also already hit the 40% rating mark and has been the #1 weekly top rated show among all broadcasting station, the PD side definitely using this to show that they're meant it with the strike.

i accept all your points. I know that this strike is for a noble cause. I also read that this is not the first time the staff strike to oust the president.

But i kinda feel PD is a strategist. The strike started on Jan 30, and all along he had tweeted that the schedules for the drama will not be affected and will air normally. But suddenly you know that the viewers are anxious about the finale and you go and strike before the airing/ filming the final episodes. Did he not understand the cause of strike on jan 30th??? I cannot believe the truthness in his tweeting that he is not averting his responsibility. does that even make sense??????

@marie67, i also accept your pt. on KSH. He just started his golden days in this entertainment. Can he not give some time for the production, even when he is so busy with the CF's. His agency keep on telling that it is very difficult for him after March 8th to film the drama. Even HGI has opened her schedule for filming the drama. She has also got her promotions for her movie, CF's etc. I dont know if the agency of KSH's is exaggerating his schedule of activities..

I think the PD used to tweet that he was indeed felt sad since he cant join the strike though he's also the member of the union. i dont think he just playing around with his words. Though indeed he's pretty strategist on the decision he made. however, his decision was also supported by other current-airing MBC drama PDs. that just mean that the PDs really want to show something to the station. it the MBC President side need to take this measure the right way. in this one article I read regarding on this strike matter, "they want a negotiation and not a discipline action" cause the last time strike occurred, they took disciplinary action on their worker. the company president surely did a lot of wrong things that has pissing off the workers so much.

regarding on KSH's agency that say they cant alter his schedule more after the stated date, I think from the p.o.v of the agency and business, it's understandable. though KSH didnt have any drama or movie (but didnt he also have a movie to coming out soon called "The Thieves" or something :blink: ) anyway, the CF shooting also something that his agency already agree on maybe even way before he started this drama. who knows... business-wise, if he postponed this, the other side and his agency got a lot of time and energy will be wasted... this situation now is actually one unfortunate event for this drama actually. looks like the higher we thought this drama can go, it still got it down part. not only in terms of the storyline, acting delivery or technical part but also like the current situation... *deep sigh* :(

let's just hope that this thing can work out real soon. :)

on a side note, I read that other dramas that supposed to air after TMETS also was putting on hold though they're not from the same company. It seems like they dont want to clash with this drama. this drama still intimidate other drama hehehe :lol:

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Guest toho81

yeah, its just a CF....his management must do something to open up his schedule...are we not fans are not important too? because if he will not finish it..i think his reputation being an actor will be affected. Many fans will be disappointed to KSH.

I also think Kim Soo Hyun has to treat this situation carefully. Hopefully he still has some availability until the end of this week. He does have to be careful on how he handles this matter along with his agency because this drama is such a big hit.

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Second, HGI's selection as the female lead caused national headlines :: Nuna is too old for young King. Nuna is not a sageuk queen. It should be Moon Chae Woon. It should be Moon Geun Young.

[Despite criticism, hands down, she is one the most beautiful crowned princesses sageuk dramas have ever seen and to many, she delivers the job as brilliant as KSH does. And she's sooo NOT looking 30. And I don't think neither 2 Moons above can match her. At least not as Yeon Woo]

Impression vs Reality score = 0-1

I don't think anyone can argue that she's a beauty. She's definitely a natural beauty and I love her presence. One of the prettiest crowned princesses in sageuks in my mind too. I don't think she looks too old for the role at all. In fact, what drew me to TMTETS originally was HGI, despite the fact that she's not the best actress. I always liked her though (still do). Though, I'd be bias/turning a blind eye to say that her acting job here delivers. This is probably her weakest role up-to-date IMO. It really shows here. Perhaps, because she's surrounded by younger/less-experience actors who really shine. She's TOO wooden and she looks uncomfortable.

And that's right. I think MCW or MGY would have done a better job. Their eyes can express more emotion.

I would actually argue that HGI is not a beauty. Do I think she's ugly? No. But do I think she's absolutely gorgeous? No. My point is that she's not pretty enough to overcome her lack of acting ability. I have never seen a HGI drama or movie before so this is my first exposure to her. And I was disappointed in her acting. So far, I don't think she's done anything well in this drama, be it crying scenes, joyful scenes, etc. There is something so very awkward about her acting. How are we, as the audience, supposed to believe in her when she appears as though she herself does not believe in her acting ability.

An example: the love story. The plot has holes in it, which is natural because it's not real life--things must move at a faster pace. So we have a love triangle. And so the exact why and how of Yangmyung and Hwon falling in love with Yeon Woo and staying in love with her over 8 years, is unclear, but the ACTORS are pulling us along. However, even now, after Yeon Woo has regained her memory, her love for Hwon does not come through at all in HGI's acting. Frankly, I laugh whenever she says things like "I don't need anything other than you" because it sounds so strange coming from her wooden character.

And I don't think it's a flaw in the way that the character of Yeon Woo is written. Because none of hte characters are fully developed, but this isn't as evident as it is in Yeon Woo's case because of acting ability. Also, while it may be supposed that a shaman should be unemotional and withdrawn, that doesn't mean that a shaman lacks all personality. Also, look at the shamans. Head Shaman Jang has a natural energy and presence that follows her scenes. Janshil is young and full of energy. Even the other filler shamans have more energy in their acting. However, whenever HGI comes on screen, it's as though she is a black hole that sucks in all the energy around her. It's only been in the recent episodes that Yeon Woo's character has developed more. Prior to this, most of her scenes involved the kind where the emotion is supposed to come through the eyes--those quiet anguished looks or silent lovelorn looks. I think this is where HGI really lacks in skills and it would have been nice to have an actress who could have carried those scenes. For example, the actresses mentioned by others would have been interesting to see. I think another actress who could have pulled off the "eye acting" is Lee Yeon Hee, the queen of music videos. There's no speaking involved in music videos and all acting is expressed silently. I think in today's younger generation, no one beats out Lee Yeon Hee in the area of facial expression without speaking.

Keeping my fingers crossed along with all other glass half-fullers that we'll get at least one episode this week!

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Guest toho81

I would actually argue that HGI is not a beauty. Do I think she's ugly? No. But do I think she's absolutely gorgeous? No. My point is that she's not pretty enough to overcome her lack of acting ability. I have never seen a HGI drama or movie before so this is my first exposure to her. And I was disappointed in her acting. So far, I don't think she's done anything well in this drama, be it crying scenes, joyful scenes, etc. There is something so very awkward about her acting. How are we, as the audience, supposed to believe in her when she appears as though she herself does not believe in her acting ability.

An example: the love story. The plot has holes in it, which is natural because it's not real life--things must move at a faster pace. So we have a love triangle. And so the exact why and how of Yangmyung and Hwon falling in love with Yeon Woo and staying in love with her over 8 years, is unclear, but the ACTORS are pulling us along. However, even now, after Yeon Woo has regained her memory, her love for Hwon does not come through at all in HGI's acting. Frankly, I laugh whenever she says things like "I don't need anything other than you" because it sounds so strange coming from her wooden character.

And I don't think it's a flaw in the way that the character of Yeon Woo is written. Because none of hte chara

cters are fully developed, but this isn't as evident as it is in Yeon Woo's case because of acting ability. Also, while it may be supposed that a shaman should be unemotional and withdrawn, that doesn't mean that a shaman lacks all personality. Also, look at the shamans. Head Shaman Jang has a natural energy and presence that follows her scenes. Janshil is young and full of energy. Even the other filler shamans have more energy in their acting. However, whenever HGI comes on screen, it's as though she is a black hole that sucks in all the energy around her. It's only been in the recent episodes that Yeon Woo's character has developed more. Prior to this, most of her scenes involved the kind where the emotion is supposed to come through the eyes--those quiet anguished looks or silent lovelorn looks. I think this is where HGI really lacks in skills and it would have been nice to have an actress who could have carried those scenes. For example, the actresses mentioned by others would have been interesting to see. I think another actress who could have pulled off the "eye acting" is Lee Yeon Hee, the queen of music videos. There's no speaking involved in music videos and all acting is expressed silently. I think in today's younger generation, no one beats out Lee Yeon Hee in the area of facial expression without speaking.

Keeping my fingers crossed along with all other glass half-fullers that we'll get at least one episode this week!

Hate to be the one telling u the bad news, but mbc cancelled the broadcast of both episodes this week.

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I think HGI is a beauty. I really have to give props for her, she definitely improved in her acting, especially since this is her first sageuk. Lee Yeon Hee, the girl from "Paradise Ranch"? Boy, that was a bad drama, couldn't finish that drama, one of the worst haircut I saw, her hair looked like a complete mess. I didn't like her acting nor her facial expressions either. Sorry to all LYH fans. Maybe cause I never saw her in any other drama. HGI is inconsistent with her acting sometimes, but I do see her improvement. All the actors/actresses are professional, they stuck to the korean live shooting system, it must be exhausting, I mean HGI was breaking out (if you notice the zit beneath her lips). I'm surprised to see no black circles.

Right now, I'm disappointing with nothing to satisfy my craving for TMETS this week. Been waiting all week for this crappy news. <_<

I don't know if I should blame on PD for being unprofessional or MBC for their poor treatment. Its obvious that the PD planned all this, anyone with a brain can figure out that. I mean, he could have striked before but gave everyone a false illusion that TMETS is not affected. Just when its on its last week of running, they all go on strike. Good timing or what, just when rating surpass 50%? Now, I really wished that TMETS is assigned to some other channel, perhaps cable (then will be able to see a real kiss). This is "Spy Myung Wol" effect again with KBS.

I predict ratings will drop after this...but I hope all works out by next week, or us, FANS will really give MBC something! LOL!!!

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I read that There's also a bigger underlying reason behind the strike. MBC is partly a government subsidy although not as heavily showing government colors as KBS. The strike is basically also against the government censors in South Korea on broadcasted materials. The South Korean media is internationally categorized as partially censored. The strike is also to loosen some of that censorship so that PDs can broadcast freely, even if the message that they're portraying may seem to be voicing out against the current government.

I feel that although the PDs striking sure is leaving the viewers hanging. But on the other hand, if these PDs don't stand up for what they believe in, perhaps in the future, they won't even be able to give the viewers any quality programming if they allow the censorship restrictions to continue.

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Finally some good news, I hope for the best.

MoonSun Finale Might Air this Week as PD Returns to MBC from Strike by ockoala


Recently minted “national drama” The Moon that Embraces the Sun was supposed to air its final two episodes this week, but in a case of drama outside the drama, the PD of this entire operation recently booked it to join the month long ongoing MBC strike. Bravo to the PD for standing up for his beliefs, but OMG I feel so bad for the fans of the drama and the overworked cast and crew who are left dangling. Initially the rumor was both episodes will be preempted this week, but the latest news is that PD Kim has returned to set and aims to finish all primary filming by March 8th since that is the last day leads Kim Soo Hyun and Jung Il Woo can film due to their jam packed schedules. Talk about cutting it close.


Latest news has MBC airing a special on Wednesday, which will focus on the child actors. I hate to belabor the point, but those darn kids and their story line was the only good thing about this drama. Even poor Soo Hyun is just half-mailing it in at this point. Thursday’s broadcast remains unclear, whether one episode will air, both episodes will air, or once again a special will air.

Here’s what I think: if within the next 10 hours enough footage is shot and edited for episode 19, then MBC will likely yank the special they cobbled together and go ahead and broadcast MoonSun. King 2Hearts is ready to air, and this drama’s ratings are through the roof and its fans will be clamoring for their sure to be peachy King+Queen=Happily Ever After ending. I’m glad I bailed, but I still don’t know why this drama ended up being so dull and flat for me. I’m glad other folks continue to love it, and hope this last minute craziness doesn’t drive you all bonkers.

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Guest Starlitelet

I would actually argue that HGI is not a beauty.  Do I think she's ugly?  No.  But do I think she's absolutely gorgeous?  No.  My point is that she's not pretty enough to overcome her lack of acting ability.  I have never seen a HGI drama or movie before so this is my first exposure to her.  And I was disappointed in her acting.  So far, I don't think she's done anything well in this drama, be it crying scenes, joyful scenes, etc.  There is something so very awkward about her acting.  How are we, as the audience, supposed to believe in her when she appears as though she herself does not believe in her acting ability.

An example: the love story. The plot has holes in it, which is natural because it's not real life--things must move at a faster pace.  So we have a love triangle.  And so the exact why and how of Yangmyung and Hwon falling in love with Yeon Woo and staying in love with her over 8 years, is unclear, but the ACTORS are pulling us along.  However, even now, after Yeon Woo has regained her memory, her love for Hwon does not come through at all in HGI's acting.  Frankly, I laugh whenever she says things like "I don't need anything other than you" because it sounds so strange coming from her wooden character.

And I don't think it's a flaw in the way that the character of Yeon Woo is written.  Because none of hte characters are fully developed, but this isn't as evident as it is in Yeon Woo's case because of acting ability.  Also, while it may be supposed that a shaman should be unemotional and withdrawn, that doesn't mean that a shaman lacks all personality.  Also, look at the shamans.  Head Shaman Jang has a natural energy and presence that follows her scenes.  Janshil is young and full of energy.  Even the other filler shamans have more energy in their acting.  However, whenever HGI comes on screen, it's as though she is a black hole that sucks in all the energy around her.  It's only been in the recent episodes that Yeon Woo's character has developed more.  Prior to this, most of her scenes involved the kind where the emotion is supposed to come through the eyes--those quiet anguished looks or silent lovelorn looks.  I think this is where HGI really lacks in skills and it would have been nice to have an actress who could have carried those scenes.  For example, the actresses mentioned by others would have been interesting to see.  I think another actress who could have pulled off the "eye acting" is Lee Yeon Hee, the queen of music videos.  There's no speaking involved in music videos and all acting is expressed silently.  I think in today's younger generation, no one beats out Lee Yeon Hee in the area of facial expression without speaking.

Keeping my fingers crossed along with all other glass half-fullers that we'll get at least one episode this week!

Yes, she's very wooden. Though, Lee Yeon Hee isn't far away from HGI either. LYH is not the best actress to play the role of Wol.

Anyway, I don't care whatever people say about HGI. She's a stiff actress and you can tell by her range of emotion. Not only is it evident in her eyes, but her monotone voice doesn't move me at all. I don't know when she's happy or sad. She always seems constipated (sorry, lack of word). If I were watch this without subs, I would have a hard time figuring/dissecting what her character wants in terms of facial expression. She lacks emotion. Period.

And I agree about them reuniting and her regaining memory. No change in her reaction towards the King. She doesn't seem like she likes him... it's just such a nuisance.

She's also an obstacle for TMTETS, believe it or not. Even the Queen has a wider range of emotion than her and Wol is supposed to be the leading star!

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Guest toho81

Finally some good news, I hope for the best.

MoonSun Finale Might Air this Week as PD Returns to MBC from Strike by ockoala

*quoted image*

Recently minted “national drama” The Moon that Embraces the Sun was supposed to air its final two episodes this week, but in a case of drama outside the drama, the PD of this entire operation recently booked it to join the month long ongoing MBC strike. Bravo to the PD for standing up for his beliefs, but OMG I feel so bad for the fans of the drama and the overworked cast and crew who are left dangling. Initially the rumor was both episodes will be preempted this week, but the latest news is that PD Kim has returned to set and aims to finish all primary filming by March 8th since that is the last day leads Kim Soo Hyun and Jung Il Woo can film due to their jam packed schedules. Talk about cutting it close.

*quoted image*

Latest news has MBC airing a special on Wednesday, which will focus on the child actors. I hate to belabor the point, but those darn kids and their story line was the only good thing about this drama. Even poor Soo Hyun is just half-mailing it in at this point. Thursday’s broadcast remains unclear, whether one episode will air, both episodes will air, or once again a special will air.

Here’s what I think: if within the next 10 hours enough footage is shot and edited for episode 19, then MBC will likely yank the special they cobbled together and go ahead and broadcast MoonSun. King 2Hearts is ready to air, and this drama’s ratings are through the roof and its fans will be clamoring for their sure to be peachy King+Queen=Happily Ever After ending. I’m glad I bailed, but I still don’t know why this drama ended up being so dull and flat for me. I’m glad other folks continue to love it, and hope this last minute craziness doesn’t drive you all bonkers.

Finally some good news. I hope they can finish the drama on time for Kim Doo Hyun and Jung il Woo

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Guest yolandarosa

Yes, she's very wooden. Though, Lee Yeon Hee isn't far away from HGI either. LYH is not the best actress to play the role of Wol.

Anyway, I don't care whatever people say about HGI. She's a stiff actress and you can tell by her range of emotion. Not only is it evident in her eyes, but her monotone voice doesn't move me at all. I don't know when she's happy or sad. She always seems constipated (sorry, lack of word). If I were watch this without subs, I would have a hard time figuring/dissecting what her character wants in terms of facial expression. She lacks emotion. Period.

And I agree about them reuniting and her regaining memory. No change in her reaction towards the King. She doesn't seem like she likes him... it's just such a nuisance.

She's also an obstacle for TMTETS, believe it or not. Even the Queen has a wider range of emotion than her and Wol is supposed to be the leading star!

and i supposed you could have done better? all ur saying might be true but to pinkberry it out here...give some respect...if u have nothing good to say...just  don't bloody say anything this thread becomes annoying with people pinkberrying...but hey ur entitled to ur opinion....just stop and i suggest don't watch...

just saying...people sometimes they are so superior to others...when they comment they think they are better...but hey people we're just here on the thread..who's on the screen????

sorry in advance...i do apologised...but stop this bad actress rant....2 more episodes thats it....yo'u're misery is over...If I were you  i will not watch this drama ever...go watch other drama thatt will make you happy...life is short...

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I honestly feel criticisms should be taken in stride, and it's been hard to see that in this thread. As a discussion forum here, I believe the critiques are just that, to open up discussion about the drama, with varying viewpoints and perspectives. We've long established that no drama is perfect. But just because someone gives a critique doesn't directly mean the individual doesn't also enjoy the drama/series. So take it as that, all in stride, and don't let things dampen anyone's mood. The discussions here are rather insightful and fun to read, and as many of you have mentioned, it's one's personal opinion.

With that said, thank you for the hopeful good news, padhari! I can't wait to see the wrap of a good series, and truly hope it won't disappoint despite all the obstacles this drama faced.

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@ yolandarosa

Well said. I agree with you that there are so many bashers. But without them, how would the actors/actresses improve, right? This reminds me of BOF with GHS, wasn't her acting worse than HGI? GHS's character was even more wooden, I liked Lee Min Jung more, she was way prettier and had good style, plus she had a carefree personality. Anyways, I already pointed out that HHJ would have been my first pick, not MCW cause she was great with PSH. Maybe the haters could try to watch Witch Yoo Hee or Super Rookie, you can see the big improvement she had in acting. JIW's character is so bland and hopeless, his storyline is depressing, wonder why he accepted this role after the hit "Flower Boy Ramyun." On the other hand, KSH had his major breakthrough in this drama. I really liked his character in this drama, never noticed him in any other drama, but someone just reminded me that he was playing Goo Soo's child character in "Will It Snow For Christmas," I'm looking forward to his next drama.

Please update if anyone knows what the schedule will be like tmr and thurs?

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Guest Starlitelet

and i supposed you could have done better? all ur saying might be true but to pinkberry it out here...give some respect...if u have nothing good to say...just  don't bloody say anything this thread becomes annoying with people pinkberrying...but hey ur entitled to ur opinion....just stop and i suggest don't watch...

just saying...people sometimes they are so superior to others...when they comment they think they are better...but hey people we're just here on the thread..who's on the screen????

sorry in advance...i do apologised...but stop this bad actress rant....2 more episodes thats it....yo'u're misery is over...If I were you  i will not watch this drama ever...go watch other drama thatt will make you happy...life is short...

It's just my opinion. Would you rather I sugarcoat everything instead?

There's a reason why I'm watching it. And I don't think it's a bad show. It's rather enjoyable compared to what's airing at the moment.

I'm allowed to voice my opinion just like you are voicing how you don't like me posting that.

How am I thinking that I'm superior to others O.o?

I do have respect for TMTETS, but sorry to burst your bubbles....  not all those who enjoy the show are delusional to the point where they spot no flaws. I just wanted to point them out. Besides, isn't that what discussion boards are for?  To make critiques also?

@ yolandarosa

Well  said. I agree with you that there are so many bashers. But without  them, how would the actors/actresses improve, right? This reminds me of  BOF with GHS, wasn't her acting worse than HGI? GHS's character was even  more wooden, I liked Lee Min Jung more, she was way prettier and had  good style, plus she had a carefree personality. Anyways, I already  pointed out that HHJ would have been my first pick, not MCW cause she  was great with PSH. Maybe the haters could try to watch Witch Yoo Hee or  Super Rookie, you can see the big improvement she had in acting. JIW's  character is so bland and hopeless, his storyline is depressing, wonder  why he accepted this role after the hit "Flower Boy Ramyun." On the  other hand, KSH had his major breakthrough in this drama. I really liked  his character in this drama, never noticed him in any other drama, but  someone just reminded me that he was playing Goo Soo's child character  in "Will It Snow For Christmas," I'm looking forward to his next drama.

Please update if anyone knows what the schedule will be like tmr and thurs?

I actually didn't mind HGI in her other dramas. She was never the best, but I still liked her. Though, I still see no improvement... actually it her weak acting abilities are more prominent in TMTETS IMO.

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