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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest toho81

All I can hope for is the drama to finish without any further trouble! Now I will religiously stalk this message board for news that the drama finished shooting without further trouble, please! Come on Kim Soo Hyun, come on MBC, come on production company, please make it happen!

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me too .. i'm trying (really hard ... :tears: ) to think positive now ..

hopefully this is a blessing in disguise .. so ... no rush in ending episode

and we can get a full Royal Wedding with its sweet honeymoon scene

-_- *praying*

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Guest julia17


매회 최고 시청률 경신~!

국민을 품은 최고의 로맨틱 사극 <해를 품은 달>

그 동안 방송 된 드라마 <해를 품은 달>의 엑기스만 모았다!!

주옥같은 아역들의 심금을 울리는 연기와,

매력 만점 성인 연기자들의 명장면 릴레이~★

<해를 품은 달> 스페셜 방송에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

3월 7일 수요일 밤 9시 55분에 여러분을 찾아갑니다.

*본 회차는 예고 영상을 제공하지 않습니다.

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Guest toho81

The only thing I can hope for is Kim Soo Hyun can finish this. I know he has photo shoots and commercials to do, but it's not like he has another movie or drama to start so I really hope they can work around his schedule and get the shooting done with this extra week. Please make it happen!

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Guest toho81

All the news again is confusing because there are other news that says the drama was resumed shooting of main scenes. So really with is going on?

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:tears: Well. That's it.

I have no idea how they are going to do this. Ep 19 almost done but not yet filming Ep 20. In some ways I feel thankful that there were no extensions.

It's not only TMTETS which is affected, apparently the other networks as well.

Don't forget - no drama = no advertisers = no money.

This is one of the times I bemoan the Korean Live Shooting system. If this was not the case, all the episodes would have been completed by now so airing it will not be a problem.

At least I hope our actors and crew can have some well deserved rest and come back fresher than before. I am sure that they know that we wholeheartedly love the drama and will patiently wait for their return.

PS. I wonder how weird it is to hear the news that the production was given a large amount of money to congratulate them on their ratings but this can still happen... :wacko:

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I am still hoping that they at least air one episode. I don't believe that the PD will abandon the drama, it is the same as THE CAPTAIN ABANDONING HIS SHIP.

Using a high rating drama for their leverage is a wise move on their part but aren't they going to be liable for the damages incurred particularly by the drama producer?? I don't want to go deeper into technicalities but one thing is sure... WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE CRAZY FOR ANOTHER WEEK OF WAITING!!! tears.gifcrazy.giftears.gif

True, they may be breaking all sort of contracts if they dont finish the drama!

I have faith that the drama will have its final ...hwaiting!

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Guest toho81

Well MBC better not be dumb. They should know they need to pay all sorts of money if they don't get the drama done. Mbc has already sold the drama rights to 7 countries

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Wae! Wae! Wae! mad.gifwhy are you doing this to us MBC, Pdnim and whoever the dramagods  tears.gif are in charge of this... chebal...chebal give us moon sun tears.gif you can't keep us hanging like this...if you need 1 week we will give it to you just please give us our ending...sad.gif tears.gif vicx.gif

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Guest lollyshoe

sigh, whoever is the main cause of the strike better do something about himself, i heard it was the mbc president.

i think using our viewership and love and garner media attention when you go on strike now is strategic, but EVIL. 

truly, i get that you want your money, or some guy ousted. and it tells me how much love you have for this drama. 

head pd, you have shown your responsibility when you tweet about updates and apologies about mistakes, so on that account, i'll go softer on you. please finish whatever business you have, hope someone will yield in this strike, and you faster return to the filming set. 

i hope mbc doesnt thrown in some maknae pd and continue filming, you know the quality is going to be affected. i rather a week of specials and come back next week with a grand finale that was shot to what it was supposed to be with no rush. i'm sure the loyal supporters can wait at least at that long ...

sigh .... MBC Y U LIKE THAT??????? argh.

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I dont know but I find this very arrogant and selfish of the PD and the other ones. I mean it just sounds like they think: Man, we hit it, we did it, we got it. They sure got big ratings but dont they know this will affect the show? We as viewers will see Kim Soo Hyun instead of Hwon. For someone as populair as him I understand he has a full schedule but cant he forsake something for the fans? After all its because of US that he gains so much attention. Why being arrogant?

The last 2 eps are kinda ruined for me, its sad to say that...but I really hate it that the PD doesnt think of us viewers.

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Guest Starlitelet

First off, I'm so surprised that they might not actually air the last two episodes. I was waiting to see how they were going to patch up things? I only came to know of this today. I hope everything works out well in the end.

Dear my dearest MoonSun friends, million thanks for wishes and prayers! Love *quoted image*! [Owh, btw, it's our first *quoted image*]

Just want to share some thoughts. 

First, people were skeptical why KSH is the lead, not JIW, since well, JIW has more successful dramas under his belt and definitely larger fanbase.

[but KSH proves that he IS the owner of Hwon's character and JIW definitely shines as Yang Myung]

Yes, I agree with you. A lot of people were complaining about JIW not being the lead. Though, they both own in their roles at the moment. KSH definitely shines here. I've never seen him in any other projects before, but his acting skills are actually on par with some of the more experienced actors out there. I truly believe his acting capabilities are beyond his years.

I've always admired JIW in 49 days. So the cast was already good for me on the get-go.

Impression vs Reality score = 0-1

Second, HGI's selection as the female lead caused national headlines :: Nuna is too old for young King. Nuna is not a sageuk queen. It should be Moon Chae Woon. It should be Moon Geun Young.

[Despite criticism, hands down, she is one the most beautiful crowned princesses sageuk dramas have ever seen and to many, she delivers the job as brilliant as KSH does. And she's sooo NOT looking 30. And I don't think neither 2 Moons above can match her. At least not as Yeon Woo]

I don't think anyone can argue that she's a beauty. She's definitely a natural beauty and I love her presence. One of the prettiest crowned princesses in sageuks in my mind too. I don't think she looks too old for the role at all. In fact, what drew me to TMTETS originally was HGI, despite the fact that she's not the best actress. I always liked her though (still do). Nonetheless, I'd be bias/turning a blind eye to say that her acting job here delivers. This is probably her weakest role up-to-date IMO. It really shows in TMTETS. Perhaps, because she's surrounded by younger/less-experienced actors who shine. She's TOO wooden and she looks uncomfortable.

And that's right. I think MCW or MGY would have done a better job. Their eyes can express more emotion.

Impression vs Reality score = 0-1

Third, MoonSun storyline is full of loopholes. Especially the romance part. The Princess' Man is better.

[i was an active member at TPM thread. Love the show. Great love story. Re-watch the drama twice. But do I make comparison between these 2? Absolutely not. It's like comparing Disney's Cinderella & Sleeping Beauty. Do people do that? No. Coz both cartoons have their own charm, own sets of stories. And yes, people love both. Watch both too. TPM and TMETS, for me, are special in their own way. So yes, I don't compare]

It's kind of hard not to compare the two when both came out almost one after the other. And it'd be a lie to say that it's impossible to compare the two. Yes, it depends on your type of genre/ preference. Though, there's no valid excuse in not being able to deliver in the execution of plotline/character developments/acting. Those are just a few examples. What I mean essentially is that when you break each literature of entertainment down, they need to excel in their components. For example, a movie/drama has to have a good beginning/middle/ending despite it being a rom-com/thriller/action.

In general, yes it would appeal to certain people since both dramas give off a different feel/charm. Though, every story has the same gist of elements that they need to execute properly ... no matter the genre.


Comparison Required vs Heck! Don't Compare score = 0-1

Fourth, again MoonSun storyline is full of loopholes. What's with the ding-dong about extension? YM's character is draggy. Yeom is wasted. What the heck Shaman Mommy is doing? The only beautiful standby-der is Woon. And yes, why I don't feel chemistry between KSH & HGI?

[Well, hubby always said, for every perfect picture, there's always flaws. That's what makes them perfect. For me, this drama leaves a warm feeling. Touches many hearts. Brings out new perspectives about love. It is perfect until today. Despite many flaws people have mentioned. Imagine if it was done another way around? And suddenly that another way around is wayyyy sucker than what it is now. Will we pray to turn back time? I'd say, when things are already perfect, don't hope for more. Just hope for it to last until the end. Haish. The rating is 51.6% for goodness sake.]

I join in with those complaints that people have been making! Though, I don't feel the need to be negative, since TMTETS fans are already distraught over the last two episodes. But, once again it's a matter of preference.

Also, it depends on how much flaw an individual can take in. Everyone has a limitation in terms of faults/flaws when it comes to K-dramas. I'm not a very patient person, so that should give you an idea.

And you're right. We should appreciate what they've given us, since if we were to look at TMTETS as a standalone drama, it's much better than others that are currently airing. Though, a 51.6% rating? Seriously? Like, honestly? The only reason why I'm saying people are blinded by TMTETS's faults is because it's gotten raving reviews when it has more holes than others. Dramas cannot only be based on people's preference/emotional level intake. You have to break them down into components too.

Besides, the ratings are only from Korea (if I'm not mistaken). People on webs or from different countries might think differently.

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I dont know but I find this very arrogant and selfish of the PD and the other ones. I mean it just sounds like they think: Man, we hit it, we did it, we got it. They sure got big ratings but dont they know this will affect the show? We as viewers will see Kim Soo Hyun instead of Hwon. For someone as populair as him I understand he has a full schedule but cant he forsake something for the fans? After all its because of US that he gains so much attention. Why being arrogant?

The last 2 eps are kinda ruined for me, its sad to say that...but I really hate it that the PD doesnt think of us viewers.

that's true, but u have to look at it from the PD's point of view too.

Whatever the MBC president is doing, the MBC employees do not agree, and it is affecting them in a very negative way.

It first started out with the reporters going on strike and one by one, people started to join.

It's not fair for the MBC president to not care about the employees because he has these popular dramas right now, earning all the fame and money, keeping him at his place.

there was an article i read where 48 out of 51 drama producers decided to join the strike. 48 out of 51.

That's a HUGE number.

And these producers are enjoying the fame and wanting to make people happy, but how can they make people happy, when they themselves are NOT happy?

As much as I hate this strike for ruining the streak of the drama, I support the PD completely.

He didn't do this just to spite viewers. He's doing it to send out a message about the corruption in the company that's making all the profit from this drama. If PDs are willingly giving up their popular shows, there is A HUGE problem here, and not just the problem with the viewers missing out on their favorite shows.

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