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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest cyonink

So here we are waiting for another week to pass in order to finally be able to watch the last two episodes. Another whole week? This is too cruel! But at least we have good news, the Pd has returned to the set, meaning that at least now we are certaing that next week we will have our grand finalle delivered.

Bad news came one after another for me relating TMTETS firt I find out that Seol might get killed so no chance for Woon/Seol romance (not that was ever any but a girl can hope) and than the news that I've waited patiently a week for nothing and that I'll have to wait another one to the these darn 2 last episodes. People have pity on our poor souls and give us at least a preview.

Taking into account my frustration at yesterday's delay news, my neurons decided to keep me awake last night till I've finished my Woon/Seol MV. It is done in one night so I cannot say its my best MV ever but I do hope that Woon/Seol shippers will like it.


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PD Kim Doh Hoon returns to filming of moonsun

SunNMoon FB

해를 품은 달 Update : PD-nim Kim Doo Hoon returns to filming of SunNMoon. KDH returns to the location for the remaining episode 19 and 20 filming at 3 AM Today. It was because of the commitment of lead actors Han Ga IN , Kim Soo Hyun and Jung Il Woo for their CFs, ADs and movie promotion of HGI, that extending the filming will be not feasible.


3 AM ??? waowww ... what scene filming that early ?

anywayyy .. no complaints here ... keep going .. :w00t:

please stay healthy ;)

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First of all, congratulations Azuwaza unnie! Glad to have you back, and with the good news! Take care of yourself and the baby hehe.. :D

Second of all, what is this with the MBC strike, and the last two episodes will be postponed???? AAAAAAAAARGH what am I going to do? crazy.gif I've been waiting like crazy to watch the ending but I have to wait another week? Oh well, I guess it can't be helped.. tears.gif On a positive note, I can work on my thesis without any distraction from super sexy Hwon TMTETS :lol:

I can see that some people still debating about HGI's acting bla bla bla.. Well, why don't we just enjoy this moment until the end? Or maybe, discuss another thing? I don't know if anyone have posted about this, but I realized that Hwon uses a different speech level after his reunion with YW! I don't speak Korean, but from years of listening to K-pop and watching K-drama, and also from blue's explanation about Korean speech level (thanks a lot Blue!), I can tell that Hwon change his speech level with YW. Young Hwon spoke in haerache towards young YW. Adult Hwon also spoke in haerache towards Wol. But after Hwon realized that Wol is YW, he changed it and use haoche to speak with YW. (To be exact, after Hwon and YM's duel, and Hwon went back to his quarter, he asked YW if she's respite, if she's brought here without her consent, in haoche!)

I was confused at first when I realized this. Why did Hwon use haoche? The only time I heard Hwon uses haoche is when he speaks to BK or BK's father. I cross-checked with Dong Yi, and it turns out that King Sukjong also speaks in haoche towards his queens (Queen Inhyeon, Jang Hee-bin when she used to be queen, and the 3rd queen whose name I can't remember :lol: ) According to Blue's explanation, haoche is used to address someone in the same rank as yourself or lower, with a moderate degree of respect or politeness. From these observations, I conclude that Joseon's kings used haoche to address the queens. We know that YW is the rightful queen because she was chosen as the crown princess. I think that's why Hwon changed his speech level, because he considers YW as his rightful queen. :wub:

Maybe someone with better understanding in Korean could explain this? Thanks before! :)

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I can tell that Hwon change his speech level with YW. Young Hwon spoke in haerache towards young YW. Adult Hwon also spoke in haerache towards Wol. But after Hwon realized that Wol is YW, he changed it and use haoche to speak with YW. (To be exact, after Hwon and YM's duel, and Hwon went back to his quarter, he asked YW if she's respite, if she's brought here without her consent, in haoche!)

I was confused at first when I realized this. Why did Hwon use haoche? The only time I heard Hwon uses haoche is when he speaks to BK or BK's father. I cross-checked with Dong Yi, and it turns out that King Sukjong also speaks in haoche towards his queens (Queen Inhyeon, Jang Hee-bin when she used to be queen, and the 3rd queen whose name I can't remember :lol: ) According to Blue's explanation, haoche is used to address someone in the same rank as yourself or lower, with a moderate degree of respect or politeness. From these observations, I conclude that Joseon's kings used haoche to address the queens. We know that YW is the rightful queen because she was chosen as the crown princess. I think that's why Hwon changed his speech level, because he considers YW as his rightful queen. :wub:

Maybe someone with better understanding in Korean could explain this? Thanks before! :)

waaa :w00t: thaaank you for explaining this ... i speak no Korean at all ... so didnt notice the change of speech ..

this is a very interesting info ... thaaaank youuu :lol:

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Guest Callan

Many people mistakenly believe that they have the right to critic a drama but to all these self appointed critics, I would like to say buzz off. It's ok if you criticize on the drama alone (character, dialogue, script etc) but please refrain from personal attacks on the actors themselves. Imagine yourself in their position! These so called critics sound as if they are out for blood! so late in the drama, they are still at it. What do they want the actors to do? Withdraw and be irresponsible or just go kill themselves? Ratings are good for this drama so the actors can carry on with pride but when the ratings are low as in other dramas, the actors still have to slog on with low morale and they don't get any thanks either from anyone. So to all these people who love to criticize, do so with some consideration. Don't just pour cold water on someone else's enjoyment, better still, remember the old sayings, if you have nothing good to say, then don't say at all and nobody would say you are dumb if you don't say anything at all. And to all those who can't stand HGI's acting but who say they love the drama, how on earth do you do it? Do you skip all her scenes?

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PD Kim Do Hoon Returned to Continue Filming on Night of March 6th

Source : http://asian-drama.org

The PD of MBC hit drama The Moon Embracing the Sun who participated in the strike has been revealed to return to the filming set on the evening of March 6th, 2012.

An official involved in the filming of The Moon Embracing the Sun said, “After the filming on the 6th was canceled as director joined the strike, he contacted late at night to start shooting at dawn on the 7th.”

In this regard, an official of production company Pan Entertainment also told Donga Sports through a photo call on March 7th, 2012, “PD Kim Do Hoon returned to join the filming set on the night of March 6th, 2012.”

Since the night of March 6th, 2012, PD Kim Doh has started to shoot main scenes of episode 20 with Kim Soo Hyun, Han Ga In and other lead actors in Yangju film set. On the morning of March 7th, 2012, the PD Kim was also confirmed to direct the filming of The Moon Embracing the Sun at Yongin film set.

PD Kim Doh Hoon returned to the filming set not even one day after announcing his intention to participate in the strike was due to big problem with the scheduling of the actors.

Most of the main actors in The Moon that Embraces the Sun have scheduled to participate in CF or next project after the end of the series. Thus, if the scheduled activities been pushed behind due to the delay of the filming caused by the strike, will inevitable cause great loss.

It’s learned that the actors complained to the production company and TV station about the possible loss under the situation where shooting was stopped and the resume of broadcast was unknown due to strike, and requested them to come up with a solution.

An official of TV station said, “It’s reported that PD Kim Do Hon decided to return to the shooting scene for the actors after some puzzling over the matter.

In this regard, an official of MBC union said, “It does not mean not joining the strike. There is only 2 episodes remaining for The Moon Embracing the Sun, the postponement of a week is enough to show the message of the union. PD Kim Do Hoon will rejoin the strike after ending the shooting.”

With the PD Kim Doh Hoon returned to shooting, the likelihood for the normal broadcast of last 2 episodes of The Moon Embracing that Sun that was canceled this week on next week (March 14 and 15th) increased.

The senior official of MBC TV series department said, “There is only 2 episodes left to the end. Depending on situation, the decision will be made about the broadcast next week.”

Meanwhile, weekend drama God of War, Feast of the Gods, daily drama Just Like Today whose PD also went on strike on March 6th, 2012 have seen replacement PDs for continuing shooting.

via Sports Donga

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Guest pansy


haixx... So many difficulties with

Lee Hwon & Yeon Woo love story, not in the film but also with the airing...

Don't say that we viewers must wait for 8 years more to reunite with TMETS and

see the happy ending!

How can we can do like King Hwon who kept pure love in such a long time? :P

just wanna share this funny post from asia drama ... :P bwahahahaa

i'm laughing so hard reading that *bwahahaha* waiting 8 yearsssss !!!

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But I realized that Hwon uses a different speech level after his reunion with YW! I don't speak Korean, but from years of listening to K-pop and watching K-drama, and also from blue's explanation about Korean speech level (thanks a lot Blue!), I can tell that Hwon change his speech level with YW. Young Hwon spoke in haerache towards young YW. Adult Hwon also spoke in haerache towards Wol. But after Hwon realized that Wol is YW, he changed it and use haoche to speak with YW. (To be exact, after Hwon and YM's duel, and Hwon went back to his quarter, he asked YW if she's respite, if she's brought here without her consent, in haoche!)

I was confused at first when I realized this. Why did Hwon use haoche? The only time I heard Hwon uses haoche is when he speaks to BK or BK's father. I cross-checked with Dong Yi, and it turns out that King Sukjong also speaks in haoche towards his queens (Queen Inhyeon, Jang Hee-bin when she used to be queen, and the 3rd queen whose name I can't remember  :lol: ) According to Blue's explanation, haoche is used to address someone in the same rank as yourself or lower, with a moderate degree of respect or politeness. From these observations, I conclude that Joseon's kings used haoche to address the queens. We know that YW is the rightful queen because she was chosen as the crown princess. I think that's why Hwon changed his speech level, because he considers YW as his rightful queen. :wub:

Maybe someone with better understanding in Korean could explain this? Thanks before!  :)

Seriously, if you are saying that you do not speak Hangul but you can detect and realize the change of speech pattern...than I have just one word for you AWESOME!! you definitely have an ear for linguistic....or... you really, really spend way to much time listening and watching K dramas and music...hahahahahaw00t.gif

WOW... to know that he changed speech pattern from haerache to haoche ..again just amazing. Do you know how it changes?What is added or subtracted. Just for somebody who is totally deaf and dumb about hangul. wink.gif 

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According to Blue's explanation, haoche is used to address someone in the same rank as yourself or lower, with a moderate degree of respect or politeness. From these observations, I conclude that Joseon's kings used haoche to address the queens. We know that YW is the rightful queen because she was chosen as the crown princess. I think that's why Hwon changed his speech level, because he considers YW as his rightful queen. :wub:

Maybe someone with better understanding in Korean could explain this? Thanks before! :)

how about when YW speak to Hwon ... did she change too ?

the special is airing now ... i think they added some deleted scenes :D

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What a difference no episode makes.... *looks at the soompiers reading this topic*

Well, there is some hope left now that the PD has returned to the set. Did anyone see the photo of JIW at the movie premiere? He looks so unhappy and it's the first time I have not seen him smile.

I just want the actors and crew to know that we are keeping the faith! It's unfortunate that this had to happen near the end. No one could have predicted this to happen and I don't blame the actors as well because they have other commitments. It would have been better to state that there would be no extensions early one. I did feel that the middle was beginnng to drag a little until Wol got her memory back.

The policy of either extending or cutting a drama is really bad. It puts pressure on the screenwriter to add more scenes (when there is an extension) or revise the script (when the drama is doing badly). On top of that, the actors have to learn their lines in such short notice! If you watched the Ep 16 BTS, you could see NY trying to remember the words to use when she was talking to Hwon about the possibility of magic used in YW's death. Sageuk speak is not easy!

PS. Salista - I am going to watch the episodes again to hear the difference :lol:

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why no episode this week???????????*quoted image**quoted image*

i really excited to watch last episode at home since internet speed is very good yet i'm disappointed!!! *quoted image* *quoted image*

very sad!!! feel like crying!!!!

Hahaha! you made me laugh all TMTETS fans knew that MBC  is not airing the 2 final episodes this Wed and Thurs, PD went on union strike as for your internet speed is fast because not many fans click into MBC site.

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Seriously, if you are saying that you do not speak Hangul but you can detect and realize the change of speech pattern...than I have just one word for you AWESOME!! you definitely have an ear for linguistic....or... you really, really spend way to much time listening and watching K dramas and music...hahahahaha*quoted image*

WOW... to know that he changed speech pattern from haerache to haoche ..again just amazing. Do you know how it changes?What is added or subtracted. Just for somebody who is totally deaf and dumb about hangul. *quoted image* 

More like I spend way, way, TOO MUCH time listening to K-pop music! :lol: I do like learning foreign languages, it's so fascinating to me. :) Thanks btw hehe.. The difference between the speech levels is what the phrases end with. Haerache ends with 'da' or 'neunya?', while haoche ends with 'o'.

how about when YW speak to Hwon ... did she change too ?

the special is airing now ... i think they added some deleted scenes :D

As for YW, no, she didn't change her speech level, because she's talking to the King. Everyone uses hasoseoche or hapsyoche when speaking to a King or other royals.

You can read about Korean speech levels here: Korean language and culture series: Honorifics cr: Blue

The explanation is very understandable to us non-Korean speakers, and there are some example videos from K-dramas as well. :)

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waaa :w00t: thaaank you for explaining this ... i speak no Korean at all ... so didnt notice the change of speech ..

this is a very interesting info ... thaaaank youuu  :lol:

Me too :w00t: I don't speak korean.. so no different on that... thanks for the explanation:rolleyes:

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Guest rei157

hi to all moonsunners ^^ *wave*

looks like need another week of torture waiting for the finale :mellow: been waiting restlessly that i didn't manage to do any homework :sweatingbullets:

so there's no special episode tonight? they really just re-broadcast episode 1??? :o

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