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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest Summer150721

anyeong uniie azuwaza163....

        i'm a new member here just got active with TMET's forum... i've been reading ur past post here & im very entertained with your conversation at you husband it seems that both of you have a really strong relationship, btw congratulations on your pregnancy take care of you baby :) & you also.. take care of your health. welcome again.. coz im always reading ur post. ive been missing you for a couple of days... seems dis forum is always asking of u where very entertained with you & your husband, this will be our last episode in TMET's hopefully to see you guys again in other drama rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif biggrin.giftongue.gif laugh.giflaugh.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

lots of love for you guys.....wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

P.S. Anyeong~ mr. azuwaza163 take care of mrs. azuwaza163 since your having another baby... :) take care take care..  thanks for the fun and happy post of your conversation.. hopefully to see you both in the next drama :)

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Guest lollyshoe

heh. congrats to a certain beloved couple, and thanks for their commentary on episode 17. good job to the hubby, sigh, i would have much appreciated if i didnt get the spoilers, and episode 17 would have been epic not knowing what was going to happen..

anyway, with two episodes left, please give us all the perfect resolution..

the evil clan begone, no lingering sparks for potential danger thanks...

seol and woon :D

yangmyung please stay alive ....

the countinuation of ultra sweet king!!!

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Chukae Azuwaza unnie! so exciting!

We all missed you here! Looking forward to more spazzing together on wed=)

I realised that the thread has a weekly cycle: spazzing on tues onwards when preview is out, ,more spazzing and helpful posting of spoilers on wed and thurs, commentary plot and character analysis on thurs, fri and weekend. Come Monday, it's "where is the written/video preview!!!"...and so on. 

It's been a great run everyone!! last round this week... i can't believe it!

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Sorry for the long silence (7 days seems long eh?). Hee.Spoiler And I wasn’t able to type (Lappie-grounded was enforced by hubby tongue2.gif), but once in a while I got my Soompi dose. Thread’s moving so fast! I’m catching up,reading all posts. OMG I’m turtle egg missing you guys! Love love love wub.gif! And for those who misses us, candies for you! Here some out-of-date convos sweatingbullets.gif. Expired to some. Heeee~~~

w00t.gif Really? Seriously? OMGOSH, how exciting! Congratulations to you both! biggrin.gif

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Sorry for the long silence (7 days seems long eh?). Hee.

I was hospitalized since Tuesday last week. For a very good reason. We're 2 months pregnant! Wee! And I didn't know I am. And since I had 2 miscarriages before, doctor wanted to monitor my condition for few days. Few days my nose! Ya! It’s 1 week!

And I wasn’t able to type (Lappie-grounded was enforced by hubby *quoted image*), but once in a while I got my Soompi dose. Thread’s moving so fast! I’m catching up,reading all posts. OMG I’m turtle egg missing you guys! Love love love *quoted image*! And for those who misses us, candies for you! Here some out-of-date convos *quoted image*. Expired to some. Heeee~~~

Bogoshipta sis!


Your baby will have an unofficial 700+ godparents... hehehhe!


Still no preview.... :tears:

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Besides waiting for Moon Sun drama I also look forward to hearing your lovely conversation with your hubby about the drama! So sweet!!! :D:D

Please take good care of yourself and the baby!

Ohhh, two eps to go, it's really sad to say goodbye soon to the drama. But it cant be helped.

Cant wait to know the ending!

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Guest arathegreat

I'm not saying that criticisms are not good.

I just hate that some are mentioning the same rants every week.

Anyway, it's just my opinion.

Question: What's the spoiler all about? I've seen the article about the spoiler related for this week's episode?

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Sorry for the long silence (7 days seems long eh?). Hee.

I was hospitalized since Tuesday last week. For a very good reason. We're 2 months pregnant! Wee! And I didn't know I am. And since I had 2 miscarriages before, doctor wanted to monitor my condition for few days. Few days my nose! Ya! It’s 1 week!

And I wasn’t able to type (Lappie-grounded was enforced by hubby *quoted image*), but once in a while I got my Soompi dose. Thread’s moving so fast! I’m catching up,reading all posts. OMG I’m turtle egg missing you guys! Love love love *quoted image*! And for those who misses us, candies for you! Here some out-of-date convos *quoted image*. Expired to some. Heeee~~~

Owh and yes, as usual, maybe unsuitable for kid’s reading pleasure. PG15 alert.  Fringging looonggg *quoted image*. Feel free to skip.

Ep 17 Updates

Date 29/02/2012 (Waa! I didn’t realise it is a leap year!)

Before IT happened. Time: 3.00pm

Me :: Am I still grounded? It's Wednesday. MoonSun day. I need my phone back. Preview for tonight must be up already.

Hubby :: Ok. But behave. Don't jump up & down like a monkey and scream like a duck.

Me :: Duck? Seriously?

Hubby :: What? Duck is a noisy animal.

Me :: You're funny. Just give me my phone already.

Hubby :: Promise first. No jumping and screaming.

Me :: What's wrong with you? Are you hiding something from me?

Hubby :: You know what? Let's be adventurous. Screw the spoilers & previews. How about we just watch tonight epi? It's only few hours away. You can stand being MoonSun-less for 2 days, another few hours won’t kill you.

Me :: OMG! Don't tell me...

Hubby :: What?

Me :: Did you watch the preview for tonight's ep behind my back?

Hubby :: Erk?

Me :: Did you or did you not?

Hubby :: What makes you think I did?

Me :: OMG! You did, didn't you?  Yaaa! 2 days I'm on sickbed, entertainment-less, in pain, you sneaked around behind my back enjoying yourself? Aaa... Cheap! Turtle egg cheap.

Hubby :: Shhh! People will think I’m cheating on you or something.

Me :: You ARE!

Hubby :: I might’ve took a little peek. But trust me. It is better to watch preview-less. TRUST me. There’s a reason why I didn’t let you see the preview.Just wait ok? Please?

Me :: Aaaa.. Why are you doing this to me? Wae?

Hubby :: It’s for the best. Trust me.

1 hour during IT happened

Time :: 8.55 pm local time

Streaming :: Solive

Level of Korean Understanding :: Me – Beginner , Hubby – Disabled

Time :: Min 2.05 (Refer to Hanrel release)

Me :: Yes! Yes! Hwon called her name. OMG OMG! She turned around! Here we go. Kyaa! Nervous! Chinca!

Hubby :: Keep it down. We’re at hospital.

Me :: Aaaa! Mwoya! Why only hug? Kiss her lahh!!

Hubby ::Quiet. Cannot kiss yet. Crooks are coming.

Me :: Stupid crooks. Chinca wrong timing!

Time:: Min 27.16

Hubby :: Hiding a lover in your closet? Wow. Nice move.

Me :: Kya!! Cute!! He’s like “Come closer. Come closerer. Aaa. WTH. Screw people. I wanna hug you”. But wae hugging only? Wae Hwon?

Hubby :: Babe. There are 6 pairs of eyes watching. Kings don’t kiss in public. And do you think King wanted his first kiss to be witnessed by so many people? Reunion should be private. Now be quiet and watch.

Me :: Bluek! Eh wait! You actually count how many eyes?

Hubby :: There’s the funny green guy, Woon and 4 maids. So total 6 pairs.

Me :: You’re a detail freak.

Hubby :: What? It’s not like I can understand what they’re saying. I’m a Korean –babo remember?

Me :: Okay! They left. Line is clear. Kiss now! Chebal!

(Scene changed to Hwon walking and talking to Evil Yoon)

Me :: Eh? Aaaa!!

Hubby :: Epic-fail-kissing. Two and counting. Kekekekeke.

Me :: Yaaa!

Time :: Min 32.50

Me :: Heeeee. Next-door-neighbour convo. Sweet.

Hubby :: What did he say?

Me :: What are you reading, did you not boring, something like that.Eh? Ya Hwon! Why so cute? Aaa~~

Hubby :: What is it so cute about carrying a table?

Me :: Shh.


Me :: Oh jeez..OMG OMG! They kissed! Kissing happening! Aaaa!! OMG OMG!!

Hubby :: More like he kissed? Or a stolen kiss? Does that count as kissing? Coz she’s like as frozen as stone?

Me :: Ya! There’s no need to be so technical. She’s just couldn’t believe it. You know. Shocked. And she didn’t resist it. Whatever. Lips touching, hence, it’s a valid kissing. Let me enjoy this moment. Kya!! Yes!! Yes!! Now,can I say it?

Hubby :: Be my guest.


Hubby :: Happy?

Me :: Very.

Hubby :: Let’s continue watching.

Time :: Min 50.00 onwards

Me :: Aaaa.. So hard to understand. What are they talking about? Not telling earlier? Queen? Aaa.. I hate to be a Korean-handicapped.

Hubby :: I'm not.

Me :: Shut up.

Hubby :: Shutting up now. Kekekeke.

Me :: Awww. Moon embraces the sun hairpins! Why there's two? Aaa.. Don't cry YW~~

Hubby :: They always have matching outfits. Crews really know how to make beautiful screens.

Me :: Oh my. Don't tell me...

Hubby :: Yerp. It is.

Me :: Ooooooo jeezzzz...

Hubby :: Ouch ouch. Don't pinch too hard. 

Me :: Kya!!!! OMG!! Can't breathe. Oooooomaiigaddddddd!!! Aaaaa!!!!! Can I say it now?

Hubby :: You may.

Me :: EAT THAT SUCKER!!!!! Chinca EPIC!! This is daebak!! Yeay!!

Hubby :: Kissing duration = 35 secs. Thank you director. I can now sleep with peace.

Me :: Best kissing ever!

Hubby :: Now please go to sleep before the nurse chase you out. I will download the ep for you later.

Me :: Heee....

Hubby :: Stop smiling. Sleep. Now.

Me :: Ok.

To be continued...

Congratulation to you and hubby, really missed you, sooo glad to hear about your "Bundle of Joy"!!!

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Guest cuour

So many people are disappointing about the drama so they're starting watching The Princess' Man. It's like TMTEMS is helping TPM gaining more fans (my posts were deleted before because I was voicing my opinion, I wonder for how long this post would "survive").

I wonder if remaining 2 episodes will be solid enough to reverse all the criticism. So far Kim Soo Hyun is the only reason why I still watch it. He's just too good even if the show isn't. I wanted to watch it because of Jung Il Woo too, but his character is just so badly written.

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Guest toho81

So many people are disappointing about the drama so they're starting watching The Princess' Man. It's like TMTEMS is helping TPM gaining more fans (my posts were deleted before because I was voicing my opinion, I wonder for how long this post would "survive").

I wonder if remaining 2 episodes will be solid enough to reverse all the criticism. So far Kim Soo Hyun is the only reason why I still watch it. He's just too good even if the show isn't. I wanted to watch it because of Jung Il Woo too, but his character is just so badly written.

His character might have been poorly written but his acting of this character is still great.

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The princess man and TMETS are really not comparable.. The actors in TPM were more mature and the writers had a really great script(plus it was based on real life) I find when Art imitates life Art/(actors and script, directors) usually gives the viewers a powerhouse performance.The reason I think that is true is because actors can find a real life experience to to draw on as well as the viewing audience. In my mind TPM actors gave stronger performance but I still like TMETS.They both have great qualities.I watch dramas to enjoy the experience I really don't like to pick apart the show unless it is REALLY bad ... like A thousand stinky kisses. lol RUN don't walk away from that drama.!!!

[Edit] Plus it is not always the actors that make a drama/comedy flop it can be the script how it was edited the director many things. So let's give these actors and all the people involved in this drama KUDOS for, at the very least creating an enjoyable/memorable experience that causes so many viewers to comment on it good and bad. This is just one fan's opinion,

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