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[Drama 2012] Take Care of Us, Captain 부탁해요, 캡틴


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Hi, ebulli3nt! Thank you for starting the thread.

As I was reading the first post I realized that the 3 main leads of TAKE CARE OF US, CAPTAIN all worked in the past with my one and only Jo Hyun Jae - Ji Jin Hee in LOVE LETTER, Lee Chun Hee in ONLY YOU, and our pretty Gu Hye Sun in SEODONGYO. :)

Looking forward to this drama, especially to beautiful Hye Sun's performance! Btw, she's rocking that pilot's uniform!


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"Take Care of Us, Captain" Ji Jin-Hee Becomes a Photographer



Ji Jin-hee became a photographer in Australia.

Taking on the role of

Kim Yoon-seong in the new SBS drama "Take Care of Us, Captain", debuting on the 4th of January, Ji Jin-hee took pictures of a newly wedded couple on site in early November.

This scene was taken at Harbor Bridge in Australia and it is of

Ji Jin-hee taking wedding pictures of a flying instructor. He is showing a pose very much like a real photographer rather than a set up.

With a past career as an advertisement photographer, he led the scene  like a real photographer, telling the Austrailian couple how to pose and such. People say it's hard to tell if it's real or a scene for the drama.

Credits: Newsen + HanCinema

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who 's GHS love interest in this story? when will this air?

Goo Hye's Sun main love interest in the drama will be Ji Jin Hee although she will also form a love triangle with Lee Chun Hee. "Take Care of Us, Captain" will air on January 4, 2012 after "Tree with Deep Roots" ends.

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Shots from Take Care of Us, Captain... credit to Chio-Mexico for the article and cheerkoo for the translation @ GHS soompi

'부탁해요 캡틴' 구혜선, 졸업식 장면 위해 '분수대에 첨벙'=PCAP GHS, Fountain Splash for the Graduation Scene

기사입력 2011-11-24 11:05:5


SBS 새 수목극 '부탁해요 캡틴'의 구혜선이 물에 빠지는 열연을 펼쳤다.

극 중 구혜선은 일에 대한 열정과 패기, 긍정적인 마인드를 지닌 비행 부조종사 한다진역을 맡았다. 그런 그녀가 최근 극 중 샌프란시스코의 항공학교 졸업식 세리모니로 물에 빠지게 된 것.

Brief sum about PCAP drama(we all heard it many times) and GHS carrying out the graduation scene when her character graduates from San Francisco pilot school.

이 촬영은 지난 17일 진행된 극 중 항공학교(Redbaron Airline Academy of San Francisco)의 분수대에서 진행됐다. This filming took place on Nov 17th at the water fountain.

감독의 큐사인이 떨어지자 보조출연자들은 구혜선의 팔과 다리를 잡은 체 대운동장을 달리다가 "하나, 둘, 셋"이라는 구령과 함께 그녀를 분수대에 빠뜨렸다. 구혜선은 기뻐하는 모습을 연출하기 위해 연신 웃음 지었고, 마지막에 전화받는 설정까지 단번에 끝내 제작진뿐만 아니라 모여 있던 학생들에게 박수갈채를 받았다.

Everybody-the staff and the supporting casts as well as the students surrounding the area--all gave GHS applause as she was able to finish that scene (being carried to the fountain and being thrown into it and to the point of anwering her phone all with correct emotions and movements) in one single shot!

'부탁해요 캡틴'의 주동민 PD는 "구혜선씨가 호주 촬영 당시에도 길거리에서 스태프들과 어울리면서 식사를 하는가 하면 직접 무거운 짐도 옮기는 적극적인 모습을 선보여 모두들 그녀를 좋아하게 됐다"며 "이번에도 추운 날씨였지만 좋은 영상, 좋은 드라마를 위해 적극적으로 물에 빠져준 그녀에게 정말 고맙다"고 전했다. Dirctor Joo DongMin talks about GHS: "Even while we were in Australia, GHS easily got along with the whole staff, enjoying meals with them along the streets and even carrying heavy loads along with the staff. She is active and positive that everybody likes her. The weather today was cold but I really appreciate that she was very positive (not a complaint) in having herself thrown into the water."

한편 '뿌리깊은 나무' 후속으로 내년 1월 4일 첫 방송 되는 '부탁해요 캡틴'은 열정과 패기를 지닌 여성 부조종사가 파일럿으로 성장하는 과정을 그린 휴머니즘 드라마로 '순결한 당신', '당신의 천국'의 주동민 PD가 메가폰을 잡았다. Dir Joo have directed "Pure-Hearted Darling" and "Darling's Heaven" in the past. PCAP is a drama with humanism. Starts Jan4th on SBS.


SBS 제공.

화보로 보는 뉴스, 스마트폰으로 즐기는 ‘OSEN 포토뉴스’ ☞ 앱 다운 바로가기 [Copyright ⓒ 한국 최고의 스포츠 엔터테인먼트 전문 미디어 OSEN(www.osen.co.kr) 제보및 보도자료 osenstar@osen.co.kr 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

Hi Suuniez


‘부탁해요 캡틴’ 구혜선, 분수대에 빠진 사연?입력 2011-11-24 10:38:04

 ‘ 20111124porfavorcapitan.jpg

SBS 새 수목드라마 ‘부탁해요 캡틴’(극본 정나명, 연출 주동민)의 제복미녀 구혜선이 물에 빠지는 열연을 펼쳐 화제다.

2012년 1월 4일 첫방송되는 ‘부탁해요 캡틴’은 열정과 패기를 지닌 여성 부조종사가 파일럿으로 성장하는 과정을 그린 따뜻한 시선으로 담은 휴머니즘 드라마로 ‘순결한 당신’,‘당신의 천국’의 주동민PD, 그리고 정나명 작가가 힘을 합쳤다.

드라마에서 구혜선은 일에 대한 열정과 패기, 그리고 배려심이 많고 긍정적인 마인드를 지닌 비행 부조종사 한다진역을 맡았다. 그런 그녀가 최근 극중 샌프란시스코의 항공학교 졸업식에서 수석졸업장을 받은 뒤 세러머니를 하다가 물에 빠지게 된 것. Explains the PCAP and how GHS fell into the water for the scene.

이 촬영은 지난 11월 17일 진행된 극중 항공학교(Redbaron Airline Academy of Sanfrancisco)의 졸업식 후 분수대에서 진행되었다.

촬영시 보조출연자들은 구혜선의 팔과 다리를 잡은 체 대운동장을 달리다가 ‘하나, 둘, 셋!’이라는 구령과 함께 그녀를 분수대에 빠뜨렸다. 물이 차갑긴 했지만, 그녀는 기뻐하는 모습을 위해 연신 얼굴에 웃음지었고, 마지막에 전화받는 설정까지 단 번에 촬영을 끝내 제작진뿐만 아니라 모여있던 학생들에게 박수갈채를 받았다. The info about GHS carrying her out role from the beginning to end with positive emotions even though the water was cold and then getting applause from everyone.

주동민PD는 “구혜선씨가 호주 촬영 당시에도 길거리에서 스태프들과 어울리면서 식사를 하는 가 하면 직접 무거운 짐도 옮기는 적극적인 모습을 선보여 모두들 그녀를 더 좋아하게 되었다”며 “이번에도 추운날씨였지만 좋은 영상, 좋은 드라마를 위해 적극적으로 물에 빠져준 그녀에게 정말 고맙다”고 전했다.

이처럼 열정과 패기를 지닌 여성 부조종사가 파일럿으로 성장하는 휴머니즘드라마 ‘부탁해요 캡틴’은 구혜선 이외에도 지진희, 유선, 이천희, 서승현, 션리차드, 김진근 등이 출연해 열연을 펼친다. 한편, 구혜선의 항공학교 졸업식에서 분수대에 빠지는 장면은 2012년 1월 4일 첫방송에 공개되면서 눈길을 모을 예정이다.

The graduaiton scene along with GHS falling into the water fountain will be shown on the first episode on Jan. 4th. Other actors are JiJinHee, YuSun, Lee ChunHee, Suh SeungHyun, Seon Richard, Kim JinGeun, etc.

사진제공ㅣSBS 동아닷컴 조유경 기자 polaris27@donga.com DongAh.com's Reporter JoYooGyung 


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Guest eunhye05

Hi Please Captain fans.

Here are additional english translations for the articles earlier. :) Looks like GHS is having so much FUN!


Ku Hye Sun, nicknamed as ‘the beauty in uniform,’ fell into water in SBS TV’s Please, Captain (written by Jung Na Myung and directed by Joo Dong Min).

In Please, Captain, a new aviation drama, Ku plays the role of Han Da Jin, a co-pilot who has passion and spirit for her work and is always considerate and positive.

After shooting the scene of Han graduating from Redbaron Airline Academy of San Francisco on November 17, Ku continued to film another scene of her falling into water during a ceremony after receiving a summa cum laude certificate.

With a director’s cue sign, all extras held Ku’s arms and legs, ran through a field, and finally threw her into a fountain after counting, “One, two, three!”

One of the crew said, “The water was cold but Ku Hye Sun had to keep smiling to play Han who enjoys the moment. The scene ends as she answers the phone, and she completed the whole scene without making any mistakes so received applause from the crew members including the students who were there.”

Director Joo Dong Min said, “Ku Hye Sun had meals with all crew members and got along with them when we were in Australia for shooting and even showed an enthusiastic attitude by personally moving heavy loads. So we came to like her more. This time, as well. The water was cold but we really appreciate that she enthusiastically fell into the water to make a better scene, a better drama.”

Please, Captain is a heartwarming humanistic drama about a female co-pilot with passion and spirit growing up as a captain. It is made in collaboration with director Joo Dong Min of Innocent You and writer Jung Na Myung.

Besides Ku Hye Sun, Ji Jin Hee, Yoo Sun, Lee Chun Hee, Seo Seung Hyun, Shawn Richard, and Kim Jin Keun are cast in this drama. It will start airing from January 4, 2012, after Deep Rooted Tree.




Actress Ku Hye Sun recently completed her first flight for a TV series.

Ku flew to Australia to shoot SBS’s Wednesday-Thursda series Please Captain. She plays the role of a female copilot named Han Da Jin.

She boarded a Cessna, which is designed for test flights, and flew in the sky for the first time.

In reality, a real pilot was flying the plane but camera angles made it look like she was flying. Ku sat in the cockpit and pretended like she was the one who was flying the plane. A camera was installed inside the Cessna and a helicopter followed the plane to shoot Ku’s flying scene as well.

Since the scene was shot the day after her birthday, she looked very happy. She said, “It feels like a special birthday present for me.” In the pictures, which were taken on the set and recently released, Ku looks so excited about her first flight.

Besides Ku, Ji Jin Hee, Lee Chun Hee, and Yoo Sun will also appear on the series. The series will start airing on January 4 after the current series A Deep-rooted Tree.

Source: TV Report

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Ji Jin-Hee's Transformation into a Uniform-Wearing Pilot




Ji Jin-hee transformed into a pilot wearing a uniform.

Ji Jin-hee takes on the role of pilot captain Kim Yoon-seong in the SBS drama special "Take Care of Us, Captain". The drama started shooting on the 31st of October and he has been in Australia showing off his pilot's uniform.

He has shed his kind image from "

Dong Yi" and is about to display some thorough and strict charisma.

He wears a poker face and doesn't lose his cool in any situation but on the inside he's actually very warm and humane.

Ji Jin-hee has been focusing hard on turning himself into Kim Yoon-seong. The first episode comes on the 4th of January.

Source: HanCinema

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Guest hyesun4lyf

Dramabeans just posted an article (click here) on Ji JinHee for PCAP.


Sooo looking forward to this drama next year.  The stills we have seen so far give the drama the feeling of polished and high quality  look.  Now we just have to wait for the script to see if it matches up to the stills they have released so far.

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Guest hyesun4lyf


Here are some PCAP stills posted from GHS' thread:


Cre natali @ GHS thread

And here's the article related to it as translated by webby from GHS' thread:

GHS and Ji Jin hee looks unexpectedly compatible in their fairy-tale like secret date in Australia.

GHS and Ji Jin hee happily enjoyed their fairy-tale like date in Australia.  Recently the filming stills of SBS new Wed-Thurs drama, 'PLease captain' in Australia has been released. GHS and JJH are enjoying their hamburger date in the fairy-tale like beautiful background.

Filming took place in a farming village in Australia regarding a scene where in order to convince someone, Yoon Sung (played by JJH)arrives with some hamburgers while Han da jin (played by GHS) was waiting thoughtlessly in front of the house and they spend some time together. Although Yoon sung is cold and calm on the exterior, and hides his worries and thoughtfulness about da jin, the scene shows the warmhearted side to him.

GHS was munching on the hamburger with her cheeks full, showing the cheerful and cute side of her character. It makes people wonder how GHS, who has frequently played 'candy-like' (cheerful & positive) characters will interpret han da jin. 

 It will air on Jan 4, 2012 following 'tree with deep roots'.

Cre http://www.newsen.co...12020923241001/

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Guest Asty_84

  Hi All

I have been silent reader on this thread.

I would like to share PLEASE CAPTAIN TRAILER cr Bambie

The trailer looks really cool. I can not wait for the drama

Please captain fighting!!!

Screencaps shoot
















See you all again next time :)

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Guest jyhsarang

Hi All

I have been silent reader on this thread.

I would like to share PLEASE CAPTAIN TRAILER cr Bambie

The trailer looks really cool. I can not wait for the drama

Please captain fighting!!!

See you all again next time :)

asty thank you for the link of the trailer :rolleyes:

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Guest hyesun4lyf

Thanks a bunch 

wub.gifwub.gifbiggrin.gif Asty_84!!!  Can't wait for this drama to air.  It's looking very cinematic.  I'm impressed.

Dramabeans seems invested in this drama.  I'm crossing my fingers that they will do a recap on every episodes.  Here is another article about PCAP and its regarding the guest star for the pilot episode:

Jung Kyeo-woon cameos on Captain as a top star

by javabeans | December 7, 2011 


Jung Kyeo-woon took a little time off from his own drama schedule (he’s currently filming the series History of the Salaryman) to cameo for a different SBS drama, Take Care of Us, Captain.

Apparently Jung has ties to several of the stars in the drama’s regular cast: He is currently repped by the same agency as leading men Ji Jin-hee (playing a pilot) and Lee Chun-hee(an air traffic controller), and was previously at the same agency as Yoo Sun (a flight attendant).

He’s pictured with the latter in these stills, since she serves the flight Jung takes in his brief guest appearance. He’s playing a top star — you can tell from the sunglasses — and the flight takes him to San Francisco. Hm, does that mean he’ll cross paths with rookie pilot Gu Hye-sun, then, she of the “Redbaron flight academy of sanfrancisco“?

Jung’s cameo will come in the drama’s first episode, which airs on January 4.



Cre as posted

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