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Halloween Costumes!

Guest animeluverX

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I'm going to be a waitress from Merlotte's (it's a True Blood thing :unsure: ).

































































































































































































































































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Halloween is on a Monday, but if i do end up dressing up...i wanna dress up as peter pan from the 2003 film 

































































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Guest hollow
















































Well, if my friend follows through, maybe a teletubby x_x (which I don't want to do)









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Guest hishari
















My friend hooked me up with a Raggedy Ann costume :)













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minnie mouse
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for halloween this year ! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kitty_N










Hmm... well, I was thinking about being Ryan Gosling's character in Drive (but my boyfriend doesn't like that idea lol!). On the other hand, I just want to wear a ridiculously big poofy victorian dress so I was thinking to do just that with a masquerade mask. Now all I need to do is find a fancy ball in which I can dress like this.


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Guest xoxo_sdbib
















































My friends and I are planning to do a group thing; we might do something involving different colours, like a bunch of Skittles.









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Guest Kpopbyuls
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wanna to go as t ara from bo beep or something like that.does anyone know how to make ears and a tail?

































































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Guest fantasymage
































































































































































































































































































I was going to be a plague doctor but the whole set would cost me over a hundred dollars. The essential part, the mask, itself makes up most of the total cost. Making my own mask is cheaper but I do not have time to do that nor do I trust my lack of experience at this point.

































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i was going to be red riding hood, so xcited, but i just ordered my costume from Victoria's Secret - Sexy little Devil. That thing is intense!! but i'm wearing it to a rave so yeah. not going to scare children. =D









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Guest shururu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm gonna be Sadako/Samara from The Ring. xP
































































































































































































































































































































Easy costume to make and it's easy recognized!

































































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Guest efaye926
























A peacock. original!



























LOL!  you made me laugh out loud.... lol lol...
















I want to say an astronaut or a firefighter but I obviously lack creatively as I've been wanting to dress up as a maid... ^^;









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I plan on being a police officer, but I might change my mind. In all honesty, I just know that I want to wear a leather dress. Others ideas included a dominatrix (immediately shot down by my boyfriend) and a cat (too unoriginal even for me).



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Guest cindayyxoxo
























































I'm so excited for Halloween this year! ^__^ but I'm still not sure what I'm gonna be.. :( but still excited! :D









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Sexy zombie soldier ;)

















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