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Halloween Costumes!

Guest animeluverX

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Guest animeluverX












post all halloween costumes here-merged topics
What are you going to be for halloween?

share ideas!




i'm thinkin about a kitty cat. i'm gonna try to make my costume too~ <img src="http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />





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Guest checkckbebe














@ the disney store they have these cute "Cars" suits that you can wear.. i think im going to be a Car :D



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Guest renzu_oni
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































evr seen those sumo suits? i wanna try that one but i dunno where to get it. :)

































































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Guest rinimeatballs
































































































































































































































im thinking of being a school girl...cause ive already got most of the things for that. but ill be like a DEAD school girl with blood fun fun fun

































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Guest reverie_
























school girl or geisha :]
















hmm maybe the geisha is too
















last year?





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Im thinking of being "V" From V for Vendetta, but i don't know if i can find the Guy Fawks mask.but other than that everything else is easy to find for my costume XD Man, i really loved that movie. It's my new favourite movie XD I hope to make the costume look atleast something like this:


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Guest LamB.ch0pz






LOL! i feel like such a kid! ohhhh..lemme seee.. i was thinking of bieng a hooker..eh but i wanna be a frilly christmas present!



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i wanna be CHARMANDER!!
















Too bad I can't find a charmander for like, adult sizes lol









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aww ^ that's really cute. i don't plan on going out, but i always scare the neighbourhood kids hanging out candy LOL :x i think im gonna just be bruised up



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my friends and i are thinking of cosplaying anime chars ^^
































or maybe i'll be a piece of sushi or something

















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Guest Vanessa728



I want to be something dark or creepy/scary. Ahaha. But then again, Im planning to pass out candy for part of the time. And I dont want to scare any kids who will be trick-and-treating at my house.


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Well at the moment a pirate! i always overdue these things and show up to school wit to much spirit. Got to be to scare the 9ers lol XD


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Guest animeluverX





LOL! i feel like such a kid! ohhhh..lemme seee.. i was thinking of bieng a hooker..eh but i wanna be a frilly christmas present!




oh the christmas present sounds like a good idea! and it's easy to do.. :phew: hehehe





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Guest Daisyblu89



I want to be those old time Chinese girls with those beautiful clothing and hair, but one problem, it's going ot be hard to walk and move because everyone will be stepping all over the costume since it does drag and has a lot of layers/frills stuffs.

If not that, I want to be a hobo!! ^.^ It's easier cheap, and I can blend in on the streets asking for candy, though I know no one will give me candy.


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battie : Being "V" from "V for Vendetta" would be awesome =D
















I wanted to be a geisha at first... but all the makeup would take so long >_<
















I also thought about being a prison inmate (ie: Lil Kim at the VMAs lol) but my mom and dad were mad.









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Guest Jasmine<3


we already got the skirts! so excitedd =P hehe ... im such a loser. i was like " IWANNA BE FOOKMI!!"// i thought it sounded cuter. she was like.. " OKAY>!!!".


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