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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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angels_natdylax05 said: class="blog_h2 entry-title"Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Kang So Ra release unbroadcast episode of We Got Married

MBC’s We Got Married 3 will release unbroadcast episodes of the show on their official website regularly.

On September 4, iMBC announced that they will release one unbroadcast episode of the show each week and pictures that were taken on the set twice a month.

An official for the broadcast station says, “Each unbroadcast episode of the show has received 20 million hits at the most and 470,000 hits in average in each month. We started releasing pictures, which were taken on the set, on August 31.”

In the unbroadcast episode of the show, which was released on September 3, Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Kang So Ra interviewed each other while cooking together.

The show, in which Yoon Se Ah and Julien Kang couple and Secret’s Han Seon Hwa and ZE:A’s Hwang Kwang Hee couple started appearing, airs every Saturday at 5:15 in the afternoon.

credit: en.korea.com

"On September 4, iMBC announced that they will release one unbroadcast episode of the show each week and pictures that were taken on the set twice a month." I don't know whether it's true or not but even this week is their last episode, I think we could still lingering around watching unaired episodes..means TEUKSO is not done yet and there's more to come...

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shymaldita28 said Sorry @lhej, but he did not delete his tweet.. Then does it mean that his tweet last night was referring to Sora... @special1004 Toy i liked the best.. And my great grandmother that I liked the best..^^ That kid~~ really~~ hand~~some!!!^^ keke I am missing many people these days. Is fall coming....I’m not working out today~~^^ Please go back home early!!!..

@shymaldita28 sorry, my bad if that was the case. I was relying on Google Chrome Auto translate and this is its translation: 

Lee Teuk special1004

My great-grandmother was my favorite My favorite toy was ... .. ^ ^ high THEM ~ ~ Oh well ~ Unknown ~ ~ ~ ~ you've got!! ^ ^ ㅋ ㅋ people lately too Gee, I miss ~ autumn MAN: It might ? ...pic.twitter.com / qCJRPfxH

It was a separate tweet when I read it this morning but after Sora tweeted that she's back, I checked Teuk's tweets and that message was deleted. So I checked other websites to confirm if I just misread it or I was just being delusional. I was right I did read the right message.

120903 Leeteuk Twitter Update: I’m not working out today~~^^

September 3, 2012 at 3:05 pm | Posted in Cyworld/Fancafe/UFO/TwitterLeeteukWonderboys | 2 Comments 

Related Post: 120903 Leeteuk Twitter Update: I have to get the part I filmed separately for my personal collection ㅋㅋ

120903 Leeteuk Twitter Update: My angel E.L.F!!!!

120903 Leeteuk Twitter Update: her name is teuksuni ~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

); background-color: rgb(227, 245, 254); padding: 5px 20px 30px; margin: 1em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', 'Bitstream Vera Serif', Utopia, 'Times New Roman', times, serif; font-size: medium; line-height: normal; background-position: 0% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">

@special1004: I’m not working out today~~^^ Please go back home early!!!

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Guest k_craze

I forgot the word 'tied' and glad u get it and glad u shared so that @mywebfoot finally get my 'ribbon' point, or is she just acting innocent :-? LOL.

where u want it tie is up to our own 'dusty' imagination. :-\" viyra said: k_craze said: mywebfoot said: I think we can give them a new name. Twitter Couple.
I think that Teukie actually does follow Sora, just not with @special1004. Their tweets are coming pretty close and consistent with each other. It would be a good way to hide his following her, because it is not possible to sift through Sora's thousands of followers and find the one that might be him.  From experience I can say that when one partner comes home from a long trip, regular routines get thrown into the wind just so you can start making up for lost time. I'm pretty sure his impulsive skipping of gym time has a lot to do with Sora being home.
Gosh, so cute. I can feel my mood lifting already. Who needs WGM when these two carry on being cute in real life?

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Guest malonowa

Just imagine if we saw Sora getting hurt on her forehead in the swimming episode.
Do you think Teuk kissed the boo-boo better?

@mywebfoot Thank you for a lovely fanfic again, the sweetness was almost tangible.

What? I missed an opportunitiy for "dusty" talk!  Aish 

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Guest mywebfoot

malonowa said: Just imagine if we saw Sora getting hurt on her forehead in the swimming episode.
Do you think Teuk kissed the boo-boo better?

@mywebfoot Thank you for a lovely fanfic again, the sweetness was almost tangible.

What? I missed an opportunitiy for "dusty" talk!  Aish 

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Guest malonowa

mywebfoot said:
@malonowa thanks dear. Yes you missed @k_craze and @viyra suggesting things that made innocent little ole me blush. :D Nope I have no idea where to put the ribbon at all.... I don't even know what it means when Teukie has size 75 feet, not 60 as Sora claimed. :)) was I the only one giggling at that whole conversation at the pool?

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Guest k_craze

@angels_natdylax05 Thanks for sharing info, I would prefer MBC to release the unbroadcast episodes week by week so that after Lee Teuk left for military, Sora can still see her boyfriend when he is uncontactable for the first 5 or 6 weeks due to training. And we can see them too so their temporary separation will not be hard for us to bear.

@thenewbie28 that is another great pic u shared, long time ago someone shared their baby photo and the babies are really cute.

@hyunbinlover thank you for putting the subs in the video, if I am proficient in tweet I will join u but I still havent figure it out, that is how techie I am.

Ahem! @mywebfoot, sorry if our 'dusty' talk corrupt your innocent mind :)) no wonder no matter how I wait your fanfic is still on pure romance level, ;;)

@malonowa, never too late to start another dusty topics, our imagination is as far as our delusional mind brings us.

Gosh! I AM SERIOUSLY ON ADRENALI! Should I make another neon light post.

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Guest pinnavinna

This forum really such a happy and positive place. even when there would be sad moment coming up this weekend, but somehow you all guys come together to keep this place warm and still fill with laugh *bow to you all*
eventough i still feel so sad with the circumstances that would come, but somehow reading a few page back,could release a little sadness in me.
Suddenly i remember how silly our DC goes when they have role play. my favourite part is : in the furniture shop, where sora pretends to become drunk woman, try to seduce the officer. and the best part is when she said " let's go outside and investigate"  we clearly could see that LT couldn't stand with sora charm, especially when she did aegyo, he fall so easily on her ...i'm gonna miss that a lot like a lot lot lot  :(

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Hi everyone! I've been spazzing these FACTS on twitter since last night with fellow FDs/TSLs when Teuk keep tweeting and let me tell you, even ELF is surprise on how Teukie is been on the roll last night with 6 tweets in a day. So lets go to each tweet and lets go through the FACTS:-
Tweet #1
@special1004: I have to get the part I filmed separately for my personal collection ㅋㅋ Where did all those that I did go ㅋㅋㅋ cr: sup3rjunior.com
This tweet is posted by teukie an hour after the unseen cut being posted on imbc website. So,all FDs, TSLs, DCLs and even ELF fanbases are saying that he is referring to the his filming tape/scenes from WGM which he wanted to collect from MBC and make it as his personal collection. My thinking: Why suddenly he's so attached to it until he need to keep all the filmed parts (including the cut scenes) for himself? Beautiful memoir with his girlfriend? ;)
Tweet #2
@special1004How are U?…^^ My angel E.L.F!!!! cr: sup3rjunior.com
He tweeted in english in the afternoon/evening after the starking recording. The one where he announced that he had filmed their last episode for WGM which should be aired this weekend. My thinking: why "U" in caps? Isn't Sora also an ELF right? An Angel too? kkkkk~
Tweet #3
@special1004My younger sibling sent me a photo of herself while she was receiving a massage^^her name is teuksuni ~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ http://t.co/p3D4gmjs cr: sup3rjunior.com
He tweeted the first selca for the day and he went for spa. My thinking: Preparing for the best look? For who? kkkk~
Tweet #4
@special1004: I’m not working out today~~^^ Please go back home early!!! cr: sup3rjunior.com
He tweeted this to tell his fans/saesang fans not to wait outside their dorms/gym as they always do. My thinking: Why? are you planning for something tonight? Something suspicious is going on...
Tweet #5

@siwon407 I’m not (exercising) too. We’re together^^@special1004 ㅋㅋ

cr: sup3rjunior.com

Siwon tweeted, giving the alibi for Teukie ;)

@special1004 We’re doing this ㅋㅋㅋ playing basketball ㅋㅋㅋ

cr: sup3rjunior.com

Teukie posted 2nd selca of the day with Siwon drinking juice at Kona Bean. Well, they really didnt go to exercise because they went for basketball at that time and went to kona bean at around 1am. after the basketball ^^

@Himsenkangin@siwon407 We played basketball together but only two of you drank juice

cr: sup3rjunior.com

Kangin tweeted about his frustration when his hyung and his dongseang went for drink without him. 

My thinking: this 3 suspicious man is tweeting at almost the same time last night. Something seems suspicious much.. Seems like they are on the roll for something.. ;) Twitterland FDs were suspecting that Sora is coming back today and if we're right, she should be arrived at around 3.50am or 4.25am depending on the flight she's taking from LA.

This is the flight info from LA to Incheon that i found from internet

Depart        Arrive     Fr - To                         Carrier
12:20 am→ 5:00 am LAX-ICN M T W T F S S Asiana 203
1:00 pm → 5:50 pm LAX-ICN M T W T F S S Korean Air 18
1:40 pm → 6:10 pm LAX-ICN M T W T F S S Asiana 201
1:45 pm → 6:25 pm LAX-ICN - T - T - S S Thai 693
11:30 pm→ 3:50 am LAX-ICN - - - - F S S Korean Air 12
11:30 pm→ 4:10 am LAX-ICN M T W T - - - Korean Air 12
11:50 pm→ 4:25 am LAX-ICN - T - T - S - Korean Air 62

Tweet #6
@special1004 Toy i liked the best.. And my great grandmother that I liked the best..^^ That kid~~ really~~ hand~~some!!!^^ keke I am missing many people these days. Is fall coming?http://pic.twitter.com/qCJRPfxH cr: sup3rjunior.com
This is his last tweet last night at around 3.30 AM KST. He tweeted about "MISSING MANY PEOPLE THESE DAYS". And FDs started to spazz again (well not many FDs left since its late night -_-") but yessss... 
My thinking: its like confirming that he's actually waiting for Sora to come back! What is he doing still staying up at that time? But again, twitterland FDs decided to keep low a bit until we see Sora tweet to confirm our thoughts (if she will be) this morning.

Kang So-ra ‏@reveramess

한국 오니 가을이 다 됐다... 다시 열심히 일해야지!

 [Trans]I have returned to Korea and found out that Autumn has come...I have to work hard again!

cr: @hanyi

Sora tweeted this tweet at around 12pm KST!!! So its confirmed that she's back today!!! Its like confirming our suspicion of why Teukie and his dongseangs is on the roll last night and why Teuk is tweeted at 3am KST! Both of them also tweeted about fall/autumn. I can't help to think that he's waiting for his baby princess to came back from LA. Most probably he's fetching her at the airport? Remember Boom said he bought a van lately? (even though this is not confirmed) but their actions and tweets are confirming our suspicion! ahaha...

FDs, i'm feeling like hugging everybody here now. Muahs to all of you!!

and about the recording, seems like they are recording their last episode on 21-23rd. Thats the only time where both of them seems away from twitterland and other activities too ;)


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Guest k_craze

pinnavinna said: This forum really such a happy and positive place. even when there would be sad moment coming up this weekend, but somehow you all guys come together to keep this place warm and still fill with laugh *bow to you all*
eventough i still feel so sad with the circumstances that would come, but somehow reading a few page back,could release a little sadness in me.
Suddenly i remember how silly our DC goes when they have role play. my favourite part is : in the furniture shop, where sora pretends to become drunk woman, try to seduce the officer. and the best part is when she said " let's go outside and investigate"  we clearly could see that LT couldn't stand with sora charm, especially when she did aegyo, he fall so easily on her ...i'm gonna miss that a lot like a lot lot lot  :(

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Guest pinnavinna

@k_craze keep spazzing... i'll follow your lead ;)

ni matter how sad i would become, i never have a plan to leave this forum. please keep feed me the dimplesional mind you all have, even the craziest one :D

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Guest malonowa

k_craze said: yeah, that is one of their best time. Sora was always indirect before the strike, giving hints to her yet boyfriend, like when LT asked Sora abt skins hip after they visited fortune teller and Sora replied that she doesn't mind kissing but not in front of camera. Then after 4 months absence, maybe SM shared some tips to her that she decided that discreet hints did not work with Lee Teuk that she became more bold, more direct in her affection for him.

@viyra, that is right our mind is ours, we believe what we want to believe, we post what we want to post, no one can tell us otherwise. And I m preparing my fingers to spazzing this forum when DC is no more. So do you think I am doing a good job practicing to spazz thus far ;;)

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witeku said: Hi everyone! I've been spazzing these FACTS on twitter since last night with fellow FDs/TSLs when Teuk keep tweeting and let me tell you, even ELF is surprise on how Teukie is been on the roll last night with 6 tweets in a day. So lets go to each tweet and lets go through the FACTS:-
Tweet #1
@special1004: I have to get the part I filmed separately for my personal collection ㅋㅋ Where did all those that I did go ㅋㅋㅋ cr: sup3rjunior.com
This tweet is posted by teukie an hour after the unseen cut being posted on imbc website. So,all FDs, TSLs, DCLs and even ELF fanbases are saying that he is referring to the his filming tape/scenes from WGM which he wanted to collect from MBC and make it as his personal collection. My thinking: Why suddenly he's so attached to it until he need to keep all the filmed parts (including the cut scenes) for himself? Beautiful memoir with his girlfriend? ;)
Tweet #2
@special1004How are U?…^^ My angel E.L.F!!!! cr: sup3rjunior.com
He tweeted in english in the afternoon/evening after the starking recording. The one where he announced that he had filmed their last episode for WGM which should be aired this weekend. My thinking: why "U" in caps? Isn't Sora also an ELF right? An Angel too? kkkkk~
Tweet #3
@special1004My younger sibling sent me a photo of herself while she was receiving a massage^^her name is teuksuni ~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ http://t.co/p3D4gmjs cr: sup3rjunior.com
He tweeted the first selca for the day and he went for spa. My thinking: Preparing for the best look? For who? kkkk~
Tweet #4
@special1004: I’m not working out today~~^^ Please go back home early!!! cr: sup3rjunior.com
He tweeted this to tell his fans/saesang fans not to wait outside their dorms/gym as they always do. My thinking: Why? are you planning for something tonight? Something suspicious is going on...
Tweet #5

@siwon407 I’m not (exercising) too. We’re together^^@special1004 ㅋㅋ

cr: sup3rjunior.com

Siwon tweeted, giving the alibi for Teukie ;)

@special1004 We’re doing this ㅋㅋㅋ playing basketball ㅋㅋㅋ

cr: sup3rjunior.com

Teukie posted 2nd selca of the day with Siwon drinking juice at Kona Bean. Well, they really didnt go to exercise because they went for basketball at that time and went to kona bean at around 1am. after the basketball ^^

@Himsenkangin@siwon407 We played basketball together but only two of you drank juice

cr: sup3rjunior.com

Kangin tweeted about his frustration when his hyung and his dongseang went for drink without him. 

My thinking: this 3 suspicious man is tweeting at almost the same time last night. Something seems suspicious much.. Seems like they are on the roll for something.. ;) Twitterland FDs were suspecting that Sora is coming back today and if we're right, she should be arrived at around 3.50am or 4.25am depending on the flight she's taking from LA.

This is the flight info from LA to Incheon that i found from internet

Depart        Arrive     Fr - To                         Carrier
12:20 am→ 5:00 am LAX-ICN M T W T F S S Asiana 203
1:00 pm → 5:50 pm LAX-ICN M T W T F S S Korean Air 18
1:40 pm → 6:10 pm LAX-ICN M T W T F S S Asiana 201
1:45 pm → 6:25 pm LAX-ICN - T - T - S S Thai 693
11:30 pm→ 3:50 am LAX-ICN - - - - F S S Korean Air 12
11:30 pm→ 4:10 am LAX-ICN M T W T - - - Korean Air 12
11:50 pm→ 4:25 am LAX-ICN - T - T - S - Korean Air 62

Tweet #6
@special1004 Toy i liked the best.. And my great grandmother that I liked the best..^^ That kid~~ really~~ hand~~some!!!^^ keke I am missing many people these days. Is fall coming?http://pic.twitter.com/qCJRPfxH cr: sup3rjunior.com
This is his last tweet last night at around 3.30 AM KST. He tweeted about "MISSING MANY PEOPLE THESE DAYS". And FDs started to spazz again (well not many FDs left since its late night -_-") but yessss... 
My thinking: its like confirming that he's actually waiting for Sora to come back! What is he doing still staying up at that time? But again, twitterland FDs decided to keep low a bit until we see Sora tweet to confirm our thoughts (if she will be) this morning.

Kang So-ra ‏@reveramess

한국 오니 가을이 다 됐다... 다시 열심히 일해야지!

 [Trans]I have returned to Korea and found out that Autumn has come...I have to work hard again!

cr: @hanyi

Sora tweeted this tweet at around 12pm KST!!! So its confirmed that she's back today!!! Its like confirming our suspicion of why Teukie and his dongseangs is on the roll last night and why Teuk is tweeted at 3am KST! Both of them also tweeted about fall/autumn. I can't help to think that he's waiting for his baby princess to came back from LA. Most probably he's fetching her at the airport? Remember Boom said he bought a van lately? (even though this is not confirmed) but their actions and tweets are confirming our suspicion! ahaha...

FDs, i'm feeling like hugging everybody here now. Muahs to all of you!!

and about the recording, seems like they are recording their last episode on 21-23rd. Thats the only time where both of them seems away from twitterland and other activities too ;)

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Guest k_craze

Just remember I did not reply. The cake is really a mystery and I am so sad that no FDD is taking up the case :(

I am also curious abt the van comment on SH,I wonder why they always tease LT about his role n WGM, unless they know something is going on. thenewbie28 said:



This is weird.  I posted this picture yesterday and today I checked it wasn't in my post box.  So here goes again.

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Guest k_craze

malonowa said: k_craze said: yeah, that is one of their best time. Sora was always indirect before the strike, giving hints to her yet boyfriend, like when LT asked Sora abt skins hip after they visited fortune teller and Sora replied that she doesn't mind kissing but not in front of camera. Then after 4 months absence, maybe SM shared some tips to her that she decided that discreet hints did not work with Lee Teuk that she became more bold, more direct in her affection for him.

@viyra, that is right our mind is ours, we believe what we want to believe, we post what we want to post, no one can tell us otherwise. And I m preparing my fingers to spazzing this forum when DC is no more. So do you think I am doing a good job practicing to spazz thus far ;;)

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Guest thenewbie28

@luvkdramas its ok if you didn't have the evidence yet, since it happen around the blind date. so i think there's something going on with them :) remember during the blind date LT said that they have meet so many time" , kyuhyun reply  "so the person you were talking to over the phone that day" and eunhyuk also tease him "the time when you were leaving the dorm". we know the blind date was going after LT and SR become the MCs MBC year end (same day when SR gave the cake for SM's bday). so it makes a sense if SM said like that  :x
@k_craze dont be sad if FD haven't taking up this case (the cake) :) i hope MBC will release the celebration scene .
@chrysalis1110 wow daebak~ another V sign. chrysalis1110 said: 120904 LeeTeuk @ MBC Show Champion ♥



what all of these V signS about for the past week ?

I can't wait for Saturday ~ the announcement day ~ dating for real !!! yeahhh !!!

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