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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest mywebfoot

Wow, Dimple House has been given back? That IS quite the stab to my little shipping heart. Like @lallinachan I immediately got a full flashback of  the times they spent there. Too few. How many episodes did they film there? About 5? Yet I can't say the strike was a bad thing. In Sora's case I think there was some element of 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. I hope they got to say goodbye to it. 
On a more positive note, they haven't said goodbye to each other!!!! Here is a link. Won't tell you what it is, but I think it will make you all smile when you see these pictures all at the same time.

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lallinachan said: sorry double post^^;;

well @shymaldita and @azkii I'm not really sure, but the person who commented seemed pretty confident, I'm trying to verify if that is really DH or not... I'll let u know asap.
*crossing fingers*

OMG I'm sorry FD! I was wrong, I should have checked before giving false hopes, please forgive me ç__ç

here what I found: see? this is the same house from the picture (the one empty) just taken from the right. As you can see there is a grey wall just next the windows, with some tiny little windows in it. At the third floor the tiny wondow has just 2 lines of bricks up of itself, while at the second floor (the one in the "empty-house" picture) it has more lines of bricks.

if you check from the inside you can see the same same building is just in front of it (so DH is facing the street, as in the empty-house picture. But now try to check the grey wall, you'll se that the tiny window in it next to the house large ones can't be the window from the last upper floor, because it has more than two lines of bricks.

I'm sorry guys, I really hated this investigation... ç__ç
Dimple House is at the second floor and it is now empty.

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Guest felv1329

lallinachan said: malonowa said: @lallinachan

You did an amazing piece of detective work with the wish coupon.

My imagination has been very active with the idea of an unlimited supply of wishes for LT and strong uses for those coupons.
*sigh* Oh to be young and in love, I'm so envious of our DC.

Well FDs I wish you a lovely week ahead, and happy times for our DC.

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mywebfoot said: Wow, Dimple House has been given back? That IS quite the stab to my little shipping heart. Like @lallinachan I immediately got a full flashback of  the times they spent there. Too few. How many episodes did they film there? About 5? Yet I can't say the strike was a bad thing. In Sora's case I think there was some element of 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. I hope they got to say goodbye to it. 
On a more positive note, they haven't said goodbye to each other!!!! Here is a link. Won't tell you what it is, but I think it will make you all smile when you see these pictures all at the same time.

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I hate them for giving Dimple Couple soo little screen time :((
Why are they not giving the whole thing?? [-O<
Why only 7 minutes in the publish?? :-w
Whereas many photos of them in circulation but not publish ..
One week
I'm looking forward to this show but it was disappointing to MBC ..
publish much longer because I really love this couple
.. :x

Happy Dimple couple ♥

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@lalli - did anybody see the inside?  how do we know it is really empty?  is that why for the last few episodes, they have been meeting outside? 

Poor LeeTeuk and Kang Sora - are they being sabotaged?  why? 

never mind - let MBC/WGM do whatever they want - just like what I said, when DC leaves, no more WGM for me.  I am okay with memories of JoongBo and Dimple Couple - the best ever. 

No one can match the older woman-younger man JoongBo/Ssangchu couple (it is being copied now, right) - and no onecan match the MC genius and funny leader of a big group (with his Fighting Juniors) husband with a beautiful actress-model wife Dimple Couple (it is also being copied now, right?).  I don't like watching sequels - I want originality - and both JoongBo and Dimple Couple are originals in their own ways.

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MBC just released the unseen clips.  Watch it here:


 It takes some time to load the ad and the clip.  Be patient and the long blackout is normal.  You don't have to register before seeing the clip!


[Edit] Crossed post, sorry.  Teukie cooked pasta to thank his one-day manager Sora.  Before Teukie cook, Sora interviewed Chef Teuk happily.  The two types of pasta he made was actually the same he cooked for the Fighting Junior!  We hoped at that time he could made it for Sora and now our dream comes true!  Slowly, our sinceres wishes got answered. 

Let's make the number of views exceed all other clips.  Let's first target to make it 5,000 by same time tomorrow.  Can we do it?


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 Thank you so so much @Lhej & @Hanyi  :-bd
Now if only i could understand their conversation. Nevertheless, that short video made me so happy! I think MBC is trying to calm DC's fan down with pictures & short video. Thank you MBC for making us fans happy. Leeteuk is so charming when he's cooking. Sora is so lucky! :D

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Guest k_craze

I am refreshing the page the 2nd time. 

I love how Sora fanned her boyfriend while he cooked for her.

I love LT's anxious face while his girlfriend was trying out his skills.

I love Sora's aeyro (spelling) voice though I do not know what she is talking.

I thought I heard LT said "forever or whole life" again.

If it is impossible to record the clip and sub it, I would love the person to bits, if she can give us the dialogue so we can understand what they say.

The lovely thing of our couple is that they do not need a whole episode to create sparks, JUST 2.41 min and I TOTALLY CAN'T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE WORD THEY SAID, BUT I AM JUST AS HAPPY. That is their magic.

MBC please be guilty some more and give us another footage...ok wait THOU SHALL NOT BE GREEDY.

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I cannot hear to the clip in office so cannot do translation now.  Some good souls who are also ELFs shared one of the translations of the Dimple Couple's dialogue.


The number of views already exceeded 3766 at the time of this posting.  TeukSora fans are really jjang!  Daebak!



Not sure if you simply hit the replay button will count as a fresh viewing.  Suggest to go back to the content page first and view the DC clip unless you are sure repeat replaying will count.  Our bullets must be shot without missing.  Fighting!

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