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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Hi;) I'm a dimple couple fan^_^:) even ep.30 only 7 minutes but I'm happy then..cuz it better than none. I love the most is the hammock scene:) sooo cute.. And the cooking is funny too! Hahaha I love everything:) for the wish coupon I wish Tuek will use that to ask sora to be his gf^_^:') hahaha :D

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Guest dimplylovelove

This thread is really Awesome,:) I am really Enjoy reading all the posts about Tuekso couple^^ and our dimple couple is really sweet;)Waiting for engsub to come out and watch it again so my cheek will ascending to heaven again! Lol

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Super Junior Leeteuk to Announce Military Enlistment Date Next Week!? http://bit.ly/O3Luob

pic http://p.twimg.com/A1wKnvYCAAA13Ic.jpg


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sc_65f060f09495dbd3128a734661630ff1 said: Hi;) I'm a dimple couple fan^_^:) even ep.30 only 7 minutes but I'm happy then..cuz it better than none. I love the most is the hammock scene:) sooo cute.. And the cooking is funny too! Hahaha I love everything:) for the wish coupon I wish Tuek will use that to ask sora to be his gf^_^:') hahaha :D

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Hello FD's!
What a lively thread! Emotions are running high on most of us ...the way I look at it ....it only shows how most of us  really care and are truly  invested on our couple. We are all painfully aware that our DC's run in WGM is coming to an end....it is making most of us want to see more interactions even if they are silly or not funny or insignificant t because we know pretty soon that will be all that is left for us...Some of us decided to write furiously about how they feel, others decided to rationalize it....the way I look at  it.....there is no right or wrong way to express ourselves.....(because we are all different from each other)  and this forum is meant for everyone (who love our couple) to speak what and how they feel about them and the show....but like what @hanyi ,@mywebfoot and @viyra said ...there is a better way of looking at things and speaking our minds....and ultimately, hopefully we can all learn from what they said and make this forum flow smoother, make the discussions more interesting and keep this thread alive until the arrival of our twins. Because believe me FD's after the last episode most of us are probably going into some deep emotional turmoil and we need to rely on each other to pick each other up....so as early as now we need to learn  the different tools we can use to help each other go through the difficult times and I would like to think i can come to this forum when I am feeling the blues and have of you guys cheer me up the same way I will try to cheer you up when you need it.
@lallinachan, you seem to be doing well making yourself feel better without my help. Your gif's are some of my favorite scenes thanks.
The episode is so short I doubt you guys missed out anything. But no matter how short it is it only proved to us how well in sync these two are in almost everything despite their age difference. I like the fact that despite not knowing much about camping and the different equipments  used by campers, they managed to have fun learning about them like two playful kids. It showed us that they are both truly city dwellers and are clearly not cut out to live in the woods. The hammock scene was hilarious and like everyone else I am curious about what happened next after seeing Teukie placed his hand behind her back and then decided to lay down  with his arm stretched out as if preparing for Sora  to join him there. It is truly suspicious how that scene was cut afterwards. Like most of our detective FD's I am thinking there are a lot of intimate scenes not shown not just to protect their privacy but also meant not to disrupt the flow of progress of their relationship and the build up of  suspense on what will happen next. After all curiosity is the biggest form of advertisement.
@janettv , thanks for the link. We all know it is coming...and that it is almost here. How i wish that his wish for Sora to send him to the military will come true. I even have a scenario in my head where I have Sora shaving his head as he prepare for his enlistment after sharing their last meal prior to his entry....where Sora will give him the kiss  he so badly craves for  without Teukie using his wish coupon for it...instead he uses it to ask Sora to wait for him at the same gate two years later...And how I wish WGM will continue two years later with Sora waiting for him at the gate with open arms accompanied by his SUJU brothers!  There is nothing wrong in dreaming right?
FD's let us all keep the faith....and be the source of positive thoughts , dreams and hopes for each other ! Let us all keep up our spirits for the love of our DC! Let optimism win out because even though they only showed less than eight minutes...they filmed for almost eight hours and  their interaction is much longer and probably much sweeter  than what was shown. Let us hold each other up with the knowledge that  the show maybe ending but their beautiful story is just unfolding ,  let us keep our hopes alive in this thread  that in their own sweet time they will share with us the great news of their love and commitment and until then I will be a faithful DC follower and member of this wonderful thread.

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Guest mywebfoot

@janpyo Super super post.
Mywebfoot's fanfic trailer is out. ;)
It has kissingIt has laughingIt has our Dimple Couple being absolute dorks but incredibly lovable.
Working on it ... but I'm a tease. I won't release till I'm happy with it!! ;):))

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@special1004: Empty dorm~ There’s nothing to do.. But sleeping is such a waste~~ What shall I do?


*Go to America, we all know you miss her a lot ...


*Certainly this time you contact on the phone, but absent nearly a week....

I feel your ability sense no matter how you try to hide...

I am a woman and worried about her and waiting for her return

until reassured on her or news, such as my daughter loved her alot

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Guest xoxohappie

i'm on the same boat with all you irritated teukso, dc lovers.. man.. 7 minutes.. all i'm asking is that after all these 10 minutes, 7 minutes segments from the past two weeks.. they better make it up for their honeymoon and farewell.. leeteuk is gonna be gone for 2 yrs and sora doesn't have a drama or an everyday/everyweek variety show except for this one.. i'm truly gonna miss them! and this camping trip or the cooking for sora better not be the last of teukso..

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thank you @peishi0408 for the link..though yesterday I was upset on the airtime. I guess MBC has make up on the poor airtime and they are giving us the photos which were not shown yesterday..



Wow Leeteuk has tried the hammock with our Sora seeing her foot on the pictures and how Leeteuk smiles makes my heart totally happy.


 Our lovely wife Sora checking or nursing the bruises of Leeteuk...Sweet moments..



So sweet tying the hammock while LT hands is with our Sora..this has not been shown also ( I think so, positive thinking ) overload sweetness :)


I guess MBC PD are trying their best not to show too much sweetness of our couple in order to hide something from these two. The photos shown here says a lot of words that they are real couple 100%...Eventhough I was not able to post here for some reasons which I tried to forget. Since I am posting here not for those people who can hurt me here but because of our DC couple who have brought me here in this forum..


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Guest AnneDee07

i think it's true what many of our FDs said previously. MBC cut many scene which are sweet and romantic. just look at all the released pictures from the camping scene. actually, when LT falls few times when trying to get on the hammock, SR seems ignoring LT. but when i looked the these pictures, it was SR who put the handyplast (or whatever u may called it) to LT injured elbow. MBC, why do you have to cut all those scene?? arghhh! maybe MBC is giving them a private time along just for them to enjoy bonding time as a real couple. memories just for the two of them. So with that assumption i forgive you MBC =) here's are the pictures the are priceless. i suddenly have teary eyes just when i look at all these picture and imagining how they are going to cope with their farewell. they are just too sweet to be separated =( 

Sweet! please don't let them go separate way. they are just so well-matched~soompi3.jpg

see that? how happy LT when he's with SR? see how love can make you smile as bright as the sun and how it can make this guy's cheecks ascend to heaven? 

what are coincidence! @shymaldite28 and me choose the same photo and posted almost a similar thing. i hope you guys don't mind about this redundancy =)

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AnneDee07 said: i think it's true what many of our FDs said previously. MBC cut many scene which are sweet and romantic. just look at all the released pictures from the camping scene. actually, when LT falls few times when trying to get on the hammock, SR seems ignoring LT. but when i looked the these pictures, it was SR who put the handyplast (or whatever u may called it) to LT injured elbow. MBC, why do you have to cut all those scene?? arghhh! maybe MBC is giving them a private time along just for them to enjoy bonding time as a real couple. memories just for the two of them. So with that assumption i forgive you MBC =) here's are the pictures the are priceless. i suddenly have teary eyes just when i look at all these picture and imagining how they are going to cope with their farewell. they are just too sweet to be separated =( 

Sweet! please don't let them go separate way. they are just so well-matched~soompi3.jpg

see that? how happy LT when he's with SR? see how love can make you smile as bright as the sun and how it can make this guy's cheecks ascend to heaven? 

what are coincidence! @shymaldite28 and me choose the same photo and posted almost a similar thing. i hope you guys don't mind about this redundancy =)

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