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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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If the SUJU album comes out in 2 weeks they promote for a bit after that and he has to be there for the promotions.

So he's not enlisting anytime soon.

They were still on music shows when he first came on WGM so that is not an obstacle. Sora was very busy with her drama as well.

They tape usually one day a week so that shouldn't be an issue.

Anyway enlisting doesn't mean they can't see each other more. Leeteuk will get breaks and so on it's not prison LOL.

If he is not active duty even better he will have a 9 to 5 type job...lets wait and see ...It's always up in the air with facts for us because we have no inside


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Guest Keori

I haven't visit this thread lately...or hardly post at all. But I love Sora! And I like her chemistry with Leeteuk. So I'm super happy that they are gonna start shooting again. :)

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Guest luvallkorea

Let's count down to 16/6 every FD! Have a good week ahead!

Just noticed: Wondered how Teuk can carry different bags - left Taiwan's hotel with couple bag, reached airport with another one! Nonetheless, still handsome!

[Photos from www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com]


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Guest dewi23

First of all, I would like to Say Thanks The Whole DC Shipper here, You all help me to gain information, analysis, judgment, observation and all I need regarding TeukSora Couple.

Let me introduce myself first, I am Dewi from Indonesia and get addicted with WGM since Being Khuntorian. I need so long time to read soompi, watching fancams, reading throughout analysis before deciding to be Khuntorian. I never say that other couples are fake, NOT AT ALL, I swear. But, being shipper for me is very Big Deal because I will support them until the end and praying them to be together. And of course I don’t wanna be delusional and easy enough to hurt while I am shipping them. I am quite sure about this couple and Now, I am feeling like I need to be TeukSora Shipper^^

As for me, I am airen and will always be airen, but somehow being shipper for certain couple gives you strength, warm feeling and nice topic to discuss around. I see Big difference between season 1 (anbi, ant, joongbo, alshin) and season 3. In season 1, they involved and invest so much for their feeling. After that, some couples seems building wall or holding their selves not to get involve their feeling when considerate about the future itself.

I never doubt that season 1 is the real one of them, and I got this feeling when I watched Khuntorian and TeukSora. Once Again, I never say others are fake or Not Real-This is Just The Matter of Different Perspective and Feeling Acceptance of each Shipper-

I always big fan of Leader Teukie, and I claim Him as The Best Leader in Korea Group –Never can Beat Him For Me [it’s very subjective people-No Defense At All^^]- He’s amazing and always being hard-worker. I am following his variety show almost all [star King, Strong Heart, All Variety with His member, ISF, etc] and Finding that He’s very nice and kind person.

And so long after I take a break for WGM, I am trying to watch TeukSora, But I sense weird when reaching ep 11-12 [Christmas Episode],

1.      Is he ever losing control like this when he’s attending other shows?

2.      Ever he’s angry when Sungmin said ‘he always good with other women’?

3.      He’s so nervous throughout the show

4.      Look How Red His Face when he meets Sora in early scene

5.      Look his effort when covering his revealing secret date

6.      Look how he can finally find ‘Sora’s Hand’ and feeling it in details –And all of us know how month they are filming, it’s only 3 months-

7.      For me, the one who only has sincere feeling are able to feel the hand

8.      Look how he’s death worrying when Sora’s hurting her hand, and his slipped out words –Following by Misun Unni’s death Laugh- Honestly, I am also deathly burst into laugh here^^

9.      Our Leader is falling in Love I think

Then, the following episode is so much more proofing my suspicious,  I am still writing the summary of each episode when Teukie losing himself with Sora –I name it “Teukie’s In Love Project”-

By saying above, I am sure there’s something between them, I still can’t say they are dating but more on the early stage of learning, understanding, accepting, adjusting each other in order to being all comfortable and free to express their mutual affectionate feeling towards each other.

As for Sora, I need to discuss with my friend in this case, because I think I will be very subjective if I’m alone because she’s very new to me and I even don’t know anything about her. But one thing for sure, she’s not lying, she’s pure and honest for me. Can’t tell the reasons but You know, her facial expressions, her shyness, her honest words, her seriousness, all those convince me that she’s real here. And my friend said [she’s an angel-Teukie fan for death-I indeed persuade her to watch TeukSora to help me analyze Teukie] and she’s so surprised watching them, hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa-I’m so satisfied.

She said “Sora will always behave like this if she’s falling in love with someone, she can’t be fake or lying looking by her gestures and gazes” and about Teukie she said “How come he can be very different on other shows” and she questioned me back “Unni, Do you think there is something between them, Ottoke Unni?!!!!!”

Kekekekekeeeeeeee, I am happy to death Guys. But, still I need to learn them more in order to being real DC Shipper-I don’t want to get wrong or hurting myself later-

As for My Opinion about Haters, I will continue to my next post. I need to rearrange since I write them on May when I accidentally read very harsh and rude comments on some other couples thread –TO BE CONTINUED-

Sorry if too long and make no sense Guys, but at least This Is my Honest Opinion towards TeukSora

Always Fighting and Believe~


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Guest Lil_V

First of all, I would like to Say Thanks The Whole DC Shipper here, You all help me to gain information, analysis, judgment, observation and all I need regarding TeukSora Couple.

Let me introduce myself first, I am Dewi from Indonesia and get addicted with WGM since Being Khuntorian. I need so long time to read soompi, watching fancams, reading throughout analysis before deciding to be Khuntorian. I never say that other couples are fake, NOT AT ALL, I swear. But, being shipper for me is very Big Deal because I will support them until the end and praying them to be together. And of course I don’t wanna be delusional and easy enough to hurt while I am shipping them. I am quite sure about this couple and Now, I am feeling like I need to be TeukSora Shipper^^

As for me, I am airen and will always be airen, but somehow being shipper for certain couple gives you strength, warm feeling and nice topic to discuss around. I see Big difference between season 1 (anbi, ant, joongbo, alshin) and season 3. In season 1, they involved and invest so much for their feeling. After that, some couples seems building wall or holding their selves not to get involve their feeling when considerate about the future itself.

I never doubt that season 1 is the real one of them, and I got this feeling when I watched Khuntorian and TeukSora. Once Again, I never say others are fake or Not Real-This is Just The Matter of Different Perspective and Feeling Acceptance of each Shipper-

I always big fan of Leader Teukie, and I claim Him as The Best Leader in Korea Group –Never can Beat Him For Me [it’s very subjective people-No Defense At All^^]- He’s amazing and always being hard-worker. I am following his variety show almost all [star King, Strong Heart, All Variety with His member, ISF, etc] and Finding that He’s very nice and kind person.

And so long after I take a break for WGM, I am trying to watch TeukSora, But I sense weird when reaching ep 11-12 [Christmas Episode],

1.      Is he ever losing control like this when he’s attending other shows?

2.      Ever he’s angry when Sungmin said ‘he always good with other women’?

3.      He’s so nervous throughout the show

4.      Look How Red His Face when he meets Sora in early scene

5.      Look his effort when covering his revealing secret date

6.      Look how he can finally find ‘Sora’s Hand’ and feeling it in details –And all of us know how month they are filming, it’s only 3 months-

7.      For me, the one who only has sincere feeling are able to feel the hand

8.      Look how he’s death worrying when Sora’s hurting her hand, and his slipped out words –Following by Misun Unni’s death Laugh- Honestly, I am also deathly burst into laugh here^^

9.      Our Leader is falling in Love I think

Then, the following episode is so much more proofing my suspicious,  I am still writing the summary of each episode when Teukie losing himself with Sora –I name it “Teukie’s In Love Project”-

By saying above, I am sure there’s something between them, I still can’t say they are dating but more on the early stage of learning, understanding, accepting, adjusting each other in order to being all comfortable and free to express their mutual affectionate feeling towards each other.

As for Sora, I need to discuss with my friend in this case, because I think I will be very subjective if I’m alone because she’s very new to me and I even don’t know anything about her. But one thing for sure, she’s not lying, she’s pure and honest for me. Can’t tell the reasons but You know, her facial expressions, her shyness, her honest words, her seriousness, all those convince me that she’s real here. And my friend said [she’s an angel-Teukie fan for death-I indeed persuade her to watch TeukSora to help me analyze Teukie] and she’s so surprised watching them, hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa-I’m so satisfied.

She said “Sora will always behave like this if she’s falling in love with someone, she can’t be fake or lying looking by her gestures and gazes” and about Teukie she said “How come he can be very different on other shows” and she questioned me back “Unni, Do you think there is something between them, Ottoke Unni?!!!!!”

Kekekekekeeeeeeee, I am happy to death Guys. But, still I need to learn them more in order to being real DC Shipper-I don’t want to get wrong or hurting myself later-

As for My Opinion about Haters, I will continue to my next post. I need to rearrange since I write them on May when I accidentally read very harsh and rude comments on some other couples thread –TO BE CONTINUED-

Sorry if too long and make no sense Guys, but at least This Is my Honest Opinion towards TeukSora

Always Fighting and Believe~


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Let's count down to 16/6 every FD! Have a good week ahead!

Just noticed: Wondered how Teuk can carry different bags - left Taiwan's hotel with couple bag, reached airport with another one! Nonetheless, still handsome!

[Photos from www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com]

Different shirt as well? LOL...

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Guest robinblue91

i was just trying to pass my time, so i googled for teuksora episodes! n i just wrote "wgm leeteuk" n was going through all the suggestion google made for me n one of them was "wgm leeteuk ep 22"! yikes! i'm so anxiously waiting for it... pali pali 16 june just hope there is teuksora part on 16 June WGM! even though it kind of obvious it will be heavily woujung couple show! *not complaining not complaining* 

looks like WGM PD problems aren't yet over, as allkpop mentioned " further twist to the Yoo In Na – Ji Hyun Woo love saga"! hahaha! anyways they are cute!     

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This thread is not moving these days..what happen everyone is preparing themselves for our Teukso couple..compared before without the announcement of wgm filming this thread was moving then suddenly it stops..I guess some of us are on a standby mode till june 16..what to do?? :(

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Guest robinblue91

@ shymaldita28:  i think everyone is saving up their energy! hahahaha! FD's were busy in trending missions, and praying & gathering information on wgm/teukso! Now that we have official news about wgm resuming everyone is relaxing!  :)and the fact they are also really really quite now!  :s not helping!

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Guest 33ru_mieru

@lallinachan, thanks for posting the correct image...i am still not used to the new soompi :P

Wuaa...so many new Fighting Dimples =)
welcome and thanks for sharing your thoughts ^_^
@lazyme2day, can I be lazy too today?? ^_*
Sorry my brain really stuck I don't know what to write...and I keep thinking about lip lip lip....


Sora: Oh..Why Eeteuk oppa’s lip so sexy?

Sora: Ah...Ducky Teuk Oppa's lip....nyum.....

Sorry everyone, being deprived of TeukSora for so long, every time I post, is always about lip ^^;;;

@lazyme2day again.... lazyme2day2!

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Guest 33ru_mieru

Sorry to post twice...I  still don't know how to edit -_-'''

Come again to "mess around"

...the more I look at my gif the more I wanna tell Sora that migosh...her lip is just as smexy as her husband -_-''' or more...
D...this is the danger of posting here midnight...

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Guest lallinachan

High5 @mieru!! XD
you can upload your gifs now! Are u obsessed with lips? I hope DC are too, we are waiting for a kiss!!!

@robinblue91: High5!! Teukie is freshly blonde.....mmm, I guss they are ready to start the shooting if the MV and the promotional pictures for the album.

I am very glad to read about new teuksora lovers joining our thread^^(welcome @dewi23!!) It is very refreshing to read your comments, so please share your thoughs with us, we have a lot of time to kill till 16 June ;)

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@lallinachan, thanks for posting the correct image...i am still not used to the new soompi :P

Wuaa...so many new Fighting Dimples =)
welcome and thanks for sharing your thoughts ^_^
@lazyme2day, can I be lazy too today?? ^_*
Sorry my brain really stuck I don't know what to write...and I keep thinking about lip lip lip....


Sora: Oh..Why Eeteuk oppa’s lip so sexy?

Sora: Ah...Ducky Teuk Oppa's lip....nyum.....

Sorry everyone, being deprived of TeukSora for so long, every time I post, is always about lip ^^;;;

@lazyme2day again.... lazyme2day2!
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Morning all! Its really morning here and i saw a tweet from sup3rjunior saying that Leeteuk has an facebook account. Anyone can verify this? If im not mistaken she said that his account created on 9th may 2012. Since his facebook account has been made known to public, he turned it to private :P

edit: I just got to know that he himself announce it on his twitter but that tweet has been deleted after that. LOL.

So, any FDs thinking what i'm thinking? After the unfollowing issues in twitter and he created a facebook?

Oh, forgive my delusional thought *LOL*

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