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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Found this on the tumblr from sjelf12355 ...Thank you so much for this wonderful post done 3months ago.

I live in the USA, therefore everything kpop/korean comes out a day early. So by Saturday morning in the USA the final Teukso episode had been out for almost a whole day. Anyways, to make a long story short I was planning on sleeping in Saturday morning because I didn’t have to go to work. For some reason I got up at 7:36am (see, I even remember the time it happened that’s how earth-shattering this was for me). I thought to my self, “Ok, I’ll just check facebook really quick and then I’ll go back to bed and wake up later.” When I grabbed my iPod to check facebook I had no idea what was about to happen. So I’m sleepily scrolling down my newsfeed when I see this:



Then I did this, silently because my younger sister Jenny is still asleep in the top bunk:


Then I thought, “Jenny would want to see this…she loves Teukso!”

Normally Jenny is grumpy and really slow to get out of bed in the morning. But on that morning things were different. At first when I woke her up she was like:


So I said, “I’m really sorry Jenny, but I thought you would want to see this…” I showed her the picture on my newsfeed…to which she replied:


She then proceeded to get out of bed, change, and get downstairs to the computer faster than I did. And if you knew us…that’s highly abnormal.

We then spent 1/2 hour trying to find the episode with English subs…which failed horribly. And so we decided to patiently wait for the English subs to come out…but that took too long so we watched it anyways. When they kissed we couldn’t even…it was just so…


And then when they were both crying I just felt so sad. I was like, “NOOOOO! THE DIMPLE COUPLE IS OVER!”


And then when the English subs came out last night I was so happy. But then I couldn’t go on the computer because my dad was using it for more important things…yeah right. So I finally got around to watching it this morning…I thought I was sad after watching it with out the English subs. But holy crap…knowing what they were saying made it even worse. I finished the episode and all I could do was just sit there…and stare at the blank screen. Slowly I started crying…


Until I turned into a complete mess…



But I have to work later today so I can’t be like this…I just need to watch some really funny videos of Super Junior being awesome. Yeah, that’s what I need.

In an average Super Junior-filled day Ryeowook’s my bias. But any day when I watch/see any Teukso things, Teukie slowly makes his way near the top of my list. I want Wookie to be my bias so I constantly have to look at pictures and videos of him. There’s a constant battle going on between Teukie and Wookie in my heart. :(
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Guest fateukso

FDs let's just ignore the troll.. that person clearly does not belong here and by replying and mentioning that person's name, we are just giving in to what she really wants -- ATTENTION. Let's focus on what we really are here for, our love for JungSora!

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Guest gisellec

the best way is to ignore ignore, the best way to show that we are not concerned some comments, is not giving them importance, best not to answer, sometimes there are people who feel lonely and struggling against the current is free to believe when think and believe they have to be heard. I certainly do not think not answer, do not waste a minute of my time to pay attention.

The wedding photos are beautiful,,,,,,, I see them and see and feel the joy, love, care, friendship, are so many things that are unexplainable feeling.

good and some lime and other sand, really we ignore everything he says Leeteuk?, first told sora that likes girls traditional type ..... second, leeteuk mentioned a few girls being with Sora in WGM?, then you are telling me that they were partners (all) of Leeteuk?, that makes me laugh about leeteuk open mouth with relation to any girl, people against the relationship out of their caves to bark against this forum. Leeteuk knows what it's like day and day ahead of public opinion, I agree that this comment is just part of his personality MC, give a microphone to Leeteuk and directly becomes the center of the room, really this comments should be taken seriously?, I think not, for all the above reasons for not using banmal and when it does, it's simple advertising.

Unlike the message sent to Sora, leeteuk winning by sending message to Sora right now? popularity, let me laugh awhile, Leeteuk requires popularity? problem now is to find a problem and seek to sora, ask him to go to visit, many Elf accept Sora, but many do not want to see leeteuk with anyone, then you get sora and leeteuk benefit doing this?, interesting response Sora to antifans when he says he hates the leeteuk kiss in the final chapter. because it does not try to answer the girl telling calming WGM already had finished, because leaving the doubt sown when sora has always been very clear in many aspects of the program?.

Sora Leeteuk told him to do what you say Oppa, when they wanted to touch something in the concert of Super Junior and Sora concerned suju fans. the silence of the two has something to do with this? all for their fans? .....

I think Leeteuk and Sora are friends, but that's why I think their relationship can become real, because only people who get to know well determine if they are destined to be together. I think the skinship from the beginning of the program and of soulmates and ideal types. I think the relationship that grows stronger with time and only time will tell what these two people. But many people see a feeling of love between them is something to consider ........ because it will be?.

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Guest gisellec

Lol I saw the message Leeteuk and gives me laughing, Leeteuk is very competitive and always wants to be the one to have the last word, that their opinion is valued at 100%. This reminds me a bit when they were in the Christmas special episode, when he sang the song to sora, when he saw the actions of the other husbands, he said I should do something else. but Sora loved acting. although I understand nothing of Korean, I get the impression that they speak in a joker, leeteuk is very intelligent and knows what the right words at the right time and just to give that talk. (I miss you little to explode with laughter during the video). Coming soon we have the music, because with this issue we Leeteuk until finished. lol,

watching the wedding episode again, because the program commentators say nothing of Saranghe .... did not see it as us? rare, rare.

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@fateukso, I'll follow your advice but allow me the right to say one more thing. Thank you for putting up with it, because quite frankly, I am still upset with that person's intention.

To the person who came in here to disrupt the order in this thread, and to all Fighting Dimples and Teukso supporter, I apologize for the long post I am about to post.

Since a while ago, @hanyi has asked when have this thread start restricting people's right to freedom of speech? It was when questions in regarding to Teukso's validity was posted, and flags were used profoundly on these posts. George Washington once said that, "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silence we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." After @hanyi's question was posted, we were reminded that everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, whether we agree with it or not, and if we were to flag these opinions, it means that we are not being objective enough to criticism. It also means that our faith in Teukso is so weak that if other people question their authenticity, we couldn't argue back without flagging them. Because of this reason, we have stop flagging post but have resort to using objective/subjective analysis to support our shipping of this couple.

For every members who have came here to question Teukso's authenticity, they have came in here with only that intention. Their intention, although different from us, was purely out of their own belief that their couple is correct. For that, their action is understandable and we should keep an open mind to their opinion and continue to defend our position with positive and objective analysis. Now, in the present day, a person have came in here to degrade LT, not because he or she didn't believe in Teukso, but is because he or she is using him as a method to retaliate against an injustice that he or she felt we have done to his or her idol. The intention is purely vindictive and malicious.

The injustice, as he or she had claim, is not entirely true. In fact many have voiced support for his or her idol, but he or she still insisted to hurt us by degrading LT's integrity. Such dogmatic viewpoint is the bigotry that causes discords and deaths in history, because when a person refuses to see the whole picture and adapts a selective hearing process, it causes unnecessary misconceptions and hatred amongst the participants.

This person have invaded our thread and have broke our thread rules. In page 1, it stated that: Rule #1: Do love and support Teukso. Also, Rule #4: Use spoiler if it is not related to Teukso. We know, from his or her post, that the main intention of this person's post is to support his or her idol, hence he or she had broke these two rules. Also, we have every right to flag this person because this person has broke a Soompi Rule. Rule #3: No Celebrity Bashing. By bashing LT, he or she has broke not only the rule in this thread, but has broke the forum rule as well.

So...as @fateukso stated, any post that is posted by this person should be ignored. It should be flagged if all these rules are broken (especially Soompi's rule). But we will not sink to his or her level. We will not use insult to fight insult. We would not go to his or her thread to bash his or her idol because a fan's action is reflective of the person he or she supports. We will not use hypocrisy to fight hypocrisy.

And we will stay positive because that is one of our rules (Rule #9). With that said, whether Teukso is real or not, the future will tell, but no matter what, we will be supportive of this couple because this is what being a DC supporter and a FD is for.

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FDs fighting!

oKay. what a way to welcome the new year. Troll(s) kept coming in.

i tried to IGNORE. really. ive been silent since the last two weeks. just giving badges to my beautiful unnies and smiling, giggling, screaming and yey! Loving all the posts. plus being a goodie me. Its year end. Then its new year.

it ‘spose to be that way, for us chinese. Good cheers. for good vibes to come rolling in with the coming year.

but lo’ and behold, this new troll  is beyond my patience limit hehehe  (im not going to mention U else your notification will lighting up again with all those mentions. U troll!)

in your first barging in, U are in the guise of defending some WGM ship that recently sunk. U have some valid points  (some) because, frankly, I don’t know about that ship of yours, I only watched Teukso and rewatched Kangin in WGM. Sorry its my Elf thing.

The point is, some of us made comments, it’s OUR personal opinion.  but let me remind you, its within the Teukso thread, we did not made out two cents comment in UR ship’s thread. So all in all, I guess we have never really cross any line. Case closed.

Then, U made a U-turn. You returned. 

And with malice this time. posted some oldies gif of Teuk in what you said kissing another girl. 

Sadly, I think, THAT is crossing some lines. 

In OUR thread. 

And girl (I assume u are a girl right, coz men I know don’t open their flaps that way), for some that needs some F in us FD- read.  Fighting.

Then I review your posted gif  , 

and I LOL. and lol. and LAUGH.  really hard. not good for my tummy.

Try harder. U crazy pea brained troll.

Cause in that gif you posted, no matter how slow, a slow-mo may it be,  I am  seing just Teukie, kissing (if you call it that) - HIS hand - .  yeah. Just HANDS.  

i assumed you have eyes. 

yes with S,   two of them - left and right???

 if were clear on that then... best you go back to ur troll of a post and SEE.

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Guest noona1430269773

Intruders,haters are kinda common in a happy thread like this. I've been rooting for few K celebs couples since few years ago. Being called as delusional is also common,get used to it already. The bitter sweet memories, sharing thought,tears and happiness are the most precious when you are in the same ship.
 I'm not sure about others, but as for me, what JungSora DC felt back then during WGM days and their current feelings toward each other are the most important,what make me adore them till now,until the confirmation made in the future that they are real. I'll continue rooting and loving DC if they make their relationship public.
If they are not meant to be together (This is reality sometimes couple in real life has to accept break ups, i'll accept the reality, even my heart will hurt badly (this is common too,being hurt when the couple you adore finally break up....used to it too..never mind). However, i wish DC Park Jung So and kang Sora will end up together for real. With Strong Wishes.
Haters!Don't ever say this ship is sinking or call us delusional, if you just basing on that old gif and just with leeteuk said saranghae to hyuna (leeteuk will feel upset if he knows people manipulating his words again,just like how he was upset with those who bashing him in the twitter when he said he liked lee min jung) which he ended up comparing his like to lee min jung is similar to how he likes money instead. I think it goes the same with the Saranghae to Hyuna shiii.....
He loves many women, many hyungs , noonas and hoobaes ,fans, even ahjummas...because he is a nice person. But one thing for sure, Namja Park Jung So only has the one and only F5REVER true love in his heart. (I'm saying this based on my observation on him in his shows, articles about him and suju.and through WGM teukso eps and from this thread from page 1).

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Just want to share this:http://wgmleeteukandkangsora.wordpress.com/2013/01/04/unseen-pics-dimple-couple-weddings-photos/16c115338744ebf8168cfbffd9f9d72a6259a796686f2fd3d539b60022c39477e950352ac75cb706cebaa951f8198618fc1f77444aed2e738ad4e63c1f71ee03918fa0ecf872fbcd269759ee3f6ddbdf2caec0f9d72a605934ae7eda2834349b013bbad19659034c510fd9f9d8bacaa9252dd42a2a34a4e67152ceca7bcb0a46f3b113f96b63f6246960af84dce5b4345982b2b7fe37a00431adcbef74099be3A very lovely couple, don't know how to describe how adorable, amazing they are looking at each other :x :)>-

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Thanks to the photography studio L studio for letting us see more of our couples wedding pictures. I think wgm fans will concede to the fact that the wedding picture episodes are truly some of the best ones. They show the couple at their physical best:attire,make up,and that translates also to their beautiful images. I haven't seen any couple pictures that didn't radiate happiness. It is one of the best parts of the WGM experience probably for the individuals.I love all the pics but this is my favorite:Doesn't it feel so real?



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Guest gisellec

watching the episode of the wedding photos, I really think that if they kissed them out of WGM, reached this conclusion because both sora and leeteuk are extremely shy (with leeteuk sora was not the MC, the idol, but the man), and both felt that the kiss would have to be something special for them and if it was heavy for leeteuk kiss in front of people and now more than ever I think the end rather kiss was for fans of the couple who longed the kiss during the time they were in the program. Seeing how to sora leeteuk look, but a look of friend, was a look of a man in love or at least excited, if they sell the image of leeteuk womanizer, so why not plant a kiss on Sora session photos?, I got the impression that the kiss sora leeteuk expected at any time, but who tells us really during the photo shoot was not kiss on the lips?, so we've seen many times we WGM cutting sequences and we are left with the doubt.

ains, WGM sequences is according to the story they want to sell us, and we do not see complete sequences or full day recorded by program participants ..... I am left with the question that had happened in the honeymoon trip ......... love in the air for this 2013.

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Guest sassydeli

yay new pics! seems like MBC is trying to keep releasing DC news!

PJS is really clear with his feelings and expressions.
like how he uses meaning of words..
SARANGHAEYO and SARANGHAMNIDA are formal way to say so that you will say to elderly and someone you are not that close/Saranghabnida (사랑합니다) is the formal version, to be used with people you don't know very well
and when he uses 
SARANGHANDA is kind of informal way to express,used to emphasise your love.  

FDs should know who he says saranghanda to !!! 

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Guest lennycsn

phoesceia said: I will post this first before the troll comes back.. for sure she'll use this as her new "insight" (kuno) ..
I've read the comments and I liked this one..
"I find it so funny that when male celebrities are still outside the army, they don't feel this much affection towards girl groups but once they go inside the army, they turn into complete fanboys! LOL! Being inside the army is crazy but looks fun. At least they get to mingle with the other army men and fanboy together haha military men are the LOUDEST crowd when girl groups visit them to perform!"
-the comment was actually true.. and only those who don't use their brains will conclude that there's going on between Leeteuk and Hyuna..


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Guest lennycsn

sassydeli said: yay new pics! seems like MBC is trying to keep releasing DC news!

PJS is really clear with his feelings and expressions.
like how he uses meaning of words..
SARANGHAEYO and SARANGHAMNIDA are formal way to say so that you will say to elderly and someone you are not that close/Saranghabnida (사랑합니다) is the formal version, to be used with people you don't know very well
and when he uses 
SARANGHANDA is kind of informal way to express,used to emphasise your love.  

FDs should know who he says saranghanda to !!! 

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lennycsn said:
sassydeli said: yay new pics! seems like MBC is trying to keep releasing DC news!

PJS is really clear with his feelings and expressions.
like how he uses meaning of words..
SARANGHAEYO and SARANGHAMNIDA are formal way to say so that you will say to elderly and someone you are not that close/Saranghabnida (사랑합니다) is the formal version, to be used with people you don't know very well
and when he uses 
SARANGHANDA is kind of informal way to express,used to emphasise your love.  

FDs should know who he says saranghanda to !!! 

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