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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Kang So-ra ‏@reveramess

연극 버자이너모놀로그 보고왔어요! 열연해주신 배우님들께 감사를!pic.twitter.com/HmI64YMK

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    Well, since google translate is kinda crazy, I'll take the liberty to to assess that she watched the play Vaginal Monologue. 
    Edit:saw rough translation from Facebook:I came to see Vagina Monologue play! I would like to say thank you for the actors roled!
    Will edit again if I found a more accurate translation
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Hi FD's ^^

121118 [OFFICIAL] GEEK Magazine December Issue 

tumblr_mdpqagLD5i1riqqhyo1_400.jpgtumblr_mdpqagLD5i1riqqhyo3_400.jpgcr: jwon0508
tumblr_mdps8cU7LM1rncbpno1_500.jpgcr: super junior tumblr (superjuniorkr)
tumblr_mdpv9m2dRl1riqqhyo3_1280.jpgcr: 2teuk

tumblr_mdpuuztJ1I1rb3yn0o2_250.giftumblr_mdpuuztJ1I1rb3yn0o4_250.giftumblr_mdpuuztJ1I1rb3yn0o3_250.gifcr: leeteuk tumblr (yeyuns)

Omoo, omooo, handsome teuk  (heart attack) 
id="watch-headline-title" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-size: 1.8333em; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; font-weight: bold; height: 1.1363em; max-height: 1.1363em; line-height: 1.1363em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; "GEEK 12월호 슈퍼주니어 이특 화보 영상 스케치

All have a nice day~~~
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Eunhyuk and IU scandal...

I posted pictures that can compare both DC and HyukIU gestures that you can see they are real.

1st picture you can notice that they communicate only just by looking at each other. People who date secretly ended up communicating more by just looking at each other.

If you noticed the wedding photoshoot that LT has mouthed Saranghae IPPO to Sora while she was looking at him ( that was the loving look )

2nd Sora's eye contact with LT in their lunch date with Sungmin ..both always look on each other and when Sora gets jealous she kep looking at him to send signal that she was jealous already and when LT look at her he knows that eventhough she was smiling there was something she wanted to convey to him ( jealous look )..and also she wanted him to feel what she felt when he gets jealous on sungmin and that what LT felt when she started to act like him like a jealous person.

3rd The final episode where Sora and LT look on each other and both started to have tears and she had to go inside the bedroom. When they look at each other both feel sad that it ended but when you look at how they look at each other there was something that both can feel that it seems that both has wished they remain strong and missed each other always ( missing look )

Last but not the least the picture of HyukIU touching the head of IU, I remember I noticed LT was doing it to Sora when they lose on the Woojung  couple because of a game. LT patted her head coz she felt that they lose because of her and again we saw him doing it again to her after the kiss. LT only pats the head of the lady whom he loves and care which he only done with taeyeon before ( again I repeat before ). Before the strike he only fix the hair of Sora carefully but patting softly her head was only done after the nami island trip.The WJ visit at their home and the final episode.

The only difference between the 2 couples DC and HyukIU is that Sora has made sure that she protects LT from any issues. Though they love each other they both know that only in time they can say it to the whole world.




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Last but not the least I want togive my thoughts for the person who loves wasting her time in this forum talking about another shipping. I'm just wondering why all of a sudden when LT is in the army these people started to open this old topic and criticize Sora. Why are they quiet when LT was still waiting for his enlistment? they should have started doing all these chaos from the day WGM finished. Or when Sora started talking about LT in her interviews they should have reacted why now that the other person can't be able to read all their so called facts. I will give some Points that has shaken these people, that's the reason they are like these.

1.Is it because LT went to Busan eventhough he was tired?WGM ended and Sora was there.

2.Do they see some similarities of LT and Sora lately like stucking out their tongue. Cause even me I was quite shocked these days seeing LT doing it often like in his enlistment, SHeart, and now on @kika8 geek magazine gif he again done it.

3. Sora updates on twitter is somehow intriguing for them. Don't tell me they get scared on Gomi too hahahahah

4. LT bedroom clock that was on his twitter photo which was not deleted till his enlistment.

5. Sora's visit to LT on the army was pre planned of both that she has told on her interview that it will be this year since until now they do not accept visitors.

6. LT has tried cleaning up his ladies man image in public..his reactions lately everytime he gets involved on ladies issues..he tried to clear the issues immediately like the text and all about ladies. I guess this people from other shipping felt jealous with Sora since LT has totally changed obviously. Though he is friendly as always but still he makes sure he knows his limits. He was not like this before during his old relationships.

7.LT tweets..When Sora was coming back from US he was still on twitter w/out sleeping and going straight to a show...DAY  miss u which was deleted...a lot more that these people knows.


If these points irritated them then they should start panicking on their shipping. I don't think LT will go back on his past girlfriend if he has seen Sora in his future...

AS what LT has said on his letter as I quote him "It seems that this is the first time in my life that I felt so nervous and trembled so much when meeting someone in the first encounter....I feel like losing my mind when the thought that there is such a beautiful woman in this world came to me"

LT letter and kiss to Sora will never change the present nor the future unless both has officially admit that they are dating a different person as long as Sora's image remain clean and her twitter elf followers are increasing therefore it only means that she was accepted slowly. Do you ever realize how hard it is for Sora to make sura that all her actions are right and good. Although LT was in the army the elfs are monitoring evry single step she was doing to know that she can be trusted by them and if she can be loyal to their leader LT. That is the reason they followed her on twitter and I guess you are also following every step she makes so that you can able to ruin her immediately but sad to say she is doing a fine job. She never go out in bars or clubs. She simply stay at home and that irritates you so much.

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I guess kang sora lately knows how to tweet indirectly ..just my observation if I based it to LT tweet before..always on the end of tweet you can see something.



I have the feeling that gomi is like apresent to her to be her companion so that she will not look for someone to care while LT was in enlistment and if you noticed that Sora's was tweet seems like she is in a hurry to make the time fast for the person she is waiting would come home soon. She mostly uses gomi to express her longing to someone if not why she uses grow up quickly word for a puppy whom she knows is still young and also grow up quickly can also mean time move fast for someone she was waiting. If gomi started to walk and run it means that LT can somehow be able to be visited and at the same time he can also visit her or them including gomi. The puppy was born before LT enlist and it only appears after 3 months fromthe time LT was in the army. Is it one way of her showing him what he looks like from the time he enters and from the time he will be back..

There is something on this puppy that she loves. If not she has told that they have puppies at her home but only gomi is the one she keeps updating on her twitter..Why gomi only??it maybe a gift or it maybe LT choice of the puppies she have..why only 1 not all?If ever she tweeted before that she gotpuppies and dogs at her house where is the pictures of it?Why is it gomi stays always with her?


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Guest sassydeli


credit :[Trans] @ donghae861015 : Feiyue that is perfect for sunny weather!! ^ ^ A must-have item during practice and workout 


monday blues but master no. 3 tweet today is delightful haha. one of the things that SUJU family have.. the jacket and shoes ! :D

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Guest gisellec

thanks @ lallinachan, :-S,  read you after I realized that leeteuk is cancer, that mine head, is that I'm on the forum and also looking on the other hand some other news.

Here is the description of cancer: Anyone who has been fortunate that a cancer has noticed him to take his heart may feel lucky. And that is when cancer falls gives everything, there is a hundred percent and makes the other person feel understood, special, unique, beloved ... Delivered her body and soul and know he loves because samples love may be constant in every way. And if you are really in love and secure the other's feelings, will not hesitate in wanting to start a family.
- And saw demonstrations of Leeteuk, leeteuk never know if he had acted in the same way with another girl, but for example with sistar, it looked very comfortable, the discomfort with sora comes in the wake of the girl he likes, I do not discomfort is because if you do not ask someone kisses you like and do not think he'll do that just for the show.

Best of cancer:
Your sensitivity makes you step into the shoes of the other without any problems, understand and do everything you can to feel good. Good listener and give great tips.

He's very generous in love, always giving without expecting anything in return. He does everything possible because your partner feel special devising thousand and one stories to surprise each day.

In addition, the bond that forms with others have very deep roots and rarely wear out or break. Of course, when you decide to break up is hard going back there.

- This means that it is a very special person, step into the shoes of another person is difficult, but always looking for others. Sora said day Nami Island, she is a type of person like leeteuk who like to do things for others. (they have that in common).

cancer need your partner bring you safety, if clear what are the feelings and intentions of the other will stay calmer.

- Until the last chapter was not so clear Leeteuk's feelings Sora, (it says) but have noticed something in Nami Island.

It also needs to be understood, protected and loved making it as is. This is needed to the same extent that he loves and protects others. The other understand their mood swings, their torn emotions, the importance of family ... that's very important to Cancer.

- As I read that both Sora and Leeteuk were reared with their grandmothers, so perhaps you have that sentimental side with respect to the family.

It could do nothing wrong to break all barriers that gets around to try to be happy. And he understands that not everyone loves the same way, as he always wants more, create more loving and thinks anyone who gives the most.

Cancer is important to understand that your partner, as well as being a partner, is a person with a life, so it should not be so possessive.

- Do not eat meat with your manager, do not get close to your co-workers,

From what I have read about cancer is the perfect description of leeteuk, in short, are possessive, insecure, amorous. in the end

Understanding a lunatic as Cancer is usually more difficult to solve an algebra problem. It will be the sweetest to become the most quiet and pissed in the world and the trouble is that you will have no idea why. However, if you run you will understand a lover, a friend and a companion who will always be by your side

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Guest koreanway88

class="entry-title" style="border: 0px; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 2.4rem; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px 50px 0px 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; color: rgb(215, 194, 168); line-height: 1.3; "[RANDOM] Facts about Kang Sora 2 NOVEMBER 19, 2012 BY KSIFC

I have shared plenty of Kang Sora’s facts from previous post:http://www.twitlonger.com/show/jr23bc ~ Here are a few more infos that I managed to compile from old articles and interviews..

1. Kang Sora said according to her birth-tale, she was named Sora because it was ‘assumed’ that she was ‘created’ at the offshore of Jeju Island. **(Note that Sora means seashell or specifically a conch in Korean) Besides, Sora was a trendy name during the time when she was born.

2. Sora got to star in 4th Period Murder Mystery because the original heroine for that movie which was Kim So Eun had a schedule clash with a drama that she also took part in at the same time (drama The Man Who Still Wants To Get Married). When Kim So Eun dropped out from the movie, she had already filmed half of the movie scenes. Therefore, when Sora was chosen to replace her, the production crew had to reshoot the scenes all over again.

3. Even though Sora doesn’t has good cooking skills, she still can at least make brownies, biscuits and a few types of bread.

4. Sora also had learned to play guitar before for a CF purpose.

5. Sora said the school scenes in Sunny was filmed at Yeonggwang (a place in Jeonnam) and there is a saltwater hot spring that Sunny members like to go after they finished filming. All members become close to each other because they always play & bath together. That’s why Sora thought the closeness of their friendship came out naturally on screen and more or so it leads to the success of the movie.

6. Sora said based on fan letters that she received, 90% of her fans are female and 10% are male. Also, 60% of them are young and 40% are aged mature fans.

7. Rather than fast progress, Sora prefer step by step in building a relationship. Just like the way old people do, she likes to be careful & thoughtful of many things in building a relationship with someone.

**Compiled & translated by hiedi/@nhb19

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Guest gisellec

Cancer, longs for a partner to take care of, pampered, and want to share with all you have, both materially and emotionally. Note that it is also quite shy and fear rejection, so take to decide or even disinterest can display much like you. So if you feel the first approaches that do not like you, do not give up, it may simply be a facade.

- In SH the first time he saw sora not put anything of interest in it, although in some points to look at him and smiled with what she said. My point is, change from the first knowledge until he saw her in the movie theater? leeteuk somehow imagined the girls who could be your partner in WGM, by constant items that were leaving, he said he had read his profile, that means I research on it, and the arrangement was to know, also in SH There were many people and he was in his workplace.

With it you have to go slowly, gaining their trust every day, to go down their defenses and leave feeling more confident. Complicit glances, smiles, affectionate messages to mobile calls by surprise just to ask what this is ... can be the first steps to breaking barriers. Being a very emotional singo, you will reach the heart through small gestures, small demonstrations of love for him could be huge. Surprise with the most varied things because Cancer does not like to do what everyone does.

- Everything is just made ​​for Sora, leeteuk often said he did not know how to thank sora, when sora took him gifts for his trip to new york. he brightened as if he had given her something really expensive and the same on the island Nami, who sang the song sora, is very rare among leeteuk expression of shyness, security, happiness.

Ask him about his family. For Cancer theirs are very important and is very close to them, so if you're interested in your family can add up good points.

- This issue we have already read in the forum, sora asked several times for his family, but leeteuk always answered with few words. but what if note is that when you went to the market leeteuk sora spoke with his grandmother. assume that your grandmother was an important person in the life of, and talk about it with sora, sora makes me think that it was for a special person.

can not hurt your sensitivity, is enclosed in its shell, but not vindictive, nor should we force him to show his feelings in public because she does not like. And do not forget any important date related to your relationship.

- Many times Leeteuk towards things for SUJU guys realize that things between them were not as cold as they thought the boys but leeteuk is really shy, in the wedding photos, he did not want to kiss her before all the people who were there. Regarding the important dates, always asked sora that time had been together (always).

Cancer with Aquarius. - The married life can be difficult for you, as the familiar character, devoted and protective of Cancer, Aquarius will eventually overwhelm you'll want to get away from promises and commitments. You will need a lot of understanding and love.
Best. - Attraction. Common friends. Enriching experiences.
Worst. - The subject of children and family responsibilities. The daily routine.

- While it might seem that this is a problem, the truth that aquariums are weirdos, lol, we like our space, but we love it all. leeteuk must be less jealous and possessive least, if you want to be with someone who has that career, actress leads to have brushes with other people and in this sense is a bit sexist leeteuk jajajja. When aquarium wants delivered.

good day

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Ehh... what's up doc? *munching on carrots"
Haven't posted in a while.. missed posting here.. :)

@lazyme2day, great comics! I love the smileys you put in there.. I am looking at them more than Leeteuk and Sora. :))
@mywebfoot & @luvallkorea, awesome investigation.. \m/ \m/ \m/ i have a question though.. how were you able to tell that the picture was (possibly) taken via iPhone?  Did you save as and check the properties? About LT's tweet "I want to see is nostalgic. I want to go there...." I have always thought it was about Dimple House.. probably because they had so many memories there.. but your explanation of the tweet is plausible and I hope you guys are right.. :D
@vierblith, now I'm pressured.. :)) I will have to refer to my crystal ball to check what the future will hold.. :D:)
I hope the 5days 4 nights vacation JS will have in February is really true because that would mean he and Sora can celebrate her birthday together.. :x :x It would be the first time since this year they weren't able to do it together.. 
Re: the older woman who kissed Leeteuk, I wouldn't worry about her (me thinks it's Narsha :)) ).. look at the picture that @kika8 posted on LT's Geek photoshoot.. the 4th one where his eyes are closed.. his lips are just begging to be kissed. :))
Kangin's moving in to Leeteuk's room in the dorm.. that means JS is really serious about being on his own when he leaves the army.. he's too old to still live in his mom's house.. though I would want him to get closer to his sister & mom more.. family's very important.. I hope JS will realize that while he's in the army.. :)

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Just found this on Super Junior blog

Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Kang Sora parted their ways on the recent broadcast of MBC’s variety program We Got Married on 8th September.

It has been a whole year since the so-called “dimple couple” joined the show, and the time has come for them to say goodbye to each other today. Both were really sad and Kang Sora even shed tears. To everyone’s suprise, Leeteuk tried to kiss Kang Sora on her cheek, but failed looking very shy. Kang Sora asked, “Why didn’t you?”, and Leeteuk gathered all his courage and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.


Leeteuk and Kang appeared in the September 8 episode of MBC’s We Got Married for the last time. It has been ten months since their first appearance on the show last October.

The couple spent their last episode together in their house. While they were looking at their pictures, their wedding album arrived and made them feel sad. They shared their memories through the pictures and stuff that they bought together to make their house pretty.

Leeteuk gave Kang a hug for the last time and Kang started crying. Kang wiped her tears and said that she tried not to cry. Leeteuk said it’s okay and gave her a hug and kiss, which is something he had been hesitant to do before.

Leeteuk didn’t shed tears when he was with Kang but he couldn’t help crying when he gave a post interview for the show. Leeteuk said, “I thought I was the only one who was shooting the show with my whole heart. Kang was too but I didn’t know. I was selfish.”

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Actress Kang Sora shared her thoughts on leaving MBC‘s ‘We Got Married‘ series and her life as part of the “dimple couple” with Super Junior‘s Leeteuk.

Kang Sora posted to Twitter on September 8, “Soon, my final broadcast of ‘WGM’. To Kim Jun Hyun PD who’s worked hard for the past year. Do Gok Dong PD. Writers Sang Hee, Kyung Mi, Na Ol and Teuk oppa! I’m taking a lot of lessons from this. Thank you. To all the many viewers who watched too.”

Leeteuk previously expressed his feelings on ending the show as well on the 7th. He tweeted: “Sora and I’s segment on ‘WGM’ will end this week. Though I’m disappointed we couldn’t do as much as I wanted during this past year, I’m just happy to have comfortably shown the person Park Jung Soo [instead of Super Junior's Leeteuk]. Thank you to Shin Kim Joon PD, Sang Hee and Kyung Mi nuna for all your hard work. Sora too. ^^.”

The “dimple couple”, who started their on-screen relationship last October, had their final appearance on the September 8th broadcast of the show.


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 Leeteuk surprised viewers with his attempt to kiss Sora on the cheek. He failed at first, seeming shy and hesitant, and Sora responded, “Why didn’t you?” He was later successful, however, giving her a smooch right on the lips.

The couple shed tears as they parted and exchanged letters.

Viewers commented, “Leeteuk and Kang Sora were like a couple from a fairy tale. I’m sad that it’s over,” “I was shocked by Leeteuk’s kiss,”

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