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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest pinnavinna

AnneDee07 said:

Everyone! The preview is out! We'll have our DC tomorrow! Yeahh!

25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (1) > 하루 동안 이특의 일일매니저로 변신한 가상 부인 배우 강소라는 마지막 스케줄인 태닝을 하기 위해 수영장에 갔다. 이특에게 직접 태닝 오일을 발라주면서 화기애애한 시간을 보내는 중 성민이 수영장에 다시 한 번 깜짝 등장했다. 이특은 성민에게 자신의 패티큐어 한 발을 보여주며 자랑했다. 매니큐어를 칠한 거냐며 신기해하는 성민에게 이특은 자신이 태어날 때부터 흰색 발톱이었다고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. 사실은 태닝 오일을 발라준 후 직접 이특의 발에 패티큐어를 해준 강소라의 작품이었던 것이다. 25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (2) > 모든 스케줄이 끝나고 신혼집으로 돌아가자 이특은 하루 동안 고생한 강소라를 위해 자신의 소원 쿠폰을 사용했다. 그 쿠폰은 바로 '소라에게 직접 요리해주기!' 쿠폰으로 슈퍼주니어 멤버들에게 인정받은 특별 파스타를 강소라만을 위해서 직접 요리했다.

where u find this article ? Thank you very much....


would somebody mind to translate this? thanks in advance :D

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Guest lennycsn

Sora being a one day manager is happily spending time together with leeteuk. As they went to water park, they met sungmin. Sungmin noted something strange on leeteuk's toes. Leeteuk did not panic but show off his toes to him instead. He proudlu said that he is born with a natural painted nail toes. In actuality, sora did the nail polished for him earlier.

After ending their tiring schedule, knowing that sora hardwork and effort today , he used his birthday wish coupon. He broug ht suju brothers approved homemade pasta and cook for sora. sora was touched and appreciate him.

Original source: tsl china fan club

posted at: china baidu forum

Ppl, im on mobile. Cant see the words clearly. If it is wrongly translated . Pls help to correct it. And my phone low batt too. Huhu...enjoy your friday!

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Guest monmon16

Thanks @lennycsn. You're so fast. Hope this preview that nate release will also be the same to what MBC will release today. :)

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Guest pinnavinna

i don't understand how to delete my post. didn't mean to post it more than one. i don't understand either why i had it double. anyone can help me? i don't wanna be spammer here :(

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Guest kangsara

Good news ! waiting for tomorrow....
http://en.korea.com/blog/enter/tv/does-super-juniors-leeteuk-have-white-toe-nails-since-birth/ ;;) ;;)

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Guest mywebfoot

@annedee7, @lennycsn, @kangsara thank you thank you thank you for being bringers of good news!!! Gaaahhh, toenail painting is such a BOYFRIENDY thing to do. Gaaah! Flailing like a mad fan girl here! When the heck did they find time to paint toe nails in that packed day? And why the hck did SM show up again?? I love SM, don't get me wrong, but SMah, you are in the way you know? *waggle eyebrows*

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Guest AnneDee07

No worries guys. glad that i can help a little bit. just want to spread the good news as quickly as possible so that i can share the happiness with all of you guys here. i hope the preview won't deviate so much from what MBC will be posting in a little while *i hope so* :)

thank you very much @lennycsn for the quick translation :) can't wait for tomorrow's episode!

Have a great day ahead all FDs! Let's be positive and keep the positive vibe alive at all time. Ignorance is bliss afterall :)

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Guest AnneDee07

Guys! Here's the official MBC text preview! Luckily, It's quite similar to what we've found previously. But with an added scene of camping car and minus the cooking session. but i hope the cooking session will still be there. :)

이특♡소라 : 특강부부 캠핑 가는 날♪
Lee Teuk <3 Sora: TeukKang Couple's Go to Camping Day.

태닝을 위해 야외수영장으로 온 이특&소라!
Leeteuk and Sora come to outdoor swimming pool for tanning.

소라는 이특에게 태닝오일을 발라주고 허전한(?) 발을 위해
페디큐어까지 해주는데~
Sora apply Tanning Oil to Leeteuk and also do pedicure for Leeteuk's foot.

이 때, 수영장에 깜짝 등장한(?) 손님은 바로 또 성민 도련님!
Then suddenly in the pool, appeared? the guest again is Master Sungmin. 성민의 진행 하에 두 사람은 발 가위바위보 게임을 하기로 하는데~
Sungmin then proceed under the two person and play the feet's rock-papaer-scissors game.
과연 이특&소라의 게임 결말은 어떻게 될지?
How exactly Leeteuk and sora's game will end?

며칠 후, 우정부부에게 얻은 캠핑카를 타고 캠핑을 가게 된 이특&소라!
After several moment, leeteuk and kang sora go to camping shop using the purchased Woojung couple's camping car.
캠핑카를 처음 본 두 사람은 구석구석 구경하게 되는데~
Using the camping car, for the first time the two person visited every corner and how will it be?
특강부부의 첫 번째 캠핑은 과연 어떤 모습일지?
How exactly would the first TeukKang couple camping would look like?

hehe. my first attempt to translate the preview. though you might find it funny, hope it can helps you guys a bit

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Guest monmon16

Here is the trans shared by @hiedi in twitter.

@nhb19: Roughly translated from MBC text preview:-

Lee Teuk ♡ Sora: Teuk-Kang Couple "Going for a Camping Day"

Leeteuk & Sora came to outdoor swimming pool for a tan!
Sora applied tanning oil to Leeteuk and she even did a pedicure for Leeteuk's feet~

At this time,a surprise a guest appeared to the pool - brother in law Sungmin! With Sungmin, the two of them played a feet "rock-paper-scissors" game.
What would happened to Leeteuk-Sora at the end of the game?

After a few days later, Leeteuk & Sora went for a camping with a camping car they got from WooJung couple! First time being in the camping car, the two of them goes to every corner of it, checking the car~
Teuk_Kang Couple first camping, how it's going to be?
AnneDee07 said: Guys! Here's the official MBC text preview! Luckily, It's quite similar to what we've found previously. But with an added scene of camping car and minus the cooking session. but i hope the cooking session will still be there. :)

이특♡소라 : 특강부부 캠핑 가는 날♪
Lee Teuk <3 Sora: TeukKang Couple's Go to Camping Day.

태닝을 위해 야외수영장으로 온 이특&소라!
Leeteuk and Sora come to outdoor swimming pool for tanning.

소라는 이특에게 태닝오일을 발라주고 허전한(?) 발을 위해
페디큐어까지 해주는데~
Sora apply Tanning Oil to Leeteuk and also do pedicure for Leeteuk's foot.

이 때, 수영장에 깜짝 등장한(?) 손님은 바로 또 성민 도련님!
Then suddenly in the pool, appeared? the guest again is Master Sungmin. 성민의 진행 하에 두 사람은 발 가위바위보 게임을 하기로 하는데~
Sungmin then proceed under the two person and play the feet's rock-papaer-scissors game.
과연 이특&소라의 게임 결말은 어떻게 될지?
How exactly Leeteuk and sora's game will end?

며칠 후, 우정부부에게 얻은 캠핑카를 타고 캠핑을 가게 된 이특&소라!
After several moment, leeteuk and kang sora go to camping shop using the purchased Woojung couple's camping car.
캠핑카를 처음 본 두 사람은 구석구석 구경하게 되는데~

특강부부의 첫 번째 캠핑은 과연 어떤 모습일지?

my first attempt to translate the preview. hope it can helps you guys a bit

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Guest xianlie90

@lennycsn @monmon16 @annedee07 @kangsara @hiedi Big around applause.. :) thank you so much for the good news & translation guys.. appreciate your hard work.. ^^

Soooo... Teuk's gonna cook pasta for Sora? No wonder from last WJ ep (when they visit Dimple House) we can see the kitchen sink is really full with dishes~ They've done their pasta dinner before WJ came~

Can't wait for tomorrow's ep! ^^ I miss them sooooo much <3
I only have teuksora in my head right now.. .XD


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Guest robinblue91

its really good to see new and old members back here! :)
thanks all for sharing the news and text preview too! its looks really interesting! soo excited for tomorrow! 

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Hanyi said:

Since the following is not related to Dimple Couple directly, I'll put it into spoiler.

I don't know what has happened in the last few hours, but I must say this, regardless you like it or not.

It seems that our friend had come to "save" us from our hopeless delusion again, yet other than posts bashing her, I didn't see the "problematic posts" that trigger all the turbulence.  My personal opinion is that, unless he/she violates the rules of Soompi, I don't see any reason why others have to report his/her posts and got them deleted.  I really want to know what others are feeling towards our dear couple, even though it may not be a happy experience.  I know it hurts when you hear views different from yours, but that's freedom of speech.  You may diagree with others' viewpoints, argue with the person with manners, convince him/her with your own justifications, and decide if you still want to continue to drag in the muddy water if there is no conclusion.  I think this is also the way how Teukie and Sora handled with bashes.  While they may not confront those bashers, they will reflect on points raised by bashers so that they can improve.  Sometimes, we must admit that fans' love are blinded so their views may not 100% healthy for the growth of the artists.  If you take some time to read back a few hundred pages, you will also find that FDs sometimes share different views and through sincere discussion we discover new things which made everyone more excited and love our Dimple Couple.  Why can't you treat your dealing with this lost friend a chance to renew your love for DC?

If the poster did not violate any rules such as using foul languages but only presented views that dismay you, please do not flag the posts for deletion. Since I don't have the privilege to have sight of what had been removed, I will not say who is right and who is wrong.  But I think that posting different views alone cannot be a justification to kill the post.  In fact, a number of Fighting Juniors do not respect the rules set out in this home of FDs as well.  I am not saying they have done anything bad to our Dimple Couple, but just visit the first page and see how many rules you and others have followed out of the 10 set out there and you will know what I am saying.

Please remember, we gathered here because of our love for Teukie and Sora.  But this love doesn't give us the right to bash or bully others who shared different views.  Of course the wishful thinking is no intruders to come here to declare war, and we have also asked him/her to go away politely.  But the decision to go or not is at his/her side.  The only decision you can make is ignore the person, skip his/her post, and continue your delusion.  This is how this thread has been going for some time until lately.  Fans' behaviour credits your supported artists' reputation.  There is no need for you to praise your beloved artists by stepping on others (including artists and fans).   

If this long post offended you, I am sorry.

@monmon16 It is so good to see someone who remember the DC tradition of sending wishes for topping the page. 

All new FDs, welcome and hope you will continue to make this land a nice place!

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