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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest mywebfoot

@janpyo, you're welcome. Credit not mine, as marked in pic. Left to me I would have switched positions and put them facing each other. BUAHAHAH! ;)

@Malonowa thanks for posting the interview. I've read it twice now. It was an interesting response to the relationship question. Although I know that he can't tell the whole truth, and the blushing indicates that there's something else going on... Usually Teuk will say some kind of statement that makes sense in his head. Remember the statements made at the 6th album press conference? I don't think he outright lies about this kind of thing. So, I'm trying to find an explanation that fits this "one year" timeline that he has, but haven't found a satisfactory one yet.....hmmmmm..... Curiouser and curiouser.

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Sorry.... I deleted my rant!!!  
Sending blessings to everyone!!
edit:  A quick delusional thought... when you guys were discussing the flowers.  A thought passed my mind that maybe Sora sent them thru WGM just like she had the FJ do stuff for her.....again its just a passing thought

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Guest monmon16

malonowa said:

id="post-196099" 120823 Harper’s Bazaar Magazine September Issue – Leeteuk [TRANS] August 23, 2012 at 6:16 pm | Posted in Interviews, Leeteuk, Magazine, Wonderboys | Leave a comment


Q8) During the concert you were playing the piano and singing at the same time, and sometimes compose some music. Everyone says that they don’t know Leeteuk has this side of him. I personally feel that your voice is great when singing. At first I don’t really like the singing ability which sounds like reading, but the voice is so pure that it is very charismatic.

Leeteuk : People get excited at times, but voices won’t. (laughs) During concerts I will play the saxaphone, will also play the drums, there’s a lot of performances like this. Is because (my) dancing or singing is not very good, that’s why I want to excel in music instruments. I want our FANS who came to see us, recognize our hardwork. Composing is purely based on personal improvement. This time is my 3rd self-composed song, radio logo song I had composed before too. It seems like I can’t use words to describe the happiness of composing songs. Plus, whether the song is meant as a present for someone else, it’s always either words that I wish to tell FANS, or when I am thinking of the person I like. When letting others hear it (I) will also say “It’s composed when I’m thinking of you” (laughs)

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Guest xianlie90

LOL.. You don't know how many times I wanna squeeze you babo Teuk..you and your loose sexy mouth again, you dig another grave, eh? I wont surprised if your wife called you after she read Bazzar.. You better prepare a good explanation for her... OR maybe you've told her even before the article is out.. Cuz this is the way you want to keep the secrets only for you both.. No one knows right? :)

Of course we all know he had past relationship.. Even I know it was closed to the time when he joined WGM.. Remember "Andante" the heart breaking song he compose for Repackage Album "A-Cha"? SJ released the album around Sep2011.. so he must been composed the song from July-August 2011..

Sora is a smart girl.. so I'm 80% sure she also know about that.. (and like I said before, I -am sure- think teuk himself has told her about this before)

Past is past.. Now is now..

Sure we can't denied what occurred in the past lead to what happens now.. but remember what happens NOW will lead to what will happen in FUTURE... Which one more important? So who cares about the past right?

As for now, you can't deny the look in his eyes every time saw her.. Can't you see the sparks?

You can't deny the way he smile & his act when he's around her?

I want to re-call SSTP call (12-12-22) the time when he act like high school lover only because Sora said
"I should be the one who taking care of you"

and I want to relate it with this..

"But in the standpoint of a girlfriend, no matter my schedule ends at 2am or 3am, we definitely have to meet, this way it then can be considered dating."

From this statement of him, we could hypothesized the past girl is type who needs attention the most.. while Sora is the opposite type, who mature enough to understand him..

That's why it makes me think, Teuk could easily fall with Sora's charm as he (mostly) never treated like that from the past girl.. Here, I think he realized it's hard to find a girl like Sora.. And if he smart enough, he'll follow FT advise.. to hold her(aka. to not letting her go away from him)

See? Its not really hard to find something that lead to positive thoughts right?

as always... at the end... only God and DC who knows what they have between them...
So lets just let it flow, enjoy the show, treasure what DC & FD have right now & give alot of support for them....


Other things that come into my brain while read the articles....

"Because not working after 5 years and 3 months of radio DJ, the time between 10pm – 12am are now free. From that day onwards, (I) started exercising once again. Anyway since I do not have anything else, if my schedules for that day ended, I will go exercise, then for sauna, only then will return dorm, (I) don’t want this too. Can (I) say that (I) really feel the loneliness now? "

Yeahhhhh....... That's why you tried to invite wife to come to the gym, ne? kkkkk

"Plus, whether the song is meant as a present for someone else, it’s always either words that I wish to tell FANS, or when I am thinking of the person I like."

Yeahhhhh....... using your fans as an excuse to hide 'present for the person you like'? kkkk (no offense to any ELF here, only my own thought)

"When letting others hear it (I) will also say “It’s composed when I’m thinking of you” (laughs)"

Awwhhh, wae I keep thinking you said that to Sora when Only U is out??? (again, no offense ELF)

translation cut credits to: wingsforleeteuk.com

@monmon16 ohhh... mon2 is rocking the house! :D kkkk its been a while ne?? *morning kiss for you  :-* * kkkk

Good morning FD fellas and welcome to new member of the FD family ^^
Hv a great day ahead!
Keep praying for tomorrows WGM, hope MBC would be kind with us..!!

Anyway, guys.. Thanks for sharing many things in the thread... It'll be more good if you always REMEMBER not forget to put sources where did you get it... We're good internet users after all.. :)

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Since the following is not related to Dimple Couple directly, I'll put it into spoiler.

I don't know what has happened in the last few hours, but I must say this, regardless you like it or not.

It seems that our friend had come to "save" us from our hopeless delusion again, yet other than posts bashing her, I didn't see the "problematic posts" that trigger all the turbulence.  My personal opinion is that, unless he/she violates the rules of Soompi, I don't see any reason why others have to report his/her posts and got them deleted.  I really want to know what others are feeling towards our dear couple, even though it may not be a happy experience.  I know it hurts when you hear views different from yours, but that's freedom of speech.  You may diagree with others' viewpoints, argue with the person with manners, convince him/her with your own justifications, and decide if you still want to continue to drag in the muddy water if there is no conclusion.  I think this is also the way how Teukie and Sora handled with bashes.  While they may not confront those bashers, they will reflect on points raised by bashers so that they can improve.  Sometimes, we must admit that fans' love are blinded so their views may not 100% healthy for the growth of the artists.  If you take some time to read back a few hundred pages, you will also find that FDs sometimes share different views and through sincere discussion we discover new things which made everyone more excited and love our Dimple Couple.  Why can't you treat your dealing with this lost friend a chance to renew your love for DC?

If the poster did not violate any rules such as using foul languages but only presented views that dismay you, please do not flag the posts for deletion. Since I don't have the privilege to have sight of what had been removed, I will not say who is right and who is wrong.  But I think that posting different views alone cannot be a justification to kill the post.  In fact, a number of Fighting Juniors do not respect the rules set out in this home of FDs as well.  I am not saying they have done anything bad to our Dimple Couple, but just visit the first page and see how many rules you and others have followed out of the 10 set out there and you will know what I am saying.

Please remember, we gathered here because of our love for Teukie and Sora.  But this love doesn't give us the right to bash or bully others who shared different views.  Of course the wishful thinking is no intruders to come here to declare war, and we have also asked him/her to go away politely.  But the decision to go or not is at his/her side.  The only decision you can make is ignore the person, skip his/her post, and continue your delusion.  This is how this thread has been going for some time until lately.  Fans' behaviour credits your supported artists' reputation.  There is no need for you to praise your beloved artists by stepping on others (including artists and fans).   

If this long post offended you, I am sorry.

@monmon16 It is so good to see someone who remember the DC tradition of sending wishes for topping the page. 

All new FDs, welcome and hope you will continue to make this land a nice place!

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@Hanyi-ssi - good point!  I don't know how many times I've said that - IGNORE - IGNORE - IGNORE!!  It's better than rebutting because doing so makes one lose his/her energy and become irrational.

Having worked in the entertainment industry long time ago, I am quite familiar with how these interviews go!  They are not 100% true - they have to lie too! Who would want their lives exposed, especially someone like LeeTeuk who is easily misunderstood and sometimes by his own fans?  But since I have become a fan of LeeTeuk because he is the other half of Dimple Couple, I came to study his mind - his way of thinking - the way he teases - he talks with deep meanings - which makes me analyze it more.  Believing or not whatever he said in that interview, is our choice.  My choice is - he is honest as far as his stature in the industry is concerned - but quite sensitive with his personal life.  How we view his statements about his personal life, is all up to us - wear those thinking hats and you'll find out.

See you all in a few days!!

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Guest dewi23

Actually it’s too late for reviewing the last episode, sorry, but I can’t help it to share with you all Guys



1.       - When is “last time I promised to be his manager?” heheeeee he really wants sora to do everything , Teukie is honest when he said he has so many wishes at ep 8,

2.      -  Lovely – Motherly smile from sora while waving to his husband- she’s really is beautiful lady and woman.  I’m not sure myself, but my heart really warm when watching them together. Their happiness feeling and aura really could spread love for their surroundings. AND ONLY US –THE REAL DC- that able to reciprocate this kind of feelings

3.      -  Look how he smiles happily to death

4.      -  Love how the way their holding hands, it’s naturally reaching each other hands and so loveeeeeeeee, how can antis can’t see this?! I just can’t understand what their thinking?

5.      -  I like when Jo Kwon said: He looks like child groom. Yes, indeed he is. His walking + waving toward sora are fully bright smile and happiness.

6.       - If I can be delusional bit, he seems so high, happier, brighter, bolder, more confidence, these days, his words, his thoughts, his acts, are so determined more and convinced – Or is he already have those characters? I have no idea since not really his fan^^

7.       - Look how he observe and look at mini skirt sora use, it’s bit serious. And I just love it,

8.      -  It’s so lovely when she reaches his hand, clapping together,

*Once again, I really can’t understand why their antis still exist? Look how happy and sincere they’re,

9.       - Look their eye contact when talking about revealing clothes before teukie look at camera, they have sign/code their own now, aigooooo, this brilliant couple ckckckkckckk,

10.   - How cute and funny sungmin’s jealousy is, kyeopta,

11.   - When sora said: does that mean you were looking for different woman just now?                    

Look sungmin’s face, he’s bit surprised-looking at sora-then laughing while downing his head, maybe he thinks “teuk hyung you’re so dead or hyung, you can’t beat this girl or this girl manage my hyung so well”

12.   - Since when sora knows teukie so well? How she knows his avoiding gaze and eyes means he lies? And she said: you’re avoiding my eyes AGAIN. I wonder how many he’s avoiding her eyes off cam???? And sungmin just laughing happily watching his hyung behave like that,

*And how she knows so well that Teukie loves girls so much??

- I really can’t imagine there is better girl than sora who understands and knows teukie well without being hot temper and jealous, I really think this couple is unknowingly matched and completed each other so well,

13.   - Look how loud MC’s laugh when sungmin said: you still can’t fix that behavior towards girls, and I do so, I laugh so hard seeing teukie so panic and nervous,

14.   - What I like more about this episode is, sora starts to show her feeling and jealousy here, and she’s serious, look her eyes when investigate about awkward questions, she looks straight with no smiling on teukie, and their level relation is really serious I think –for now-

15.   - While teukie explaining and both are ignoring, sora still feeding him tough, she knows how to care his husband in every condition, she’s really a good wife,

16.   - Look teukie changing expression when sora want to apologize to Min, while he stand from seat, teuk: from laugh to serious expression. I also still asking myself??

17.   - The belonging feeling is there and real, it’s not testing stage anymoreJ

18.   - The jealousy is bit irritating for me, but yes, this only do when people are coupled and I don’t mind. And this is first time sora obviously and loudly voicing her jealousy seriously.

19.   - Teuk is cancer right? And Cancer is all about confirmation, he needs to confirm anything clearly [i learn this from Khun, and he does so. Everything needs to be confirmed. It’s Cancer nature I think]

20.   - And there are times when he can’t look straight on sora’s eyes? I wonder Why? I think this stage is passed already, hahahaaaaa, but I feel his avoiding gaze this time is when he’s doing wrong and can’t make it up, this old man, I need to check his birth date again to ensure he’s really 30?!!!


Sorry for making them as points^^

As always, I've a good time enjoying reading all your comments and anlysis, thanks Guys-

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Guest monmon16

Thanks for the kiss @xianlie90 , yeah it's been a while since I hang out here. I don't know why I end up coming here where (sorry to admit) I'm (again) trying to distance myself with DC. So funny, I guess I can never escape from the fact that I truly love our Dimple Couple. Like what you have said in twitter FD not only stands for Fighting Dimples but also Forever Devoted fans of DC.

The article from Harper's Bazaar, gave me more hopes that LT was thinking Sora while writing the song "Only U".
& just to share the interesting insight from @Lil_Vna. She tweeted this:

I bet we have same person that crossed our mind with this line, right? Kekeke

@hanyi, hi there! Though I've been away from this house for so long, I still clearly remember our old tradition. Maybe we should practice it again to make this home stay positive.

To all FDs, old & new members, let's all be positive!!! Fighting

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Guest pinnavinna

Dear @hanyi thanks for remind Hanyi said:

Since the following is not related to Dimple Couple directly, I'll put it into spoiler.

I don't know what has happened in the last few hours, but I must say this, regardless you like it or not.

It seems that our friend had come to "save" us from our hopeless delusion again, yet other than posts bashing her, I didn't see the "problematic posts" that trigger all the turbulence.  My personal opinion is that, unless he/she violates the rules of Soompi, I don't see any reason why others have to report his/her posts and got them deleted.  I really want to know what others are feeling towards our dear couple, even though it may not be a happy experience.  I know it hurts when you hear views different from yours, but that's freedom of speech.  You may diagree with others' viewpoints, argue with the person with manners, convince him/her with your own justifications, and decide if you still want to continue to drag in the muddy water if there is no conclusion.  I think this is also the way how Teukie and Sora handled with bashes.  While they may not confront those bashers, they will reflect on points raised by bashers so that they can improve.  Sometimes, we must admit that fans' love are blinded so their views may not 100% healthy for the growth of the artists.  If you take some time to read back a few hundred pages, you will also find that FDs sometimes share different views and through sincere discussion we discover new things which made everyone more excited and love our Dimple Couple.  Why can't you treat your dealing with this lost friend a chance to renew your love for DC?

If the poster did not violate any rules such as using foul languages but only presented views that dismay you, please do not flag the posts for deletion. Since I don't have the privilege to have sight of what had been removed, I will not say who is right and who is wrong.  But I think that posting different views alone cannot be a justification to kill the post.  In fact, a number of Fighting Juniors do not respect the rules set out in this home of FDs as well.  I am not saying they have done anything bad to our Dimple Couple, but just visit the first page and see how many rules you and others have followed out of the 10 set out there and you will know what I am saying.

Please remember, we gathered here because of our love for Teukie and Sora.  But this love doesn't give us the right to bash or bully others who shared different views.  Of course the wishful thinking is no intruders to come here to declare war, and we have also asked him/her to go away politely.  But the decision to go or not is at his/her side.  The only decision you can make is ignore the person, skip his/her post, and continue your delusion.  This is how this thread has been going for some time until lately.  Fans' behaviour credits your supported artists' reputation.  There is no need for you to praise your beloved artists by stepping on others (including artists and fans).   

If this long post offended you, I am sorry.

@monmon16 It is so good to see someone who remember the DC tradition of sending wishes for topping the page. 

All new FDs, welcome and hope you will continue to make this land a nice place!

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Guest AnneDee07

Everyone! The preview is out! We'll have our DC tomorrow! Yeahh! 25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (1) > 하루 동안 이특의 일일매니저로 변신한 가상 부인 배우 강소라는 마지막 스케줄인 태닝을 하기 위해 수영장에 갔다. 이특에게 직접 태닝 오일을 발라주면서 화기애애한 시간을 보내는 중 성민이 수영장에 다시 한 번 깜짝 등장했다. 이특은 성민에게 자신의 패티큐어 한 발을 보여주며 자랑했다. 매니큐어를 칠한 거냐며 신기해하는 성민에게 이특은 자신이 태어날 때부터 흰색 발톱이었다고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. 사실은 태닝 오일을 발라준 후 직접 이특의 발에 패티큐어를 해준 강소라의 작품이었던 것이다. 25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (2) > 모든 스케줄이 끝나고 신혼집으로 돌아가자 이특은 하루 동안 고생한 강소라를 위해 자신의 소원 쿠폰을 사용했다. 그 쿠폰은 바로 '소라에게 직접 요리해주기!' 쿠폰으로 슈퍼주니어 멤버들에게 인정받은 특별 파스타를 강소라만을 위해서 직접 요리했다.

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Guest kangsara

AnneDee07 said: Everyone! The preview is out! We'll have our DC tomorrow! Yeahh! 25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (1) > 하루 동안 이특의 일일매니저로 변신한 가상 부인 배우 강소라는 마지막 스케줄인 태닝을 하기 위해 수영장에 갔다. 이특에게 직접 태닝 오일을 발라주면서 화기애애한 시간을 보내는 중 성민이 수영장에 다시 한 번 깜짝 등장했다. 이특은 성민에게 자신의 패티큐어 한 발을 보여주며 자랑했다. 매니큐어를 칠한 거냐며 신기해하는 성민에게 이특은 자신이 태어날 때부터 흰색 발톱이었다고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. 사실은 태닝 오일을 발라준 후 직접 이특의 발에 패티큐어를 해준 강소라의 작품이었던 것이다. 25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (2) > 모든 스케줄이 끝나고 신혼집으로 돌아가자 이특은 하루 동안 고생한 강소라를 위해 자신의 소원 쿠폰을 사용했다. 그 쿠폰은 바로 '소라에게 직접 요리해주기!' 쿠폰으로 슈퍼주니어 멤버들에게 인정받은 특별 파스타를 강소라만을 위해서 직접 요리했다.

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Hello FDs,

I just want to say that being delusional in this thread is just for FUN (hence our term FDD Syndrome) and it's just a way for us to be happy, dream and hope for good things to happen to our DC (Hence, it's not a crime). Moreover, if one is truly delusional, one would not state that they are delusional themselves (or else that would mean we are contradicting ourselves). Hence, WE CLEARLY KNOW WHEN WE ARE BEING DELUSIONAL AND WHEN WE ARE NOT!

I think it's just that someone cannot FACE THE TRUTH and I doubt they can handle the truth either. LOL "YOU WANT THE TRUTH? WELL, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" All I can say is that we have an ill-patient here in this thread, a poor soul who is currently suffering from SADISM. Please take care and hope all FDs can be a little considerate to this poor soul.


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Guest pinnavinna

AnneDee07 said:

Everyone! The preview is out! We'll have our DC tomorrow! Yeahh!

25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (1) > 하루 동안 이특의 일일매니저로 변신한 가상 부인 배우 강소라는 마지막 스케줄인 태닝을 하기 위해 수영장에 갔다. 이특에게 직접 태닝 오일을 발라주면서 화기애애한 시간을 보내는 중 성민이 수영장에 다시 한 번 깜짝 등장했다. 이특은 성민에게 자신의 패티큐어 한 발을 보여주며 자랑했다. 매니큐어를 칠한 거냐며 신기해하는 성민에게 이특은 자신이 태어날 때부터 흰색 발톱이었다고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. 사실은 태닝 오일을 발라준 후 직접 이특의 발에 패티큐어를 해준 강소라의 작품이었던 것이다. 25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (2) > 모든 스케줄이 끝나고 신혼집으로 돌아가자 이특은 하루 동안 고생한 강소라를 위해 자신의 소원 쿠폰을 사용했다. 그 쿠폰은 바로 '소라에게 직접 요리해주기!' 쿠폰으로 슈퍼주니어 멤버들에게 인정받은 특별 파스타를 강소라만을 위해서 직접 요리했다.

where u find this article ? Thank you very much....


would somebody mind to translate this? thanks in advance :D

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Guest pinnavinna

AnneDee07 said:

Everyone! The preview is out! We'll have our DC tomorrow! Yeahh!

25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (1) > 하루 동안 이특의 일일매니저로 변신한 가상 부인 배우 강소라는 마지막 스케줄인 태닝을 하기 위해 수영장에 갔다. 이특에게 직접 태닝 오일을 발라주면서 화기애애한 시간을 보내는 중 성민이 수영장에 다시 한 번 깜짝 등장했다. 이특은 성민에게 자신의 패티큐어 한 발을 보여주며 자랑했다. 매니큐어를 칠한 거냐며 신기해하는 성민에게 이특은 자신이 태어날 때부터 흰색 발톱이었다고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. 사실은 태닝 오일을 발라준 후 직접 이특의 발에 패티큐어를 해준 강소라의 작품이었던 것이다. 25일 우결 미리보기 (기사) (2) > 모든 스케줄이 끝나고 신혼집으로 돌아가자 이특은 하루 동안 고생한 강소라를 위해 자신의 소원 쿠폰을 사용했다. 그 쿠폰은 바로 '소라에게 직접 요리해주기!' 쿠폰으로 슈퍼주니어 멤버들에게 인정받은 특별 파스타를 강소라만을 위해서 직접 요리했다.

where u find this article ? Thank you very much....


would somebody mind to translate this? thanks in advance :D

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