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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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pinnavinna said:





that's it for TeukSo today?! you're too cruel MBC! that's not fair! we waited for 3weeks hoping for a decent episode and we only got this?!


<br />

im so wanting to fly to South Korea right now and burn that darn building down! who's with me? *off to buy plane ticket*

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k_craze said: @Robinblue91 thanks for the link. Guess I hv to wait for subs, too much talking, i love how sora went for LT hands when he tried to tell SM that SR think of him as a real brother, I am guessing this is what LT said. And I love how SR is catching LT again.

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I watch the streaming and raw video, and as expected WGM focused to the new couple (which is I can't feel the chemestry between this new one). It's so sad, waiting for 3 weeks and only see them for 15 minutes and I still have to wait for eng sub, since I can't get it what our lovely DC talking about :-S.  In this episode, I don't know this is only my feeling or not, but SR really show that she's burning with jealousy. I think this is the first time she showed her feeling clearly. LT is kind of embarrassed and don't know what to do to calm his baby princess. It's very short episode, but cute. And once again for all DC lovers, especially Moslem, just wanna say Happy Eid Mubarak... Selamat Hari Raya...

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short but sweet episode for me - there's no sense on me complaining; at least, like what some of the members said, we got to see them. 

whether or not the event was Sora's idea, I can tell she is putting a lot of effort to give LeeTeuk some meaningful time away from work.

Scenes I love:  LT initiating hand-holding - this is what everybody thinks LT has stopped doing, right?  You all know why he is back to himself - he got the assurance he was waiting for - the kiss from his wife and the meeting with in-laws.  Don't forget, FIL handed the baton to him at that meeting.

Anothe scene - Sora hiding behind LeeTeuk's back at the DC house; SR moved back next to LT when WooJung couple started conferring (since they were losing the game).  Come to think of it - they won, right?  So what happened to the STRONG thing that is going to happen if they secure the house?

What can I say about the new MCs - I actually liked Uee as the virtual wife of Park JaeJoong - it's like DC as far as age gap is concerned but Park JaeJoong didn't seem to like the idea of the age gap.  I am glad they retained Kim JungMin because I can tell he likes DC a lot!

They seem to have cut the scene where LT threw Sora into the water; I want to see that scene because Sora was hanging on tight to LeeTeuk.  That was so intimate - to me!!

I guess LT invited SM without SR knowing - and I'm glad he did - that should stop him from not trusting his wife again.  LT always wants to dig the ground for somebody but he ends up getting buried in it.


Edit:  @marssq - c'mon - he has to do that in front of Sora - BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!! ;)

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Eid Mubarak to all muslim friends.. I just watched the raw episode and honestly I can't understand any single word they said. Now I'm starting to miss @hanyi, @akanetrans and @epheupark ( so sad :(  )which we all know are very busy with the SJ.

I tried to observe their actions and when LT saw Sora you an see from his face that he is totally happy to see her but when he goes near her he seems strange, I was thinking maybe the reason was the camera and Sora tried holding his hand but you can see that he is not holding it maybe I was thinking that his hands are sweating. Seeing Sora more bolder on her actions in wgm is the opposite of LT. As per my observation LT is more bolder when it is off cam while Sora is the opposite she seems bolder on her actions when they are filming...but we all agree that they seem comfortable with each other especially Sora to LT.

For my delusional purposes I felt that they are into some kind of a relationship, the reason for my delusion was how LT react during filming to Sora and how Sora react to LT during filming. We all know that LT is used to secret relationship and he himself can able to hide it automatically especially infront of camera while Sora who has not yet experienced a relationship tends to show her comfortability with LT even filming. Seeing the reaction of LT while he saw Sora was completely different once he approached her. Shaking her hand like it was an event which I felt is not realistic at all. I also observed Sora while infront of Sungmin, you can see that she is at ease with him and even when LT feeds her she looks normal on it and same way when she feeds him. Not like before the episode 9..there is really a total change from her as in 360 degrees was changed.

For sungmin's part if ever both is in a relationship. I think he will try his best cover it up just as he did in SUKIRA with Ryewook " only the two of them can tell if ever they are in a relationship". I can say that sungmin adores sora so much that he can be able to hide it from the press not because LT is his hyung but because Sora is a sweet and nice lady that has greeted him and gave him a cake on his birthday.. For Sora totally you can see that she only have eyes with LT.

For LT he will try his best to keep it secret if ever they will be together in order to protect sora from any negative write ups since he will be enlisting soon..



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I like to ask a Q...perhaps @viyra could answer this as she have watched many WGM couples before DC....
If I'm not mistaken this is the 2nd time the production team have sent flowers to LT. Have this ever been done before to other virtual spouses? I'm just curious..because if its not normal, than WHY is the production team so 'enamored' with LT 'the virtual hubby'. Perhaps they know something that we don't know ? Perhaps they are sincerely rooting for DC to became a reality ;))
Anyway my train of thought will be moot if the answer is yes, that it is normal for the pro team to congratulate couples on their personal achievements.
BEING DELUSIONAL AGAIN!..what to do...a hot babe ahjumma with a wild imagination  =))

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marrsq said: I like to ask a Q...perhaps @viyra could answer this as she have watched many WGM couples before DC....
If I'm not mistaken this is the 2nd time the production team have sent flowers to LT. Have this ever been done before to other virtual spouses? I'm just curious..because if its not normal, than WHY is the production team so 'enamored' with LT 'the virtual hubby'. Perhaps they know something that we don't know ? Perhaps they are sincerely rooting for DC to became a reality ;))
Anyway my train of thought will be moot if the answer is yes, that it is normal for the pro team to congratulate couples on their personal achievements.
BEING DELUSIONAL AGAIN!..what to do...a hot babe ahjumma with a wild imagination  =))

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@marrsq - I never saw that in Season1 - all I know is, when Ssangchu celebrated their 100th days, the fans gave a 100th day cake, same thing the fans did to DC. 

And I was actually going to make a comment about that issue.  There was a time when WGM/MBC (according to some members) sent a wreath to SJ in one of their concerts; but it is quite surprising that they are now doing it directly to who they want to.  Brave Couple husband did concerts but he never got a congratulatory wreath; T-ara did their concerts but EunJung didn't get any; what about NichKhun of 2PM? JoKown or GaIn? 

It was okay the first time they did it since it was an exclusive SJ concert and sent it to LT - and even addressed him as "groom LeeTeuk" - but to do it a second time - in an SM Concert (not a SJ concert) and address him the same way; and LT to respond as "Groom LeeTeuk will perform well", something's worth scrutinizing. 

These are things I keep on adding to my list of evidences.  This is a pattern I have been following since getting involved in the legal world - especially if a case is in litigation.  I start gathering all evidences relevant to the case and then make a summary of the case.  Do I have to explain more?  I don't think so.  If some of you do not or have not or refuse to analyze or read their movements or expressions or anything they say out of the ordinary, then there's not much I can say.

All I know is - I have been a happy camper for a while.  My delusions are what makes me rational.

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I hate to spam the page 'coz I might get a warning - you know, I've been a good member and have never disobeyed soompi rules but I might forget this so - I apologize to the moderators if I become unruly this time!

noone has posted so noone has noticed: episode 27 - MIL's comment - 'everytime I watch the broadcast, oppa always taking care of you'.  Then a side comment - 'I wonder if she is doing well".  Errhhmm!!  Oemonim - you just said you watch the broadcast - so you should know if your daughter is doing well or not.  So far, she is doing well on broadcast.  So are you worried about 'other times' like - when there's no camera?

One on these days, since a lot are still hanging on a thin thread as far as this couple is concerned, especially on LT, I will lay down my analysis or my observation of LT - from the time he met Sora until now.

@vierblith - ditto!!  love how they interact - it is always easy for them to follow one's lead.  LeeTeuk still trying to fish something from both SungMin and Sora from picking the same restaurant - and I think talking about the food that was ordered when they accidentally met.  Teukkie should stop this jealous streak before his wife gets tired of it.  Luckily, he's got a good wife!

Although I am pissed on how they edit what was filmed, I am just thankful we still see them.  Let us hope to see a longer segment for our couple next week.  All I can say - to everyone - FIGHTING!!!

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Guest vierblith

@viyra, actually, it was a very sweet episode. They looked so natural, and the hand game was too cute - the way Sora initiated it and LT got into it. Even Sungmin looked surprised at how fiercely Sora grilled Leeteuk on the topic of girls (I think she was being the Queen of Asking Good Questions again). LT was so funny, trying to defend himself. LOL. 
My main complaint was on the lack of preview because, well, DC came in first so I waited out and bore with the rest of the show to see the preview and there was none.  :| As for the public pool, they showed the first part of it so we might see the rest next week (but we'll never know since there was no preview, hmph).

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Guest evie415

evie415 said:

Hello FDs ^^ first I want to say to all muslim FDs in Indonesia and anywhere else 'selamt Hari Raya Idul Fitri'

I want to ask all of you, I watched today's episode of wgm and about the woojung couple taking over dimple house, I thought they lost and the Dimple House is still DC's. But then this article came out


Please read. I'm in a position of disbelieving the article. Does that means dimple house is WooJung's ?! I can't let this go somehow.

dont worry.. the dimple house is still belong to our DC.. ;) i think teuk just say that sometimes woojung couple can use the house to do shower maybe, while DC use the camping car to go somwhere just for a short vacation.. well thats what i get, my korean ability is not that good either so maybe to make sure we gonna have to wait for the eng sub ver..

ahh,are u indonesian too? nice to meet u :)>-

@azkii PHEWW what a relieve #:-S thankyou so much for your explanation, really helps :D I thought Teuk was actually willing to give the house to woojung :s

And yes I'm Indonesian too btw ^^ nice to meet you ;) ;)

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Hi all.. Just to drop by to wish salam idulfitri to all muslim friends here and happy holiday to others! Forgive me if I've ever done any wrong to any people here :)

Sorry for not contributing much in soompi lately cause I'm busy with my blog and twitter ;) but all I can say about yesterday's episode. They looks so natural. I guess after meeting with the in laws, their awkwardness has gone and this episode is just to satisfy teukie jelousy(even though he said he's just creating it up) but those expression on his face doesn't seems like a lie to me. He is indeed jealous! I just loveee how Sora being in control of teukie in the end, lol.

Anyway, will come back soon with more analysis. But for now, just an open question. Did anyone saw the pink coupon that teukie's holding. Is it the coupon given by sora previously? Are they going to kissed at swimming pool scene? :P

And oh, teukie is holding something on his hand when sungmin came and later he give it back to sora before sungmin's taking his seat. Anybody can guess what is it?

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@witeku - now I am guessing that is the wish coupon.  Sora backroom interview said - she will be manager for a day - per agreement last time.  So LT's wish was for her to be her manager for one day?  I don't believe this!!  That easy? 

I don't think we will ever see the water park date - it would be a big screw up for the WGM editors if they show it next week. 

yes, LeeTeuk-ssi - you can't hide that jealousy - stop now - you are making your wife a little sad; and don't forget FIL is watching!


Edit:  @gigi - thanks for the info!  I keep on saying I'm prepared/ready to see him depart from WGM but I can't hide the sadness deep inside.  I am just hoping he is just departing from WGM and not from Sora.

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Guest gigi1430291652

[iNFO] Lee teuk said 'SMT in Seoul was my last concert in Korea before I enlist.' (Cr. Y___Eon, SJ_BOM) no SS5 with Teuk? T__T

Teuk oppa said next-next week's stage will be the last recording.. ;____; [v: NKSubs]

[iNFO] Leeteuk said he's slowly wrapping up Strong Heart & Star King... ;___; [via: NKSubs] /Sobbing/

[iNFO] Teuk said when he comes back from the army, he will perform cooly on stage again ;-; [v: NKSubs]

Teuk said that he wanted to perform in SJ's solo concert. ELF yelled do it! but Teuk said "Not in winter, I'll be in the army" [v: NKSubs]

credit: @ELFISHics

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Guest janetv

WGM JangWoo said 'theyre getting punished for what they did to Leeteuk-Sora' http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/12800/20120818/lee-jang-woo-eunjung-camping-car-hardship.htm

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Guest lallinachan

Hi!! I loved this episode (ok, but too short for sure!). I'm waiting for the subbing, but thanks to you all I guessed what they are talking about^^
did u noticed that when sungmin appear, Sora has her hands on the table and Teukie attempt to move his hand to catch hers? it's just a little moment and I don't know if I imagined it, anyway Sora didn't notice and moved her hands away, so teukie stop his^^
poor hubby^^ whay this reaction just when Sungmin appears? trying to have her attention to himself? or maybe he just want to touch her because he is insecure? anyway it was lovely (if I didn't imagine it^^;;)

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Guest robinblue91

lallinachan said: Hi!! I loved this episode (ok, but too short for sure!). I'm waiting for the subbing, but thanks to you all I guessed what they are talking about^^
did u noticed that when sungmin appear, Sora has her hands on the table and Teukie attempt to move his hand to catch hers? it's just a little moment and I don't know if I imagined it, anyway Sora didn't notice and moved her hands away, so teukie stop his^^
poor hubby^^ whay this reaction just when Sungmin appears? trying to have her attention to himself? or maybe he just want to touch her because he is insecure? anyway it was lovely (if I didn't imagine it^^;;)

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lallinachan said: Hi!! I loved this episode (ok, but too short for sure!). I'm waiting for the subbing, but thanks to you all I guessed what they are talking about^^
did u noticed that when sungmin appear, Sora has her hands on the table and Teukie attempt to move his hand to catch hers? it's just a little moment and I don't know if I imagined it, anyway Sora didn't notice and moved her hands away, so teukie stop his^^
poor hubby^^ whay this reaction just when Sungmin appears? trying to have her attention to himself? or maybe he just want to touch her because he is insecure? anyway it was lovely (if I didn't imagine it^^;;)

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