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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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This is probably my last post here, and it is dedicated to the dearest and honourable person who persistently trying to save us from delusion.  I will not address you as intruder, because this land is free for all, though it would be much better if those who are lost can find their way back home.

Firstly, highest appreciation to your never-ending and persistent enthusiasm to convince us that WGM is fake and Dimple Couple is not real.  How much time did you spend on finding such information and so-called facts?  Is it because it is now summer vacation so you have nothing to do?  Really envy your leisure when reflecting on my hectic working life (*sigh*).  You really did a great job, and have my highest respect.  None of us in this forum will spend our precious time to do this kind of research simply for the sake to convince strangers who we never care.  I think even the Pope will not spend his precious time to keep finding traces of evidence to convince people who do not believe in God to change their mind.  Absolute salute to you.  Bravo!

Regarding the long FAQs that you posted, I spent a minute to look for the source (thanks for including) and then another minute at the time of the preparation of the FAQ, then I moved on to the official site of MBC WGM.  I admit that I am lazy and also not as lucky as you I didn't find any official FAQ from MBC.  So probably the FAQ was compiled by some fans from interviews or news.  Maybe you can do us another favour by contacting them to see how long they have not updated the FAQ (oh, you can also volunteer to help them update with your other findings too to kill your idle time). 

You happily found the so-called FAQs for Season I when the then PD is now no where in WGM, and I doubt if he is still in MBC.  Mind you a bit, visit the official website of MBC WGM.  Although you may not know Korean, the PD of WGM has been changed AGAIN after the strike (so sorry to disappoint you).  And from the source you quoted the FAQ, there is clearly a note : "WGM" had some changes on it's format and the PD was changed too so some of these info are old.  I trust that you must be too excited to convince us your findings so you decided to ignore forgot to include this important disclaimer.  I know it is not your intention to omit this important clue to mislead us, I trust you with all my heart that you are not trying to only provide information that is favourable to you.  You got my support, I fully understand that sometimes we must do some little tricks to cover up our richard simmons lies. 

Since the information you provided is outdated not updated, and I have no time to search for the new PD's interview on her views on the programme format after she took over, I am not going to read the result of your blood and tears.  I am sincerely sorry for wasting your efforts.  Oh yes, thank you for keep reminding me of my problem of delusion.  You care about me much more than my parents.  I now know I am a middle-aged spoiled child as my mother fully supports my delusion and enthusiasm in devoting my leisure to the Dimple Couple.  How should I thank you Ms Stranger?  Do let me know.  I feel bad that I cannot repay you in person but I really really appreciate the fact that in the world as cold as nowadays, some stranger whom I do not know in person cared about me so much that she keeps spending all her time trying to convince me that I have problem.  You are really really enthusiastic and a good person.

Just one recommendation.  Since Soompi is free of charge for everyone and it is expensive to buy gigabytes to keep all this rubbish useful yet outdate not updated information, I suggest in future you can use spoiler to contain your rubbish advice.  This will also help ease other FDs' nervous.  They are just irrational and delusional and I am afaird they will act like some sasaeng fan to you.  If you get killed, I for sure will cry.

And to my fellow FDs, I don't know why you have to be enraged by our dear stranger.  Can't you see how persistent she is in saving us?  You didn't send her your regards but keep burning on your nerves.  Why?  Didn't you know you will never got a negative answer when you ask a drunk person if he/she was drank?  Why can't you just appreciate her efforts in saving the world (and let her die happily)?  I have no religious belief, but I am not that stupid to try to change others.  Who the heck am I?  I am not going to be the saviour or superwoman.  So who believes what never bothers me.  I post this just because for record's sake so that future readers know that the "informative" post is error-prone.  That's it.

Bow and go back to work. 

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@shymaldita,@k_craze and @mywebfoot....thanks for your point of views. @viyra and @Hanyi, thanks for your wisdom. Please allow me to share mine.

i have always believed that WGM  is a well thought out  show with  the production crew having a set  idea about  their concept for the taping day,  but they have no clue themselves on how it will unfold because they do not dictate on how the couple will react to such concept and how  they will both feel about it.

If you have noticed, the events prepared by Lee Teuk for Sora on the plane and even at his concert, the crew with Sora really had no idea what just happened and was as surprised as she was. This goes the same way when Lee Teuk was so surprised to find out that they are going to Nami Island , you know that he has no idea about it  because he did not come prepared for an island trip...no hat or sunglasses which you would normally prepare for a day under the sun.

Even though the crew has a concept in mind, they have allowed their concepts to be modified by the wants and desires of  our couple, and they have tailored their scenarios to their circumstances and allowed both of them to take over  almost completely without what i think is any significant interference from the crew themselves except maybe for choosing the restaurants to have a meal with or the ahjussi to read their fortune for them. I am not even sure if the crew  chose their apartment for them or if it was Teukies's doing. Of course in those episodes where they were joined by other people ( like the dates of the FJ's or the double date with Donghae), this was clearly orchestrated by the crew....but even then....the reactions and interactions are mostly genuine and are not scripted....meaning they were not told what to say or do or how to act....they did what they did and said what they said because that was what they felt.

I do not think that Lee Teuk is  such a  good actor  enough for him to be able to react the way he did when Sora did his birthday event for him. The changes in his expressions are so real and i believe very difficult to fake even if you are one of the best actor there is. As for Sora, i have oftentimes mentioned that in WGM, Sora often acts more as regular person reacting to the situation rather than an actress.
Her initial reluctance to skinship....her dramatic response to her giving Teukie a kiss....if she was indeed acting here....as part of a  married couple why the hesitancy? why the emotional response to something as simple a kiss on the cheek, when she has done it a couple of times on MV's and TV shows?

I believe that their reactions are based on their personal feelings about each other and to each other...I believe that they presented to us part of who they are separate from their on screen persona....I believe
the sincerity with which they regard each other....and i believe that they have truly, madly ,deeply fallen in love with each other.

Time will  prove me if I am right or wrong....but i will never regret believing what I believe now because they have renewed my faith in love , and the changes and happiness it can bring to someones' life.

I hope like most of us here, all genuine FD's  will keep their  faith and never doubt their  belief! FIGHTING!!!

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Guest dark_empress60


Guys i knew you already knew about this.. Cause we :x LOVE DC. Aawww!!! Im sure Leeteuk Hyung meant something in showing off his nice body now. Hekkkkkeeeehekk! Sora wont make her eyes look in Leeteuk hyung face.. Hekkhekhek!!! OMG!! i cant stop smiling ... Im crazy!!!! :D

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Guest TS_Supporter

Hello everyone...just like to give my 5 cents worth of thought.. Does it really matter if WGM is scripted or not scripted? What matters most is affairs of the heart! I believe all DC lovers here ( incl myself ) are able to see how our dimple couple electify each other...every time they meet..they know get to know each other better..That's where a real relationship can develop... WGM is one of my fav program...this program gives celeb an opportunity to develop into something whenever possible...it's not just allowing the celebs to gain fame...that's my opinion... Anyway love all DC shippers in this forum...am so looking forward to this Saturday...

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Guest teuksoislove

just want to share this video of uri nampyeon last strong heart broadcast. :)


HIS BODY IS BEYOND PERFECT!! uri nampyeon teukkkk! ~~

it's wednesday FD's! let's watch all performances of SPY and don't forget to watch this saturday! :D

hello to all filipino FDs here, especially to those from Cebu! :)

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Oh this is sad.. According to Korea.com actress Oh Yeon Seow will be joining WGM in September. Are we really saying goodbye to our DC soon?? Well it cant be help since Leeteuk is leaving soon. I just hope both of them are happy aft WGM. I sure gonna miss them. :((

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Guest xianlie90

nope, I'm not going commented what our "good friend" trying to convince from his/her post..

I'll only post this mean for my beloved FD fellas here.. especially our new family members (welcome to FD house btw :) )

we all know there're not much time left until end of TeukSora WGM..
so rather than debating whether this show is scripted or not..

why dont you guys just enjoy the show? (okay.. no shows for these past week, but hey! we're going to have our DC back in couple days! cheers guys!!)

I know.. its your right & I not mean to stop you or anything...
but digging to much sometimes will only make your brain & heart hurts..
at the end... only God and DC who knows what they have between them...
just let it flow & support them....

@hanyi *hugs* well, I wont lose contact with you through twitter though, so dun worry~ I wont miss you much~~
:Pkkkkk ^^ joking.. I miss the time when we're having so much fun here.. so, I wont lose my hope for your return.. I'll only assume this as your not-permanent hiatus.. love ya!!

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@shymaldita28 - I was hoping that Dc's WGM ended with Leeteuk going to enlistment or " good closure" for us fans.Deep in my heart i was hoping for the other couple to leave & not our DC. I just can't help feeling nervous with news on having someone new on the show. Not being able to see them these few weeks is making me super sensitive. 

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Guest jesslynfeliciaa

moschila said: Oh this is sad.. According to Korea.com actress Oh Yeon Seow will be joining WGM in September. Are we really saying goodbye to our DC soon?? Well it cant be help since Leeteuk is leaving soon. I just hope both of them are happy aft WGM. I sure gonna miss them. :((

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@ moschila  I think we don't have to worry about it. Like @jesslynfeliciaa said, it's normal for WGM to show 3 couples. What I know (I read it somewhere, correct me if I am wrong) Woojong couple is the one who will leave WGM soon, because they already morethan 1 year and there's Eunjung and T-Ara controversial issue.. So I still thinking possitively that our DC is not ended yet. Let's hope together...

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Whoa...I was gone a few days, and there is a lot of backtracking I have to do. 
@moschila: Please do not panic. Since the beginning of the third season, there was three couples in WGM. When the Brave Couple left, MBC had been scouting possible "third couple" for the show...first Donghae...then, the lady who is really dating the guy who acted with her in a romantic-comedy drama (I apologize but I forgot her name), and now they have settle down on an actress. Having a third couple does not necessarily mean that the DC or Jungwoo couple are leaving anytime soon. 
@shymaldita28: Thank you so much for letting me join in your discussion and I apologize for the late reply. After reading your post, I still felt that Leeteuk didn't get rejected because I still felt that he would have played it safe. I believe, in episode 8, he is conscious that this is a show, and he even questions whether Sora really feels the way he felt. Also, in Episode 13, when they were role playing the cop and the cute suspect, Leeteuk's uncertainty becomes apparent again when he asked her which one is her real personality. Same thing when they finished the dobukki (sorry for the misspell) roleplay...he still wonders what is her real personality. There are just too many uncertainty on Leeteuk's part, where he is trying to figure out what she really feels, or who she really is, for him to confess his feelings to her, especially when he has been hurt in the past. Besides, from the most recent interviews, it seems that this year, LT is seriously contemplating to have a girlfriend, hence, the possibility of him confessing to Sora when so many uncertainties are on the table is unlikely. At least that is what I think. :)
@lallinachan: I apologize for saying that Sora is expressionless. That wasn't what I wanted to say. And I agree, wholeheartedly, that the constant idea of that WGM is a show and their "married relationship" is a false is constantly in both of their mind...hence I believe this is a huge barrier for both of them to proceed with their relationship even if they do feel strongly for each other (constant thoughts of...does he/she likes me for real? What...she is an actress...and a very good one too...is she acting as if she likes me or does she really like me? He is a Hallyu star...there are so many beautiful girls around him...does he really like me or is he doing this for variety sake?). 
As for Sora being expressionless...what I meant to say is that she is subtle whereas LT wants concrete. There is a saying...Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. That is true. Guys has a tendency to want things stated as clear as it is (For example: "I want you to stay with me today" which is straightforward. Whereas "I don't want to bother you; you don't have to stay, and I'm okay if you want to hang out with your friends." And the next thing you know they hang out with their friends and the girl gets mad because she really did want the guy to stay and can't believe he wasn't "sensitive" enough to know that...lol)...whereas women like to hint and expect guys to understand what they are thinking.  
So before it starts to sound like I am digressing, what I am saying is that Leeteuk wants proof...not words. Yes, he is happy that Sora confesses that she wants to kiss him...and I am certain he saw all of the episodes therefore he knows that Sora has thought about kissing him (because she confessed it in the backroom interview), but the problem is, she didn't kiss him. Wanting to do something is one thing....actually putting the want into action and do it, is another thing. For Leeteuk, he wants the confirmation. Her words are consoling and it gives him hope, but she didn't put it into action. His need for the clear confirmation is so evident that he is always the one who talks about kissing in practically every meeting after the fortuneteller's episode. Also, in the fortuneteller's episode, in the backroom interview, Leeteuk confessed that he played that banmal game in hope that Sora will kiss him. He wants Sora to initiate the kiss...even if he has to resort to trick to make her initiates it (churro....latte...pasta games...lol...and always failing in his tricks), because is essential that Sora is the one who initiates it because it shows that she has finally considers that he is her man. 
And I agree with you and @janpyo...and admit my error...I believe that during the strike Leeteuk has retained some hope that WGM will resume so he can continue to be with Sora. However, I still believe there was a small point in time in which he thinks it is a lost cause because of MBC replacing WGM with Music Lyrics. What I am trying to say is that during that time, he still likes Sora, but the possibility of him being able to actively pursue her, understand their relationship better, clarify each others' feeling for their respected partner, eliminates all doubt they both have, and start a relationship were getting slimmer and slimmer because WGM is the real open source in which they can "date." I believe...it is at this time, when WGM announced that they will continue filming WGM, that LT matured because he has just gone through a period in which he has almost "lost" this relationship due to the strike...and that is why I felt he is approaching this relationship in a serious and calm attitude.
Sorry for the rambling...I have a tendency to do this...sorry. 
@janpyo: I'm reading your post as I write this because I don't want to forget anything...lol. I agree with your statement when you said Sora is approaching this relation in a more subtle and cautious way. Remember, she didn't really hold on tightly to his hand until they bought their house. And I agree with the Jinwoon statement. LT was fidgeting when Seung-gi asked Jinwoo who he would choose. LT was playing with his cards as he wait for Jinwoo's statement. 
And I agree...after the strike, Sora's active action should be clear to LT that she likes him. Now...the problem is that, will they both confirm that they are the special one in each other's heart. That is what they both have to find out. 
Whew...I apologize for the long post. Again...I apologize for any grammatical mistakes I might have made in my post. @hanyi: Thank you for your post, but I really hope this will not be your last post in this forum. 
Also, as for LT's V sign and flying kiss in the SPY performance, I think there is a possibility that V sign is for Sora, but the kiss is more likely for ELF (can it be for Sora?...It can be...who knows) because he is leaving soon. 

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@Hanyi - =)) =)) :):)) =))  love it!!  I can't believe I am laughing so early this morning while reading your great advice!!! 

Actually we DC shippers should be happy for the time given us by WGM-MBC; there used to be 3 or 4 couples before in the show.

@otimelost - I don't believe either will confess to the public if they are having a relationship - that would be too risky especially for Sora who will be left alone when LT leaves for the army; unless - the insecure husband wants assurance he has someone to go back to on his release from the army.  Like what I have been saying, I am very satisfied with what I see now - actions speak louder than words - because they are too obvious. 

The progress in their relationship is quite obvious and there's a lot I wanted to say about this but I really can't find extra time to write it down.  All I can say for now is - all of LT's worries flew away after the surprise kiss during dinner.  I believe I have posted this earlier- the kiss and the song confirmed Sora's feelings for him.  He was a little bit worried when they reunited as he is unsure how Sora would react upon seeing each other again.  You can tell how nervous he was in episode 22.  And the reason he said he was comfortable when they reunited is, his heart felt at ease when he saw her again - in the flesh.  Seeing her again that time made his heart jump with joy - just like before.  His hesitance to get that close to her during the reunion episode was due to his pride - he wouldn't want to see some rejection from Sora and I would say Sora did a good job showing or proving to him that she misses him while they were apart.

During the Nami Island trip, LT's insecurities wouldn't leave him and he tried all sorts of techniques to get Sora to be upfront with him - i.e., bringing up the SungMin issue and during dinner, reminding him of his 'kiss request' after seeing the FT.  He was actually taken aback and felt a little nervous with Sora's response regarding skinship.  Sora said 'yes, we were apart for a while and we are just getting back together so we need more time'.  This statement is a little unclear to me because LT asked 'did you change your mind about what we talked about back then after seeing the FT".  So LT felt a little nervous or a little upset especially when she excused herself to go to the washroom.  But all these/his worries were wiped out by the song (notice the change in his facial expressions) which is a clear indication she is accepting his proposal from episode 10, and then followed by the surprise kiss.

Geezz!! I wanted to stay here and talk some more but I will hit traffic if I don't leave now.  I may have grammatical errors or typos so a big SORRY!!

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@Viyra: Before I say anything else, I just want to say thank you so much for always being so supportive of everyone and for being one of the fans who help make this forum so amiable for everyone to express his or her thought. I also agree with you that the possibility of them admitting to the public that they are in a relationship will be highly unlikely. And because of this reason, I will retain a small belief that their relationship can possibly end with just mere friendship or acquaintances. But...I am in full support of them and hopeful that they are really meant to be. Until then...who knows. 
I also agree that the Nami island trip is where Sora's feeling toward is clearly shown to LT. 
Edit: I forgot to add this. 
I agree that there is a danger in revealing their relationship to the public. As everyone knows, LT has a lot of supporters (along with haters). If he is really in a relationship with Sora, a public announcement will put Sora in huge scrutiny among his fans and the public. One little mis-step or a little statement can be blown out of proportion. A public disclosure of their relationship will put a lot of pressure on Sora...and I highly doubt LT wants to do that to Sora, who is in general...doesn't actively get public attention (besides the occasional Twitter updates). 
And I agree...if they ever reveal their relationship to the public, the reasons will most likely be 1. it got discovered by the public, 2. each other agree to reveal it, and 3. to tell the public that Sora/LT is each other's respected partner...hence hands off. 

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I just found LT tweet today @special1004 ever since I was a kid, I didn’t have confidence. So I never changed hairstyle since debut~ I get embarrassed w/ other hairstyles so I couldn’t change it but since it’s been 7 years since debut, I wanted to break that rule~ Your complex gets worse the more you hide it~ I want to try everything now..^^

Lately LT is becoming bolder and positive in his life. I guess we have to expect a different hairstyles of him soon. Is this change a part of the enlistment or a girlfriend in the future? ( hope it is sora ) we all know how sora has given him support and also encouragement not only in his career but also his physical asset. Lt once said to FIL that sora is like a noona so basically LT loves listening to sora's opinion including his diet on his work out where he did not change maybe because sora told him not to do it.

On a different note MC jake just tweeted  @jake82054 this saturday wgm special!!.. you will meet spectacular guest and new couple!!^^ des it mean that we will not be able to see the swimming episode of our couple instead a different episode. Anyone knows our DC couple schedule today coz they might be taping in a studio with the MC as well. Today is wednesday taping day of our DC..



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Guest mywebfoot

A sweet sweet fanfic from jobesies@tumblr. Made me smile. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/234966/because-of-a-kiss-leeteuk-romance-superjunior-kangsora-teukso-jungsu

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@viyra...ooohhhhhhh......r u a dear abby as well now?....hahahahahh :)) a hot babe ahjumma with an attitude...bring it on girls! protagonist or antagonist makes no difference to me.... O:-)
I have to admit LT's body takes my breath away...more Sora says she likes it like that, more he worked out....he said to Sora that he will try his best to build his body...and BY GOD he did it.....his body looks GREAT!!!   =P~

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Guest malonowa

marrsq said: @viyra...ooohhhhhhh......r u a dear abby as well now?....hahahahahh :)) a hot babe ahjumma with an attitude...bring it on girls! protagonist or antagonist makes no difference to me.... O:-)
I have to admit LT's body takes my breath away...more Sora says she likes it like that, more he worked out....he said to Sora that he will try his best to build his body...and BY GOD he did it.....his body looks GREAT!!!   =P~

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just want to say so happy this saturday we will get our DC's dose back (especially cz this week have been so hard for me bcoz of school's work,and seeing DC at the weekend will obviously relieve some stress and makes my mood better :D )

also i've seen our teukie's abs on the latest strong heart episode and his body was PERFECT !! =D>  gosh.. he really taking it serious on building his body. it was absolutely different then before.. just like sora said he has become "prize man" now.. i wonder how sora reaction if she watch the episode.. *oops i forgot she have already seen it when trying the tango clothes,right?? hihihiii :P

so now our DC couple have become the "perfect body" couple.. teuk with his muscles and his chocolate abs, and we all know that sora also have gorgeus S-line body.. :-bd

have a good day fellow FDs.. cant wait for saturday to come ~X(

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3 more days to go!!!
expecting something big... MBC pls pls allow us to see the pool episode. PUHHHHLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!!!
this couple is for real!!! strangers who always try to brainwash our delusional mind would you please STOP!. You're just wasting your TIME, you can and never will be able to persuade us!hahahaha =D> THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND EFFORT -NOW PLEASE LEAVE FD'S ALONE.... i praise you for your links ^:)^

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