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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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felv1329 said: hello i'm new here, in this forum,, even though i actually visit this forum 2 months ago,,but today i make decision to join in this thread
yesterday i dream kang sora become spy ( maybe this because i play super junior  spy song till i fall asleep) but then she change become a pretty vampire,,, (weird daydream but very interesting and awesome) and actually after that dream i forgot about the detail of my dream,, (because it was a dream so for some people or maybe a lot of people forgot about their dream) 

about lee teuk v sign on spy performance,, it make me scream,, really daebak...

oh yeah!
that song (only u on the repack album S,F&single with eng sub )  why i think  and feel that the lyric is for kang sora from leeteuk? hmm is this just my delusional or what? because i cry when i watch and fell the lyric if this song for DC,,, 

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Although this episode has been posted before still I want to share the 1st meeting of our DC couple which happen in strong heart. Love to see Sora who is truly a shy girl eventhough she wears shorts she always try to cover herself the funny thing is due to her shyness after dancing she tried hiding at the back and our handsome groom is the one who assisted her..Missing our DC too much. While she was dancing Leeteuk was also dancing on his chair, Eunhyuk was all smile and Shindong was laughing( I remember she works with shindong in the drama dr. champ )

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I just want to share the Best MV's of our DC couple which I found in youtube..Thank you to all those who created this MV's hope I can find more of them.

Favorite MV of DC couple

I choosed MV that were done after the strike but I have also the before strike..I hope of you can share some MV links in case we missed some of it

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Guest felv1329

on the song only U that super junior repackage album S,F & single
why i think that F.5.R.E.V.E.R words is dedicated to kang sora?

that the master number 1,2,3,4 call her with (oh-hyungsunim)
and that you already know,

REVER is a part of kang sora name in twitter (reveramess)

why the words not F.O.R.E.V.E.R but F.5.R.E.V.E.R?

and some other blogs say that this song is composed by leeteuk himself,,

is this coincidence or just my delusional?

and this the part of the song,

F.5.R.E.V.E.R  I will hold your hand
like the day we fell for each other at first sight
let's refresh our relationship

and this part

we're under the same sky but apart in difference places
never forget this moment and remember it forever

is this teukie poet?


what do you think about this?

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Guest zaij16

Long time lurker coming out of the closet :)
 been peeping around here from quite awhile now, thought it was about time to come out (so to speak). Hope all is well


I really like this thread not just because alot of members have their  own good insight about our Dimple couple but also people here are very accomodating. Intruders may butt in, (say whatever they wanna say), oh well, i believe every person has its own delusion sometimes (me me me) :P :P 

I was a follower of woojung couple before,only later i found out about DC. And since then, i couldn't help but watch all their episodes.. super keopta! :)

Seeing those two from the beginning of the show up until now, I should say, alot of things has changed. No more akwardard moments- krooo kroooo krooo sound ( not totally,maybe in some instances). They became bolder in terms of expressing their thoughts (i think? o.O). Skinships are very natural.

Can hardly wait for this week's episode. Please mbc don't cancel the airing of the show without valid reason or just bcoz (i dont know?) hihihi..

Hoping for the best, Expecting for the worst.. go FIGHTING FD'S  :o3 :o3 :o3 @viyra: hello po kabayan :)

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zaij16 said: Long time lurker coming out of the closet :)
 been peeping around here from quite awhile now, thought it was about time to come out (so to speak). Hope all is well


I really like this thread not just because alot of members have their  own good insight about our Dimple couple but also people here are very accomodating. Intruders may butt in, (say whatever they wanna say), oh well, i believe every person has its own delusion sometimes (me me me) :P :P 

I was a follower of woojung couple before,only later i found out about DC. And since then, i couldn't help but watch all their episodes.. super keopta! :)

Seeing those two from the beginning of the show up until now, I should say, alot of things has changed. No more akwardard moments- krooo kroooo krooo sound ( not totally,maybe in some instances). They became bolder in terms of expressing their thoughts (i think? o.O). Skinships are very natural.

Can hardly wait for this week's episode. Please mbc don't cancel the airing of the show without valid reason or just bcoz (i dont know?) hihihi..

Hoping for the best, Expecting for the worst.. go FIGHTING FD'S  :o3 :o3 :o3 @viyra: hello po kabayan :)

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Guest janetv

@zaij16, kumusta??welcome

oopps.. hello there kabayan :)

hello din....

guy no. 3 s going to Manila today w/ Siwon

@donghae861015: We going to Manila ^^

See u soon guys !!

With Siwon http://p.twimg.com/A0Nt4yaCEAA_LrZ.jpg

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Guest ice308

Wow, there are a lot of pinays here.. Hi5! :D @janetv, pinay ka rin pala! I always look forward to your posts because you find so many articles about LT and Sora.. :D if it wasn't for work, i would have been at the airport too to welcome Donghae and Siwon.. :D though i was sad when i wasn't part of the 700 who can meet them because i wanted to ask DH if our DC is dating for real.. Who knows, he might answer, right? :D

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Guest vierblith

mywebfoot said:LOL Teukie always has that expression. It's like his signature thing - puffy cheeks. Here's the google image search link. Many many examples! http://www.google.com.sg/search?q=lee%20teuk%20puffy%20cheeks&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=QhQpUO33O4TQrQeKhYGACQ&biw=1024&bih=672&sei=RxQpUJypM4jsrAfhmoHoBA#

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Guest dewi23

My Finding Journey – Part 1

Hai All,

Firstly, I would like to thanks for everyone who makes this amazing and inspiring thread for me.

I do enjoy, loving, reading all of your analysis, sharing opinions, discussions, detective findings, strengthen each other and mostly I can feel warmth and acceptance by coming here everyday. You guys so welcoming and supporting us as newbie and those who blind about our dimples.

You guys answer our questions, sharing your opinions, comforting us, calming us, making gifts we ask, sharing news, and all you can do. Seems like I’m overreacting now but not – I’m sincere-, I just wanna share my deepest thanks and grateful for being here just then.

Secondly, since I decide being fighting dimples after the strike, I am not sure I can express and deliberate perfectly what’s all are in my mind and heart now. Actually, being shipper is not easy one for me, I involved so much feeling by supporting them and when there’s an obstacle, I’ll hurt so much – seriously feeling like this –

Me, being khuntorian after their show ends. And it can help me to control and hold myself from being delusional too much, but seems my finding about Dimple Couple loses my khuntorian shipping tough there’s a still lil trust on them.

Please bear with me if I make mistakes, wrong comment, and not appropriate opinion while writing this second posting.

What can I say more about this couple, when all of you beautifully, amazingly, strongly put every single words, explanation, findings, and analysis done. Once again, this thread addicts me to drop by everyday and it won’t be perfectly done without you guys:)

For Teuksora:

Don’t you think they are almost perfect and most compatible couple? The way how they completing each other can make us feel touched, crying, moved……..

On the previously episodes, I doubt this couple could be sincere about expressing their feelings since Teuk is the master of Variety and he can easily make up for some expression changes, and Sora is new actress too, which is I assume she can easily maintain her expression on cam.

I don’t watch them at all until ep 9 have been aired, but……..when I watch for the first time, still part of me telling me that they are doing all of this for the sake of WGM ratings and bla bla bla….. [Warning – Subjectivity Rate 100%]

Christmas episodes are the one who make me think deeply and paying attention seriously to them.      Teukie’s slip out words, the way he comforts her, his nervousness about secret dating, his expression while sungmin told his secret, all of these gestures – I never watch it on strong heart, star king, or other varieties he had –

Slowly but sure, he can’t look straight at sora’s eyes right? What’s this all about? Where is Mr. Able to do and speak everything professionally and perfectly? Where is talkative Mr. Leeteuk? Where is the playful Teukie? So, is this the REAL Park Jung Soo? My heart keeps fluttering and need to investigate more and more. Then, finally search-find this threadJ

As for sora, at first, I still can’t see and feel clearly how her feeling, at that time my thoughts is: she doesn’t like him yet or she can’t express her feeling well. As time goes by, she slowly make moves and expressing her feelings tough as not as much Teukie. She does learning about her husband I think. She starts to call yeobo, actively initiating, paying attention more to Teukie, much more cares and so on.

Tough there are so much holdings, insecure, un-confidence, fearness, doubtness on Teukie and Sora, I can feel both are feeling something strong and sincere to their opposite partner, and I do believe.

Then, bamm…..strike is happened and I start to read soompi as much as I can per day, to strengthen and proofing my feelings and guessing are at least true or close to.

And what I like more about this thread is:

There is balancing aura and atmosphere around here, shipping world = delusional world right?

But, there’s a wall and control antenna for keeping us to still being rational. The way you remind, you advice, you comment each others are no words can telling except daebong!!!!!! I am not saying delusional is wrong, not at all, me too are too excited and delusional so much sometimes, but here, our delusional is not fully imaginary, part of it – is true and enjoying – for me^^

I know these shippers here are not playing or just blab la bla…..

I used to learn and read the shippers first before being couple-shipper itself, somehow it reflects the way they judge and value the couple. The objectiveness and rationality are the most important for me [cause I’m so scared if shipping them in wrong way]

So, this is me, being part of you guys and very proud by.

And after strike, my feelings almost perfectly confidence and strong enough to say that  these two are heading up into level that I can’t really tell myself^^

Be Continued…..


Note: Sorry for long post^^



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Guest ling2012LTSR

Hello to all FD's/DC Lovers!! Good morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening/!! Annyeong Haseyo!! :-h :-)
I'm Ling from Malaysia...:)>-  ...Nice to meet all of you at here...
I've been a silent reader for a months and just make an account..
I'm not good in English so need to read it slowly..
I just want to said I really really Love Dimple Couple so much, this is my 1st time to watch We Got Married Teukso Couple.. This Couple always made my cheeks ascending to heaven...I'm always smiling and giggle all the times when I watch this Couple..=)) Somehow I can feel this Couple are a real Couple hehe just had same thought like all of you here...I'm always delusional mode after watching this Couple...;-)

I like to read this Forum it's full of "Love" :x Everyone here are so kind I really appreciated to those who made all the Fanfics, Fanvids, Fanarts and posted an Info, News and many many more kind of nice stuffs since I don't know how to said it.....Thank you so much really happy to watch it and read it....=D> :x

Dimple Couple Soompi Thread at Page 1 was really extremely DAEBAK!! It's was so wonderful so great everything can found at Page 1..:-* Thank you again...

Hope can chat with you all here next time...
Dimple Couple Fighting!! Fighting Dimples Fighting!! Dimple Couple Lovers Fighting!! Hoping for the Best...Take care and Have a great day everyone...>:D< Hugs+Hi5..:D

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