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再說說顯宰給我的印象,剛進三多堂,看到穿著衙役服裝的演職人員,我就問你們在拍戲嗎? 是什麼劇組? 今天有主要演員的戲嗎? 可惜給了我一個答案在拍《胭脂霸王》李修賢的戲份,當時心裡有些小失落難不成今天看不到趙顯宰了,不行還是再轉轉,我的小固執又在作祟了,轉著轉著遇到了一個導演模樣的人就跟他攀談起來,了解到顯宰人好,等下就過來了,我的心激動地砰砰跳說著說著他就跟我說顯宰來了,我一眼望去,徑直前走,也不知哪來的勇氣,用韓文說了顯宰君,你好,還主動伸出手,他愣了一下,然後也伸出手,才發現他的手心是那麼溫暖,而我是那麼冰涼現在是顯宰還沒等我反應過來他轉身就走了....





Note: I don't have a proper English translation (if anyone can provide the English translation, would be much appreciated), so I turned to my friend Google Translate :lol: for the translation. Please feel free to correct my interpretation below.

The fan (mandy) visited the RO set last September 10, 2011. After several train and bus rides (she didn't say in which part of China she came from) she reached the Taigu Cao Courtyard - Sam Duo Museum Hall in Shanxi. The place/buildings didn't interest her much because the purpose of her visit is to see JHJ :)

She says that she is very lucky to have visited the set on September 10, because the following day, September 11, JHJ left CHina to spend Chuseok/Mid-Autumn Festival with family in SKorea. She says that she will never forget that day, and is thankful that she is given the chance to turn her dream (of seeing JHJ in person) to reality.


JHJ is the one wearing the gray long-sleeved shirt. His back is so manly :lol:

Upon arrival at the courtyard she saw members of the crew, asked who they are filming, felt disappointed when told that they are filming scenes of Danny Lee (Hongkong veteran actor who plays JHJ's father in RO). Despite her disappointment that she might not see JHJ, she persisted, and talked to another RO staff and asked about JHJ. She was told that JHJ is a very good person. Then somebody interrupted and told her that JHJ is coming. She turned around and there he is.

She didn't know where she got the courage but she approached him nervously (google translate says her heart banging :D) , greeted him in Korean, "Hello, Jo Hyun Jae", and took the initiative to extend her hand to him. JHJ stopped for a while, and extended his hand to her. They shook hands, she says his hand is warm, while hers felt cold. Before she could do anything more than that, JHJ turned and left (comment: I think he was in a hurry because he didn't want to hold up filming by being late. Based on the tweets for September 10, that was a busy day for everyone on set - they filmed wedding and fight scenes that day, the whole day until late into the night.)

She is grateful to Director Chen for allowing her to stay to watch the filming. She says that JHJ is shy and serious with a warm smile. And although she only got a shot of JHJ's back, she was fortunate enough to see JHJ in 3 changes of clothes/costumes. She was also able to have a picture with Chinese actress Liang Li (who plays JHJ's Auntie Gui in the drama).


credit: photos as labelled; original Chinese article posted on http://blog.sina.com.cn; http://hyunjaelove.jp, http://weibo.com, www.johyunjae.hk. Thanks!

Note: Please don't hesitate to say that my interpretation is wrong if it is wrong... I just totally winged that interpretation using Google translate. :D


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poster c/o enna_licious from http://twitter.com/#!/enna_licious/status/123430992244523008/photo/1

Thanks for the fanart, enna! More please! :)

HIGHLIGHT: They had another night shoot (spill-over from October 4 filming) at Yuci Old Town. Then actors are back in the make-up room at around 5:30 am to start another day of filming. I think they are going to film a fight scene between our WuKui (JHJ, #1 actor) and Dumb Wolf (Wang JinDou, #2 actor) today!

Posted at 12:59 am by Li JunBo (aka Jack Li)


I don't know yet what his role in the drama... could be a bandit, hence the black costume and covered face

From Chen ZiYan: Good morning 4:30 …. today the Princess appears, also her first meeting with WuKui …. brilliant! 05:45

From Minor Actor B: Returned from A Team at 5 a.m., now following B Team to Grand Canyon! Appearing in first scene — PK fight between WuKui and Dumb Wolf. Hope everything goes smoothly. 06:26

From JHJ's Interpreter: Yesterday it was so dusty on set that even 2 face masks couldn’t keep out dust, also my poor eyes. 08:32


Liang Li: Sharing picture 10:21 am


Liang Li when not in character.

From Wang JinDuo: Worked continuously for 30 hours, can now finally rest for 4 hours, and then it’s back to work again. Night shooting! Guess will see you tomorrow again. 14:03

From Wei: Chinese kung fu. 14:46


Martial arts scene between WuKui and Dumb Wolf at the place they call Grand Canyon(?)!!!

From Chen ZiYan: Lovely day …. waylaid by bandits …. what to do? what to do? 15:38

Photos of Princess sitting in her sedan:



From Mao SuLiang: Today I made a guest appearance as a bandit, felt pretty good, bandits’ costumes are pretty cool. Most important I got to fight. Ha!Ha! JHJ fights pretty well! 18:20

Posted by Chao ZhenYi at 18:37


Night filming started already. Someone says it's gonna be a long night today!

Posted by Li JunBo/Jack Li at 10:46



Another late night shoot for RO cast and crew. Take care of yourselves!

credit: Credit: http://weibo.com/ www.johyunjae.hk. Thanks!

Edit 1(10.07.2011, a.m.):

Apparently the pictures of Princess sitting in her sedan, and WuKui face-to-face and palm-to-palm with a bandit is for a scene depicting the first meeting of WuKui and Princess. The Princess is travelling when her entourage was accosted by bandits. WuKui and his entourage are in the area and helped the Princess. WuKui fought with the bandits,

and according to the tweet from the actor who played the bandit, WuKui won the fight. But the actor did not mention if WuKui won by martial arts or by using his brains. My speculation - he won by using his brains because the bandit he fought with is a lot bigger, and this is early in the drama so WuKui might not know how to fight using martial arts yet.

Thanks to jhcwhite from the wuliJHJ website for the clarification.

Edit 2 (10.07.2011 p.m.)

The bandit WuKui is fighting with in that picture is Dumb Wolf (#2 actor, Wang JinDuo). Here is the whole tweet in Chinese and its English translation:

祁龙的地盘 回复@duoduoaixianzai:打的过,打得很激烈,而且武魁打完好几个才和哑狼打的,最后还是武魁胜 0:55

“(wukui) can fight, and fight fiercely, wukui fought a few others (bandits i think?) then he fought with Dumb Wolf,

in the end Wu Kui won


translation courtesy of jhcwhite from the wuliJHJ website. Thanks!

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From Minor Actor B: JHJ got to rest last night; no all-night shooting for him. 00:42

Very fierce fighting – WuKui fought a few guys before taking on Dumb Wolf, finally WuKui won!


From Make-up Artist: Today’s location is that horrible West Kiln Village. Styling from morning to night. The last one is our WuKui. So unbearably cold at night. 09:19

From JHJ's Interpreter: posted picture below. Apparently this place was used in the movies "Jinyang Autumn" and "Flying Guillotine". They passed by this place on their way to location where RO is filming. 11:43


From JHJ's Interpreter: Here daytime temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, night time it’s only 6 degrees. Also lots of dew at night, so clothes get all damp. 13:30

From Chen ZiYan: View of the place where they are filming. 16:19


From Long Qi Yuan Yuan (in reply to a JHJ fan): He (referring to JHJ) and his assistant are very polite. Every time I see them he (JHJ) or his assistant will greet me. 20:03

From Staff (in reply to a JHJ fan): Although JHJ is thin/slim, he is strong (?).... (Note: It is a very long tweet, cannot understand the rest.) 20:42

From Ge Ziming (plays Nobleman Rong): posted photo below of him and his aide. 22:53


From Ge ZiMing: Friends, I’m uploading bigger versions of previous photos again. 23:08


From Ge Ziming: Share pictures. I and the famous actor (Chinese) Jiang Chao photo. 23:50


Credit: http://weibo.com/; http://www.johyunjae.hk; English translation by wuliJHJ at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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These pictures plus accompanying article were posted by a JHJ fan on October 4 on JHJ's thread on baidu. The text in red is a combination of my interpretation (based on Google Translate) and personal comments/observations based on previous tweets. Btw, the article doesn't mention if the fan went to the RO set by herself or with a group of JHJ fans; nor when she went to visit JHJ.



On the trail of JHJ

轉自趙顯宰百度吧. 作者: 微庭lily. 日期:2011-10-04 20:04 Thanks!


Transferred from JHJ's Baidu thread (?). Author: lily


The 2 pictures below were taken while the fan was still on the road at the foot of the mountain where RO cast and crew are presently filming. She was supposed to be taking pictures of the mud caves located on the side of the mountain. But we can't see the mud caves because the area is covered in smoke! Shanxi is the leading producer of coal in China; industry in Shanxi is centered around heavy industries such as coal and chemical production, power generation, and metal refining. The smoke must be coming from those factories/refining plants. Air quality must be so poor in that area! The fan (Lily) says the condition is very tough! The 2 pictures below show a factory/refining plant with the mine tailings just piled outside. No wonder the road and everything else seem to be covered in gray dust (ash).

The Make up Stylist kept calling the place where RO is filming that "horrible village" in many of his/her tweets. When it is raining the roads become muddy and slippery, but when it is not raining the area is so dusty and filled with smoke from the factories. No wonder JHJ fans gave him an air purifier when he first arrived in China.



這個是他們的車 很有氣勢啊!Trucks used by RO crew to transport equipment. I think they use vans to transport the cast.




和所有棉花糖說的一樣 本人比照片電視帥多了

Lily writes that today she finally meets JHJ in person. And what all JHJ fans have been saying is true - JHJ is more handsome in person than on screen!

可能是語言不通的關係 他很安靜 一直戴著耳機聽自己的歌 看自己的劇本



Language must be a problem that's why he is quiet. JHJ is wearing headphones listening to music while reading his script. But JHJ smiled back politely when she waved at him happily.

本來想合照的 覺得這一定會是非常珍貴的

但是翻譯告訴我合照都跟官方粉絲網聯繫 一般單獨的粉絲是不能合照的

為了配合顯宰的工作 只好強忍心中的遺憾了 不過要到了簽名

呵呵 估計這個本子和這支筆都有點意義非凡了

She thought she can take pictures, but someone told her that they cannot take pictures anymore (as per instructions by official... I assume "official" here refers to the Chinese producers). So she just asked for an autograph, which JHJ graciously gave her.

附上簽名圖~ (本人難看的字就稍微忍耐,取其義哈~)

See attached picture of autograph


She was able to get JHJ's autograph. So happy for her :)



我們當時都沒有考慮什麼 只是等著無聊就拿出手機

結果引來了翻譯和保鏢 對我做“NO PHOTO”的手勢



She wanted to say so many things to JHJ, but the language barrier prevented her from doing so. So frustrated. She took out her cellphone, but bodyguard made the gesture "NO PHOTO". :(

說顯宰從來不用手機啊 不玩微博啊


平常不怎麼說話 但是拍戲很認真

Later, she learned from cast and crew that JHJ doesn't "play" (?) with microblogging with his cellphone. He doesn't talk much, but works seriously.

可能是說得太盡興了(其實聲音灰常灰常小,因為多多曾經告訴我要做高素質的棉花糖) 翻譯又過來




因為趕車我就轉身回去了Sorry, cannot understand.

所以關於分享圖片的事情 真的很抱歉

我無能為力 自己也覺得很遺憾呢~ 問了一下





三多堂和榆次老城也是不錯的景點的 這個是在地上看到的任務表的

Sorry, cannot understand most of what she wrote except this one - cast and crew might be going to Beijing on October 15. Info should not be leaked, but she posted it online, so now it is leaked :lol:







皮膚好得沒話說 不僅是妝畫得好啊~

Waited 2 hours for JHJ to appear. His legs are very slender in the pair of jeans he's wearing, he's also wearing a jacket. He looks like a young man of 20, he doesn't look like he'll be 32 soon. JHJ's eyes are piercing, and his skin very impressive even without make up (?).



可能是因為我們是同年的 對她有點親切感



突然跳到顯宰面前先嘰裡呱啦一堆韓文,然後是一句“Thank you”(應該沒聽錯)


(其實顯宰簽名我也直接跳過翻譯說了“thank you” 但是沒有笑容~~~~~(>_<)~~~~ )

很隨性率真的一個女孩子 希望她一直保持~\(≥▽≤)/~啦啦啦 再把去三多堂的照片貼出來吧

Before it (before JHJ arrived?), Lily says she watched Yang Zi while filming a scene. She says YZ is a lively little girl. YZ and the other actors are fond of making faces and cute jokes. In the scene, YZ is wearing the Princess' dress... then I cannot understand anymore :wacko:











Finally, a summary ~"Rouge King" a group of dedicated easy-going actors. There are a number of friendly and enthusiastic staff. There is a serious and responsible management. This crew is invincible!

感謝三多堂的二黑哥 感謝劇組的製片鐵哥 感謝那些熱情的“小土匪們” 感謝李世城童鞋爆的某些有趣的小八卦~嘿嘿~

呵呵~由於離開的時候四點 劇組已經忙開了 沒好意思拽著這麼多人合個影

默默地走開 Sorry, cannot understand anything. :huh:

給一點多才開中飯 午夜一兩點才收工 還為我們這些“閑/嫌 人”著想的劇組鼓掌Cannot understand either! :(


所有的人都在忙 只有我們閑著還擋人





Cannot understand either, sorry!

可能有眾多考量 最終還是沒能合影

本著棉花糖“默默支持 不添麻煩”的宗旨


She writes that she may have failed to get a photo of JHJ, but will continue to to give him "silent support".

衷心祝願《胭脂霸王》劇組的人健康快樂 《胭脂霸王》未來閃亮螢屏 !!!Sincerely wish "Rouge Overlord" cast and crew health and happiness. ... there is another sentence which I cannot understand fully but has something to do with "Rouge Overlord" on screen...


I really feel bad that the fans were not allowed to take photos with JHJ. But as Lily wrote, there are many things to consider. I think if it is left to JHJ, he would gladly and graciously pose with fans for pictures, as a way to thank them for the effort they exerted in visiting him, but the directive of NO PHOTOS came from the Producers, and JHJ has no choice but to follow that. I think the Producers have really been coming down hard even on the cast and crew because very few JHJ pictures have been posted lately. Even the tweets about JHJ have been very limited.

Btw, please feel free to correct any or all my interpretations. As I mentioned earlier, my interpretations are just based on Google Translate.

Credit: http://tieba.baidu.com/; http://www.johyunjae.hk. Thanks!

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From Yang Zi: Call it a day! Sleep! 01:35

From Lijun Bo/JackLi: Got hit at the back. There is blood. 08:09


From Zhao Chen: A cold, sunny day! 08:42


From Zhao ChenYi (In reply to a JHJ fan): In first scene today I’m hit by Master WuKui. His acting is very good. In order to get it done in one shot, Master practises over and over again. Even though it’s only acting, Master is still very polite and says sorry which moves me very much. 08:42

From Huangmeng Dan: I was beaten so early in the morning! 09:59


Huangmeng Dan (left) plays Princess' maid, while Chao ChenYi (right) plays Princess' mother.

From Zhao ChenYi (In reply to a fan): I’v been hit 7 times by Master WuKui! 10:56

NOTE: The term "hit" here means being hit during a martial arts confrontation.

From Zhao ChenYi (In reply to a JHJ fan): Your young Master’s kung fu is very good. 12:40

NOTE: JHJ learned Kung Fu only during filming for this drama! B)

From Liang Li: Returned to RO set in Shanxi. I’m very lucky to be able to return home for National Day. Today I treated staff to dumplings. Seeing everybody eating happily makes me happy. 12:12

From Minor Actor B: Today Director asked me to stand in for JHJ, but my hair is not long enough to mimic his style. What a pity! 17:29

(In reply to a JHJ fan): I’m standing in for JHJ in a dramatic scene, so they need someone who’s more or less the same size – with long hair because no wigs for dramatic scenes. 17:41

From Chen ZiYan: The truth is ~ we’re actually a couple ~ Ha!Ha! 19:20


From Liang Li: Sharing pictures (of Princess) 19:52


From Liang Li: Guess what we're doing? 19:53


From Yang Zi: Ha!Ha! Don’t tell anyone. Don’t let WuKui see us like this! Finished work today, tomorrow early again! Hang on! 20:07


Credit: http://weibo.com/; http://gall.dcinside.com/; www.johyunjae.hk; English translations by jhcwhite and wuliJHJ at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

Edit (10.08.2011):

"receiving palms" in Chinese doesn't necessarily mean being slapped by someone. Using “palms” to strike others often refers to Chinese Kungfu (martial arts) portrayed in ancient drama, something like using some internal power/strength that push the force out from the palm, usually hitting the enemy on their chest/shoulder/back, or like the picture of WuKui fighting Dumb Wolf, palm-to-palm. (Explanation courtesy of jhcwhite from the wuliJHJ website.)

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A fan (?) posted this on weibo last October 4. This is one of the few photos where Yang Zi looks very pretty. Apparently she is wearing the clothes of the Princess, but no explanation was given why she is wearing Princess' clothes.


credit: photo as labelled; jhcwhite from the wuliJHJ website for the info. Thanks!

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Today marks the 60th day of filming of RO, that means just another 30 days (1 month) left of filming.

From Make-up Artist: Got up early at 4 a.m. Finished styling first batch of maids, finishing second batch, then third batch of major actotrs will come on. Today our WuKui is selecting his beauties. Ha!Ha! 05:52

From Zhao ChenYi: Received earth-shattering news in make-up room — may not be returning to Beijing until the 20th! 08:37

From Divya7 : Just saw filming at Sam Duo Hall. Thanks to [somebody], I saw film set that’s not supposed to be seen and took some photos that’s not allowed. JHJ is very handsome! 14:59


From Jiao: Miserable! 15:58


Kenneth Tsui, editors: Sharing picture 17:09


Hahaha, I know who this is.... I would know that smile anywhere :)

Lijun Bo JackLi: Why do I always get hurt badly???? 17:11



Kenneth Tsui, editors: Hush ... 17:36

Comment: Thanks for the JHJ pic, Editor! B)


A very happy WuKui!!! JHJ so handsome, so young!!! :wub::w00t:

From Divya7: I did not expect that so many people like JHJ. 19:38


From Divya7: Picture of JHJ where he turned his head and looked straight at the camera. 21:25

Divya7 is not a member of RO cast/crew.



Credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com; English translation by wulijohyunjae at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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AN ARTICLE ABOUT YANG ZI AND ROUGE OVERLORD (Sorry, I don't have proper English translation of the article. Please feel free to provide proper English translation... in the meantime, let's make do with English translation from Google Translate. Red text are my comments.)


Yang Zi exposed funny wedding picture in "ROUGE OVERLORD", early growth

2011.10.09 10:54



"ROUGE OVERLORD" writing funny wedding lakes legend Yang Zi


Recently, Yang Zi in a microblogging exposed their "wedding" in the costume of this inspirational comedy "ROUGE OVERLORD" in which she described as early growth, not only emotional drama, it is the bride dressed, with a coronet head explosion Xia Pei, the bride's quite funny.

在新劇中,楊紫圓了自己的“俠女夢”,首挑大樑擔當女一號“雷兒”,天生神力,勇闖奇詭江湖。 成年後的她在2011年以《幸福來敲門》中半熟少女宋徵初次告別童星,為自己“國民女兒”的“小雪”時代成功劃上了句號。 《胭脂霸王》開啟了楊紫影視之路上的新旅程,該劇由台灣導演孫樹培指導,《還珠格格》第一部原班人馬傾力打造,在拍攝期間,楊紫用微博記錄下她在劇組的生活,雖然每天辛苦的工作,但她一直堅持給自己加油,利用休息的時間拍照片和大家一起放鬆。此外,楊紫在戲外也收穫很多,她經常與粉絲分享她的喜悅與惆悵,在這個過程中,大家看到了一個在知性與感性間成長的女孩,就像楊紫曾說,“我堅持一邊上學一邊拍戲,希望大家能和我一起,看到我的變化與點滴的成長。”。

In the new drama, Yang Zi fulfill her "dream Touch of Zen", the first leading role to play the female lead, "MINE CHILDREN", "BORN DIVINE", "DAWN OF STRANGENESS" rivers and lakes. Adult in 2011 she was the "PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" in the first semi goodbye girl child star, Song Zheng, for their own "NATIONAL DAUGHTER" and "SNOW" era success to an end. "ROUGE OVERLORD" opens the film on the road Yang Zi new journey, play by the Taiwanese director Sun Shupei guidance, 'PRINCESS PEARLl' first effort to build the original cast, during filming, with micro-Bo Yang Zi her record in the crew's life, although hard work every day, but she always insisted to their own fuel, the use of time to rest and take pictures with everyone relax. In addition, Yang Zi also learned a lot in the off screen, she often shared her joy with the fans and melancholy, in the process, we see an intellectual and emotional growth among girls, as Yang Zi said, "I insisted side of the school while filming, I hope you join me, bit by bit to see my change and growth. ".

I think some of the dramas mentioned in this paragraph are dramas where Yang Zi appeared in. She is only 18 years old but she already has a long list of dramas and movies to her name because she started acting at a young age. "ROUGE OVERLORD" is her first leading role. From her tweets she seems like a very nice young lady, very down-to-earth and with a good head on her shoulders. A fellow JHJ fan who lives in Beijing, China shared that Yang Zi is a well-liked actress in China. I am very happy that she is JHJ's leading lady in his first foray in the Chinese entertainment industry. In a sense, this drama is memorable to both JHJ and YZ - this is JHJ's first Chinese drama, while this is YZ's first lead role. This will also be the first drama in 10 years of the production team behind the Pan-Asian hit "My Princess", helmed by veteran Taiwanese director Sun Shupei. Let us hope and pray that the results will be good for all of them.

在不久前,一個盤點暑期劇名為“看到他們我們就知道暑假到了。”的熱帖中, 楊紫兒時最經典的代表作《家有兒女1、2》與《西遊記》、《還珠格格》、《我愛我家》等經典電視劇出現在榜單中。據悉,《胭脂霸王》將登陸2012年的暑期檔,當“小雪”和“雷兒”同時出現在熒屏上,這種穿越性的觀看體驗值得期待。

Not long ago, a summer theater inventory called "the summer to see them we know to." Thermal post, Yang Zier the most classic masterpiece "Families with children, 2" and "Journey to the West," "My Fair Princess "" I love my home "and other classic TV series appear in the list. It is reported that "ROUGE OVERLORD" will be landing the 2012 Summer stalls, when the "snow" and "mine children" also appear on the screen, the viewing experience of this through to look forward to.

credit: http://ent.qq.com, www.johyunjae.hk. Thanks!

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10.09.2011 - DAY 61 OF FILMING


From Make-up Artist: Good morning! A new day is beginning. Today Shanxi is raining again. It’s especially cold outside. Please keep warm, everybody! 05:52

From Minor Actor B: Today I have one scene in Sam Duo Hall, then back to the hotel, and 3 night scenes tonight. Hope shooting goes smoothly today. 09:04

From JHJ's Interpreter: Good morning – exactly 2 months since joining production team. A new day, continue to run. 09:21

From Staff: Today is cloudy. We’re struggling in Sam Duo Hall. Everyone is so tired these days, especially Thunderchild and WuKui. After they finish day shooting here, they have to go to A Team for night shooting. 09:56

From JHJ's Interpreter: Called my mother in Korea yesterday. Because we always finish so late, so could never call her. Mother said she only wanted to hear my voice. I was afraid she’d worry, so I tried not to cough and chatted with her for a while. 10:02

From Recording Engineer: Today there are 3 directors, 1 assistant director, and 1 field staff on set. How is this production team going to shoot? 10:23

From Editor: Tea time. 14:52


From DVB: Today Dumb Wolf flew into the sky. 17:20

(In answer to a fan): Thunderchild threw him up.

From Yang Zi: So sleepy! Day shooting in B Team, night shooting in A Team. Just shot a scene of Thunderchild sleeping, ended up actually falling asleep! When I woke up, they’ve already shot several scenes. I was covered in a blanket. Only later did I find out they decided to shoot the other scenes and let me sleep for 20 minutes because I was too tired. I was so moved! RO, hope our efforts won’t disappoint you! 18:18

From JHJ's Interpreter: Thunderchild, fighting! Everybody is rooting for you. 18:30

From Wan Yao: This is PeiPei who is doing the wiring act for me! Thank you for your hard work!



From Wan Yao: Night filming. Cool! 22:28


From Zhao ChenYi (Princess' mom): Night scene filming. Waiting. 22:57


From Yang Zi: A little chaos ... ... depressed today 23:13


Recording Engineer: Call it a day. 23:31

Credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com. Thanks! English translation by wulijohyunjae.

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10.10.2011 - DAY 62 OF FILMING


From Jack Li: Finished. Today I played a “flying thief” [someone who can run on rooftops] and interacted with WuKui at the nobleman’s manor. He mistook me for someone else and we fought, as a result of which I was beaten black and blue…. 03:00

From YaYa: Something unexpected happened! 03:15

Note: I think he's talking about JHJ losing his temper at the Director's Assistant (see tweets below).

From Wan Yao: I finally call it a day. 04:42

From Qi Long: Finished the last scene. On the way back (to hotel?) to sleep. 06:01

From Jack Li (In reply to a JHJ fan who asked if JHJ apologised for beating him black and blue in a scene): Yes …. Actually my kungfu is very good. I can do several somersaults. Yesterday I performied some intricate somersaults and JHJ kept applauding. But in the drama I didn’t know anything, so I could only endure being beat up. JHJ kept saying: “Thank you for your hard work.” Ha!Ha! But it is actually JHJ himself who’s been worked hard. 09:43

From Yang Zi: Get up. Smell my mother’s cooking. Very tired lately, feel sleepy and faint on set. Must cheer up! 09:57

From Staff: JHJ lost his cool yesterday and scolded staff on set. He looks really cool! 10:16

(In reply to JHJ fans):

- Staff on set is Director’s Assistant (DA). Very stuck up. None of us likes her.

- Last night shooting lasted till past 3 a.m. After JHJ scolded DA, he left. Looked very cool!

- Maybe he’s too tired. DA said scene must be re-shot. JHJ asked what’s the problem. DA said it’s just not right. JHJ asked 4 times and DA still gave the same reply. JHJ got angry and said: “What am I supposed to do if you don’t tell me what’s wrong” and then he blew his top.

From Liang Li: Today is 63rd day (actually 62nd day only) of RO shooting. Average of 16 hours’ work per day. Everyone on the production team has aged 10 years. 19-year-old Yang Zi has circles and bags under her eyes. Even 13-year-old XXX [boy in photo below] also has black circles around his eyes. I said jokingly: “I came as a young mistress; I leave as an old lady.” You wanna age fast? Come to our production team.


From Staff: Yuci is now raining. 13:09

From Minor Actor A: Regarding JHJ losing his temper, let me explain briefly what happened early this morning. It’s definitely the [DA] girl’s fault. She should not have picked a quarrel with JHJ’s Interpreter. Everybody knows JHJ needs the Interpreter when he’s acting. He’s also very tired. ["He" may refer to Interpreter here.] It was obvious JHJ was very patient and tolerant – a real gentleman. We’re really very busy recently. A Team is night shooting and B Team is day shooting. Everybody is working very hard. We’re very united and will continue to work hard like before. Fighting! 13:20

Chen ZiYan posted a picture of herself at 15:20


From Chen Zi Yan: Rescuing MoYa (referring to WuKui rescuing Princess)? 18:19 (Google Translate)


From Qi Long (in reply to a JHJ fan who asked why JHJ scolded Director's assistant: I think the reason is just a little tired yesterday. JHJ's Interpreter asked the girl (Director's assistant) why there is a need to re-shot the scene but it is not their (referring to JHJ and his Interpreter) fault that the girl did not give the reason why (just keep saying that it is not right). 19:08 (Google Translate)

From Qi Long: Raining at Yuci Old Town. Very cold. 19:10 (Google Translate)

From Raynold: Today at the brothel. 21:30


From Wan Yao: Raining! This town seems very quiet! Air is also good! 22:10 (Google Translate)


From Huangmeng Dan: Tonight Danny Lee actually used Cantonese to act with me. I’m going out of my mind! I don’t understand a word! I can’t act at all …. Really admire JHJ – how do you do it? 23:26


credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com; English translation by wuliJHJ at http://jo-hyun-jae.com (unless otherwise indicated). Thanks!

Comment: I have never heard of JHJ losing his temper or scolding anyone in front of other people before. He has always been even-tempered, mild-mannered, courteous, gentlemanly and always maintained his cool despite being overworked or sleep-deprived, so I think the Director's Assistant must have been really unreasonable/arrogant (in short, a regular pain-in-the-you-know-where) for JHJ to lose his temper!

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10.11.2011 - DAY 63 OF FILMING


From Staff: Another day is gone and a new day is just beginning. So sleepy, just finished. Tomorrow start at 11:30 a.m. 00:01

From YaYa: Hope tonight’s shooting is successful. No more incident, please. Everybody is working so hard, especially our 小呆 [means Little idiot - affectionate term for JHJ, not meant to be derogatory] who has to work from morning to night. Fighting! 00:24

From Zhao ChenYi: Today is also night shooting. If it goes on like this, I can be back in U.S. time, no more jet lag. Ha!Ha! 11:17

From Zhao ChenYi In reply to JHJ fans): 12:18

- Shooting very rushed because returning to Beijing soon.

- Now probably the 20th, so uncertain. Should be better once we’re back [to Beijing].

- Master (referring to JHJ) also has night shooting today. Very tough.

From YaYa: Worrying ….. 14:04

From YaYa (In reply to a JHJ fan): Nothing to do with that day’s incident. They’re OK now. 14:13

From Wan Yao: 2 night scenes tonight ~ tackling script at home. Entering countdown stage ~ fighting~ 15:51

From Staff: Still drizzling. How can we shoot tonight? 16:00

From Assistant Director Assistant: These few days almost all night scenes. Thank you all for your hard work. Fighting! 16:23

From Minor Actor B: Going to work! All-night shooting again! 16:57

From Chen ZiYan: Posted picture of herself. 18:01


Zhao Chen Yi: There is a good news and bad news! Good news is that because of the rain, night filming has been cancelled! The bad news is return to Beijing has been pushed back again.... 21:24

New JHJ photo culled from the WUKui/Princess MoYa wedding scene:


I wonder what WuKui is doing here...

maybe this is from a fight scene that occurred before the wedding could take place?

he looks tired? worried? ...

looks like our JHJ has lost a lot of weight too, his face is so small!!! :(

(from http://gall.dcinside.com)

Credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com; English translation by wulijohyunjae at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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Above photo from www.everjohyunjae.co.kr. Thanks!

From Zhao ChenYi: Start work. First to be made up. Can’t see anything in the corridor [too dark]. Switch from A to B until daybreak. 06:45

From Yang Zi: Me and my explosive hair are inseparable! No matter where I go, it’s singing the same song – about my hair and my skin. Just now I walked in this outfit to the film set, and everyone turned their heads (100%) — made me feel like a superstar! 09:08


From Kenneth Tsui, editors: Master Jae. 10:55


From Shi-Town wolf: Photo from the other day.. 11:55


From Wan Yao: Waiting on set. 13:45


From Wang MengDan: Finish work. Going home to bed. 14:31


From Staff: Finished for the day. Tomorrow shooting at Chang Family Manor. 20:20

From Ge ZiMing: These few days it’s been raining in Yuci, a little chilly, affected shooting. 21:26

From Wan Yao: Raining again! Sigh! No shooting! 21:52

From Yang Zi : Raining again! Night shooting cancelled. Going home to sleep. 21:59

From Staff: This is Hui Mao. 22:28

Note: I don't know what his role in the drama.


From Actor Yang Light: The picture below is of Mad Wolf, a bandit from the "Wolf Den". He will eventually join the revolutionary party. The important thing is he is a great wolf brother! 22:45


Credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com; English translation by wulijohyunjae at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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This picture posted by Wei at around 13:30 today. Thanks!

From Yang Zi: Someone tells me: To decide to do something, either it’s 0% or 100%; there’s no 80% because the 20% is unstable. Good morning, everyone! Start work! 07:03

From Make-up Artist: Got up early, already finished one group of actors, now waiting for next group at night. Tonight A Team will have a long night. 08:03

From Minor Actor B: Today it’s a big scene at Chang Family Manor! Lots of people! 08:17

From Minor Actor B: Today JHJ’s Japanese fan Kimy moved me very much! JHJ was shooting at Chang Family Manor and I at Sam Duo Hall. After she went to see JHJ and brought presents for production team, she came back to SDH to look for me and gave me a present. I was so agitated! We chatted for a while and took a photo together. Good thing the interpreter was present or we would not have been able to communicate! 19:29

Minor Actor B is the one who have been very friendly towards JHJ, also the one who have been posting pictures of JHJ on weibo earning several scoldings from the-powers-that-be. I think the gifts are the Japanese fan's way of showing him her appreciation for the JHJ photos and taking care of JHJ. JHJ's Japanese fans have always been very thoughtful and generous not only towards JHJ but also to those who treat JHJ well.

From Yang Zi: Hungry…hungry…hungry! Finished! 22:29

Credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com; English translation by wulijohyunjae at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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ARTICLE ON YANG ZI (English translation from Google Translate)

楊紫為新戲犧牲形象 爆炸頭片場回頭率百分百

Yang Zi sacrifices image for her new drama hair explosion hundred percent retention rates

2011-10-13 09:58


近日,楊紫正在山西熱拍勵志古裝大戲《胭脂霸王》,在劇中擔當女一號“雷兒”,雷人的爆炸頭時刻伴隨楊紫,在片場成為一景,回頭率更是百分百,正如楊紫在微博和粉絲說,“我和我的大爆炸一刻也不能分隔,無論我走到哪裡都唱著同一首歌,歌唱我每根頭髮,歌唱我的膚色,話說剛才頂著這髮型穿著戲哈服從步行街走到片長,那回頭率100% 讓我體會到了當巨星的感覺!”

Yang Zi is currently filming the period drama "ROUGE OVERLORD" in Shanxi playing the female lead Lei-er/ "Thunderchild". Lei-er's first moment of the explosion with Yang Zi, became a scene in the studio, keep them coming back is the percentage one hundred, as Yang Zi posted on weibo - "Me and my explosive hair are inseparable! No matter where I go, it’s singing the same song – about my hair and my skin. Just now I walked in this outfit to the film set, and everyone turned their heads (100%) — made me feel like a superstar!"


Bid farewell to the era of Yang Zi child star has been the 90 most amazing female artist in the shape of a "goddess", "Flower Fairy", "Barbie doll", "cos uniform girl", Yang Zi will launch its own quarter of the new shape, gentle touching, sweet, fresh and beautiful are her interpretation of a very vivid. But in "ROUGE OVERLORD", Yang Zi, will play as Lei-er face dirty mud, hair explosion, also put on a variety of cloth makes up the "ripped", making this ridiculous form of a studio retention rates, Yang Zi frustrating yet miserable, not only day to get up three hours prior to make-up, and watch their soft white face was painted dark, a hair was too hot mess, Yang Zi a bite, put up for the role. But beauty is a woman's nature, looking at herself in the mirror, while her make-up aside and said, "Gosh, with such a face, how can I make WuKui (JHJ) love me?!"


It is reported that "ROUGE OVERLORD" will be fixing this winter, in summer of next year's file to the audience, play by the "Fair Princess" to create the first original cast, directed by Taiwanese director Sun Shupei. Yang Zi in the drama A Touch of Zen round his dream, even with their idol Zhao Wei's horses cooperation, although difficult shooting conditions, but Yang Zi is very happy to play good, "Lei-er" the alternative Woman.


credit: http://ent.tom.com, http://weibo.com, www.johyunjae.hk

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From Minor Actor A: Hi, everybody! Not yet finished. Hungry and cold and sleepy. Hurry up and finish! 00:23

From Minor Actor B: Ah, didn’t think we’d finish so early! Can now go to sleep! So tired today! Have to get up at 6. 01:39

From Make-up Artist: Good morning, everyone! 06:26

From Minor Actor B: Going to Chang Family Manor. 07:36

From Raynold: Today at the Escort Agency 镖局 entrance.


From Erh (I think she is the child actress playing Thunderchild at a younger age): Sharing pictures of myself as "Thunderchild", and at 3 and 18. 10:01 (Google Translate)


From Yaya: I am very, very, very worried! ! You must be very very very distressed! ! ! [Tears] 12:29 (Google Translate)

Note: Not sure why he is worried, and don't know who is distressed.

From Yang Zi: Finished at 9 a.m. and waited on set. Fell asleep, woke up just now to find lunch was over. My turn to act, OK, no eating, fits my dieting. Thanks to JHJ, when I was sleeping, he covered me with his down jacket. OK, get to work! 13:09

From Zhao Chen Yi: Last night after calling it a day, I saw this little thing in the corridor. It must have slipped in when the door was accidentally left open. I gave it something to eat. Tonight I will release it so it can go home, look for its mother. 13:09 (Google Translate)

Note: I think it's a hedgehog.


From Ya-Ya: Hedgehog looking for friend Qi Long. The day before yesterday he saw hedgehog ran away.

13:29 (Google Translate)

From Ya-Ya: Buying medicine! Medicines coming. Hope get well soon! 13:55

Note: So that's why he/she is worried. Somebody is sick!

From Wang MengDan: The weather today is like air conditioning in summer. Winter is here so early? 13:57

From a fan to YangZi: Envious/jealous! Hope JHJ doesn't catch cold from you. (JHJ is) Already thin (lost weight)! 14:38 (Google Translate)

I am envious too! :lol:

From Lisa Wu: JHJ (Japanese) fans visited yesterday. Thank you very much! 14:45 (Google Translate)

From a fan: I often go to the Chang Family Manor to watch the "ROUGE OVERLORD" crew filming. Hee... hee! 14:46 (Google Translate) Comment: Me, envious!

From YaYa to YangZi: Bet that down jacket is very warm (referring to JHJ's down jacket which he used to cover up Yang Zi while she is sleeping awwwwwww). He himself [JHJ] is also coughing. We all know Thunderchild is suffering. 15:36

From Yang Zi: What are you doing now? [Her own English] 15:39


From Lijun Bo JackLi: End of day for Team A, Team B takes over ... 17:06

From Yaya (In reply to a JHJ fan): Hope he (referring to JHJ) gets better soon. Also the Interpreter. 19:02

From Yang Guang: Hu DaCheng 20:15


From Lijun Bo JackLi: Group B finished filming. Going back to hotel to rest, then wait for Group A shooting. 21:09 (Google Translate)

From Actor Liu Shengli: I am RO cast as "Beard". 21:28 (Google Translate)

Comment: hahaha, obviously!


From Wan Yao: Finished! Call it a day! 22:02 (Google Translate)

From Mao Jianghui DV Bo: Call it a day. Today there is a big cold wind blowing! 22:17 (Google Translate)

Credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com; English translation by wulijohyunjae at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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From Jack Li: Finished today’s shooting, also A Team shooting …. continue tomorrow …. good night. 00:11

From Minor Actor B (In response to Yang Zi’s earlier tweet): Take your medicine! You keep sneezing today, but you look lovely! Hope you and JHJ get well soon! 00:14

Actor Liu Shengli: Posted his picture.... 10:46

Note: He posted a message, quite long, but can't understand even with Google Translate. Sorry! Anyway, here's how he looks...


From Recording Engineeer: Today shooting flying in the sky ….camera flying with actors. 10:47

(In reply to fans)

- The person flying in the air is an old lady.

- Thunderchild threw her up in the air.


From a fan: At the Chang Family Manor.... I alwas see Yang Zi and JHJ filming RO. 11:55

Comment: Lucky fan! She must live nearby or probably works at the Manor (it is a famous tourist spot).

From Liang Li: Yesterday I finished filming RO in Shanxi. Only a few scenes left in Beijing. So tired these last 2+ months. Today I leave Shanxi for Beijing. 12:19

From Zhao ChenYi (In reply to a JHJ fan): Forgot to tell you – Master (referring to JHJ) can now speak simple Chinese. 13:00

From Yang Zi: Tomorrow’s schedule – all the way from morning …. Help! 13:17


From Ya-Ya (in reply to YangZi): Same with WuKui (referring to YangZi's schedule). 13:23

From Recording Engineer : Shooting in cornfields.


Other pictures posted today:


Wang JinDuo


Another scene of the wedding? Princess arriving for the wedding?


(From left to right) Minor Actor B, Danny Lee (Xiao DingBao), JHJ (Xiao WuKui), JHJ's Interpreter.

I think this is for the wedding scene again. Father and son waiting for the bride?

Credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com; English translation by wulijohyunjae at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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From Raynold: Tonight’s night shooting. Lots of people. Very cold! 03:32


From Jack Li: Finiished …. Today is last scene in A Team. Goodnight! 03:40

From Yang Zi: Another day, start work. Everything is very strange. I believe everything is predestined, and what I have to do is go along with it and wait to find my path in life. 08:09


From Interpreter: Today is Sunday? 16th? Don’t even know what day it is. Too busy. 09:28

From Chen ZiYan: Director explaining acting …. seriously demonstrating, seriously listening and looking…. 14:36


From Minor Actor A: Last night's shooting. 14:49


From Minor Actor B: Yuci old town at night. Isn’t it pretty? 14:53


From Ya-Ya: Group B (day shooting) still hard at work when I arrived for night shooting (Group B) which will start in 2 hours. 15:52 (Google Translate)


From Minor Actor B (In reply to JHJ fans):

- Yes, yesterday WuKui flew very high – up into the trees.

- A stand in was used, of course. How dare we use WuKui, what if there’s a mishap? WuKui himself can also do it; he is familiar with taekwondo.

- He was chasing thieves and flew up into the sky himself. Don’t think WuKui is useless; his kungfu is pretty good.

From Wei: Romantic 20:41


From Sweet: Most romantic thing about Wukui and Thunderchild is growing old together. 20:47


From Yang Zi: Filming under such romantic conditions is really moving! Candles, cakes, swing. Candlelight dinner. First romantic scene with JHJ is spent in cold weather in Shanxi. Haven’t been on a swing for a long time, feel very happy. Simple happiness is so simple. 21:07


From Wei: Romantic. 21:20


From Staff: Today shooting Thunderchild and WuKui having sumptuous dinner and sitting on a swing. Director even took a group photo with us – so happy. But now it is very cold. 22:26

Credit: http://weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; www.johyunjaechina.com; English translation by wulijohyunjae at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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WuKui (JHJ) in all white talking to Thunderchild (Yang Zi) filming at the Chang Family Manor. Picture from qq space. Thanks!

From Mao Jianghui DV Bo: Call it a day. 00:43 (Google Translate)

From Yang Zi: We had a great night filming! 01:48 (Google Translate)

Note: They filmed the romantic scenes between WuKui and Thunderchild!

From Ya-Ya: First time a member of the crew is celebrating a birthday! Lead the singing of "Happy Birthday". The happy atmosphere is very infectious, everyone laughing. Yesterday's filming also went smoothly!

09:03 (Google Translate)

From LiLi: Tomorrow I can see Yang Zi. RO press conference tomorrow! Looking forward to it! 10:46

Press conference already? Great! Hope we get plenty of pictures out of it!

From DVB: Night shooting again! 16:39

From Ma: Going to Yuci tomorrow — Jo (meaning JHJ) will have a tough time! and so will Lee [JHJ's Interpreter]. 19:18

Comment: I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow at Yuci that JHJ will have a hard time of it...

From Staff: Today production team brought over a police dog. WuKui even knows how to train it! 19:36

For some reason this comment made me laugh! Right! He should know how to train dogs... he spent 2 years as an Army dog soldier :lol:

From Actor Liu: Outside Chang Family Manor. 20:40


From Recording Engineer: Finishing early today. 21:13

credit: www.weibo.com; www.johyunjae.hk; English translations from Google Translate and wuliJHJ at http://jo-hyun-jae.com. Thanks!

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