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The Official Dooley/YongShin Couple Thread (Jung Yong Hwa & Park Shin Hye)


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Guest aliceblue

You're right.... Boice and EA are really solid and loyal. I believe they will do the best for our Yongie.... We also have Dooliers to vote for him... Who knows, right? let's hope for the best... ^^ *fingerscrossed*

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Guest 3bikinokobuta

@ShilohB‌ Yah! You may be a dearie but must show respect for elderly! LOL! LOL! This Ahjuma is trying very hard to catch up with all this techie stuff, ah......my poor little brain.....

@blackhole21‌ , @ShilohB‌ Hey! We are next door neighbours! You guys coming over to Singapore to watch CNBlue concert in May?

Welcome all new Dooliers! ShilohB said: @akazukin02 thanks for the pm. .if there's anyone interested in voting them just ask akazukin02. ..ok?? @3bikinokobuta u r so funny. ..ahjumma, at least u really2 want to vote for them.proud of u... @blackhole21‌ welcome to ths thread . Omo!! We r frm the same country...hopefully u will keep on spazzing n pls keep in mind of the rules here . Thanks @jovanne‌ thanks for yr vote...love u... @kimsoyeon18 u r killing me with that hp image...u r joking right? ? :))

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Guest TuekaK

ShilohB said: @Bhagat‌ most Dooliers here are in twitter and also the old timer :D just follow them in twitter & maybe u will get some info..
about that KKT group, that is where we always discussed abt somethg in personal coz we cant talk it here & twitter...
we cant add all of dooliers here coz that chat room will be so packed with people & we cant control the outcome of the
discussion...we are very sorry abt that.. coz we are that kind of people that serve & protect our OTP, not to exposed them..
the fewer people know, the safer the informations are. but from time to time we will give some spoilers.... :))

it is FUN to be Dooliers :-*

Have a Happy DAY......

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Guest 3bikinokobuta

@akazukin02‌ Darling Chingu yah~! You are such an angel, a big thank you for your help and adding me! :x
Honestly, I had to check google to understand your message! Too bad, mine iOs too, that means iPhones right? Sigh~no voting? =((

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Guest TuekaK


Hai chingu.. i notice something in that video.. Yonghwa wearing I love HK T-shirt..
it's remine me with ShinHye when she wearing couple t-shirt in the Heirs..
or this only my Delulu Mine... Sorry Chingu.. ^-^
^:)^ :-j

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Guest ShilohB

3bikinokobuta said: ShilohB‌ Yah! You may be a dearie but must show respect for elderly! LOL! LOL! This Ahjuma is trying very hard to catch up with all this techie stuff, ah......my poor little brain.....

blackhole21‌ , ShilohB‌ Hey! We are next door neighbours! You guys coming over to Singapore to watch CNBlue concert in May?

Welcome all new Dooliers! ShilohB said:

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Guest IvesIvy


no eng sub sorry..

MC:  While Jung Yong Hwa was singing i glanced Park Shin Hye and saw her
singing along well..Do You know the song well?
PSH: Yes!
JGS: (realizing Yonghwa come to the stage)
YH gives his bouquet of flowers to Shin Hye..
JGS: Eh?..Not for me? You Only give to Shin Hye?
        There's none for me?
JYH: Sorry, There's none for you..
JGS: (oh well)___...

PSH is hoping that YH gives flower next year from front.

Mostly MCs keep teasing YongShin, they obviously shows us
their love to YongShin friendship..(BFF) even the netizens bothers
and alert in every single minute of updates from this couple..
How i wish they become couple in near future...oooppss :) ^^^

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Guest ShilohB

REMINISCING BAEKSANG AWARD 2012 (again- Just for FUN) :))

here comes the bride....oopss... the actress :P

and the handsome 'Rockstar' ready.....


and when that 'pointing' thing happened... we were just like 'dreaming'
(can't hold his feeling anymore-didn't u 2 just hold hands at the waiting room just now??) :-$

and of coz almost 'DIE' when that flower moment happened.... \:D/

and Shin was right...u can give her flowers from the front next time...coz the two of u are JUST BESTFRIEND :))
nothing wrong with giving flower to a Friend, right??
now I better RUN :P

(full credit to the owner of the photos)

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Guest IvesIvy

They perform w/ full of energy and emotions..
because some one singing along with them..


Crazily, alone – crazily, only you
If loving you was wrong
Then no, no, this really isn’t it
Dudu Durudu Love again

Every day, every day – dubab dubab – I walk
I walk the streets we used to walk together
Once again Back again ge ringer ringer ringer ring
Day by day, Monday Tuesday, better day -
I try to comfort myself, saying that I will smile again
But to me, it’s only you

Goodbye darling hey you oh my darling hey you
I love you to death – please come back to me
Because I love you, because only you know
One more time, love forever

Duruduru durudu Blah blah Duruduru durudu No no
Once again back again Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful one day
Duruduru durudu Blah blah Duruduru durudu No no
Don’t leave me, who loves you

Alone like a fool, like a mindless fool
I loved and loved you – I guess you got tired of me
You speak of separation, telling me to go, to go
Dudu durudu Love again

Again today, I – dubab dubab – sing
I sing the song we used to listen to together
Once again Back again ge ringer ringer ringer ring
When the night passes – Monday Tuesday, better day
I promise myself that I will forget but
To me, it’s only you

Goodbye darling hey you oh my darling hey you
I love you to death – please come back to me
Because I love you, because only you know
One more time, love forever

Duruduru durudu Blah blah Duruduru durudu No no
Once again back again Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful one day
Duruduru durudu Blah blah Duruduru durudu No no
Don’t leave me, who loves you

G-g-good bye darling uh, oh oh oh
my darling you yeah yeah yeah I ready now

I’m telling you that it hurts, I’m telling you that I can’t
Say oh-e-oh oh-e-oh Say no no no no no no
Tell me why Hey you

Goodbye darling
hey you oh my darling hey you
My love wants you, my heart wants only you
The happy days, the days I long for -
I want to go back – love together

Duruduru durudu Blah blah Duruduru durudu No no
Once again back again Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful one day
Duruduru durudu Blah blah Duruduru durudu No no
Don’t leave me, who loves you


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Guest silvergate08

this is so unfair!!! i can't vote coz my cellphone is not hi-tech. UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!



credits to owner - gif

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Guest 3bikinokobuta

Yes! Of course I will love to join you if there's a chance we can watch the Blue boys together and shout "Sorijiloh!"....but wait, what if you met me and get shocked to see I am a really senior Ahjuma and you faint~!!!! :-O Oteoke??!!!! :(( Hahaha!
:)) =)) My dear I don't want you to waste your ticket! Hahaha!

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"Do you know Heartstrings?" - famous quote from YH.:)
And i love the way of HS Gallery support CNB's concerts... the best way to support CN Boys in a proper way :)
P/S: The words in Blue Box above "LeeShin~ eotiga?" u guys know this famous saying from Lee GyuWon in Hanbam Interview, rite?lol

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Guest ShilohB

@3bikinokobuta aigooo...I m not that young also..I m too shy to say that I m the oldest in our kkt group :P

maybe more older than u?? Kkkkkkk

@se7enbigbang I know Heartstrings... that photo was priceless...tq manager_nim. .... :))

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Guest eyhnihs

Thanks for the warm welcome @BluenB‌ and @ShilohB‌ :-*

Congratulations and Happy 700 pages Dooliers!!! (This is my attempt to post a gif and use spoiler tag so hope this works :) ) <:-P <:-P <:-P

Super Star job


credit to imgion.com

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