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[Drama 2011] Women In Our House / My Bittersweet Life 우리집 여자들


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Guest KaTz_AnG

I think JM mother died.

This makes me wonder: does SI know that HY is not JM's birth mom?

Also...people do strange things for money and power

if i wasn't mistaken, i heard JM's father said JM's mother died because of sick or something & he was having a hard time to take care of JM, in that time he met HY who fell in love with little JM 'coz JM has the same age as EN, the daughter she abandoned, so she loved JM so much & got married with JM's father.

As far as i remember SI doesn't know HY isn't JM's birth mother yet.

Hmmmm... still waiting for SI & EN moment together hehhehe....

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Guest bakane18

     Hi guys. I caught this drama when flipping through the channels and I thought it looked pretty good so I gave it a try. Now, I'm only on the current episode on KBS world so I've got alot of catching up with the current storyline. Anyways, the reason I wanted to post here is because of something I HAVE to get off my chest:




*clears throat* Anyways, why o' why did I pick another family drama to watch and a daily one at that! I thought my headaches were done with "Believe In Love", but now I'm watching this. Go figure. *shrugs* I can't help it, these damn dramas are so addicting.

     Alrighty then, I'm going to watch some more episodes online. Talk to you guys later. ;)

PS: I hope granny gets to slap JM's Mom in the near future. I'm counting the days. *slap slap*


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     Hi guys. I caught this drama when flipping through the channels and I thought it looked pretty good so I gave it a try. Now, I'm only on the current episode on KBS world so I've got alot of catching up with the current storyline. Anyways, the reason I wanted to post here is because of something I HAVE to get off my chest:




*clears throat* Anyways, why o' why did I pick another family drama to watch and a daily one at that! I thought my headaches were done with "Believe In Love", but now I'm watching this. Go figure. *shrugs* I can't help it, these damn dramas are so addicting.

     Alrighty then, I'm going to watch some more episodes online. Talk to you guys later. ;)

PS: I hope granny gets to slap JM's Mom in the near future. I'm counting the days. *slap slap*


While you are at it slap EN too. How can she keep taking it from JM and her mother,

or stepmother? SI seemed to be the one fighting for their love and she . . ? Oo itchy hand.

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Guest bakane18

LOL, yeah Maribella the funny thing is that while I was catching up online, JM actually granted your wish by slapping EN!!!!! LOLOLOLOLSS!!!!!! :lol: If Sein didn't walk in on that and if I was EN, I would of gone APES#!t on that B!tc#!!!! She wacked her pretty good that at first I thought she was bleeding from the mouth! But yeah, its kinda ironic that you mentioned EN being slapped silly...and she did!!! haha! :P

     On one note, JM's mom.....oh god does she richard simmons me off. I felt so bad when she told EN that she doesn't like her and she shouldn't be coming to the store anymore, god I hope she will have a FULL BAG OF REGRETS once she finds out EN is her daughter. Ooo I can't wait. Anyways, on to more watching! ^_^

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Guest shondrea2

     Hi guys. I caught this drama when flipping through the channels and I thought it looked pretty good so I gave it a try. Now, I'm only on the current episode on KBS world so I've got alot of catching up with the current storyline. Anyways, the reason I wanted to post here is because of something I HAVE to get off my chest:




*clears throat* Anyways, why o' why did I pick another family drama to watch and a daily one at that! I thought my headaches were done with "Believe In Love", but now I'm watching this. Go figure. *shrugs* I can't help it, these damn dramas are so addicting.

     Alrighty then, I'm going to watch some more episodes online. Talk to you guys later. ;)

PS: I hope granny gets to slap JM's Mom in the near future. I'm counting the days. *slap slap*




They need ES from Protect the Boss to come and B#%th slap EN's mom and freaking beat the crap out of JM, her day is coming. I've said it maybe twice here that I wouldn't help the mother with the son, as someone else stated EN mom is a stranger and she should treat her as one especially since EN now knows she is her mom. The reason I get that JM is trying to keep EN and SI away from each is because she believes that she still has a chance with him, he just ignores her. he has absoutely whatsoever NO!!!  feeling for her. I, too wouldn't be surprise if Gpa doesn't have the new guy working undercover. I think the crap is gonna hit the fan pretty soon.

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Guest bakane18

    LOL, Shondrea! I COMPLETELY agree with you. ;):lol: Anyways, I just finished watching 62 and am SOOOOOOO PENT UP WITH FRUSTRATION!!!!!!!!!!! I hope when JM gets found out, she gets what she deserves 10x what she is doing to EN. Another thing with this girl; IS SHE COMPLETELY  STUPID?!?! The things that went down with EN and the fact that everyone KNOWS she doesn't like her, wouldn't that raise suspicion?! I mean you have this model employee, she does this wonderful job on the last food product and out of know where you mean to tell me she's doing some shady business on the side?!?! It just doesn't add up! Hell, I would tell something was fishy. She thinks she's so sly but I know, I KNOW she'll have holes in her little plan. That guy she is in cahoots with; I wonder if he is going to blackmail her in the near future....hmmmm... THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!!! :w00t:   But yeah, If she thinks she is MAGICALLY going to get SI back just because she got rid of her rival, SHE IS FREAKIN' DELUSIONAL.

     JM's mom..... SHE'S ANOTHER HEADCASE. There were SO many times I wanted to go into my screen, grab her and yell, "OMG WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" I mean she comes off as the perfect mother type, but she really isn't! You leave your newborn behind and you have the NERVE of STARTING A NEW FAMILY JUST BECAUSE YOUR LAST FAMILY DIDN'T WORK OUT?!?! GAHHHH, women like her pisses me off! The reason I'm thinking why she is giving ALOT of ATTENTION to JM because she feels a bit remorseful of leaving baby EN behind.... Hell....SHE SHOULD BE REMORSEFUL!!! Selfish B!t#h.

     Anyways, I'm going to rant about SI parents later because frankly I don't want to burst a vein. LOL. But yeah, with this series I don't breakdown and cry as much because I'M SO FRUSTRATED WITH THE STORY! LOLOLOLS. A good tip for you folks: If you want to yell on the top of your lungs; GRAB THE NEAREST PILLOW, SMASH YOUR FACE INTO IT, AND PROCEED TO SHOUT TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT. It works for me and plus it doesn't alarm your neighbors, you don't want them to get the wrong idea like you're getting killed or something. LOLOLOLOLSSS!!!!!!!!

     Okay, back to the Marathon. :) *gets aspirin ready* ;) XD

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Guest shondrea2

    LOL, Shondrea! I COMPLETELY agree with you. ;):lol: Anyways, I just finished watching 62 and am SOOOOOOO PENT UP WITH FRUSTRATION!!!!!!!!!!! I hope when JM gets found out, she gets what she deserves 10x what she is doing to EN. Another thing with this girl; IS SHE COMPLETELY  STUPID?!?! The things that went down with EN and the fact that everyone KNOWS she doesn't like her, wouldn't that raise suspicion?! I mean you have this model employee, she does this wonderful job on the last food product and out of know where you mean to tell me she's doing some shady business on the side?!?! It just doesn't add up! Hell, I would tell something was fishy. She thinks she's so sly but I know, I KNOW she'll have holes in her little plan. That guy she is in cahoots with; I wonder if he is going to blackmail her in the near future....hmmmm... THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!!! :w00t:   But yeah, If she thinks she is MAGICALLY going to get SI back just because she got rid of her rival, SHE IS FREAKIN' DELUSIONAL.

     JM's mom..... SHE'S ANOTHER HEADCASE. There were SO many times I wanted to go into my screen, grab her and yell, "OMG WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" I mean she comes off as the perfect mother type, but she really isn't! You leave your newborn behind and you have the NERVE of STARTING A NEW FAMILY JUST BECAUSE YOUR LAST FAMILY DIDN'T WORK OUT?!?! GAHHHH, women like her pisses me off! The reason I'm thinking why she is giving ALOT of ATTENTION to JM because she feels a bit remorseful of leaving baby EN behind.... Hell....SHE SHOULD BE REMORSEFUL!!! Selfish B!t#h.

     Anyways, I'm going to rant about SI parents later because frankly I don't want to burst a vein. LOL. But yeah, with this series I don't breakdown and cry as much because I'M SO FRUSTRATED WITH THE STORY! LOLOLOLS. A good tip for you folks: If you want to yell on the top of your lungs; GRAB THE NEAREST PILLOW, SMASH YOUR FACE INTO IT, AND PROCEED TO SHOUT TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT. It works for me and plus it doesn't alarm your neighbors, you don't want them to get the wrong idea like you're getting killed or something. LOLOLOLOLSSS!!!!!!!!

     Okay, back to the Marathon. :) *gets aspirin ready* ;) XD


I swear everytime I see JM and EN together  I want to say RUN Forest RUN!!!!!  Why on earth would you follow her when ever she tells you to meet her. Why do she let her scream at her and she doesn't do anything to defend herself. A lot of things I don't understand about kdramas is why do people like EN keeps scrects especially when it's benefical to them and why do they let people throw water in their faces and slap them and they just sits there. Why when you know you have a known enemy and all of a sudden everything starts falling apart things begin to happen to only you, you don't keep records recording  hell a hidden camara set a trap tell someone you can trust.  EN is so STUPID!!! when she sees STUPID!!! coming she needs to cross the street.  I can also say this about the girl in My Love by My Side and You're so Pretty. The girl in that drama was so STUPID!!! I had to stop watching. Some of these dramas makes me so mad that it makes my A## want a dip of snuff LOL.

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Guest rintintintin

And the thing is, Why EN didn't tell to all people that she's not a Widow????!!! I'm very upset if she will never tell the truth about it. And to JM, you're such a bad richard simmons. Sorry of my foul words. I couldn't get over this time. sad.gif

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I skipped KBS world's channel episode 40s so that I don't watch the painfully pathetic EN. She was treated like cr*& and still bowed to JM, her mother, all the time everything is OK. Maybe to show that she's not a snitch....that hangdog look whenever she's being yelled at! You are as big as JM, kick her, pull her hair or something. At episode 81, she is no different... I have not shed a tear since I watched this show....

I like my heros to have self respect...I just cannot empathise with her, she has two lovely grandmas, caring aunt and cousin, she is still trying to get the affections of a woman who abandoned her and left her and granmas in the streets. I should not have strted with this show, now I want to know how it ends....

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I skipped KBS world's channel episode 40s so that I don't watch the painfully pathetic EN. ..

Oh..you should not skip those episodes..

I know it is quite boring but it tells alot of stuff:

Ep 44: how SI realizes that he is falling in love with EN

Ep 45: how SI realizes that En is falling for him when she told him that she thought that she would still see him. And of course, finally SI stood up to JM to protect EN

Ep 46: JM father explained to her about her step mom. JM father had to leave her with his grandmother and how EN mom was always playing with her.

Ep 47: JM set in motion her scheming plan

Those ep numbers are estimates

I had to re-watch ep 1 and did not realize the following:

1. EN monther visits her father grave on his anniversay.

2. EN first encounter with SI is when she lost his dog

By the way, the above comments from all of you just made my day; I can't stop laughting...keep them up


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Guest gembul10

Hi Guys & Gals,

I just recently watch this drama during my holidays, initially I wasn't too interested to this drama, but now I was hooked on this drama. I tried to come back from work on time, so I could watch this drama on KBS World.

So obviously, KBS World lag behind KBS about 30 episodes. By today KBS World airs up to episode 52, and KBS already in 82 if I'm not mistaken.

However, I do appreciate screencap from Semi-Fly, who provide the latest screencap from KBS everyday.

Also thank you to the recap of episodes from Babocha (please correct me if I typed your name wrong).

With the growing interest from new fans like me, it will probably be better if any of you wants to provide recap for each episode, put in the first paragraph the episode he/she wants to recap? or at least give indication of which episode you are trying to discuss. Because I think I read there are 2 types of discussion here, the one who follow KBS World and the one who follow KBS, meaning the most recent one.

I love reading all discussion though, and let me share my point of view based on the discussion of Ep 50 and the latest recap from Babocha.

As a mother myself, I couldn't appreciate of what JM Omma (or EN biological Omma). Despite of her hardship in life, I think a mother's nature is to protect the children herself, even if she put her daughter in an orphanage due to hardship, a mother will never forget her daughter, and be in peace, unless she knows that her daughter lives happily. If JM Omma can have a feeling and protect her step daughter, I think she should have feeling to protect her biological daughter as well.

While my opinion for EN, as I understand that her character is a strong will woman, probably since she wanted to protect her family (grandma, great grandma, auntie) that is why she sacrifice her feelings and things which she thinks can disrupt her family happiness.

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Guest bakane18


I FINALLY caught up with the current episode 82 and I'll tell you of my impressions of what's going on.

*clears throat*


*jumps up and down in frustration*

     She KNOWS that your her mother, YOU GUYS KNOW, I KNOW, HELL THE BAKER ON THE CORNER KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet you deny that you're indeed her mother... mmmm hmmmm. GLUTTON FOR PUNISHMENT EH, MOMMY? *face palms* The reason I think that she is denying to be her mom (well THAT and the fact that she made that stupid promise to JM. I'll get to her in a moment) is that she may be feeling a bit.....well.......ALOT of GUILTINESS, REMORSE, SHAMFUL, hungry, constipated.... no wait. LOL. XD But my thinking is just that: Facing the child that she left behind AND the fact that she bore MORE children after the fact. I'm feeling for EN because she knows THAT IS her mother yet she doesn't understand why she is denying it.

     Now that leads me to my very next topic everybody's favorite b*t#h JM. OMG she is SOOOOOO selfish! She put her mother in a VERY difficult position by making that stupid childish promise. Why play your mother like that? Don't you trust her love in you enough? It's not like Mom's going to throw you away and start playing nicey with EN in a instant!!! There is enough LOVE to go around! SHEEEESHHHH!!!!! I know she is probably thinking that EN is taking everybody that's important to her but she has to understand that EN isn't going anywhere and she has to find some sort of compromise and peace of mind with herself or else she's going to drive herself to the nut house. It's like,don't you care how your mother feels?!? She obviously wants to see the child that she left!! Her mind's elsewhere, she's moping around, hell she even took it out on poor Jin!!! Anyways, looks like her past crimes are catching up to her seeing that SI is suspecting something and the fact that he just saw her with that person she was is CAHOOTS with. (OBVIOUSLY though at the beginning of the next ep, she will find some way of weaseling out of it. OH. Side note: I LOL when SI drove up to that hotel. Instead of "Sheraton" hotel they took the S off and it was "Heraton". What the....  haha. :lol:

Anyways, it's getting REAL good now. I wish Granny gave  JM's Mom MORE of a beat down (she only "VIOLENTLY" grabbed her wrist. Go figure.) but oh well. SI's parents are still annoying and again, I'll give you my impressions of them later because frankly I'm not waisting my breath on those scumbags...... Oh......who am I kidding?! Of COURSE I AM! LOL) I'll do that next post. ;) Anyways, I'm glad I'm caught up now. :)

PS: I am VERY THANKFUL of the writers by putting that SR+JY situational comedic moments in the show. With all the TENSION in the air, I'm glad they put some humorous moments in because if that didn't, I would of been bashing my head on my wall. LOL. But yeah,  It's obvious that JY has NO feelings for SR and just sees her as a annoying step cousin/girl or whatever she is to him. haha. I DO see some spark between JY and YM though. hmmm...... Oh and it was very funny that they had JM's uncle checking out and comforting the drunk SR. LOLOLOLOLS. TOTALLY out of left field! XD

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Guest KaTz_AnG


I FINALLY caught up with the current episode 82 and I'll tell you of my impressions of what's going on.

*clears throat*


*jumps up and down in frustration*

LOOOOOL bakane..

i think the writer succeed make us frustration with the story haha...

i guess that's how the story has to be to get high ratings LOOOOL..

i red at kbs website & i think Jin is starting to collapse at children orientation in today eps (if i wasn't misreading it hehe... sorry poor korean language^^)

the story will become more complicated now haha..

btw.. it's nice to read your comments guys haha...

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Guest mflwrs66

Hello folks things are getting pretty interesting s**t is slowly starting to hit fan, Its about time dont you think lol ?.

Its been a frustrating , hair pulling , nail bitting , I wanna throw my tv out f the window 83 episodes. I have been watching this drama from very beginning.

I just finished watching todays episode # 83 .Correct me if Im wrong , I think the watched have been under the microscope all along .

Sein spotted Jumi with the guy who setup EN , He questioned her about it as usual she denied it .

Sein's Dads dirty little scheme is unraveling , Just like the little troll he is he runs and hides while

everyone does his dirty work . SJ had a few select words for him he was not the least bit amused.

JY is worried about En and Sein working together again . En spent the day at the park with Juni ,

Afterward Juni collapsed while getting on the bus, He was rushed to the hospital where once again


B***H . YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE A MOTHER MOM ! . Sorry I had to get that out lol .

Just When you think Sein could'nt hate Jumi much more ............. Here comes the preview where he hears

her on the blackmail tape he is furious. Jumi Mom and Dad , Sein , YM . and EN all wind up at the hospital

and as per usual Jumi treats EN like S**t , Thats ok as I always say Karma is B***h she going down .

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Today's episode 83

The thing I don't get is the father's scheme is blowing up and if I'm guessing correctly him and JM are trying to figure out how they can place the blame on EN. It seems the bad guys know enough to record conversations with the other bad guys. The father also want's SI to ruin his chances of taking over the company to help him out, but it looks like SI mom finally see's the light and is not taking his side this time. SI father is an inept fool that's why Gpa didn't let him run the company to start with. The term dysfunctional family takes on new meaning in this drama.

Maybe it's just me but mother or no mother I don't get EN need to have this woman approve of her, she has made it clear that she will not accept her.EN has never taken into account that if her Gma knew how to find the mother that also means the mother knew how to find her. From the beginning she has made her position clear about looking for her kid, only after she comes across the baby picture does she start to get weepy and show us that she has remorse and regret. Yet she has never actually tried to find the daughter she only wanted to confirm if EN was her after it came out that EN believed she was her mother.

JM is just how SI mother described her she is a schemer and a plotter, she don't care how her mother feels she just don't want others to find out that EN is her mother's daughter and that the mother abandoned her, for fear of how it will reflect on her. She has shown how little regard she has for her family from the treatment of her father when he wanted to own one of the stores, When she found out that HY was not her real mother she became cold and distant, it was only after she over heard her parents talking about the child that her mother abandoned that she started to suck up to her mother again. Once she got a clue that her daughter could be EN she was off and running, she had confirmation within a couple of days.

Now that the son has finally gotten sick their tune will now change, what do they say to EN, I'll recognize you as my daughter save my son, or will they try to make her feel guilty he is your brother how can you not save him. We were wrong please don't let my son die. How will JM handle the need for her help. We all know that EN will help because she is a patsy, but me I would tell them sorry I can't help you. Do you think JM would risk harming herself to save her brother, I don't think so.

Pay no attention these are just some random ramblings of mine.

Hello folks things are getting pretty interesting s**t is slowly starting to hit fan, Its about time dont you think lol ?.

Its been a frustrating , hair pulling , nail bitting , I wanna throw my tv out f the window 83 episodes. I have been  watching this drama from  very beginning.

I just finished watching todays episode # 83 .Correct me if Im wrong , I think the watched have been under the microscope all along .

Sein spotted Jumi with the guy who setup EN , He questioned her about it as usual she denied it .

Sein's Dads dirty little scheme is unraveling , Just like the little troll he is he runs and hides while

everyone does his dirty work . SJ had a few select words for him he was not the least bit amused.

JY is worried about En and Sein working together again . En spent the day at the park with Juni ,

Afterward Juni collapsed while getting on the bus, He was rushed to the hospital where once again


B***H . YOU DONT DESERVE  TO BE A MOTHER MOM ! . Sorry I had to get that out lol .

Just When you think Sein could'nt hate Jumi much more ............. Here comes the preview where he hears

her on the blackmail tape he is furious. Jumi Mom and Dad , Sein , YM . and EN all wind up at the hospital

and as per usual Jumi treats EN like S**t , Thats ok as I always say Karma is B***h she going down .

I feel you, don't hold it in.

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Thank you for the summaries and comments on Ep 83...Now I know what I should be looking out for!

I would like to list a few interesting points in Ep 48 that may help us to join the dots:

1. SI mom freaking out when she found out that SI is interested in a widow who is married to an immigrant and is an employee of the company.

2. SI grandfather threatened SI mom and dad when he found out that EN's cousin (can't remember his name) was setup. Grandfather was concerned that the son-in-law may not want to continue working with the co.; thus SI may not inherit the co.

3. SI told his mom that he would stand by EN and quit the management training. Cool but I know that later on EN & SI will split up

4. JM targets another guy (who is in the construction project) and told him to keep borrowing money from SI father

5. Smart girl JM, acting as if she has moved on and is not interested in SI ... Makes me wonder whether JM took upon herself to set up EN in later episodes?

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