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[Drama 2011] Indomitable Daughters-in-Law 불굴의 며느리

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Auntie Mame

someone just posted this in baidu



YJ & Ban-goon,

this two just don't match, if they are to become an item, HJ's gonna faint many times over...ROFL

that's another customer for your 'white bandages' !


someone else suggest pairing her up with Mr Coffee's son, who should be returning from his overseas studies soon.

Not a bad idea, except that it will mean HJ has to remain in Manwoldang.

btw i'm wondering too, as to how MJ gets to mother two such wonderful sons while both of HJ' sons are such scumbags.

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btw i'm wondering too, as to how MJ gets to mother two such wonderful sons while both of HJ' sons are such scumbags.

I am wondering the same thing. Is the writer implying that having a father (even if he is unreasonable) present in the lives of male children will produce better results?  Honestly, I don't see any reason why MJ sons are so much better than the two slouches raised by HJ, her mother-in-law and the clan men. I'm honestly boggled by this? unsure.gif 

If I keep pondering on such nonsense, Auntie Mame may just strike it rich selling those white bands to me instead of MJ. sweatingbullets.gif

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HALLELUJAH!  The end of ep. 42 was magnificent.  SW and YS are on the same page.  And, it is a page on which no other human  should interlope.  Unfortunately, we know that won't happen because Mommie Dearest will show up all too soon.  tongue2.gif

Although it was entirely appropriate,  I still cracked up at the 'cheeziness' when they used this song as background music for a SW & YS scene: 

WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN, by Percy Sledge (1966)

When a man loves a woman

Can't keep his mind on nothing else

He'd trade the world for the good thing he's found

If she is bad, he can't see it

She can do no wrong

Turn his back on his best friend if he put her down

When a man loves a woman

He'll spend his very last dime

Tryin' to hold on to what he needs

He'd give up all his comforts

And sleep out in the rain

If she said that's the way it ought to be

Well, this man loves you, woman

I gave you everything I have

Tryin' to hold on to your precious love

Baby, please don't treat me bad

When a man loves a woman

Down deep in his soul

She can bring him such misery

If she is playin' him for a fool

He's the last one to know

Lovin' eyes can never see

When a man loves a woman

He can do her no wrong

He can never hug some other girl

Yes, when a man loves a woman

I know exactly how he feels

'Cause baby, baby, I'm a man

Oh, man.  I just envisioned SW and YS dancing sooo sexily to this song.  (Fanning myself.) :wub:

@dotoh & gerryg:   I so agree with your comments about the  difference in sons.  Hey, maybe there was a mix-up at the hospital and  the babies got switch . . . both times!   hahahaha   w00t.gif  (You're going to need headache bandages if you try to wrap your head around that thought.  But, don't worry, I'll give you a discount ... cheaper by the dozen.   w00t.gif)

Even though I don't speak Korean, I understood well enough that Mommie Dearest has outright told YJ that her 'credentials' are not acceptable to be with SW.  And, this is during their first real meeting.  To which, Mommie Dearest had called and invited YJ!

That woman has absolutely no class!  If the ranks of society were based on class, that woman would be below sea level.  Ugh!   crazy.gif  She needs to be "swimming with the fishes".   tongue2.gif

Okay, SR is even more of a mystery now.  Her reaction, in the hotel hallway after leaving JW in the Presidential Suite, spoke volumes about her true feelings.  Yet, with steely determination, she still continued with her vile plans.  I hope someone will tell us about the conversation when HW confronted SR in the parking garage.  There's got to be some revelation in there.  :huh:

Lastly, I would never have guessd about Lee Hoon's (JW) torso!   hubba hubba!  :wub:

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Guest bimbibap

Highlights of Episode 42





Myeong Joo makes a mistake that Yun Jung is Shin Woo said girlfriend then asked Yun Jung for her contact number. Yun Jung on what Myeong Joo has mentioned tell Myeong Joo that she has made a mistake on the matter. Yun Jung return home and has a chat with Young Shim. Young Shim asked Yun Jung whether she really like Shin Woo but Yun Jung replies that she is not so sure of herself





Jin Woo goes to sleep at one of the hotel rooms. Se Ryung goes to find him after finding out, she calls the PI to ask them to be prepared. Hye Won comes to the said room. Se Ryung has mentioned to her to make up the room then tells Hye Won thank you. Jin Woo came out from the bathroom after a shower then surprised to see Hye Won and calls her. In the end the Pi came in to take photograph of them together


Young Shim look at the potted plant, then add something to the plant (probably fertlizer)




Team manager inform Shin Woo about Young Shim’s transfer and her interview. Shin Woo is upset then waits for her at the office lobby then tells Young Shim that he will increase her salary. Shin Woo then tear up the papers that was in Young Shim’s hands (probably the application form) then drag Young Shim to a nearby café to talk. Young Shim kept silence








Myeong Joo calls Yun Jung out to meet. Then Myeong Joo ask Yun Jung what is her occupation as Yun Jung tells that she is the company’s Executive Chef. Myeong Joo then ask Yun Jung about her family background. Yun Jung tells that she is only left with Grandmother and Mother. Yun Jung is upset that hearing at Myeong Joo’s rude probing into her family then angrily replied that she is not Shin Woo’s girlfriend. Yun Jung return to the kitchen in great upset then drinks a gulp of water. Ban Gun asked what did happened….Yun Jung can only scream in upset



Myeong Joo goes to see Shin Woo then mentioned that she has gone to meet with Yun Jung then tells Shin Woo to give up on Yun Jung. Shin Woo tells his mother not to jump into conclusion and go seeking headless as she is not Yun Jung


Myeong Joo comes downstairs and meet with Young Shim and knowing that Young Shim is a widow, has some show of sympathy from Myeong Joo. Young Shim sigh with some relief



Hye Ja accompany Soon Jung to go for the ultra scan check up. The fetus is really healthy, both of them are happy to hear the results



Geum Shil goes looking for Café proprietor then meets Hye Ja and Soon Jung who just return from the hospital visit. Geum Shil in her love sick self introduce Café proprietor to Hye Ja and grabs Café proprietor’s arms & wouldn’t let go, then tell Hye Ja that Café proprietor is a perfect gentleman



Hye Won goes to Jin Woo’s office rather worried over the incident as Jin Woo assures her not to worry. Hye Won bring beverages to Jin Woo, Jin Woo is touched then thanked her for the beverage as Hye Won leaves



Yun Jung is frustrated and comes out from the kitchen. Shin Woo waits for her then apologise to Yun Jung that he is ashamed of the embarrassment that his mother has created. Both of them has drink at a tavern stall to talk. Yun Jung then mentioned that his mother queries and probe into her education, then her occupation and family background


Young Shim and her orphanage and her good friend has dinner and chat then brought up the subject of Shin Woo and Yun Jung then tentatively trying to look for answer from her friend





Young Shim then return to Manwoldang entrance looking down casted then meet Yun Jung who returns. Yun Jung then mentioned the meeting incident between she and Myeong Joo. Young Shim asked whether Yun Jung was sad. Yun Jung said that it doesn’t matter as it is none of her concern since she is not Shin Woo girlfriend. Young Shim say sorry to Yun Jung then cries



The family sees Soon Jung’s fetus ultra scan photo, they are so happy. Halmeoni encourage in support for Soon Jung




The next day at work, Shin Woo drags Young Shim to the staircase, no matter what Shin Woo say, Young Shim will not accept, then mentioned about the families will not give their blessing and approval. Young Shim wants to leave but Shin Woo grabs onto her and wouldn’t let her go, Young Shim slips at the edge of the steps as Shin Woo tries to hold onto her, both them stumbles downwards to the staircase. Shin Woo loses consciousness at the bottom of the stairs as Young Shim shouts for someone to help








The ambulance (119) came. Young Shim holding to Shin Woo hands and crying then begging him to regain consciousness. Then arrive at the hospital, the Doctors gave Young Shim, Shin Woo prognosis to his condition (probably not serious). Young Shim holds Shin Woo hand, while she cries and talk to him. Shin Woo has already prior regain his consciousness, Young Shim surprise that whatever she had said, he had listen to it all. Young Shim scolded him for his deception that he didn’t mentioned that he already regained consciousness. Young Shim agreed that she and Shin Woo will both meet whatever challenges lies ahead together then she will hold onto Shin Woo and wouldn’t let go then thanked Shin Woo. Shin Woo makes Young Shim promise as she promised. Shin Woo touches Young Shim’s face tenderly


The End



Episode 43 teaser

Shin Woo wearing an arm support braces for his arm, walking the corridor then Young Shim sneaks away timidly as they see Shin Woo's parents aprroaching and asked Shin Woo to take of himself

Jin Woo and Se Ryung quarrels, Pres. Moon and Myeong Joo ask Jin Woo to resolves the matter as soon as possible to get some peace in the house

Hye Ja and Myeong Joo quarrels as Myeong Joo tries to settles old debts in form of a ridiculous method. Hye Ja pushes Myeong Joo who then blames Hye Ja for hitting her


Shin Woo thanked Young Shim that she has agree to follow his lead after his accident as Young Shim apologize for her earlier reluctance. Shin Woo embrace Young Shim as Kim Yun Jung walks into the room calling Shin Woo and they are caught surprise by Yun Jung’s arrival and Yun Jung is even surprise to see Young Shim in a compromise situation

(Source ; Baidu)

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Thank you, bimbibap.  If you find any info on the conversation between SR and HW, in the parking garage, please share.  It was after the PI took the photos in the hotel room.  HW knew that they had been set up.

I was just going to mention that the skank home-shopping man-stealer hasn't appeared for a while.  But, the preview shows she's back in ep. 43 . . . too bad for us.  tongue2.gif

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Thanks alot, Bimbibap for posting the recaps and previews so promptly. I'm soooo happy that our leads are finally on the right track. I too hope you have time in your busy schedule to recap the conversation between HW and SR in the parking garage. Thanks again!!!

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1-10  @ $1.00 each

11-50 @ $.75 each

Call for further discount on case price.


(only available to Myung Joo)

1-10 @ $5.00 each

Extra Special Price for MJ:  3 for $25.00

Call for gross price.

Prices effective immediately . 

Prices subject to change, without notice  . . . upon the desires of the soompiers.


I'm so glad that Young Jung is a wonderful person, especially in ep. 43.   Whoever she ends up with, Ban Gun or someone else, will be a lucky man.  :)

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Guest bimbibap

Highlight of Episode 43 - Locum Version


The regular writer who writes this highlight was not available therefore this is a locum version. The “locum” writer writes this base on his/her own comprehension of Korean as per live streaming, I will translate whatever it is on the Chinese text

43集直播概要:(PS 很多对话没听懂~)




Shin Woo ask Young Shim to promise as Young Shim agree and understand, both of them in such romantic ambience. Shin Woo didn’t suffer head injuries but injure his arm. Both of them walk the corridor and Young Shim spots Shin Woo's parents coming then quickly goes into hiding. Myeong Joo asked about her son’s condition as Shin Woo assures that he is alright as the three of them returns to the room. Young Shim peeks out to look whether the coast is clear. Shin Woo winks at Young Shim


Hye Won calls Hong Chul. Hong Chul tells Hye Won that she has misunderstood, then it seems that he is asking Hye Won for money. Hye Won is anger and hangs up on Hong Chul



Young Shim return to the office. Shin Woo calls Young Shim, then ask Young Shim to quickly bring something delicious for him to eat at the hospital and to visit him at once








Myeong Joo recalls Hye Ja previously mentioned to her about Café Proprietor then goes looking for Café Proprietor at his café. Myeong Joo asked the Café Proprietor whether he can remember her and address Café Proprietor after a thought then Myeong Joo introduce that she is Hyeon Myeong Joo then only Oppa Café Proprietor remembers Myeong Joo, then both of them had a chat then brought up the subject on Hye Ja. Geum Shil appears then stares at Myeong Joo then queries what acquaintance does Myeong Joo have with Café Proprietor. Myeong Joo introduce herself that she and the Café Proprietor is from the same hometown Gangneung Oppa. Geum Shil then mentioned that eldest sister in law is also from Gangneung and it got Myeong Joo up in jitters. Geum Shil goes back to inform Hye Ja about Myeong Joo. Hye Ja tells that she already learn of Hyeon Myeong Joo’s recent existence







妍静说:O NI,新宇说的女友是你吗?新宇要解释,但妍静不听立即出去~



Ban Gun informs Yun Jung that Shin Woo was hurt after falling down from the staircase. Yun Jung got worried. Shin Woo calls Young Shim asking what he wants to eat. Young Shim holding onto her phone as she was purchase his menu order and telling that she knows. Young Shim brought to his room as Shin complaint that the service was slow. Then Shin Woo ask Young Shim to spoon feed him. Young Shim not willing. Shin Woo pretend to have a massive headache then when he asked Young Shim to touch his head, Shin Woo grabs Young Shim and refuse to let go. Meanwhile Yun Jung comes to the hospital. Yun Jung enters the room then see Shin Woo hugging Young Shim as she can only utter Eonni, then asked that Young Shim was indeed Shin Woo’s girlfriend. Shin Woo tries to explain but then Yun Jung refuse to listen & leave in haste. Young Shim gives chase then apologize to Yun Jung and tried to explained but however Yun Jung is upset then rebuke a few words and left. Shin Woo comes out then grabs Young Shim’s hands as Young Shin tells that she is really sad


Se Ryung and Jin Woo argues, Jin Woo leaves



Yun Jung comes home and lies in bed, Soo Jung asked what is the matter. Yun Jung pacified Soon Jung with a few words and didn’t say anything further and tells that she is tired and wants to sleep


Young Shim return to her room then Shin Woo calls, both of them talk about Yun Jung’s matter



In the morning at Moon residence, Jin Woo mentioned to his parents (not sure what the conversation was but then Jin Woo mentioned that Se Ryung might demand a division of property and asset & they need to prevent that from being ugly








Young Shim goes to the office. The potted plant is getting healthier. Shin Woo texts Young Shim to come out. Shin Woo discover that Young Shim wore the necklace that he gave, he was really thrilled. Young Shim starts to worry thinking about Yun Jung. Yun Jung was not attentive at work, then can only recalls the scene where Shin Young and Shin Woo was seen hugging each other, suddenly cuts her finger with a knife. Shin Woo comes to see Yun Jung then finds her really down cast. Shin Woo apologize to Yun Jung. Shin Woo asked whether this relationship is for real. Shin Woo affirmed that it is true. Shin Woo asked Yun Jung whether she will accept their relationship with her blessing. Yun Jung tells that as of now, she has no choice in accept that fact then ask Shin Woo to leave






Myeong Joo takes an old photograph of Hye Ja and ponders. Myeong Joo comes to Manwoldang then got 2 truckload full of something (don’t know what it is).Hye Ja comes out of Manwoldang and start bickering with Myeong Joo. Young Shim sees them arguing then queries isn’t that Shin Woo’s mother. Young Shim then finds out from the argument that both the ladies are in bad terms. Young Shim quickly came to tried to appease the situation from getting worst then asked what has happened. Hye Ja then learns that Myeong Joo is Shin Woo’s mother. Then Myeong Joo also learns that Hye Ja is Yun Jung’s mother


The end


P.S Today Shin Woo & Young Shim has more touching & light hearted moment together

Episode 44 teaser


This is what I have gathered from the scenes

Geum Shil finds that Myeong Joo is Shin Woo’s mother. Hye Ja tells that she will not allow Yun Jung to be a daughter in law to Myeong Joo’s family. Young Shim looks vexed as Yun Jung tells that Shin Woo has a girlfriend. Geum Shil question Yun Jung about Shin Woo said girlfriend’s credential as Yun Jung shut Geum Shil up

Jin Woo announce that they are getting a divorce as Se Ryung tells the reason of their divorce is this…Se Ryung scatter the “illicit” photos of Jin Woo and Hye Won on the table. Pres. Moon vent his temper on Jin Woo

Hye Won question Se Ryung on what her stratagem on divorce. Se Ryung tells her reason.

Myeong Joo calls Hye Ja sells Shin Woo credential only to get splatter in rebuke by Hye Ja as Myeong Joo is upset

Shin Woo wants to take Young Shim to somewhere delicious to eat

Young Shim surprise that the house has serve seaweed soup as Halmeoni choke on her soup….Hye Ja reminds Young Shim that it is Hong Goo’s birthday & asked whether she has forgotten

(Source : Baidu)

Text preview Episode 44

英心得知慧子和贤女士之间恶缘关系,对和新宇一起的将来感到一片茫然. 镇宇要和世玲离婚但是世玲提出的离婚条件让文会长感到苦恼.

英心对于洪久的生日忘得一干二净 让慧子对这样的英心感到惆怅..

Young Shim learns about the old feud between Hye Ja & Myeong Joo. As for Young Shim’s future relationship together with Shin Woo somewhat bleak & loss. Jin Woo want to get a divorce from Se Ryung, but however Se Ryung terms & condition for the settlement of divorce, leaves Pres. Moon rather vexed by her demands. Young Shim forgot all about Hong Goo’s birthday that has gotten Hye Ja feeling pensive & sadness towards Young Shim’s attitude


Text Preview Episode 45



Young Shim and Shin Woo comes to visit Hong Goo’s grave then at the entrance of the cemetery meets with Hye Ja. Hye Ja is upset at the scene then reject Young Shim’s explanation and return home. Young Shim feels choked in sadness and helpless. Shin Woo feels sad and sorry for Young Shim. Hye Ja personally goes to see Shin Woo and asked him to resolve his relationship with Young Shim



Now reading the text preview for episode 44 & 45, really can’t seem to understand. What gives Hye Ja god given right to ask Shin Woo to resolves his relationship with Young Shim. This is really upsetting. Oh! Isn't it her son who firstly has committed wrong doing against Young Shim then he dies, then said that she will treat Young Shim as a daughter, if Young Shim is really her daughter, why render such ruthless? Shin Woo and Yun Jung is possible but with Young Shim, it is NO! NO!...At first we have such great impression of Hye Ja as Young Shim’s understanding mother in law but looks now that we are sadly disappointed









This is the disease of a very traditional mentality of thinking, bloodline is everything. Young Shim whatever it is said, she is not the posterity of the Kim clan. In Episode 40 when Shin Woo pays them a visit. Halmeoni orders Young Shim to go and prepare fruits and food for the guest. It is clearly that Young Shim has already divorce from Hong Goo, but then still treat & drives like she is still the daughter in law, in which I feel that it is already a habit in them, even though no matter how Hong Goo has done wrong, Mother will always protect their sons. I will think that Young Shim will be leaving Manwoldang in the near future. To think that if all were to go well in the end, even considering that Manwoldang will able to accept Young Shim marries to Shin Woo, definitely that they wouldn’t be the one giving the bride away



Whatever it is that Manwoldang is the residence of her late husband. Hong Goo has passed away, so it not appropriate but however Manwoldang are kind & warm hearted people, their relationship with Young Shim will slowly turn for the better

(Source : Baidu)

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Even if Manwoldang are kind & warm hearted people, I think it's wrong for them to  tie Young Shim to the dead. If they were going to be this way why didn't they just do a Sassy Girl and throw her into his coffin! dry.gif

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I totally agree with your comments about the Malwondang, Bimbibap. How quickly that family has forgotten the injustices and humiliation YS suffered at the hands of HG and JE. What is said about blood is thicker than water, is surely the case here. SW and YS, I believe will be steadfast and unwavering in their relationship, you might be right about YS having to move out. I remember her Mother inlaw saying that when YS found someone she loved, she would treat her as a daughter and prepare her marriage. I hope the family doesn't make things sooo uncomfortable and forces YS out.

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Guest bimbibap

Highlight of Episode 44




Hye Ja then tells Myeong Joo that Young Shim is her daughter-in-law. Myeong Joo is shocked. Then Myeong Joo typecast both of them as widows, as Hye Ja gets very angry. The argument ended at deadlock and Myeong Joo leaves, so did the two truckload of lorry





When return to the house, Hye Ja is upset and lies in bed. The family gather around Hye Ja then Young Shim tells that Myeong Joo is President Moon’s wife, then after some discussion of conversation, everyone then understands the old feud between Hye Ja and Myeong Joo and what has happened in the past. Hye Ja is so upset that she forbids Yun Jung to go with Shin Woo. Yun Jung tells that Shin Woo is currently has a girlfriend. Everyone is surprise, Halmeoni is astonished. Young Shim at the side looks worried


Geum Shil drag Yun Jung out to have a better understanding. Yun Jung ask Geum Shil not to go around taking wild guess


Myeong Joo ponder at home that Hye Ja’s whole family is a house of widows


Pres. Moon calls out Myeong Joo from the room





The whole family gather at the living room. Jin Woo said that he wants a divorce. President Moon is surprise and ask for a reason. Se Ryung tells that her reason for divorce is this evidence then throw out the photograph. Jin Woo tells Se Ryung that she is crazy to produce those “set up” photographs. Jin Woo tries to explain to President Moon that he did not commit any extra martial affairs and ask Pres. Moon to believe him. President Moon is angry and kicks Jin Woo. Myeong Joo tries to stop her husband. Jin Woo kneels down





Se Ryung demands and wants 50% (not quite sure, but the amount value of Jin Woo assets under his name). President Moon hear the demand and gets upset. Myeong is also upset and scolds Se Ryung. Se Ryung tells that she will wait for their answer to her demands then goes to the room. Myeong Joo goes ballistics…President Moon leaves the living room






Se Ryung goes to pack her belongings and prepare to leave. Jin Woo ask Se Ryung to stop this….but both of them start to argue. Myeong Joo rushes into the room and grabs Se Ryung by her hair like a craze woman. Shin Woo asked his Mother to calm down. Myeong Joo continues to scold Se Ryung and started throwing things at her. Se Ryung answer her loudly back in defiance. Shin Woo drag his Mother out….Jin Woo leaves the room without saying a word



Se Ryung leave the house as Shin Woo tries to stop her from leaving. Se Ryung tells that she is really sorry and hope that Shin Woo understands. Se Ryung leaves



Jin Woo goes drinking, Shin Woo comes and grabs the bottle away from Jin Woo. Shin Woo asked his brother to have trust in him, he will think of a way to settle this mess. Jin Woo apologise for the mess as Shin Woo said there is no need for that





Yun Jung is in the kitchen. Young Shim sees her but was little hesitant. Yun Jung ask her to sit down. Yun Jung then tells from her father to her brothers then mentioned about their extra martial affairs. Young Shim apologise to Yun Jung. Yun Jung lets go her upset and forgive Young Shim. Young Shim tell Yun Jung that she is really sorry. Both of them return to normal as Yougn Shim is grateful



Se Ryung stay at the hotel. Hye Won enter the room to clean then discuss with Se Ryung about her divorce. Hye Won couldn’t figure out why Se Ryung has to do such a thing


Hye Won goes to Jin Woo’s office then asked if he is alright. Jin Woo showed a brave front and tells Hye Won not to worry


Young Shim goes to work and meets Shin Woo at the elevator, both of them talk. Shin Woo playfully pats Young Shim on the head


Myeong Joo received a call from Hye Ja. Myeong Joo provoke Hye Ja whether she has lost her pride and brought up the subject that she is a widow, Hye Ja gets upset then mentioned that she didn’t know Shin Woo was his son and mentioned his visit. Myeong Joo is shocked and screams until almost having fainting spells


Shin Woo and Young Shim having talking over lunch. Young Shim brought out that her Mother-in-law and his Mother were acquaintance in the past. Shin Woo tells that if it so, it would be better, but Young Shim tells it doesn’t seem like it is what he think but didn’t finished as lunchtime is over and both of them leave


Geum Shil spoke to Café Proprietor in regard to Myeong Joo’s matter



Hye Ja wants Young Shim to prepare some items but then Young Shim doesn’t know that it is for Hong Goo’s birthday. Hye Ja leave in upset


Hye Ja enters Halmeoni’s room then both of them recalls Hong Goo, tear in their eyes with sorrow


Dinner time… Hye Ja asked Young Shim that she didn’t know it was Hong Goo’s birthday. Young Shim is caught surprise that she forgot then apologize. Hye Ja is upset. Yun Jung tries to appease the atmosphere. Hye Ja is still angry then scolded Young Shim. Halmeoni then cried while drinking the soup. Hye Ja went to the room without eating. Young Shim is embarrass


Young Shim goes to her room then look at the photograph of her and Hong Goo then said that she totally forgot his birthday and said sorry…then she cries



Shin Woo comes to Manwoldang’s entrance then calls Young Shim to come out. Young Shim ask him to come the next time. Shin Woo asked what is the matter and asked whether Yun Jung and her are on unhappy terms. Young Shim tells that it is Hong Goo’s birthday and she forgot all about it. Young Shim apologize but then Shin Woo insist that she comes out. He will bring her to Hong Goo’s grave


In front of Hong Goo’s grave, Shin Woo started to speak, most probably wishing that Hong Goo will give his approval that he can have a relationship with Young Shim. Young Shim cries. It pains Shin Woo to see Young Shim cries and he help to wipes her tear away


But however Hye Ja comes then sees them and asked what are they both doing here. Shin Woo & Young Shim are surprised to see Hye Ja


The End


Episode 45 teaser


Young Shim tells Halmeoni that she return from Hong Goo’s grave


Hye Ja because of Shin Woo’s matter, her relationship with Young Shim starting to have rift and crack

Hye Ja tells Café proprietor that living is suffering for her

Geum Shil reprimand Café proprietor that he keep loitering

Vivianna serenade to Jin Woo on the phone then Hye Won ask whether Vivianna really like Jin Woo so much. Vivianna nod in affirmative


Myeong Joo confronts Hye Won over the alleged affairs and her objective of intent as Hye Won tell Myeong Joo that there is none. Myeong Joo slaps Hye Won and accuse that she is lying as Jin Woo step between his Mother to protect Hye Won to block Myeong Joo for hitting Hye Won with her handbag. Myeong Joo is aghast that Jin Woo comes to Hye Won's defense

Shin Woo suggest whether they should just elope & run away


Shin Woo tells that he will strive to get Hye Ja’s approval as Hye Ja goes to see Shin Woo to request that he resolve Young Shim’s relationship


Hye Ja doesn’t get any lead way with Shin Woo then goes to Myeong Joo to implied an hint about Shin Woo and Young Shim’s relationship. Myeong Joo is shocked

(Source : Baidu)

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My experience with long dramas is that around eps. 40-50, they start going into "Stupid Land".  Then, it slowly regains most of its common sense, only to have a major relapse around episodes 75-80 before heading to the finish line.   <_<

So, this drama is proceeding according to schedule.  But, I am surprise that the Leader of the Pack marching into Stupid Land, turns out to be HJ.  I would not have bet on her.  I thought it was going to be GS, who having discovered all the love interests, would start the turmoil.  :phew:

We still don't know what MJ did in the past.  But, I tend to think the offense perpetuated by MJ must have had a major effect on HJ and her family.  Otherwise, if it was minor, I don't see HJ being petty enough to be so angry with MJ.  Anything remotely related to MJ makes HJ so angry that she's no longer logical or reasonable.  For this reason, I'm not disapproving of her actions or reactions . . . yet. 

Here's my solution to the end of the drama.  Moon Family has to loose the majority of their wealth.  Part of it will go to SR in the divorce settlement.  And, the remaining portion has to be split with the HJ's family because legally, it was money from HJ's family that was the capital for the Moon wealth.  Therefore, they will no longer have control of the enterprise . . . or on who the sons will marry.  tongue2.gif

I think SR revealed the reason(s) for her devious plans in ep. 44.  I can hardly wait to find out the reasons.  :o

Thank you bimbibap for even sharing the comments that you find on the other websites. :D

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Thanks for the summary/recaps! Wow this drama is going full on dramatic now. Before it was moving in a slow pace but seems to be moving at alarming speed now, revealing all the secrets/ties between the two families. 

@Etquon: I remember her saying something along those lines as well, but i very much doubt that she'll be that understanding. Just the way that she scolded YS, over forgetting the birthday. Not to mention her bad relationship with SW's mother. 

YS and HW will probably have to move out of the house. Actually, i wouldn't be surprised if the President also throws out WJ too....maybe all 3 can live together in an apartment with Viviana.laugh.gif

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Guest bimbibap

My Favourite Scene of Episode 40

Shin Woo's Visit

Young Sim followed in quickly

Oh Young Sim: What are you doing?...Go away…at once….Leave…we will talk

Moon Shin Woo: I have said…I didn’t come to see you, Oh Young Shim ssi…I am here to look for the elders then to asked officially for them to recognize our relationship

Oh Young Sim: Are you crazy?...Leave at once….Come with me

Young Sim tried to pull Shin Woo away but he would not budged. Yun Jung came out

Kim Yun Jung: Shin Woo…Why the sudden call to me that you want to come to the house for a visit…what is the matter?

Oh Young Sim looked unsettled and looked at Moon Shin Woo. Manwoldang members came out to greet him. Moon Shin Woo bowed

Moon Shin Woo: I apologize for my sudden visit, during this time, have you all been well?

Hye Ja: Welcome! Halmeoni: The journey must be far for you to have come to visit

Geum Shil: Nice to meet you…do you remember me…I am Yun Jung’s Gumo….

Moon Shin Woo: Ah! Yes…How are you?

Hye Won: It is the first time meeting you, I am Yun Jung’s second sister-in-law

Soon Jung: I am Yun Jung younger sister, Soon Jung

Vivianna: How are you, I am Vivianna

Moon Shin Woo: Have you been well, Missy

Halmeoni: Aigoo!...Children…the weather is hot…we can’t let the guest stand at the courtyard…what are you all doing…quickly come in

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…Orrishin

Everyone went into the house while Young Sim looked anxious. Shin Woo handed over the paper bag

Moon Shin Woo: This…I don’t know what Orrishin like, don’t know whether this is palatable to your taste

Halmeoni: Aigoo!...Just come here empty handed will do, why is there a need to buy anything to come….

Halmeoni accepted the gift then Moon Shin Woo handed over the bouquet of flower to Hye Ja

Moon Shin Woo: also…this for you…

Hye Ja accepted the bouquet happily

Hye Ja: It is pretty…is this really for me?

Moon Shin Woo: I feel that the bouquet most suitable for Eomeoni

Kim Yun Jung: Oh! Moon Shin Woo…you are really pompous

Halmeoni: Aigoo!....You must be tired from driving here..sit sown…do sit down

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…Orrishin

Halmeoni looked at Young Sim

Halmeoni: Aigoo!...Eldest child…what are you still doing there….bring some cut fruits and drinks over

Oh Young Sim: Yes…Halmeoni

Young Sim went to the kitchen. Everyone was staring at Shin Woo. Young Sim cutting the fruits and mumbled with anxiety

Oh Young Sim: What to do….what am I to do…perhaps he really want to mention that…he wouldn’t do that…what to do

Young Sim looked restless in nerves. Meanwhile Halmeoni looked pleased at Shin Woo so was everyone there while Yun Jung looked at her family member.

Kim Yun Jung: Aiyoh! What you all are doing, you are making someone really uncomfortable, he is not as though that the is the monkey at the zoo

Hye Ja: Did we….I am sorry…it is because we like you, that is why we are like this…please understand

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…

Geum Shil: Our Manwoldang…the day like today, there is a man coming here for a visit, it has been a long while but then what is your reason for the visit

Halmeoni: Aigoo!...What are you prattling there….he is a guest of the house

Geum Shil: Therefore be precise ….who did you come to visit

Hye Won: Gumonim…you are really something….of course he came to see elder sister in law (Yun Jung), who else that be

Geum Shil: Really…is it?

Halmeoni: Aigoo! You are really…what are you saying there…would he been saying that he is coming to see you instead…of course it is our Yun Jung…you wretched girl

Geum Shil: Really….Omma…in front of the guest

Halmeoni: Yes….

Young Sim brought out a tray of fruits and drinks

Oh Young Sim: Here it is…

Moon Shin Woo: Sit down and eat together

Oh Young Sim: No need…it is fine

Hye Ja: Child…you also sit down…Shin Woo and you are not said….that you are not acquainted with each other

Oh Young Sim: Yes…Eomeoni

Halmeoni: Really…seeing you both sitting here, even thought I don’t eat anything, my stomach is already full…yes Child….what did I had said to you…when I took the first glance at this Young Man, didn’t I say that he is like our family

Hye Ja: Yes you did

Hye Won: Both of you look compatible….look like husband and wife

Halmeoni nodded in agreement

Soon Jung: Our house has some great aspiration and expectation from you

Moon Shin Woo: What expectation is that?

Kim Yun Jung: Yah…Kim Soon Jung…don’t you jump on the same band wagon with them, it will be hard for Shin Woo

Vivianna: Ajusshi….are you going to be Vivianna Gubumin?

Shin Woo choked on his drink while Yun Jung patted his back

Kim Yun Jung: Are you alright?

Moon Shin Woo: Oh!...Thank you…

Hye Won: Our Agassi…where are you most satisfied

Kim Yun Jung: Eonni… why are you being so exaggerating with this…we are just friends…today he is coming to the house to visit, is just a friend coming to visit

Hye Won: What did I say?...Therefore I was just saying as Yun Jung’s friend..where…she is most

Moon Shin Woo: On that….Yun Jung has always be strong and steadfast in her character, her alcohol tolerance is good, she is just a good friend

Geum Shil: A friend?.

Moon Shin Woo: ...I…today…my reason for my visit here…

Young Sim interrupted Shin Woo and startled everyone else

Oh Young Sim: You must be hungry…Moon Shin Woo ssi!!!!

Everyone looked at Young Sim

Oh Young Sim: The time for lunch has passed…it is proper that we invited the guest to lunch…he must be really hungry

Halmeoni: Yes…we should….Aigoo….you have eaten yet….

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…I…yet…

Oh Young Sim: Moon Shin Woo ssi has always said that can’t tolerate it even if his lunch is 5 minutes late

Hye Ja: …Yes it is…he is our important guest…we have been impolite….quickly prepare for lunch

Oh Young Sim: Moon Shin Woo ssi like to eat japchae…Eomeoni makes some for him…also Halmeoni you are expert in making melon soup that will be deem refreshing…then also Gunomin

Geum Shil:…Yes…What can I do…then

Oh Young Sim: Gumonim, you can help wash the rice…also our youngest sister law (Soon Jung) and second sister-in-law (Hye Won), go and prepare fruit salad

Hye Won: Yes…yes….

Oh Young Sim: What are you all doing…quickly…Moon Shin Woo is getting hungry…quickly get up and prepare

Halmeoni: Yes we must…young Man just wait here…I will go in and help you to make lunch for you

Hye Ja: Let’s go…..

Oh Young Sim: Make it delicious

Young Sim managed to get everyone into the kitchen to help but Yun Jung was still sitting there

Oh Young Sim: Elder sister in law, did you make that seafood salad the last time, it was delicious…you can make that…Moon Shin Woo ssi like to eat that

Kim Yun Jung: Omo! Shin Woo…did you like to eat my seafood salad

Moon Shin Woo: Oh! Oh! Kim Yun Jung: yah! I am an expert in that…just wait a while…I will make it for you

Yun Jung left for the kitchen. Young Sim tried to drag Shin Woo out but Shin Woo refused to move

Moon Shin Woo: I am came here well prepared…with your family members, I will be honest with our relationship then ask them for their official approval to permit our relationship

Oh Young Sim: Do you want someone to died of upset?...Come with me!!!

Young Sim dragged Shin Woo out of the house as Vivianna remain sitting there eating watermelon

Moon Shin Woo: What are you doing?

Oh Young Sim: Before my family notice…just leave…as for the family, I will find a way to explain to them

Moon Shin Woo: Are you toying with me now?

Oh Young Sim: What?...

Moon Shin Woo: I am been always asked by you Young Sim ssi every day whether or not that I am toying with you?....Now I am asking Young Sim ssi, are you toying with me?...today I came here with great determination, if I am going to retreat so easily then I will not has made this journey here

Oh Young Sim: Do you want to see the death of me?...Do you know what I am feeling now…I just what to drop dead and be over with it

Yun Jung shouted out

Kim Yun Jung: Shin Woo….Moon Shin Woo

Oh Young Sim: I ask you…please Moon Shin Woo ssi…please I beg you…don’t be this way, without considering whatever the consequences, don’t say this out…I beg you….

Kim Yun Jung: Shin Woo….

Oh Young Sim:…Please….

Young Sim hid herself from view. Yun Jung came out and brought Shin Woo’s phone

Kim Yun Jung: Your phone rang

Moon Shin Woo: Oh!

Kim Yun Jung: Aren’t you answering the call?

Moon Shin Woo: Is nothing important?

Kim Yun Jung: What are you doing out here?

Moon Shin Woo: I forget whether I has locked my car

Kim Yun Jung: Oh!...Come in

Moon Shin Woo: Oh!...yes…

Shin Woo went in while Young Sim sneak a peek

Shin Woo finished lunch at Manwoldang and again Shin was still the centre of attention.

Hye Ja: Don’t know whether the food is palatable to your appetite?

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…it is delicious…thank you for the lunch…I have eaten well, don’t know whether my sudden visit has cause any trouble to you all

Halmeoni: What do you say that?...the next time you come…I will make a bigger spread for you, just come by and visit any time

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…Orrishin

Shin Woo finished his Omija and Hye Ja noticed it and asked Young Sim to get Shin Woo another drink

Hye Ja: Child…pour some more Omija tea

Young Sim went to the kitchen pouring the new drink in top speed

Geum Shil: Everyone don’t get too forward in our bearing on this, we don’t know what the development might be

Halmeoni: Aigoo…this Child…what are you talking…wretched wench…what are you prattling nonsense that you need to say something so absurd…you wretched

Hye Ja tried to pacify Halmeoni

Hye Ja: Eomeoni?

Halmeoni: Yes…yes

Young Sim poured another glass of the Omija tea then while she was returning to the table, Shin Woo tried again

Moon Shin Woo: As I was about to say…

Young Sim got startled and spilled the drink on Moon Shin Woo

Hye Ja: Omo!

Oh Young Sim: I am sorry

Hye Ja: Child…Why did you do that for…are you all right?

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…I am fine

Hye Won slipped out to take a cloth to wipe the spill.

Oh Young Sim muttered an appeal to Shin Woo. Geum Shil noticed the uneasiness on Young Sim. Hye Won was wringing the cloth when her phone rang

Hye Won: Yes…Managing Director…what is the matter that you are calling me…

Jin Woo: Is it all right to speak on the phone…I feel there is a need to call you…My Mother has found her ring…yes….My Mother dropped it at the toilet…that is why she couldn’t find it…once again I apologize to you on behalf of my Mother

Se Ryung was listening on the phone conversation

Hye Won: I am relief that it has been found, if such an expensive items were to be lost, it must be sad for her…in whatever was the situation, the person that is most liable to be suspicious of was only me to be reckon, anyhow it is all in the past…I have already forgotten about the matter, don’t be troubled by the matter…Managing Director…I need to hang up…..now that Managing Director’s younger…No…we have guest in the house

Jin Woo: So it is…sorry to have bother you when you were busy…anyhow that you could be so understanding , I really thanked you, Hye Won ssi…see you at the office tomorrow

Se Ryung: It looks like he is really apologetic to death

Se Ryung left the scene.

Hye Won and Young Sim was cleaning the dishes

Hye Won: Halmeoni and Eomeoni, it looks like that they are thinking at President’s second son see him as a candidate for elder sister in law (Yun Jung)’s potential husband…they seem to take a liking to him

Oh Young Sim: Oh!

Hye Won: But however…if they both were to proceed with the relationship towards marriage, then elder sister in law (Yun Jung) will definitely in for hard times

Oh Young Sim looked at Hye Won

Hye Won: That family….his Mother and his elder Hyungsunim (Se Ryung) are not ordinary people in disposition to be reckon

Oh Young Sim: Sister in law (Hye Won), how do you come to know of this?

Hye Won: Didn’t I mentioned this before, that family daughter-in-law was my school mate.

Young Sim nodded. Hye Ja came into the kitchen

Hye Ja: Yes…child…when Shin Woo leaves, I want to prepare something for him, what do you all feel it is most suitable

Hye Won: It is hard to tell…his family no matter whether it is seafood, meat or fruits, it seems that they is nothing they lack..yah!....he being Queen Group’s President’s son what things will he be lacking

Hye Ja: So it seems…ah! Isn’t there yesterday someone had brought the prickled squid (ojinguhjut) from Gangneung?....Although it is nothing expensive but the ingredients is really fresh, I feel that it is a nice gift…do prepare some for him to take away

"Ojinguh jut" is spicy Korean pickled squid packs a lot of flavour, so it's the perfect accompaniment to a traditional Korean meal with rice and soup or stew.

Oh Young Sim: Moon Shin Woo ssi is now leaving….

Hye Ja: I just want to prepared….Yun Jung is taking him around the house

Yun Jung took Shin Woo into Young Sim's room

Kim Yun Jung: This is my eldest sister in law’s room…since Oppa has passed away. Eonni is staying in this room alone, so it a little cold

Hye Ja called out to Kim Yun Jung

Hye Ja: Yah! Child….Kim Yun Jung….

Kim Yun Jung: Yes…Omma…coming…just wait a moment

Yun Jung left the room while Shin Woo looked around. At her dresser,Shin Woo noticed that Young Sim was just using sample size beauty products

Moon Shin Woo: Everyday working part time but then couldn’t use on your own self to buy some beauty product for yourself…like a fool

Young Sim came into the room

Oh Young Sim: Moon Shin Woo ssi?....Thank you for not saying anything to the family….

Moon Shin Woo: I came here to actually wanting to speak to the elders but I feel that it is really difficult for Oh Young Sim ssi therefore I will just leave this at it is but however, my heart for you will not alter

Shin Woo came out of the room with Young Sim. Geum Shil saw them together.

Geum Shil: Why did the both of you come out from that room?

Oh Young Sim: Yun Jung Agassi was giving him the tour of the house when Eomeoni calls her out to the kitchen and she left…what is Yun Jung Agassi doing now….

Young Sim left to find Yun Jung. Geum Shil eyed Shin Woo suspiciously.Shin Woo got a little uncomfortable at the scrutiny.

Moon Shin Woo: It seems that I must take my leave… Yun Jung..Kim Yun Jung

Shin Woo left the room

Geum Shil: There is definitely a smell to this…I think the arrow has definitely hit the wrong direction

Hye Ja and Yun Jung saw Shin Woo off

Hye Ja: Please accept and give this to your Mother

Moon Shin Woo: What is this?

Hye Ja: It is Ojinguh jut…my hometown is Gangneung…this is bought from a place that is famous for the dish, although it is nothing expensive but then the ingredient is excellent

Moon Shin Woo: I will accept with gratitude and thanks

Hye Ja: Then do come often

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…

Kim Yun Jung: Drive safely

Moon Shin Woo: I will call you…then

Shin Woo greeted a goodbye and drove off

Hye Ja: He is such a well mannered person

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@bimbibap:  During SW's visitation to Manwoldang, it would have been a dead give-away as to who he was visiting, if he had stood up to help YS with the tray of fruit and drinks.  But, given that it was only ep. 40, it was too early for that to happen.

In ep. 44, halmoni and HJ were commiserating with each other something about the men in their family.  I wonder if the men in the family has a penchant for philandering.   What if JW is not Chairman Moon's bio son, but is the son of HJ's dead husband?  Therefore, he's the rightful patriarch of Manwolddang.    :o

This is one drama in which there should be birth mix-ups!  :P

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Guest bimbibap

My favourite Scene of Episode 41

The Scene at the Pub

Moon Shin Woo and Kim Yun Jung clinked wine glass and drink as Oh Young Shim looks uncomfortable

Oh Young Shim: Then I will take my leave….you both can chat

Kim Yun Jung: Don’t go….Eonni!....I feel really awkward

Moon Shin Woo: Young Shim ssi, just drink the wine…No you can’t when you get drunk you are really frightening

Oh Young Shim mumbles at Moon Shin Woo

Kim Yun Jung: But then…I hear that there is something you want to say to me…what will that be

Moon Shin Woo: You can said that first

Kim Yun Jung: You and I aren’t we friends? …Then I wish to say that we no longer be friends…take a step into a relationship, how is that?

Moon Shin Woo: I…have a woman that I love

Oh Young Shim is surprise at Moon Shin Woo statement as Kim Yun Jung open her mouth gaping then Oh Young Shim shouts

Oh Young Shim: Moon Shin Woo ssi…stop this at once

Kim Yun Jung: OH!…Eonni…did you know already has knowledge about the matter

Oh Young Shim: Yes….No…it is not like that….

Kim Yun Jung hits Moon Shin Woo

Kim Yun Jung: What is going on here…if you have a relationship with someone, you have told me of this earlier…what has you done making someone feeling so awkward

Moon Shin Woo: I never had thought that you will look upon me

Kim Yun Jung: You Brat!!!...During High School, every day you go around chasing me & said that you like me, now that you are an adult, you reject me…Yah!...Whatever I have just said…you must wipe it off from memory….I never said that….

Moon Shin Woo: I know….didn’t hear it at all

Oh Young Shim: Ah….yes…

Kim Yun Jung:…it is great that Eonni is here with me…or else how embarrassing this will be

Kim Yun Jung drink her wine till she chokes

Oh Young Shim: Are you alright….Agassi

Kim Yun Jung: Yah!...But then the matter regarding that you have a girlfriend never has heard you mentioned

Moon Shin Woo: The woman is currently tormenting me….she is using excuse in the book to reject me…with such steadfast stubbornness moreover very lacking in courage

Kim Yun Jung: Is it…hearing about her, she must be an outstanding person that she is able to reject a Man like Moon Shin Woo…who is the woman…do I know the woman?

Moon Shin Woo gets a call and tell then it is from the office, excuse himself to take the call and leave. Oh Young Shim sigh in relief

Kim Yun Jung: Oh! This is really embarrassing…my face feels as though it is burning like a hot stove..Eonni….is my face really red?

Oh Young Shim: It is fine

Kim Yun Jung: Really…today my style is completely gone down the drain…then specially wore this dress..this is really embarrassing….Eonni…if you already has prior knowledge that Shin Woo has a relationship with a girl, you could at least prompted me

Oh Young Shim: I am sorry

Kim Yun Jung: What is there for Eonni to be sorry about…it was I who is the bird brained

Kim Yun Jung drinks the wine to drown her embarrassment

Kim Yun Jung: This can’t do…I will leave first

Oh Young Shim: Why?...

Kim Yun Jung: I am really feeling awkward, I can’t stay here any longer…if Shin Woo returns, just tell him that something urgent came up and I have to leave

Oh Young Shim: I will also leave

Moon Shin Woo on the phone

Moon Shin Woo: Yes….please settle the matter…yes…

Moon Shin Woo sees Kim Yun Jung leaving

Moon Shin Woo: Are you leaving so soon?

Kim Yun Jung: Oh! There is something urgent has come up at home…see you next time

Oh Young Shim comes running then wants to follow Kim Yun Jung but hold back by Moon Shin Woo

Moon Shin Woo: it is necessary to speak the truth, if you keep concealing the matter, then here after…it will end in big disappointment

Oh Young Shim leaves

The Scene on the Walk Back to Manwoldang

Kim Yun Jung and Oh Young Shim walks home

Kim Yun Jung: The more that I think of this…the more that I really can’t understand….it is clearly that he doesn’t like me, then what is he doing and why did come to our house, then that day everyone thought that he was my boyfriend, did we all made a mistake on that…Eonni what are you thought on the matter

Oh Young Shim can’t answer

Kim Yun Jung: really….this was really embarrassing & the embarrassment has reach to the family..really…what is happening…coming back to that…for me it is nothing but then Mother has marked Shin Woo as the son in law, she will be sadly disappointed…Seeing Mother smiling so radiantly…it was nice…for the time being….Eonni you need to keep this a secret from the family….huh!

Oh Young Shim nods in affirmative

Kim Yun Jung: What am I then?....

Kim Yun Jung marches away

At Manwoldang ....

Geum Shil comes out to see Halmeoni sewing

Geum Shil: Oh! Omma, every day you complaint that your eye sight is not good…why is it that you still take effort in doing this

Halmeoni: Aigoo!....Child…if I don’t want to suffer Alzheimer’s, I need to be active with my handiwork

Geum Shil: Aigoo!...Omma and Alzheimer’s don’t have that correct credentials….the point is that you are too active and focus

Hye Ja comes out of Soon Jung's room

Geum Shil: Where is Soon Jung?

Hye Ja: She slept…

Geum Shil: If her stomach gets bigger, then there is a problem going to university…don’t speak to about only the university, how about the clan’s elders…then the neighbours, they will soon find out

Hye Ja: This is what we must go through

Geum Shil: I heard lately that the milk powder and the diapers are expensive

Hye Ja: What is more urgency is not the milk powder and the diapers..sigh….don’t know without realizing like to sigh

Oh Young Shim and Kim Yun Jung: We are home….

Oh Young Shim: I say…why everyone has not gone to bed…are still sitting here

Halmeoni: How is your date with Shin Woo …was it successful?

Kim Yun Jung: Halmeoni…what is this..I have said that Shin Woo and I are just friends…everyone…better come to bed soon…dismiss….

Kim Yun Jung goes to her room

Hye Ja: Did something happened outside?

Oh Young Sim: Don’t know…not very sure…Goodnight

Oh Young Shim goes to her room

Geum Shil: No…this is not right…this time…the arrow has shot at the wrong direction

Halmeoni: Since the last time, you have been muttering…what are you saying about arrows

Geum Shil: There is a matter, Omma

Hye Ja looks on. Kim Yun Jung looks at her dress then recalls Moon Shin Woo

Moon Shin Woo: I…have a woman that I love….. I never had thought that you will look upon me

Kim Yun Jung: I am an idiot…what is this then….

Oh Young Shim ponders in her room, then her phone rings

Oh Young Shim: Hello!...

Moon Shin Woo: Are you back at home?...

Oh Young Shim: our Agassi…now is really had suffer sadness?

Moon Shin Woo: This is what I am saying that we must quickly inform your family about our relationship

Oh Young Shim: How can I inform them?....They are clearly seen to have Agassi with you

Moon Shin Woo: Then when until are you going to continue to conceal this matter?...Can you be definite to tell me when you want to do so, then I will say nothing of this

Oh Young Shim: Sigh!

Moon Shin Woo: Just look…you can’t say it to me…I want you to be truthful and honest….I am afraid that I will have to wait for 50-100 years for that, do you want me to wait for you until then….or are you going to say this just before death…to say that Oh Young Shim loves Moon Shin Woo

Oh Young Shim: This is why we must end this…I beg you don’t treat me this way

Moon Shin Woo: Here…again…you starting to give that speech…hang up now…

Oh Young Shim: Moon Shin Woo ssi?...

Moon Shin Woo: Goodnight…see you at work tomorrow

Moon Shin Woo hangs up

Oh Young Shim: Moon Shin Woo ssi?... Moon Shin Woo ssi?...

Hye Ja calls Oh Young Shim

Hye Ja: Eldest….are you sleeping?

Oh Young Shim: No…Eomeoni…please come in

Hye Ja: I can’t sleep because I was really curious…do you know anything…I am saying about Shin Woo and Yun Jung…he came to our house as a guest…therefore I thought that they might have some relationship but suddenly she draw the line to say…that they are just friends..Child…how about you go to the office then talk with Shin Woo…anyhow you were colleagues before, could you have a talk with Shin Woo regarding this matter

Oh Young Shim: yes…Eomeoni…don’t worry…just go to bed

Hye Ja: yes…thank you…you must go to bed soon

Hye Ja leaves the room then Oh Young Shim looks at the necklace

The next day at the office…staff crowding at the bulletin board. Oh Young Shim comes to work

Oh Young Shim: Good Morning

Team Manager: Young Shim ssi….Congratulations

Oh Young Shim: What?

Staff 1: Oh Young Shim ssi, the feedback that you brought up has been expedited, heard that it will done with immediate effect

Staff 2: This is great Young Shim ssi

Oh Young Shim: Is this really…thank you

Team Manager: Oh Young Shim ssi…Director has asked you to his office, maybe he wants to reward you

Oh Young Shim ssi comes to Moon Shin Woo’s office

Moon Shin Woo: Yah! We have discover that our Oh Young Shim ssi is not an ordinary person to be reckon…also has been selected as 1st position…Come this is the award

Moon Shin Woo hands a box as Oh Young Shim accept it

Moon Shin Woo: Are you curious to know what the content of the box is?...it is a full set of beauty product…the last time I went to your house, I discover that you use all are sample products, therefore I specially made this award a beauty product set

Oh Young Shim: Sigh!

Moon Shin Woo: What with your expression…you look disappointed?...I say…is because it is cheap that you are disappointed..or is it just like my Mother..waiting to have a Pure Gold Ingot Turtle or something like that

Oh Young Shim: It is not that

Moon Shin Woo:…also….I need to return an item back to you

Moon Shin Woo returns the potted plant

Moon Shin Woo: Although I took it in then water the plant and put it out in the sun but then without Young Shim ssi, it will soon wither and dies

Oh Young Shim takes the plant

Oh Young Shim: I almost forgot about the plant

Moon Shin Woo: The things that without Young Shim ssi care and will die is not just only this plant, I am the same too

Oh Young Shim: Moon Shin Woo ssi?....

Oh Young Shim take the necklace from her pocket when President Moon comes in. Moon Shin Woo stands up to greet President Moon

Moon Shin Woo: This morning, in the Board meeting I have brought up the agenda, that the propose subject of changing the AS system was Call centre receptionist Oh Young Shim

Oh Young Shim: How are you…I am receptionist Oh Young Shim

Pres. Moon: Yes…your proposal was really good…your idea is really excellent

Oh Young Shim: Thank you

Pres. Moon: Have you work long at the call centre?

Moon Shin Woo; No she is not….she is a newly employee that enter the company not so long ago but then she is well verse with the job…and is in high regards, this is why she could bring up this great idea

Pres. Moon: Are you the representative of receptionist Oh Young Shim…why do you need to give such thorough explanation….No matter whatever…continue to strive to excel in your work

Oh Young Shim: yes…thank you President Moon

Oh Young Shim leaves the office

Pres. Moon: Are you well acquainted with the lady?

Moon Shin Woo: Yes….when I was at the call centre, she was sitting next to me

Pres. Moon: Yes….about the lunch time meeting…how is your preparation..has it been completed?

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…

Oh Young Shim returns to her desk then takes out the necklace to look

The Scene at Office and Hye Ja Meeting Myeong Joo again

Hye Ja goes to see Oh Young Shim at the office as she comes out to greet her

Oh Young Shim: Eomeoni…why are you here?

Hye Ja: You go to work so early in the morning…that you didn’t take your lunch box, so I am sending this to you

Oh Young Shim: I will go & buy some bread to eat to eat over lunch, there is no need for this that such a hot weather to ask you to come here so far

Hye Ja: I came to see you, also don’t know whether or not I could see Shin Woo therefore I came..how is it…did you speak to him about the matter

Moon Shin Woo comes

Moon Shin Woo: How are you?

Hye Ja: Nice to meet you….My daughter in law didn’t bring her lunch box, so I came to give that to her

Oh Young Shim takes lunch box from Hye Ja

Hye Ja: I was just about to mentioned to her..but then since you are here and meet you, this is great to have met you

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…

Hye Ja: Do you often meet with our Yun Jung…that you often call her on the phone?

Moon Shin Woo: Yes…that….it is because we are friends

Hye Ja looks happy but Oh Young Shim and Moon Shin Woo is uneasy

Moon Shin Woo: I am sorry..Eomeoni…you should come to my office to have coffee but then I need to go for a meeting & needs to go out

Hye Ja: of course…you are a busy person….I have kept your time with so much conversation, no need to bother about me, just carry on with your work

Moon Shin Woo: We will continue our chat the next time…ah! The last time you gave me that ojinguh jut (pickled squid), my Mother said it was delicious then I should say thank you on her behalf

Hye Ja: It is nice to hear that it was delicious

Moon Shin Woo: Then….

Moon Shin Woo leaves

Hye Ja: What with him and Yun Jung….looks like his tone of voice is different from the last…eldest…what is your opinion with this matter?

Myeong Joo is in the car and on the phone with Im Ji Eun

Myeong Joo: I have some matter to attend this is why I am out, I felt that it has been a while since we last had a meal together, I will be at the office soon….oh!....just prepare to make your way out from the office will be just fine…oh! I will wait for you in front of the office

Hye Ja comes out of the office building and see the driver opening the car door to let Myeong Joo out of the car as then notice Myeong Joo

Hye Ja: What is this…is that the wretch Myeong Joo over there

Hye Ja runs to grab Myeong Joo

Hye Ja: You thief…we meet again

Myeong Joo: Hye Ja?...

Hye Ja: Don’t you dare tried to run away again?...I will definitely will not let you run off

Driver: This Ajumma…this is…

Hye Ja: Driver Cha…just stay with the car

Driver: Will this be alright?

Myeong Joo: I ask… Just stay with the car

Hye Ja: It looks like you are living quite well…there is someone to address you as Madam and you have a chauffeur driven car

Myeong Joo: Hye Ja…why don’t the both of us find a place to have something to drink & to talk over this, I buy you a coffee

Hye Ja: You wretched thief!!!....Where do you think you want to run off to, do you think I will make the mistake twice

Myeong Joo: Yah!...I will not run…will not…is that fine with you

Myeong Joo gave Hye Ja her handbag

Myeong Joo: Let’s go….Come….

Myeong Joo drink her coffee

Myeong Joo: But then, why do you keep chasing after me every day…what are you doing here?

Hye Ja: I came to see someone…why…then what about you….?

Myeong Joo: I…I am also here to meet someone that why I came

Hye Ja: Stop your prattles…Money….Give me back my money

Myeong Joo: Aigoo!...From since the last time, you have been saying things really weird…do you wish to want me to take my heart out to let you see…really it is not I who stole it

Hye Ja: You wretched wench….if you really what to act this way, then it matter will turn nasty

Myeong Joo: I know…I know……even though I definitely didn’t steal but then I feel that your financial situation is not very good..so I am giving you at the time the worth of 100 sack of rice is about W984,000…I am giving you W1,000,000 cashier cheque…will then do….

Hye Ja: Didn’t you say to didn’t steal?...How can you be so sure & remember the commodity prices so well….

Myeong Joo: Yah!.... Who am I?....I came from origin of the Gangneung’s mill, this kind of commodity, would I not know at all…but then not only you have a hold at my weakness but I also know your weakness

Hye Ja: My weakness?

Myeong Joo: You are in an affair

Hye Ja: What?

Myeong Joo: Yah!...I witness with my eyes that I had seen you with Suk Nam Oppa having a date, don’t you dare to deny this fact…also…if you keep suspecting me that I had steal then I can always go and tell your husband that you are having extra martial affairs

Hye Ja: My husband passed away 20 years ago

Myeong Joo: Eh!...Then you are a widow?...Aiyoh!...Tsk!…tsk!...How did this happened?....

Hye Ja:…also regards to Suk Nam Oppa…he is a proprietor of a Café that he has opened which is nearby our neighbourhood, therefore we occasionally meet each other

Myeong Joo: Suk Nam Oppa is now stealing coffee

Hye Ja: Don’t change the subject…reimburse my money at once

Myeong Joo: I have given it to you but you would not accept…what do you want me to do…this is really something….it is better we call in the police….report to the police then the truth will be clear

Jin Woo finds out that Se Ryung has been keeping him under surveillance

Jin Woo goes to Se Ryung to question what is her objective of intent in telling President Moon that he is having alleged affair with Hye Won. Se Ryung tells that she only inform what she had witness. Jin Woo shout what did she witness…Jin Woo tells that they will end this since they are getting into more quarrels & suggest them to live separately then under a new environment, if they start fresh…maybe their relationship will deem for the better, even though President Moon might disapprove, Jin Woo will insist. Se Ryung asked Jin Woo not to waste effort on the matter as it will soon end. Jin Woo asked Se Ryung what does meant by saying that. Se Ryung then leave that she need a glass of wine or else she can’t sleep and left the room.

Se Ryung phone ring from her handbag as Jin Woo goes to take the phone but the ringing stop then he notice in her handbag and finds the “illicit” photograph taken of he with Hye Won and Vivianna and even the photo of him hugging Hye Won. Jin Woo queries what is this, then runs through the stack of photographs as Se Ryung came in to grab the photos off him. Jin Woo then asked Se Ryung what with the photograph and queries that Se Ryung has someone to put him under surveillance on his whereabouts that he has been followed then asked why Se Ryung had to do this….Se Ryung is silence with the answer as Jin Woo shouts to her and asked why she had do this.

Se Ryung tells that she wants a divorce from Jin Woo. Jin Woo then asked because she wants a divorce, from the start that all this was her plan of stratagem. Se Ryung gave an affirmative. Jin Woo gave a tight slap across Se Ryung face. Se Ryung looks startled. Se Ryung tells that in a divorce if there is some added value, if there is domestic violence involve, it will deem a disadvantage to Jin Woo then asked Jin Woo to take caution on his actions. Jin Woo asked whether Se Ryung has gone mad. Se Ryung agree that she is crazy, just as long as she get her divorce from Jin Woo that she can lived this house, there is nothing she will not do.

Jin Woo asked her to get out as Jin Woo will sign and stamp the divorce paper immediately if she wants out of this house. Jin Woo never imagine that Se Ryung so despise him that if she wanted a divorce, she just has to say so to him, there is no need to put him under surveillance then asked whether this is a human thing to do. Se Ryung tells that Jin Woo knows that her family is bankrupt and she will not leave this house empty handed. Jin Woo asked then what is her intentions that she wants to get compensations that she is going through all this trouble. Se Ryung affirms that remark. Se Ryung tells Jin Woo that she and her parents to survive with their life. Jin Woo tells that Se Ryung is beyond redemption that she is already so condemn without any cure. Jin Woo takes the photos and tear them in front of Se Ryung and throw then into the air, then leave the room in anger. Se Ryung cried

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