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[Official] HONEY COUPLE: Song Seung Hun & Kim Tae Hee

Guest cofioca

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Hello Honeys!! 

Yay I'm so happy that he's chosen KTH over other female celebrities!!! 

Maybe they are already dating, maybe they are already talking about marriage w00t.gif ahhhhh I'm going crazy!!! XD

A special thanks to soju_chic, rise2above, sovereignn., taokana, anhesiyits, xbeybidollx, frannyfel You rock!!! cool.gif 

Thanks soju_chic, rise2above, anhesiyits, sovereignn., taokana  for the gifs, the pics, the articles and for the translations, wub.gif

Thanks xbeybidollx and frannyfel for the pics filled and dialogues with your imagination XD So hilarious the dialogues!! haha wub.gif

And thank you all of you, Honeys, for keeping this thread alive!! For sharing your articles, your pics, your links, your thoughts, I like to read all your comments!!! laugh.gifwub.gif 

Sorry for not being able to quote all your names sweatingbullets.gif You all made my days everyday!! XD :)

Oh and I wanna say that even if KTH has many look-alikes, no one is as gorgeous as her!!! She's the dream girl of so many guys, but she's reserved for SSH of course!!! ROFL


Oops I'm on the top again u_u I swear It wasn't on purpose D:

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Wow, what a good news...! I was quite sad yesterday that recently there are no good news from them....and OMO ...didn't expect that. Thank you heonhees for your news update, links and new dialogues...hehe...

I also like SSH's facial expressiom when he chooses KTH....when he says her name, it seems like his eyes are sparkling....OMO...Do you heonhees think so??? But the last part, I think he was kinda not comfortable when he must choose over KTH and the other actres.... I am asking my friend to translate for me now, if I get the transkation from them, I will post here soon!

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Guest xbeybidollx





Source: girlfriday @ http://www.dramabean...ess-episode-10/

"He [PHY] explains that every little question—whether she [LS] likes taxis or buses, red or blue—can be twisted to have political implications, which is why she shouldn’t answer."

"He [PHY] teaches her not to answer questions off the cuff ..."

"He [PHY] tells her that the best way to deflect unanswerable questions is with a timely joke."



Summary of some of the parts related to KTH

Here are some of the reasons he chose KTH over the other actresses even though at the very end, he chose Han Ga In.

MC jokes why SSH chooses KTH over Lee Da Hae is because he is jealous that Lee Byung Hun had a candy kiss scene with KTH. SSH responds that I worked with Lee Da Hae in a drama before but not with Kim Tae Hee. And the MC jokes with him again so actresses whom you worked with will naturally get demoted from your ideal type status? Then the MC says Lee Da Hae will be appearing in this show next week. SSH says you should have said that earlier. Can I re-select?

After SSH selected KTH over Lee Da Hae, the MC brought KTH's name out again. This time, the MC let SSH choose between KTH and another girl, whom I don't know her name. SSH says he chose KTH over that girl is because that girl is too young and may not have much feminity.

At the very end, he chooses Han Ga In over KTH. He didn't explain why though. MC jokes that the universal KTH actually get eliminated?

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ah, i'm so happy to see that SSH picked KTH!!!! w00t.gif

i watched the video, and idk if it's just me being sensitive or what... but it seems like SSH couldn't contain his smile when he picked KTH (like at 0:30) and he kinda hesitates when he picks KTH when he answers the other ones right away kinda like reverse psychology. so cute, i'm so glad that he picked KTH! puahaha, didn't he use to have excuses for picking his co-stars since he's already worked with them (like LDH)? this just energized me, i need more HeonHee vids! sweatingbullets.gif kth spoke of ssh in the cf interview & this time it's ssh's turn... maybe the next video they'll be together ^_________^ i hope they'll be in a CF together or something

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Guest freeminded1430278377

Soju_chic, you are right. Apparently his interview is being chopped to pieces and the abominable reporter is releasing those pieces one at a time. In addition to what I have posted about him saying he fell into Lee Seol's charms because it is KTH whose playing that character, there is another article released yesterday where he mentions on KTH. I believe this is like the 3rd or 4th part to that long SSH's interview. First, we have him saying if people think they are dating, that means they have good acting skills. Second article says he denied rumors with KTH. Third article says he fell into  Lee Seol's charms because KTH.

Based on the Chinese comments I am reading, the content of the 4th article is almost exactly the same as the one I translated just with a different headline. The 4th headline says, "Whoever sees obedient Kim Tae Hee, how can one find her irritating?"

The highlight that is about Kim Tae Hee in this article is

事实上 最最难的点是可爱的金泰希饰演丑女人物李雪,演绎出人物感情不好掌握。那么可爱的孩子,大韩民国男人们谁看都漂亮无比的孩子怎样去丑化自己(去表演)真的很难为情的。"


Honestly, the most difficult part is to have a cute Kim Tae Hee played ugly Lee Seol. Playing the feelings isn't something easy to manage. Such adorable kid that the men in Korea finds attractive playing a character to humiliate oneself truly is hard."

A point to take away from this article is that SSH refers to KTH as a "kid"


 I truly hope it is the last part to his interview because I am deciding to gradually withdraw from this couple and possibly make an early departure from this ship.

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Guest frannyfel

guys i also watch the youtube link....it was between KTH or Yoona...but he didn't answer he said something but he never called any names...the interviewer called KTH thats how i saw it....however his body language seem like he wanted to say KTH...the guy sitting next to him mention KTH to him..(he was in the drama secret gardens i like him) anyway back to my point he is a friend of SSH am i right? if it is so he knew what ssh wanted to say so he said it for him...who hadn't seen the youtube link here


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Guest xbeybidollx

guys i also watch the youtube link....it was between KTH or Yoona...but he didn't answer he said something but he never called any names...the interviewer called KTH thats how i saw it....however his body language seem like he wanted to say KTH...the guy sitting next to him mention KTH to him..(he was in the drama secret gardens i like him) anyway back to my point he is a friend of SSH am i right? if it is so he knew what ssh wanted to say so he said it for him...who hadn't seen the youtube link here


hi frannyfel yeah i saw it he didnt chose KTH directly its the MC answered for him.. thou hope someone will translate that video in english subs im kinda disappointed but i guess he just being careful but heck if he answered KTH nothings wrong they are MP couple but when i read about him demoting actress from his ideal type when he already worked with like what happend to LDH alot will surely react why he still chooses KTH or maybe bcuz MP is still showing in other countries thats why she is still in top choices LETS WAIT A YEAR OR 2 IF STILL CHOOSES KTH OR WILL GET DEMOTED IN HIS IDEAL TYPE OF GIRL hehehe.. anyways his interview 12 yrs ago with LBH she chooses a girl with great body over a pretty face... he said hif gf can have plastic surgery after hahaha him being too young back then chooses sexy girls but now he is mature chooses kind hearted girl lol.he seems to choose girls which his co-hallyu stars worked with KTH with LBH, Yoon with KSW hmmmm... nice strategy SSH seems u wanted to act with Yoona in the future too that's why he did not answer nice one witty SSH hehe ;)

KTH fans like me its disppointing... he should answered to be safe Lee Seol anyway im slowly withdrawal stage with SSH ... maybe he did not answer bcuz he plans to work with Yoona too seems he liked KTH before bcuz he got jealous LBH worked with KTH then i guess him choosing Yoona bcuz KSW worked with her too.. so he choses its a strategy and kept us hanging.. i said its ok not too directly admit but sending no love signals toward KTH i might drop rooting for him and choose a guy who will surely take good care of her as KTH said before i want an oppa who would be there beside her all the time that wont ever leave her side.. so in the final round SSH decided to stay in the middle by not asnwering.. maybe for career pattern..oh well unless he explains why he didnt answered with a good reason i'll take him back ;)

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Guest frannyfel

               warning viewers discretion is advise


Grandpa has died and come back a new man....in a disturbing kind of way>< don't worry Grand-pa you can always marry yoon joo crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifphew.gif lol 

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Guest Tarits

frannyfel - it is 11:24 in the evening and I nearly died laughing at the photo you posted  and your last sentence!  You are one naughty naughty girl!  That's the grandpa in MP but whose body?   Up to now I could not help laughing but need to supress my voice coz my hubby is already sleeping!

You do keep this thread so much alive.  There should be a plaque at the end of the year to choose the most witty, humurous and naughty fan - you!

xbey - I think the interviewer and the other guests knew he will choose KTH and I think SSH kinda knew he was being pinned against the wall for making him choose between Yoona and KTH and must have muttered "you know who I will choose" or something like this, otherwise, why would the headlilne directly say he chose KTH? And SSH knew he will get flak if he does not choose KTH.  Oh I know he likes KTH and I hope this time,t here will be more comments and news about his choice.

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Guest xbeybidollx

frannyfel - it is 11:24 in the evening and I nearly died laughing at the photo you posted  and your last sentence!  You are one naughty naughty girl!  That's the grandpa in MP but whose body?   Up to now I could not help laughing but need to supress my voice coz my hubby is already sleeping!

You do keep this thread so much alive.  There should be a plaque at the end of the year to choose the most witty, humurous and naughty fan - you!

xbey - I think the interviewer and the other guests knew he will choose KTH and I think SSH kinda knew he was being pinned against the wall for making him choose between Yoona and KTH and must have muttered "you know who I will choose" or something like this, otherwise, why would the headlilne directly say he chose KTH? And SSH knew he will get flak if he does not choose KTH.  Oh I know he likes KTH and I hope this time,t here will be more comments and news about his choice.

hi there im a bit pretty sure he said in the with head gesture somewhat saying "no" he must have muttered "no will not or cant decide or cant answer". now we wait for those who can understand korean and translate it to us well and the complete video everytime he chooses KTH he seems saying sumthin..anyways i was too excited of the news then got sad when i watched the video -_-:huh::phew::unsure:

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Hi chingus!

I've finally got that translation for you! My Korean friend just told me. So when he has to choose KTH and other woman. He said" why you push KTH again"... "Can I no-comment?"...and then the PD just inserts the title like "congratulations KTH"

So how do you think about his response? :-)

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Guest aonis

You guys rock!!!! Wow, our Heony was not lying when he said he would be aggressive if he found his ideal woman. Remember how frustrated he was a PHY's character for being to passive when it comes to showing his love for LS. The me2day message about how much he misses LS and PHY and now finally this, by choosing KTH as his ideal woman... that is too much goodies :D 

Sorry I have not been able to KIT with everyone here lately because of school but our little Heonhee Fan club should really start looking for a coffee shop in Seoul... a big enough one to accomodate all of us =)

Next thing I want to hear is something like this:


... only instead of JWS and LJA, it is our Heonhee couple taking some time off in Hawaii or some romantic place.

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Guest CA_84

oh my GOD...

the good news came...thanks for Heonhee lover for update news...that's make me smile...and more loving for Heonhee couple ^_^

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Guest xbeybidollx

Hi chingus!

I've finally got that translation for you! My Korean friend just told me. So when he has to choose KTH and other woman. He said" why you push KTH again"... "Can I no-comment?"...and then the PD just inserts the title like "congratulations KTH"

So how do you think about his response? :-)

huh? so the translation is that?? he said why push KTH again?? and he said no comment"?? vicx.gifcrazy.gif he seems kinda irritated in that statement for the MC pushing KTH between Yoona?? yahhhhhhhh chammmmmmmmmm~ :ph34r: waaaaaa he just killed me there tears.gif i did not like of what came out from his lips... ok thank you for the translation but its a more disappointing news.. FANS ARE ACTUALLY REJOICING ABOUT THE NEWS SSH CHOSE KTH BUT ACTUALLY HE DID NOT CHOSE HER IT WAS THE MC WHO PUSH AND FORCED IT IN THE END SSH SAID "NO COMMENT" crazy.giftears.gif i kinda having 2nd thoughts like rise2above now.. ok im better now sorry heonhee chingus I need to stop for awhile im really sad *sniff* *sniff* crying.. and when u see the video whenver KTH name is mentioned he seems hesitant to answer i agree with someone who post it in the thread.. but whenver he chose other girls like yoona he instantly/fast answer it seems he is so sure in his answer... :huh: look at his facial reactions whenever he will choose kth he will either look up or look far away on his left seems not sure of his answer its like having second thoughts or maybe bcuz he already worked with her thats why she is lil by lil will be demoted like actress ldh THOU NOT YET BCUZ MP IS STILL AIRING IN OTHER COUNTRIES maybe thats why he did not answer so maybe he is planning to choose YOONA over KTH thats why he stayed NO COMMENT?? cuz if he is really sure he will chooose KTH he wont hesitate answering that last question but when it come to yoona and kim sa rang its way easier..maybe bcuz both havent worked with him yet.im just hoping im wrong buhuhuhu *staying in one corner crying* :( comfort me comfort me chingus im lost tears.gif

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Do you see the differ from SSH face when Mc asked him about  KYH  & other women?

SSH is always  so shy when mc asked him about KTH & he choosed her.

His sound is so soft when he speak her name but He still choose KTH

Dislike Yoona, SSH is so simply when he spesks her name,

But  KTH  is so different  !!! 5555

I'm so HAPPY

                          KTH (Thinking before answer with softly sound )                          Yoona (suddenly answer)

lshh1.gif    hssh2.gif

           The finally, when mc told the KTH name , he shyly said Yes!!


Cr: Taonaka

Thank link from Frannyfel very much!!

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Guest bluemoonlight

@xbeybidollx: I humbly disagree. I concur with taonaka & Tarits that SSH's reactions and answers upon hearing KTH's name were different from the other women he chose. He seemed shy in a really cute way. He also said her name in a soft voice and was smiling sweetly when he chose her. Not just compared to when he said Yoona's name, but also when he chose Song Ji-hyo and Kim Sa-rang...it was definitely different (in a good way). To me, he just sees the other women as industry colleagues, but KTH is different, they're not only colleagues, but close friends (hopefully more than just friends...hehe) :wub:

Thanks taonaka for all the gifs you post! Love them! :D

FYI everyone: the 1st woman that was pitted against KTH wasn't Ha Ji-won...it was his EoE co-star, Lee Yeon-hee.

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Guest xbeybidollx

Soju_chic, you are right. Apparently his interview is being chopped to pieces and the abominable reporter is releasing those pieces one at a time. In addition to what I have posted about him saying he fell into Lee Seol's charms because it is KTH whose playing that character, there is another article released yesterday where he mentions on KTH. I believe this is like the 3rd or 4th part to that long SSH's interview. First, we have him saying if people think they are dating, that means they have good acting skills. Second article says he denied rumors with KTH. Third article says he fell into  Lee Seol's charms because KTH.

Based on the Chinese comments I am reading, the content of the 4th article is almost exactly the same as the one I translated just with a different headline. The 4th headline says, "Whoever sees obedient Kim Tae Hee, how can one find her irritating?"

The highlight that is about Kim Tae Hee in this article is

事实上 最最难的点是可爱的金泰希饰演丑女人物李雪,演绎出人物感情不好掌握。那么可爱的孩子,大韩民国男人们谁看都漂亮无比的孩子怎样去丑化自己(去表演)真的很难为情的。"


Honestly, the most difficult part is to have a cute Kim Tae Hee played ugly Lee Seol. Playing the feelings isn't something easy to manage. Such adorable kid that the men in Korea finds attractive playing a character to humiliate oneself truly is hard."

A point to take away from this article is that SSH refers to KTH as a "kid"


 I truly hope it is the last part to his interview because I am deciding to gradually withdraw from this couple and possibly make an early departure from this ship.

HI rise2above after seeing the English Translation from meoceon of SSH comment from a youtube video of SSH said or prefer to say no comment im might have an early departure as well i hope not yet im finding my happy place now to convince myself but i kept repeating the video and all i get is negative vibes i dunno whyyy :tears:

Hi chingus!

I've finally got that translation for you! My Korean friend just told me. So when he has to choose KTH and other woman. He said " why you push KTH again"... "Can I no-comment?"... and then the PD just inserts the title like "congratulations KTH"

So how do you think about his response? :-)

meocon if your friend is a korean i guess he knew better il surely ask my friend who is long time fan of SSH tomorrow to re-confirm... its like when i saw your English Translation on the last 2 sentences SSH did in the pairing of KTH vs YOONA its like someone pulled a trigger straight at my heart & i died coz i kept repeating the video i get sadder and if u all been watchin korean drama of used how their using tones in their words you'll know instantly if there is sumthin negative or positive like when i was one who discovered the lil fight they had in the bts u wouldnt notice that KTH called SSH iijashikkaa then SSh glare at KTH sumhow looks angry but since i put the speaker loud i heard it well and it was confirmed by others.. so here i will say it i dont get GOOD VIBES ON HOW SSH SAYS TO THE MC " why you push/force KTH again"... "Can I no-comment?" look into his facial expression not on what the MC suddenly announcing KTH maybe bcuz automatically they did so that KTH wont look she got lost from Yoona since she is My Princess, he should had a safer comfortable answer if he wants to play safe like just smile peace sign or just WINK but saying to the MC " why you push/force KTH again"... "Can I no-comment?"

@xbeybidollx: I humbly disagree. I concur with taonaka & Tarits that SSH's reactions and answers were different from the other women he chose. He seemed shy in a really cute way. He also said her name in a soft voice and was smiling sweetly when he chose her. Not just compared to when he said Yoona's name, but also when he chose Song Ji-hyo and Kim Sa-rang...it was definitely different (in a good way). To me, he just sees the other women as industry colleagues, but KTH is different, they're not only colleagues, but close friends (hopefully more than just friends...hehe)

Thanks taonaka for all the gifs you post! Love them! :D

FYI everyone: the 1st woman that was pitted against KTH wasn't Ha Ji-won...it was his EoE co-star, Lee Yeon-hee.

i just hope the english translation isnt exactly what SSH said so those want to traslate again what i mentioned above coz it seems not a nice words or reaction to imply by saying why the mc pushing kth on the pairing again with yoona.. yeah when i saw it too its was lyh not hjw i take it back.. lets hope all the negative vibes is wrong but i cant seems to smile now im crying :tears: actually my chingu when i read the news i was jumping up and down but when saw the vid it felt different :(crazy.gif:wacko: WARM AND FRESH SSH OPPA WEHH(WHY)?? :tears:







the next day




me posting these pics with captions is me finding my happy place to forget my sadness


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Guest palmicky0406


anyone know what did SSH say when he choose KTH over LYH?

i ever heard about rumour SSH dating with LYH.. :D

i just curious what he said about KTH-LYH....

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