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[Drama 2011] New Tales of the Gisaeng 신기생뎐

Guest fanda4000

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Oh, yeah, I remembered one thing more - that moment during the stroll, Da Mo asked Sa Ran: "Will you treat me like you do with my grandmother?" and she made a joke afterwards:  "Please be careful, elder." :lol: So... one more reason for: Madam ^_^

Well, I don't know if Ra Ra REALLY thought that Da Mo was gay or she just talked about it cause she had to find an excuse why he wasn't attracted to her, but yeah, I, too, was surprised when Sa Ran asked him if he was bisexual (aah, I remember that moment now, it was when he made the "pure-love" proposition to her - it seems that it was strange for her too to hear that kind of thing coming from a guy B)).

About Ra Ra's mom being a gold digger - I was quite touched by her story and I don't think it's all an act, but that talk in the car, on the way home, makes us think differently. <_<

Remember Kang San coming to see Ra Ra late in the evening, when he was a bit drunk? Didn't he say he came to see his daughter?

Not a day (episode :phew:) goes by in the Geum house that they don't mention the fact that Ra Ra is not Eo San and Joo Hee's daughter (all the shush-ing because ahjumma might hear), so it seems that topic will never get old.

Oh and of course, thank you guys for the E09&E10 links :wub:

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@Semi-fly - I think RaRa uses the Damo-is-day excuse to explain why there won't be a relationship with them two. It's not me but him kind-of-deal.

I just saw Ep.10 and guess who initiated the holding hands and hugging first? it's our San Ran... He was probably telling her his sad childhood story (and I'm guessing here as I don't understand Korean) and she approached him and gave him a consoling hug. Although he was surprised, but he loved it. The last week's preview where it showed him hugging Sa Ran forcibly was his imagination as some of you had predicted. However today's preview for next week is very interesting, with him carrying her into a hotel bed. Hopefully this is not a wild imagination on any of the leads as this imagination thing is getting bored. Also, in the preview there was a photographer/reporter taking pictures of Sa Ran and Damo going shopping. I know he comes from a wealthy family but to be followed like that is a bit stretched, don't you think?

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Guest kawaiiyuki

OMg, you guys episode 10 looks awesome. I only glanced through the episode but wow, so much happens. Looks like we're getting more stuff about head chef and her baby (ok really starting to think that her daughter is sr)

Only glanced through but DM looks so cute trying with all his might not to tough sr or kiss her. :lol: Looks that that aggressive hug is just his imagination.

As for the preview- wow, is that scene between sr and dm either dm and sr's imagination again? If something does happen would that void their contract? (I don't know korean but the hug they shared looks like it does not count as skinship cause sr allowed it) In the contract, they set, any kind of skinship would voids their contract right? But i remember dm saying something about if they feel something more then they will 'cross that bridge' when it comes.

In k-drama land i know if anything phyiscal happens it usually means that the couple is exculsive together. Males tend to think/believe that the girl 'belongs' (sorry can't think of a better word) to them. IF something like that does happen do you guys think dm will go 'alpha male' on sr? (we know that dm and sr are interested in each other and would like to marry each other but currently they are not going to admit it outloud)

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Guest kawaiiyuki

does someone know who the people are who always following damo and saran?

Yeah it looks like from the preview that the two guys are still spying on sr. I think it's sr's step-mom trying to find out if dm and sr are dating. Can't think of anyone else who might be following her.

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Yeah it looks like from the preview that the two guys are still spying on sr. I think it's sr's step-mom trying to find out if dm and sr are dating. Can't think of anyone else who might be following her.

I agree that it's probably the same people as when the step-mother had them check out DM's license plate.   But, this time, it may not be at the instigation of SR's step-mother, as much as the guys trying to make a buck by selling gossip.  <_<

Of course, that will create a rift between DM and SR because she is so sensitive to their social differences.  Just as her biological mother did.  :tears:

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Woo, Da-ran skinship~

Sa-ran and Da-mo link arms while walking.

DM: Doesn't your arm feel heavy?

SR: Nope.

DM: Hrrmph.


SR: (smiles)


Sa-ran initiates the hug.

DM: I thought we weren't supposed to have skinship.

SR: It's okay if I initiate it.












Da-mo trying to resist hugging Sa-ran.








Da-mo and Sa-ran in Episode 11 Preview.







- Kyu

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Guest kawaiiyuki

So the preview shows us there might be more skinship for dm and sr. only problem is that we know that our favorite couple tends to daydream a lot. Do you guys think it's one of their fantacies or is it real? blush.gif:wub:

Can't wait for next week now! Darn, who couldn't this be one of their daily drama or something (Then again if it was it might have taken us 20 episodes in for there to be some dm and sr interaction :) )

Side note: Thanks for uploading the links to the episode.

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I forgot to say - I was amazed at how Hwa Ran with Eo San incited the talk about closing down the gisaeng house with Joo Hee, it was so smooth :phew: and that friend and his wife were cool ppl

LOL, I keep coming back here, it's just that I really like this show blush.gif

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Thank you, flounder2004 and Auntie Mame.

Here are my thoughts on the episode 10, and sorry if I got a little carried away length wise:

When DM receives SR’s text message, Didn’t we (just) break up? <Aren’t we over?>, he mutters under his breath, “Break up? Says who?” – he sort of in an over-my-dead-body tone, bulldozes himself by texting back, I’ll be there by 8:30AM. SR is somewhat torn here, because she doesn’t want to really end the relationship but also doesn’t appreciate his insulting tone in the café, either.

The grandparents and the doctor are trying their best to find out who the housekeeper was that took the baby SR, but so far they are coming up empty. The grandparents meet Soon-doek because the grandmother wanted to make sure SD wasn’t a fake. After the meeting the grandmother is convinced that SD is who she says she is.

In route in the car and out of the car when they arrive at the “infamous” villa, SR is somewhat cold to DM. She asks him where the kitchen is and prepares to make him Kim-chi stew (gim-chi-jji-gae 김치찌개). When he offers to help, she mutters, “A prince is going to help with what.” He finally gets the message, “My leaving is helping you, is that it?” She replies, “Yes.”

When SR calls him to eat, he’s surprised that it’s ready so soon. He loves her cooking and expresses his genuine gratitude. He also wonders how she made the Kim-chi taste so rich flavored in only 30 minutes, to which she replies mysteriously while smiling that there always is a way. He tells her she has exceeded his expectations (in her cooking prowess). While he enjoys the meal she has made, she thinks to herself, To tame this prickly guy and live like this may not be so bad. Then she comes back to reality, (Ah,) I’m dreaming.

He in turn thinks to himself, Could it be her cooking? Why do I feel so attracted to a nobody like her? He compliments her again, “This tastes so much better than a hotel meal.”

She reminds him, “Just remember a lot of care and devotion went into that.”

He smiles, “Yeah, thank you.” He then thinks, It feels exactly like a honeymoon. This girl, (ga-si-nah가시나), with looks to kill and culinary skills to boot, what is she doing to me? Should I just go for it? (He means to be physical with her. Ga-si-nah is not a flattering expression to address a girl)

Feeling his stare, she asks him, “What?” <Why? What’s the matter?>

“Because you’re pretty.”

“You think I’m pretty because I made you a meal? Yesterday, you said I ruined your appetite.”

“Let’s talk after we’re done eating.”

Sa-ran is wiping the table, while Da-mo is washing the dishes. SR is amused, “You look like you’ve done this a lot.” She means washing the dishes.

“I only do it when I come here.” Realizing something, he turns, “Don’t get the wrong idea. You’re the first woman I brought here.”

Nonchalantly, she replies, “I didn’t say anything.” <I’m not curious>

He seems somewhat disappointed at her cavalier attitude, “You must not be a jealous type.”

“If it was my man, I would.”

“While we are seeing each other, think of me as your man.”

He gives her a long look, and she returns the look. She then tells him, “Make sure they are washed well, Sa-mo-nim.”

He turns around looking slightly irritated, “It would be better if you just call me by my name.”

Flippantly, “It’s my call.”

He looks at her, and a small lazy smile begins to take form.

They walk along the lake, and SR wishes Andre (the dog) was there, too.

DM asks SR, “Isn’t your arm heavy?” It’s his way of asking if she can rest her arm or hand in his.

She smiles at his disappointment when she tells him, “No.” But then she does it anyway.

He’s happy, “It’s comfortable, right?”

Smiling smugly, she replies, “Yeah.” In a lower form of language.

He turns to her, “Just because you fed me once, you completely ban-mal (반말) me.” Ban-mal is to talk down.

Totally unfazed, “I’m bad.”

“It’s comforting that you know (that you’re bad).”

“I also know my place.” Her place in terms of a relationship, in a society, etc.

He smiles, “It’s a problem because you know it so well.”

Back to elevated language, “It’s a good thing. How can it be a problem?”

After a few seconds of silence, he gently says, “Yesterday, you were pretty angry, right?”

“It wasn’t so much anger as ruining the mood. And I was just giving an earnest advice.”

“I know, but from my perspective I was hoping you’d take my side first. Because you were so harsh, it was hard for me to listen.”

“Even so, (how can you say) you lost appetite?”

“I lack self-discipline. I admit it.” And maturity, patience...

“He’s not a stranger, you know. (meaning his father) In a father-son conflict, how can you say only the son is right?”

“What you’re saying is right, but (I’m just saying) that’s how I felt.”

She relents as well, “I do have a tendency to say things harshly. It’s not a good thing from a receiving perspective. I think I need to work on that.”

He smiles while pointing with his head to how their arms are interlocked, “When we are like this, we tend to talk more gently with each other, don’t you think?”

She smiles at that, and he goes on to tell her how comfortable he feels right now and how his father never once spent time like this with him.

Surprised, she asks him, “Never? Not even once?”

“(At least) I don’t remember it. Abundance cannot replace love, you know.”

“Of course.” Then she gives him an alternative explanation, “Do you think maybe because you’re a boy, he wanted to raise you tough?”

“He is gruffly* with Mom, too.” *Moo-ddook-ddook-ha-da (무뚝뚝하다) <blunt, brusque, curt>

She sighs, “Maybe you should give up. There is nothing you can do if that’s his personality.”

“I did give up. But then he became completely different with Andre.” <completely enamored with the dog>

She smiles, and he goes on, “So how can I not react (this way)?”

Then they chance upon a father and his son flying a kite together, and DM tells her how envious he felt when at school his friends talked about how they played basketball and baseball with their dads. “This is how I lived. My body lived lavishly and comfortably, but I was starved for love (and attention). Love from your Mom is different from that of your dad, you know.” He scoffs mildly, “I’m sure he loves me, because I’m his son.” He sighs, “But how can I feel it when he doesn’t express it.”

She feels his pain, “You need skin-ship (physical reassurance of love) when you’re young.”

He goes further, “Human beings need it even after grown up, until they die.”

She agrees, “When young, (we need) parents’ love, when grown up, need love from the significant other.”

“Yeah.” The more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes, “He never says (anything) tenderly. He always gives orders.” He means his father.

She tries again, “Why don’t you try to talk to him again?”

With mild irritation, “I’ve told you I already tried. He told me that I’m complaining because I’m too spoiled.” Bitterly, “There is time for everything. Now at his age, how is he going to play basketball or baseball with me?”

He walks ahead, and she follows him. He tells her, “I’m never going to live like my father. I’m going to be different with my child.”

She asks him to stop. I think it’s his comment about how he’s going to love his child that moves her. She hugs him. He is somewhat flabbergasted, “I thought we were not supposed to touch each other physically?”

She reassures him, “It’s okay if I do it.” It must be great to be a woman.

He asks her, “Are you going to take responsibility of me?” I think he means if he falls for her because of her action.

Glibly, “No, I can’t.”

As he hugs her back, he thinks, If you do this, I may not be able to control myself. <I can’t help feeling wolfish>

Da-mo later asks Sa-ran if she’s not going to tell him how to make her Kim-chi stew.

She teases him, “What are you going to do with that information? So that you can tell your wife later?”

Not amused, “Ha. I was just curious.”

“I don’t put poison in it, so don’t worry. All you have to do is to turn the fire on high, and then low.”


She smiles at him, “If you figure out the method (to make the stew), then I’ll grant your wish. Whatever you want.”

While he’s thinking, she notices a white hair on his head. Having white hair in someone young is not considered a good thing, so culturally we’re encouraged to pluck them out.

She plasters herself oh-so-close to him and inspects his scalp, “Should I pluck it out?”

Feeling her so close makes him feel uncomfortable, “How many?”


He contemplates hugging her, but thinks better of it, “Go ahead.”

She complains that the white hair is too short and spends a lot of time working on it, “It would be great if we had a tweezer.”

“Why would I have a tweezer?”

“I might have to pluck two or three at the same time.” The hair.

He imagines hugging her and then hearing a mouthful from her, so he closes his eyes and tells himself to refrain. He then starts to chant Lord’s Prayer in his mind, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Your kingdom come…

“What are you doing?” She has already plucked the stubborn hair out.

He opens his eyes and sheepishly recovers, “Oh. I get drowsy when my hair is touched.”

She finds that amusing.

Becoming more serious, he asks her, “Don Sa-ran. What are you going to do if I hold you and dance?” I think he means dancing in the dark in a bed, as in sleeping together.

She turns away from him and smiles, “I’m going to break your nose. That’s what we decided, remember?”

After a moment’s silence, he asks her, “What do you think about being my wife?” *<Do you have confidence being my wife?>

Not turning around, “I haven’t really thought about it. My heart’s all aflutter.”

While drinking tea, DM learns that SR’s mother died when she was a senior in high school. When DM asks her if she gets along well with her stepmother, she tells him that they are okay, but not great either, “That’s why I was somewhat sensitive talking to you yesterday. Because to me, I would be happy if Mom were just here next to me. She doesn’t have to do anything. It wouldn’t matter if she hit me or treated me badly, it would be nice if she were just alive. Your father is alive. Don’t you think you should be thankful and happy just from the fact that he’s alive and healthy? That’s what I was thinking when I said those things to you yesterday.”

Da-mo gets it, “How come you sound more adult than me? When you speak, I have nothing to say.” Because she says all the right things.

She relents as well, “If I didn’t hear (those things about your father) today, then I would’ve told you to just be nice to him, but now there are some parts (of what you said) that I can understand from an emotional standpoint.”

Abruptly he asks her, “Once in a while, I want you to hug me like you did before (by the lake).”

She smiles wanly. He offers, “You want me to hug you?”


“I thought you didn’t have any domestic problems.”

“I don’t have a problem (per se), just … some loneliness, (maybe). Let’s go.”

She gets up, but he doesn’t, “You go by yourself.”

“Okay. Going alone is my forte.” Referring to that time she walked out on him at a café.

He smiles and gets up, “Ah Da-mo’s natural enemy is Don Sa-ran, you know.”

“That’s a terrible thing to say. What do you mean enemy?” Then she smiles at him to take the sting out of her words.

In the car, on the way back home, SR is moved and happy that DM offered to buy the remaining tickets to her professor’s show. Da-mo asks SR if she will spend the night upstairs at the villa next time, and she doesn’t jump at the chance and changes the subject. When SR asks him to be more tender and sweet (in his speech and behavior), he stops the car to hug her. She proceeds to educate him by first asking him to say her name more softly and tenderly. When he fails, she tells him to drop her last name. When he still calls her name as if he wants to tame a rebellious lion, she asks him sweetly to try a little bit more tenderly. He asks her if she’ll give him a kiss if he succeeds. She agrees… on his cheek. But when she laughs at his attempt, he’s not amused, “Go ahead. Jerk me around all you want.”

“It’s because you’re so cute.”

On the road again together, DM makes a comment to SR, “Every time I see you, I get all messed up.”

“Why do you think you’re being messed up? Think of it as becoming a human being.”

“Was I an animal before?”

She proudly pats his shoulder, “You are changing for better right before my eyes.”

He smiles faintly while resisting her touch, “Never mind. How I manage to run into a fox like you, (I’ll never know).”

Later on, he asks her to make a fox sound, and she says, “Wolf, first.” Meaning him.

He howls for her, and she loves it. But when he looks at her expectantly, she tells him, “Foxes don’t howl. Really. They bark, but they don’t howl.”

Deflated, he says, “Then you got me again?”

She smiles oh-so-happily, “I told you not to think of it that way.”

Because of his tense neck muscle, SR suggests taking a break at the nearby park. When he doesn’t even think about going home, she asks him what the fight with his father was about. He tells her that he just wanted his father to be nice to his mother.

“Really? (That’s was it?)” She asks him.

“Yes. What he said was essentially, how I dare attack him.”

She asks him if he was temperamental with his father, and DM tells her that he started out nicely, but then his father became angrier. He tells her that his father is ultra old-fashioned where to him, husband is heaven, wife earth, and kids are to obey father without question.

SR has an idea, “What do you think about pressuring your father to change?”

Tiredly, “I got fired for uttering one word too many of (such) pressure.”

“Not that kind of method. I’m talking about a way for him to truly appreciate the importance of his wife.”

That gets his attention, “How?”

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Guest kawaiiyuki

@mhughthank you for the episode summary.

Makes me really interested in the next episode. The preview that they snippited together makes it look like things will start to change between dm and sr. I wonder what sr's secret into getting dm's dad to change.

I also agree what rr is a brat. But i like that fact that her grandfather doesn't let her get away with things. Guess he's trying to teach her while her parents are the one spoiler her. But from the dad's personalty it seems that the mom might have been the one to spoil her.

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Thanks Michael!

Great recap of the DM-SR scenes...

I haven't watched E10 yet...

... but I can just imagine DM talking about the Horizontal Mambo. :D:o LOL


I think writer Kim's theme for all fantasy sequences for her characters in this drama will be.

"Things I want to say and do... but wouldn't, even in reel life."... :)

A modification of her making her characters say and do things that we want to do in real life. :D

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Thanks Michael!

Great recap of the DM-SR scenes...

I haven't watched E10 yet...

... but I can just imagine DM talking about the Horizontal Mambo. :D:o LOL


I think writer Kim's theme for all fantasy sequences for her characters in this drama will be.

"Things I want to say and do... but wouldn't, even in reel life."... :)

A modification of her making her characters say and do things that we want to do in real life. :D

Totally agree with you about writer kim's theme for her fantasy theme for dm and sr. Shows us that we all have things we want to do but don't act upon them. gives us a way to relate to her characters even more.

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Guest YooRiLuvSunniez

new traditional drama, love the hanbok and the girl who play Sa Ran, she's so pretty, her face remind me of Seung Yu Ri ( FIN-KL ), and Damo, oh my he so georgeous.... hehehe

maybe i better go find this drama as soon as possible, ;)

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