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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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IRIS update:

I'll just quote from the translated article i posted on IRIS thread.

There are many Japanese visiting Akita-hyun (the site where drama IRIS is being filmed) to see Lee Byunghun, Kim Taehee and more. They have booked the hotels around the filming site, so much that Yang Hyunsuk from YG entertainment is having trouble finding a room.

The interest will be heightened when TOP of Big Bang joins the crew on 17th. Previous han-rhyu stars have been famous among the ah-joom-ma's, it is highly predicted that TOP will bring the fans of younger ages. Because Big Bang has released albums in Japan, people are already feeling the vibe of new hallyu star.

~~SO there you go VIPZ. No fancams of TOP on IRIS set until the 17th.

'The celebrity whom people want to receive gifts for white day'.

Singer Shin Hye Sung was voted for the first place as 'the celebrity whom people want to receive gifts for white day'. This survey was conducted from march 2nd to 9th, and total of 3963 ppl participated. Shin received 1388 votes overall.

Lee Minho (Koo Joonpyo from Boys over FLowers) was placed second.

G-Dragon of Big Bang was placed third; fans of Lee Minho said they would never eat the candies from him; they willl keep it for ever.

Kim Bum of Boys over flowers was placed 4th, and So Jiseob and Brian of FLy to the sky was placed 5th and 6th respectively.

credit:코코마탑횽@BBVIPZ for the translation.


*I'll just point out the things I understood using the online trans.

Article below stated that in some CF commercial artist doing the CF can either take a different drink similar to BEER just for appearances sake. But for BIGBANG, they drank the real think.

*The HUGE crowd during the filming of the CF approximately consumed 12,000 cc of beer.

2,000 cc for BIGBANG and the 10,000cc consumed by the audience during the shoot. (I got this from a different article). Hmm, so each member approximately consumed 500cc of Beer? ^_^

*Big Bang with the audience sharing a beer is a scene reminiscent of the actual concert, the scene was hot enough to do the opening

*And lastly it talked about how BB activities as a group will stop for now as each member concentrate on their individual projects

빅뱅, 승리만 빼고 놀라운 주량과시 “CF촬영때 맥주 동냈다”

뉴스엔 | 입력 2009.03.12 10:25

[뉴스엔 송윤세 기자]

그룹 빅뱅이 막내 승리를 제외한 채 CF촬영 현장에서 엄청난 주량을 과시했다.

촬 영 현장에 도착한 빅뱅은 관객들과 맥주를 마시는 장면에서 엄청난 술을 마셔야 했다. 멤버들은 이 장면을 위해 건배를 하며 홀짝홀짝 마신 맥주만 무려 두 박스에 달한다. 이는 약 12,000CC에 달하는 엄청난 양. 맥주와 겉모습이 유사한 음료로 대체할 수도 있었지만, 거품 등 생생한 분위기를 살리기 위해 빅뱅이 실제 맥주를 요청했다고 알려졌다.

멤버 1인당 상당히 많은 양을 마셔 취기가 돌 수 있었던 상황에도 빅뱅 멤버들은 눈빛 하나 흔들리지 않고 상쾌한 웃음과 함께 하이트맥주를 마시는 장면을 완벽히 소화해 제작진으로부터 '역시 빅뱅'이라는 소리를 들을 정도로 칭찬을 받았다.

특히 관객과 빅뱅이 함께 맥주를 나눠 마시며 하나가 되는 장면은 실제 콘서트 현장을 방불케 할 정도로 열기가 뜨거웠다.

이 번 CF에서 특이한 점은 멤버 중 승리의 모습을 찾아볼 수 없다는 것. 승리는 현재 미성년자로 주류 등 성인만이 사용할 수 있는 브랜드의 CF에 출연을 할 수 없다. 당분간 빅뱅이 그룹 활동을 중단하고 개별활동에 들어갈 예정이라 승리는 마지막 단체 활동의 기회를 놓쳤다며 아쉬워했다는 후문이다.(사진제공 = 하이트맥주)

송윤세 knaty@newsen.com

credit:나비... @bbvipz

SR: sorry hyungs i couldn't hold it in, my stomach's been bad lately

GD: *looking P/O* maknae you are so dead when we get home

TOP: *to himself* 'hold it in TOP,hold the anger in, you can strangle him when the shoots over'

DS: eew i just caught a wiff!

That got me cracking...thanks for that Zobia.

Daisy! Tae's so pretty with those fanmade pics but I have to say there's a fav pic of TOP as a girl..lmao

it was better than his I AM SAM girl disguise.


~~This is the prettiest fanmade pic i've seen of TOP as a girl..hehe

and gaaah WHO DANCE IT BETTER??? I'd say,both of them!

LOL I wonder what Jiyong had been reading on the computer especially from fangirls.

I bet its enough to make him blush..hahaha! Gaah Yongie everyone wants a gift from you



---Thanks so much! so much fan service there and booty shaking from Kwon Leader!

FO gifs

--I rarely can catch up with FO but i loved that ep aside from the two eps where they had GD and TOP.

http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/9067/fo7.gif~~so true this had to be the funniest gif. Dae was all sweet and cute at that ep.

Thanks all for every piece of info,links,gif, pics you guys showered this thread

OMG SOOO CUTE!!! TOP and his dancing skills are LOVEEEE




c:원스 ||vipz

@DADA: I guess GD is indeed a charmer. hehe among BB members he usually

tops polls on who fans want to date or receive gifts from etc..Oh and TOP's dancing?he is super

cute! he may not be the best in dancing but he always gets away with his super adorkable moves

and YES! TOP will be in AKITA on the 17th. But YG is already there, i mean basing on the article

it stated that YG had a difficult time booking a hotel room.


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thans a lot leslie_lei!

I was about to go to the IRIS thread

but then you give me this news.

It is good that they had already started to

film and will be waiting for TOP's fancam on

17th :)


^thats a really cute dance from TOP

I remembered that I laughed so

hard at that,because the rest

of the guys were dancing properly with

all the cool moves

and then came this adorkable dance

from TOP :lol:

G-DRAGON seriously

is topping those polls.

he is definitely someone

whom we want to spend white day


and stardaisy212 these gifs were love

TOP & YB relationship

is like love & hate.At times they can

just go crazy together and at times

YB always tend to go against him,

but somehow their relationship is indeed

cute. :blush:

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credit: 쏘쏭 @ bbvipz


credit: 실론티 @ bbvipz

Mr.YG was actually the person that posted those pictures of little young bae in taekwondo outfit hehe

* pale white skin

small and super cute looking face

i wish there's picture of him smiling at that age :D

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^ MissBoAngel

the song is NLT - Better than me :D

if you want it PM me

^ leslie_lei

TOP's dancing LOL

I remember watching the video where all are dancing

I laughed so hard back then :lol:

and :( we won't see TOP till 17...5 more days


those gifs are <33 thanks for sharing :D

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Guest shinhdeplol


I’m your Cyon :w00t:

LG전자, 新 'I'm your CYON' 캠페인 전개

'누구나 원하는 것은 다르다. 시작은 당신으로부터..'

'아임 유어 싸이언(I'm your CYON). 당신의, 당신을 위한 싸이언입니다'


CYON은 '아임 유어 싸이언'캠페인과 함께 보다 적극적인 타깃 마케팅을 전개할 예정이라고 밝혔다.

LG전자 MC사업본부 한국사업부 조성하 부사장은 "국내 휴대폰 보급률이 94%를 넘어서면서 1인 미디어로서 휴대폰의 중요도가 높아짐은 물론 소비자 개개인의 취향, 연령, 라이프스타일도 다각화 되고 있다"며, "CYON은 시시각각 변화하는 다양한 소비자들의 기대와 욕구에 부합한 모바일 라이프를 제공하는 브랜드로 자리매김 하고자 '아임 유어 싸이언'캠페인을 런칭했다"라고 말했다.

LG전자 CYON은 3월 13일부터 방송, 인쇄 매체를 통해 새로운 슬로건과 함께 다양한 타깃그룹별 브랜드경험(Brand Experience)을 스토리화한 광고를 선보일 예정이다.

세분화된 마케팅 전략의 일환으로 CYON의 대표얼굴 김태희와 함께 안성기, 빅뱅 등 다양한 세대의 타깃층에게 공감할 수 있는 모델전략을 강화할 예정이다.

LG전자 MC사업본부 한국사업부 조성하 부사장은 "휴대폰과 같이 트렌드에 민감한 제품일수록 광고 모델의 이미지가 제품의 브랜드 이미지에 미치는 역할이 크다"라며 "폭 넓은 세대의 공감을 이끌어 낼 수 있는 광고모델을 통해 한층 친근한 모습으로 다가가 리딩 모바일 브랜드로서의 자리를 더욱 확고히 할 계획이다"라고 밝혔다.

출처 : LG전자

본 콘텐츠는 해당기관의 홍보자료임을 밝혀드립니다.

원문보기 : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=L...0002033883&

v has this been posted yet?

March 17th: TOP will join “IRIS” crew in Japan

There are many Japanese visiting Akita-hyun (the site where drama IRIS is being filmed) to see Lee Byunghun, Kim Taehee and more. They have booked the hotels around the filming site, so much that Yang Hyunsuk from YG entertainment is having trouble finding a room.

The first take of IRIS has begun on 10th, and Japanese fans have been around the hotels and filming site to see the faces of their favourite stars.

Japanese Broadcasting stations are also eyeing the steps of these stars.

The interest will be heightened when TOP of Big Bang joins the crew on 17th. Previous hallyu stars have been famous among the ah-joom-ma’s, it is highly predicted that TOP will bring the fans of younger ages. Because Big Bang has released albums in Japan, people are already feeling the vibe of new hallyu star.

THe filming of IRIS will take around 3 weeks; there will be dating scenes of Lee Byunghun and Kim Taehee (will appear as a couple in the drama), and there are action scenes to be filmed.

IRIS is the first-ever-drama to try a spy,action thriller in tv drama- it deals with the conflict between assacination of North Korea leader and government groups. It will be aired around september through KBS.

Source: [original article]

Translated by:코코마탑횽@bbvipz

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Guest jemnise

OHMYGOSHHHHHH <3 these totally made my day & melted my heart!!

top's is so hot. it's as if he's talking directly to you... :wub: :wub:

gd's is incredibly cute! especially the "yo" at the end..

& seungri's is just HOT. loll he's so grown up now!

my eyes are all droopy and all that but I'm here, so yea whatever HAHA

hey dear, can i like call you lynna or something? hahaha lynnaxchoi

is a bit long :D I TOLD YEAAAAAAAAAA hahaha XD but funny, i cracked up

when GD said YO! I mean, it's supposed to be sweet and all that but wth?

it sounded like your guy bestfriend giving a message for white day haha XD

^^thanks for the article shindelpol, i am too lazy to even go to the iris

thread now haha XD

wait a sec. brb haha XD

Big Bang SeungRi will not take part in the group’s upcoming Hite beer CF.

Hite reveals on 12th March that the filming for CF has completed.

The concept for Big Bang’s CF this time is ‘cool guy’ and there is a scene where they will be enjoying the beer. To produce the atmosphere of the CF, the Big Bang members drank up to 2 boxes of beer of 12000CC.

And about SeungRi not appearing in the CF, Hite said, “SeungRi is currently still a minor. Hence we did not include him in CF.”

K Bites: http://sookyeong.wordpress.com/

Wang Bi Ho is a famous comedian on Gag Concert who makes fun (sometimes speaks the truth) of idols and famous stars bluntly. He was one of the few people who would say something about korean pop idols and didn’t mind the anti-fans.

However as time passed, his anti-fans turned into fans, as he doesn’t say things that are not true, he just finds ways to creatively twist. Wang Bi Ho also claims that he only pokes at the famous ones (wonder girls, DBSK, SS501, Mc Mong, SNSD), there were rumors that if you wanted to become famous, he had to say something about you during his corner.

On this week’s Gag corner he made fun of Big Bang’s Dae sung

His attacks on Daesung…

- ‘I Heard Big Bang is training a comedian. Daesung is it? What kind of name is that, it’s not even a name of a school..”

- “Daesung has come out with a single called Dae Bak ee Yah, however his album isn’t Dae bak, it’s Jjok Bak.”

- “If you look at internet gayo charts, he is number 21, however the comedian Lee Su Geun is number 11 with his song should we go?, Daesung needs to try harder.”

- “Daesung’s song is actually a copy.. Dae Bak ee Gun.. Dobi~ Boo~, it’s the same as the theme song for teletubbies.”

creadit:gloved/ Post taken from maggiemo @BBVIPZ

oh and remember the sticker of for 19 and up only that we came across with pages ago?



^^gosh ridiculous.:D

credits to 모카치노 @BBVIPZ


hey guys, i think you should post it in YB's thread since you know, it's about his

album means, solo activity? haha XD

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Guest morelove

Is it true Big Bang is in China now?

According to TY's interview clip, they're having some schedules in China, so he couldn't attend the awards tonight.

Anybody heard the news?

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Guest PuPaE

Is it true Big Bang is in China now?

According to TY's interview clip, they're having some schedules in China, so he couldn't attend the awards tonight.

Anybody heard the news?

This news about awards but i'm sorry i can't translate it.

Anyone please translate it.



[포토엔]알앤비 소울 노래상 빅뱅 태양, ‘영상으로 소감 전해요~’

제6회 한국대중음악상 시상식이 12일 오후 7시 서울 대학로 학전블루 소극장에서 열렸다.

이날 최우수 알앤비 소울 노래상에 태양(빅뱅)이 수상했다.

가수 윤도현과 배우 이하나의 사회로 진행된 이날 시상식에는 김창완밴드(김창완, 하세가와 요헤이, 이상훈, 최원식, 이민우), 더블유앤웨일(W&Whale 웨일, 배영준, 한재원, 김상훈), 갤럭시 익스프레스(이주현, 박종현, 김희권)가 출연해 축하무대를 꾸몄다.

대중음악의 형평성있는 발전에 기여하고 실력있는 뮤지션을 대중에게 소개해 온 한국대중음악상은 대중음악을 단순한 오락이 아닌 예술로, 대중음악인을 엔터테이너가 아닌 아티스트로 대접하고자 하는 상으로 가수보다 음반과 곡에 주목하고 판매량이 아니라 음악적 성취를 선정 기준으로 삼음으로써 주류와 비주류의 경계를 넘어 한국 대중음악의 균형적 발전을 위한 토대를 만들고자 하는 것이 이 상의 목적이다.

한편 6회째를 맞는 올해 한국 대중음악상에서는 모던록밴드 언니네 이발관이 5개 부문 후보에 이름을 올려 올해 최다부문 후보자로 선정됐다. 언니네 이발관의 ‘가장 보통의 존재’는 올해의 음반, 올해의 노래, 올해의 음악인, 최우수 모던록 음반과 노래까지 총 5개 부문에 노미네이트됐다. 갤럭시 익스프레스, 버벌진트, 토이, 김동률, 더블유앤웨일은 각각 4개 부문 후보에 이름을 올렸다.

Credit: newsen

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oh and remember the sticker of for 19 and up only that we came across with pages ago?



^^gosh ridiculous.:D

credits to 모카치노 @BBVIPZ

thx for Wang Bi Ho article


he's so funny hehe~~

i don't mind him saying that to Daesung, cuz he was JOKING only~~

he's actually a fan of big bang too lol


and yes

the sticker ruins the album cover..


i hate it.. hehe

yes and it's so ridiculous...

-_-..take the sticker away man...




credit: 슨니한테지니 @ bbvipz


if i'm not wrong

in the music award tonight, TY won 2 awards...

1 for R&B category?? and the other one i don't know

he couldn't attend so a video was shown instead

looks like he got one award for HOT album and 1 for Look at only me :D



credit: 쏘쏭 @ bbvipz

photos from EnterNews
















credit: 탐스런탑 @ bbvipz

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Guest Zobia

^ eww at Dae's trousers, glad he doesn't wear things like that

thanks for sharing the pics

top-a-holic thanks for sharing all those screen caps and gifs

Daisy bwahahah Tae and TOP look so pretty, even though TOP looks scary in RL as a girl

Hite CF so they actually drank the beer lol

Thanks for the IRIS update guys, i wanna know if TOP's changed his hair for the drama, i wouldn't mind if he shaved it off...but he'll probably get cold haha

Here's some baby Ji to enjoy

(he was born to be a star ^^)




i made these the other day, it's from when they were showing clips of him as a child on CTP

extra one


i think it's really interesting how his face looks almost exactly the same now as it did back when he was a kid

v lmao "assests"...yes boys stick them out bwahaha

vv jemnise +

vvv angy thank you both for sharing TOP gifs, i love the one where he pops out of nowhere behind Tae

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Guest elavip

^ ah babygd <333 thanks for sharing. saving too :P

omo i need to see a bigger pic of the I'm Your Cyon ad! gahh gd and tae looks so damn sexyy. they're old pics though right? ....

and yes, rememeber dae and tae have their own thread, remember to use it!

http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2931/top19ssun1235ggul56.gif; there's always something about his butt. loll stick out them assets! ;)

this pic is slightly bigger then the ones that have been posted, slighty more hq :D


credit: yahoo | thanks bigbangpop

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Guest jemnise


GD, YB and DAE are like OHEHMGEE. HAHAHA XD TOP is the

one a bit poised hahahaha XD

waaah GD. hahaha XD I'll post some TOP ones XD





credits to mnemosynes_eyes@LJ

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^ Zobia, those GDbaby pics ... <333 :D

and some gifs I made a few days ago....sorry to lag your computers ><


looool...look at TOP xDDDD


again.....TOP...cause I'm biased :D


candy dance xD


love it how TOP sings along ~~


G-Ri love <33


I'm loving this~~ shake that richard simmons! :lol:






mmm...yeah, yummy ~~


learning what to do in the cf :lol:


and the last one :rolleyes:

Big BAAANG !!~~

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Guest Prettpnaiz4BB

i can't wait for their new CF!!!

n OMG!!!

TOP luks so HOT...drools drools drools...

n yeah GD hair was CRAZY!!!

he luke a bit lyk Baek wiv his hair done up lyk dat...lololol

n dont forgt me HUBBY YB...he's as gorgeous as EVA!!!

n cutie DS too..

poor SR baby...he cant be in it yet...sniff sniff sniff...

n thnks for posting the picz bdwy!!!


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Guest stardaisy212













aww he has pimples :P DANG why is he holding hands what that man?

and a G-Ri gif


Ri: Hyung Look

GD: What?


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