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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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1 hour ago, jongkkot said:

i think it would be reeeally interesting if on one side they showed him being a good, loving husband with yoona (until she finds out about his other identity, i suppose) and his evil persona on the other, meaning that he's such a manipulative person he can make his wife believe that he's a great individual but at the same time he's out there doing bad things while she doesn't know. but i guess she will come to know about it eventually?


Yes! That's why I think it would be really interesting if he's just living a double life, but from the small clip we have, I do wonder how that would be possible. I would love (and think we will see) a great deal of twists and turns that lead Miho to question her husband. I've always imagined her reminiscing on their past, trying to figure out how he fell so far and became Big Mouth, but also start wondering if he really is Big Mouse. Does she really know him best? Has he always told her the truth? I think she'll be certain at first, because he's an incompetent lawyer who can't even pay her dad rent. Why would she ever believe that he's a genius con artist? But that makes his image as Big Mouth such a perfect cover-up.



28 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

When I saw him behaving like the corrupt Big Mouse, I figured they were simply showing the moments when he was acting like Big Mouse to convince the crooks around him, as the only way to survive and protect his family (at least until solving the case). I never got the sense that he was Big Mouse all along.


I'm not really basing all of this on the teaser, but things we've heard along the way and putting two and two together about what we know now. The images of him being Big Mouse expose a few things. He's always done his own dealings, he is the owner of a big office in the middle of the city, and people in power know what he looks like. He couldn't be planted in his place unless they look identical. So whether those scenes are Park Changho pretending to be him or not, it's possible because their image is the same.


Another thing to consider is that he's put in jail for being Big Mouse, says he isn't, tells his prison mates that he is, and somehow gets out of jail to be both Big Mouth, the failing lawyer AND Big Mouse, the con artist? That hints to there being two of them. Jongsuk was filming at the prison in February of this year, as well as early on in the shoot. It looks like he's back and forth. That's why I said it would be really easy for him to be a twin or identical stranger because if he's pretending to be Big Mouse, then who IS the real Big Mouse and who is to say he isn't pretending to be Park Changho? It's definitely not going to be as simple as the synopsis makes it seem. 

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Drama Review: What to Expect from 'Big Mouse' Featuring Lee Jongsuk and Girls' Generation's YoonA

Seeing as the month of July is quickly approaching, the anticipation for new K-dramas comes again. There are many new and exciting dramas that are scheduled to come out during this time of year in Korea. What better way to spend it than staying in with a bag of chips, a box of chocolate, banana milk, and this month's watch list recommended by yours truly!


This month we will begin with the new drama 'Big Mouse' airing this July.




Back from his military enlistment, we have none other than Lee Jongsuk capturing the role of a rather unqualified lawyer, Park Changho. His bark is worse than his bite, ranking him at a measly 10% success rate in the world of law. Just as one would imagine, the whole “fake it till you make it” saying does not apply here. At least not for Park Changho seeing as he finds himself taking on a murder case that quite literally could end his life. The constant lack of fulfillment that is Park Changho forces a rift in his professional life and personal life. Taking hold of his marriage, his insufficiency manages to take a toll on his wife, Go Miho (played by Lim Yoona, from Girls' Generation.) However, she saves lives for a living so one can take bets on whether or not she jumps in to save her husband. 



Mark your calendars for July 29th for the best is yet to come. 




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[the Qoo] Drama <Big Mouth> that starts with Lee Jongsuk getting asked for a divorce by YoonA since the beginning.

Viewers: 18,500+, Comments: 146


If there’s Gotham City in Hollywood’s film industry, there’s going to be one in K-Drama’s industry which is Gucheon City that’s planned to be firstly launched.

Though the name of the city might sound dreadful, it’s the location where our two main characters live^^.


The main character, Park Changho.


(Don’t you think it reminds you of the word Byeokchangho (stubborn person)? That’s what I think exactly what his name is after.)


A third-rate lawyer with 10% winning rate.

Serving under his father-in-law and living with his wife’s family, coming with his poor background of losing streaks. People made fun of him by calling him ‘Big Mouth’.

(Again, Lee Jongsuk doesn’t have parentsㅋ)

He thought his life would come to be better when he became a lawyer. Reality is although he’s a lawyer, he’s getting scammed. (???? Our Changho is too precious, right????)

The immediate credit card bills & loans are putting him at a loss. His love Miho, who was once like an angel for him during their dating period…

(Argh, why is my heart freakin’ trembling?)

Now, Miho asks him for a divorce whenever she gets to see himㅠㅠ

During the moment when he was being so cornered, he accidentally got involved with the murder case.. After that, there have been sudden car crashes & he tested positive for drugs.

Huge amounts of cash, drugs, guns and burner phones are found on the walls and ceilings of his lawyer’s office. 

(No but director, please be easy on him..)

The world says that he’s a genius conman ‘Big Mouse’, who reigns as the ruler of the dark world.

(Are you sure it’s our Changho?)

That’s how he ends up being a prisoner.


Her  name is Miho.


With the mindset of ‘I’m the one who creates my own man’, she made Changho, who barely had anything outstanding, become a lawyer. 

(She should’ve made him become a model!! Anyway…) 

After getting married, she dreamed of beautiful & happy days with Changho. But for some reason, he lost every lawsuit on a consecutive losing streak, and obviously he also blew away their hidden savings due to getting scammed.

(Ha— This one is Changho’s fault)

But the world says Changho is an extraordinary conman. In order to clear the false charges of Changho, Miho brings out her hidden temperament as a risk-taker.

“I know him very well. Though I might not get him justice, at very least he’s not a conman. I will be clearing the false charges of my husband!”

(What kind of human being is she…)

The shadows of death upon him moment to moment. 


What will happen to this married couple that’s on the verge of divorce?

Our precious boy.. No, I meant our Changho.. He changed.

Please show lots of love to MBC new Fri-Sat Drama ‘Big Mouth’, first broadcast on 29th July at 9:50PM KST!


(Although the teaser has been released, people still have to edit their individual shots to be in one frame..

It’s not a romantic comedy or melodrama. It’s said to be hard-boiled & noir series)

Also, that’s right, they’re a married couple (in the drama)


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  • I’m freakin’ looking forward to this drama.
  • I’ve been waiting for this.
  • It’s already interesting.
  • It’s going to be fun.
  • This gives me the feeling that it’s going to be so much fun.
  • Look at the poster too. Two of them are on a roll.
  • Here’s the famous place for visuals.
  • Still have to wait for a while!! I want to watch it as soon as possible.
  • Woah, this is a must-watch.
  • I thought to myself that ‘this is fun & I’m going to watch it’, but then I realized there’s still a month left to waitㅜㅜ
  • Why is Lee Jongsuk’s role not having parents againㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • As expected. I’m looking forward to Lee Jongsuk a lotㅋㅋ
  • Lee Jongsuk’s role always doesn’t have parents, gets beaten up everywhere and he’s covered with lots of blood, sweat, & tearsㅠ But he’s so cool.
  • I’m totally curious how he’ll get to turn into a conman.
  • Omo…. I want to watch the part of the drama when they’re dating until he’s becoming a lawyer too.
  • I want to watch it as soon as possibleㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
  • Hey, the teaser of this is insane. The quality got me speechless.. Everyone, please give some attention.
  • I’m seriously looking forward to Lee Jongsuk who’s with blood, sweat & tears......ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I was hoping to see Lee Jongsuk and YoonA's combination, but little did I know I’d get to watch them together ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • Woah, I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time. It’s finally getting released?
  • I thought I’d get to watch it soon, but there’s still a month left to go?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠ
  • It fits well with these strange vibes.
  • I could feel my heartbeat while watching the teaser video of thisㅋㅋㅋ I find myself liking Lee Jongsukㅋㅋㅋㅋ The gathering of great acting, visuals, directing. I’m getting a good feelingㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • I’m waiting respectfully…^^
  • So, it’s this kind of drama. It’s gonna be fun.
  • Dugeun, dugeun. Lee Jongsuk & YoonA lovey-dovey days will be aired as well, right? ㅠㅠ Please do so.
  • So, this is the next drama for MBC Fri-Sat slot after Doctor Lawyer.
  • Though the genre is hard-boiled & noir, they'll still be showing the days when they were dating, right? It’d be such a waste if they only appear separately.
  • Woah, crazy. I’m really looking forward to this. Seems like it’s going to be super fun. As expected, Lee Jongsuk’s judgment while picking his drama!!!! Since there’s no drama that really attracts me these days, I’ve been wandering around & I was like ‘I’m going to pick this!’, but there’s still one month left to goᄏᄏᄏ
  • Finally, Lee Jongsuk’s coming back! They picked the teaser really wellᄏᄏ Starting from the casting, the poster & teaser, all of them have been totally into my liking. Looking forward, looking forward.
  • Ah, Lee Jongsuk’s quite great playing a sad boy characterㅠㅠㅠㅠ And YoonA suits well to take her foolish & good-looking boyfriend by the collarㅋㅋㅋ I get reminded of her from the movie with Jo Jungsuk.
  • Woah, daebak. I want to watch this so bad.
  • From watching the teaser alone, I’m already anticipating this. But seriously, you can’t help but to watch Lee Jongsuk & YoonA.
  • There are so many great actors in this drama. Kim Joohun, Kwak Dongyeon, Oh Euishik, Yang Kyungwon..
  • Though this feels like a promotional post written by the staff. But of course, I’m going to watch it since Lee Jongsuk & YoonA are appearing.
  • No but Lee Jongsuk is so sexy that now he has that masculine vibe after returning from the military. When it comes to Lee Jongsuk, it requires the blood, sweat & tears to be fun.
  • After reading this post, I’m getting curious about the dramaㅋㅋ
  • Lee Jongsuk with his poor financial condition (in the drama) is confirmed to be fun to watch.
  • Seems to be super fun. Even though they are a married couple (in the drama) & the teaser has been released, you still have to edit their individual shots together in one frame. A sad reality.
  • They’re a married couple (in the drama)? Eye-pleasing.
  • Sounds like fun. I like both YoonA & Lee Jongsuk, even the synopsis is great.
  • Seeing the combination of the two of them is kinda fascinating.
  • Two deers are a married couple
  • Is this a fan-written post? Or is it written by someone from the drama’s promotional team?



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Watch: Lee Jong Suk And YoonA Are Forced Into Dangerous Situations In Teaser For Upcoming Drama

Brace yourselves for a thrilling ride in MBC’s new drama “Big Mouth” (literal title)!


“Big Mouth” is a hard-boiled noir drama about a third-rate lawyer who winds up in charge of a murder case that turns him overnight into a genius conman known as “Big Mouse.” In order to survive and protect his family, he must expose a huge conspiracy among the privileged upper classes.


Lee Jong Suk stars as Park Chang Ho, a third-rate lawyer with a 10 percent success rate who unexpectedly becomes known as the notorious conman “Big Mouse.” YoonA co-stars as Go Mi Ho, a confident and resourceful nurse who is married to Park Chang Ho. The couple will work together to face off against the sold wall of authority and to save one another.


The teaser begins with an unidentified man looking out the window. The subsequent scenes hint that violence has broken out. Park Chang Ho’s voiceover calmly vows, “I always pay back ten times the amount. Whether it’s evil or good.” In an interrogation room, Choi Do Ha (Kim Joo Heon) asks Park Chang Ho, “Where do your lies start, and how far are you planning to go?” The fluctuating graph suggests Park Chang Ho is in a confused psychological state.


Go Mi Ho draws attention by jumping into the war for truth without hesitance. She’s confident that her husband is innocent as she claims, “I’m the one who knows him the best in this world.” Someone attacks her in an elevator, but that doesn’t seem to stop her from facing off against Park Chang Ho’s enemies.


Park Chang Ho faces danger in prison as he gets into multiple fights. Eventually, he blows up with uncontrollable anger, and the dangers surrounding him and his family force him to change into Big Mouse. Park Chang Ho declares, “I’ll clearly show you why I’m Big Mouse.”


“Big Mouth” will premiere on July 29 at 9:50 p.m. KST following the conclusion of “Doctor Lawyer.” Check out the new teaser below!


PS video is not showing up sorry.


Watch: Lee Jong Suk And YoonA Are Forced Into Dangerous Situations In Teaser For Upcoming Drama | Soompi


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Big Mouth lawyer Lee Jong-seok becomes the con artist Big Mouse



We have a new crop of dramas to look forward to in July and MBC has released their first round of promos for their upcoming noir Big Mouth.

The story has Lee Jong-seok (Romance Is a Bonus Book) in the role of a third-rate lawyer named Park Chang-ho. With a case success rate of only 10%, he’s known as “Big Mouth” for being all talk with nothing to show for it. Struggling to pay rent on his law office, he’s also behind on paying his one staff member’s wages – who also happens to be his father-in-law. But when he takes on a new murder case, he becomes mistaken for the con artist known as “Big Mouse,” putting himself and his family in great danger. (Side note: The English words “mouth” and “mouse” are pronounced the same when spelled out in Korean.)

Yoon-ah (Hush) plays Nurse Go Mi-ho, who has been feeling fed up in her marriage with Park and is now wanting to divorce. Throughout their relationship, she tried her best to be supportive and help with his career, but her trust in him has been wavering and it only gets worse when he’s wrongfully believed to be “Big Mouse.”

In supporting roles in the drama, we have our story’s ambitious power couple: Mayor Kim Joo-hun (Soundtrack #1) and Hospital Director Ok Ja-yeon (The Veil). Although not featured in the recent promos, the lineup also includes CEO Yang Kyung-won (One Ordinary Day), con artist felon Kwak Dong-yeon (Monstrous), as well as doctor Park Hoon (Soundtrack #1).

Directed by PD Oh Choong-hwan (Start-Up, Hotel Del Luna) with scripts penned by Kim Ha-ram, Big Mouth premieres July 29, following Dr. Lawyer in MBC’s Friday-Saturday slot.







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MBC’s Upcoming Noir Drama Starring Lee Jong Suk And YoonA Gives Detailed Look At Complicated Character Ties


“Big Mouth” (literal title) has given a detailed look at their unique character ties!


MBC’s “Big Mouth” is a hard-boiled noir drama about a third-rate lawyer who winds up in charge of a murder case that turns him overnight into a genius conman known as “Big Mouse.” In order to survive and protect his family, he must expose a huge conspiracy among the privileged upper classes.


In the new character “Big Mouth” character chart, the complicated connections between the citizens of Gucheon are drawn out.


First, there’s third-rate lawyer Park Chang Ho (Lee Jong Suk) and nurse Go Mi Ho (Girls’ Generation’s YoonA), a typical married couple navigating a harsh society. Park Chang Ho takes on a heavy-duty murder case that seems likely to help him gain both fame and money, but it instead turns him into the conman “Big Mouse” who ends up in the Gucheon prison.


While under the close watch of prison guards Park Yoon Gap (Jung Jae Sung) and Gan Soo Chul (Kim Dong Won), Park Chang Ho as Big Mouse immediately becomes the prisoners’ target of interest. Among these prisoners are Jerry (Kwak Dong Won), a conman and diehard fan of Big Mouse, and Noh Bak (Yang Hyung Wook), an attempted murderer.


When Park Chang Ho’s life changes overnight as he’s framed as Big Mouse, his wife Go Mi Ho’s life is also changed too. In order to prove her husband innocent, Go Mi Ho starts investigating the intriguing ties between her workplace Gucheon Hospital and NR Forum, a secret organization. She also gets help from her dad Go Ki Kwang (Lee Ki Young), the director at Park Chang Ho’s law firm, and Park Chang Ho’s fellow lawyer Kim Soon Tae (Oh Eui Shik).


Park Chang Ho cooperates closely with political prospect Choi Do Ha (Kim Joo Heon), a former star prosecutor and the current mayor of Gucheon. Choi Do Ha is especially interested in helping Park Chang Ho out of his political ambition to beat Gong Ji Hoon (Yang Kyung Won), the CEO of his enemy Woojung Ilbo.


Choi Do Ha also wants to take over Gong Ji Hoon’s secret organization NR Forum, where leaders in politics, economics, media, and education gather to discuss their influences in various fields. Interestingly, a part of this organization is Hyun Joo Hee (Ok Ja Yeon), the director of Gucheon Hospital and Choi Do Ha’s wife.




MBC’s “Big Mouth” will premiere on July 29 at 9:50 p.m. KST following the conclusion of “Doctor Lawyer.”


MBC’s Upcoming Noir Drama Starring Lee Jong Suk And YoonA Gives Detailed Look At Complicated Character Ties | Soompi

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Another look at Big Mouth! I am so excited to see that there will be some comedy. Certain things in the plotline seemed a little hard to swallow if it wasn't mixed with some laughs (like his wife asking for divorce every time they see each other), so I'm glad to see some of their fighting and hostility as a couple will be displayed with humor. This also escalates the mystery, because it's hard to imagine a man like Big Mouth acting the way we see in jail and beyond. 



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Watch: Lee Jong Suk’s Chaotic Life Takes An Unpredictable Turn In Teaser For Upcoming Noir Drama With YoonA

MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama “Big Mouth” (literal title) has unveiled a teaser to show an intriguing glimpse of Lee Jong Suk’s character!


“Big Mouth” is a hard-boiled noir drama about a third-rate lawyer who winds up in charge of a murder case that turns him overnight into a genius conman known as “Big Mouse.” In order to survive and protect his family, he must expose a huge conspiracy among the privileged upper classes.


Lee Jong Suk stars as Park Chang Ho, a third-rate lawyer with a 10 percent success rate who unexpectedly becomes known as the notorious conman “Big Mouse.”


The newly released teaser shows two very different sides of Park Chang Ho. At first, he seems like a clumsy lawyer who gets nagged by his wife Go Mi Ho (Girls’ Generation’s YoonA). He gets pushed around by his clients, and someone complains, “He has no skills, and he’s all mouth.”


Then somehow, he ends up in prison, and his life dramatically heads south. He constantly gets into fights with prisoners and prison guards, and he has to find a way to survive a brutal environment where mercy doesn’t exist.


When someone threatens Park Chang Ho’s family, he ends up changing completely, and the fear is long gone from his eyes. His gaze grows dark and sharp as he bravely faces someone with a gun. The caption reads, “In order to survive, you need to be the real thing,” hinting this is the beginning of Park Chang Ho becoming “Big Mouse.”

Park Chang Ho vows, “I’m going to start hunting. I’m going to do it my way according to the ‘Big Mouse’ law. From now on, I’m the real Big Mouse.” He oozes charisma like never before as he parades around prison with a different aura, and he’s no longer the coward who was pushed around by fellow prison mates. On top of that, he gained a helper named Jerry (Kwak Dong Won), a conman and diehard fan of Big Mouse, piquing curiosity about their teamwork.


Watch the full teaser below!



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