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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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48 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:

oh thank u ibru for ur sweet words :) it makes me really  happy to hear that

but @ibru look, @ilwoo_aein has a point we can't always find HD version of suki's pic and sometimes HD comes later so it's ok to post like preview of pictures at first and we can post HD later when they are available :) and posting both IG links and Pic of same thing is not wrong u can post both versions , and you are also right   @ibru  that is better to post as well the pic itself if we have it, not just the IG link cz it may be deleted later but if we don't have it then it's ok, we are completing each other here if someone posted only the link the other can post the pic and vice versa, and if it happens that sometimes there is double posting let us edited if we noticed it , if not than it's ok not a big deal.

Love u guys & can't see this thread without both of u here.

so let us ended this here and never fight again over such things , 

 let's keep doing what we are doing which is suporting suki he has new projects coming and he needs our full support :) Agree?? 






Thanks dear, I love you too! I'm taking your point of view!

The FANART is just great!:D




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2 hours ago, Rania Zeid said:

oh thank u ibru for ur sweet words :) it makes me really  happy to hear that

but @ibru look, @ilwoo_aein has a point we can't always find HD version of suki's pic and sometimes HD comes later so it's ok to post like preview of pictures at first and we can post HD later when they are available :) and posting both IG links and Pic of same thing is not wrong u can post both versions , and you are also right   @ibru  that is better to post as well the pic itself if we have it, not just the IG link cz it may be deleted later but if we don't have it then it's ok, we are completing each other here if someone posted only the link the other can post the pic and vice versa, and if it happens that sometimes there is double posting let us edited if we noticed it , if not than it's ok not a big deal.

Love u guys & can't see this thread without both of u here.

so let us ended this here and never fight again over such things , 

 let's keep doing what we are doing which is suporting suki he has new projects coming and he needs our full support :) Agree?? 






@Rania Zeid I never want to fight but you know who's the one who started it. I guess you also noticed who's the one who often tells me to stop reposting her post while all she's been doing are reposting mine. I feel sorry for JS that he has this kind of fan who is rude to his other fan over simple thing. REAL FAN don't do this kind of thing.


My kiss scenes with Lee Jongsuk were unforgettable: Han Hyojoo

The actress shared that they had locked lips "in almost every scene" during their drama


(Hong Kong March 27, 2017) Korean actress Han Hyojoo arrived in Hong Kong to promote her drama, W.

She greeted the media in Cantonese and revealed that she has not acted in a drama for 6 years.

In W, she plays a doctor who fell in love with a webtoon character, played by Lee Jongsuk. Filming for the drama took four months and  a lot of special effects were used for the final product. 

The 30-year-old also shared that her kiss scenes with Jongsuk were unforgettable, they "had to kiss in almost every scene together since the second episode.

However, she still expressed her hope to work with Jongsuk again.

Hyojoo also let on that she wishes to act alongside her idol, Hong Kong actor-singer Tony Leung Chiu-wai, and it would be an honor if she did get to act alongside him.

As she has been an actress for more than a decade, Hyojoo also shared that she wants to act in an action movie before she got too old.

source: http://entertainment.toggle.sg/en/entertainment/asianbuzz/photos/hyojoo-han-hopes-to-make-action-movies-8533950#slideshow-1

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Men's Uno HK 2017.04 Article


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Original text in the Spoiler.

(Sorry, but ENG text without correction)

Life victory group in our side seems to have such a person, not only look looks good, but no matter what things are very smooth like. And in the eyes of many viewers, I believe that Li Zhongshuo is one of them. 15 years old in the street by the scout to explore and become a model, debut early on the stage of Seoul Fashion Week, and then often debut the major fashion show stage, and won a lot of model awards, is the Korean fashion One of the most favored models. To 2010 to cast the entertainment circle to the legal drama "prosecutor princess" debut, childhood with the "secret garden" as the musician Han Taishan superb performance, quickly appreciated, began to play the role of heavy play, and captured the Less fans love. And in the end of 2012 broadcast the "School 2013 college", even more popular in the drama, in the play one of the protagonist of the high Nam Soon, as he won the first actor award ---- KBS acting man New award, and laid his future drama in the actor position. "Hear your voice", "stranger doctor", "Pinocchio", "W" ... ... a set of another set of drama, will be pushed on the cause of Li Zhongshuo one after another peak, Not only climbed the South Korean performing arts line of the class, it is the awards ceremony on the regulars, and even last year by virtue of "W" in the corner of Jiang Zhe, in the MBC acting awards in the highest honor of the Grand Prize. From the beginning of the model, to the present in the entertainment circle, Lee Jong Suk's career seems to be smooth sailing, but behind the audience can not see, is his acting and hard work. "For me, the transition from the model actor is definitely not accidental, because acting is my biggest dream since childhood, and I have been trying to prepare for this, although the road looks a little turning point , But when the experience of the model undeniably for my current actor work has some help.Of course in the film or the drama of the acting needs of a lot of complex, but regardless of the magazine or advertising shooting need some acting elements, and These are also important works that are inevitable when the actor is.

Grasp every opportunity for the actor dream, Li Zhongshuo work in the development of the metropolis of resolute to leave, with a new attitude in the entertainment circle re-starting, and into the Korea National University of Arts and Culture Institute of Art and Culture, professional seriously studied acting Come. Although it has now jumped to the horizon as the first-line actor, but Li Zhongshuo still strive to win and grasp every opportunity to perform in the "Potato Planet" guest played a super-capable teenager, in the "weightlifting demon Jin Fu Zhu" Of the guests, no matter how much play, are serious efforts to cope with every performance. "No matter what kind of drama and the role of Ye Hao, are now sitting in front of you, the real Li Zhongshuo very different, so every drama, every game, or even every second lens, in my words are But every time I have to show my appreciation, but every time I always feel that they still have a lot of room for improvement, hoping to play in the next play even in the next play The next drama to do better, especially in the shooting new drama, I would like to break through the previous framework, so that the audience can not see the same with the previous Li Zhongshuo, and this non-stop self-challenge, So that I was so fascinated by the biggest reason. "Speaking of the biggest challenge from the film today, Li Zhongshuo said in the "Doctor Stranger" was born in South Korea grew up in North Korea genius doctor Pu Xun," this The play can be regarded as a part of my greatest career in my acting career. At that time, in order to play this drama, I could say that I did not do it, and I even felt that I should No Force can be extended to this extent. "In the Korean entertainment industry, the appearance of handsome and handsome and great strength in the crowd, in the crowd burst out, believe that the courteous character, is the biggest killer Lee Jong Suk......"



03.29 17:02
阅读 240

人生胜利组 在我们身边好像有这么一个人,不但外貌长得好看,更是无论做什么都非常顺利似的。而在不少观众眼中,相信李钟硕便是其中一个。15岁时在街上被星探发掘而成为模特儿,出道初年就登上了首尔时装周的舞台,其后亦经常亮相各大时装show舞台,并赢过不少模特奖项,是韩国时装界最受宠爱的模特儿之一。至2010年转投演艺圈,以律政剧《检察官公主》出道,童年更凭借在《秘密花园》中饰演音乐人韩泰善的精湛演出,迅速得到赏识,开始饰演戏份重的角色,并俘获了不少剧迷欢心。而在2012年年尾播出的《2013高校风云》,更令李钟硕人气大升,在剧里演活主角之一的高南舜,为他赢得首个演员奖项----KBS演技大赏的男子新人奖,并奠下了他在往后剧集中的男主角地位。        《听见你的声音》,《异乡人医生》,《匹诺曹》,《W》......一套又一套的剧集,将李钟硕推上了演艺事业的一个又一个高峰,不但爬上了韩国演艺界的一线阶级,更是颁奖典礼上的常客,甚至于去年年尾凭借《W》中的姜哲一角,在MBC演技大赏中勇得最高荣誉的大赏。由模特儿开始,到现在于演艺圈打滚,李宗盛的事业看似是一帆风顺似的,但在观众看不见的背后,是他对于演戏的坚持和努力。 “对我来说,由模特儿转型当演员绝对不是个偶然,因为演戏其实是我自小以来最大的梦想,而我一直都为此去努力做准备,虽然这条路看起来走得有点转折,但当模特儿的经验无可否认的对我现在的演员工作有一定的帮助。当然在电影或电视剧所需要的演技要复杂不少,不过无论杂志抑或广告拍摄都需要一定的演技成分,而且这些也是当演员时不可避免的重要工作。”

把握每个机会 为了这个演员梦,李钟硕在模特工作发展的平步青云时毅然离开,以一个新人的姿态在演艺圈重新出发,并走进韩国建国大学的艺术文化学院艺术学部,专业认真地学习起演戏来。虽然现在已经跃升为视帝级的一线演员,但李钟硕依然竭力争取并把握每一个演出机会,在 《土豆星球》中客串饰演一位超能力少年,在《举重妖精金福珠》中特别出演炸鸡店的客人,无论戏份多少,都认真尽力去应付每一次演出。 无论是什么样的戏剧和角色也好,都与现在坐在你面前、真实的李钟硕很不一样,所以每一套剧,每一场戏,甚至每一秒镜头,于我而言都是磨练演技的好机会,都值得我去好好珍惜。而且即使现在大家都对我的演出时有赞赏,但每一次我都总觉得自己仍有非常多的改进空间,希望可以在下一场戏甚至下一部剧做得更好,尤其在开拍新剧时,我更想能否突破以往的框架,让观众看到跟之前不一样的李钟硕,而这种不停的自我挑战,亦是演戏能令我如斯迷醉的最大原因。”         说到从影自今遇到的最大挑战,李钟硕则说是在《异乡人医生》中饰演生于南韩却在北韩长大的天才医生朴勋,“这部剧可算是我在至今的演艺生涯中,投放了最大努力的一部,当时为了演好这部剧,我可以说是扭尽六壬(绞尽脑汁),那时我甚至觉得,自己以后应该再没能力可以延到这个程度了。”在韩国演艺圈中,外表俊俏帅气而且极具实力的大有人在,能在芸芸众人中突围而出,相信谦厚有礼的性格,便是李钟硕的最大殺著。




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