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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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2017.03.28 MC @dy1114 of the Promotion Event of W TWO WORLDS on VIU TV posted on his IG account: 

Look at my mic! I am interviewing Lee Jong Suk while taking picture with Han Hyo Joo at the same time! Go to my page to see the complete press conference: https://www.facebook.com/dennisyyf/





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translation by: @adeleyam

Han Hyo Joo wanted to act in an action movie 

Kissed Lee Jong Suk in 2nd episode《W》: Felt sorry

Even though W Two Worlds, starring Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo, has ended the broadcast in Korea, this drama will soon be shown on ViuTV 99 channel. Female lead Han Hyo Joo got invited to promote this drama but male lead Lee Jong Suk wasn't able to attend due his work schedule.

Han Hyo Joo appeared in Grand Hyatt Regency Hotel at Tsim Sha Tsui today for the press conference of 《W- Two Worlds》. Wearing a blue topped dress, she greeted everyone in Cantonese : "Hi everyone, I'm Han Hyo Joo."

She expressed gratitude for being able to promote this drama as this is her 1st time to do so in Hong Kong. She personally introduced her character [Oh Yeon Joo] which she said she is a very curious person, even though she's already a doctor but she had always wanted to be a manhwa artist so she's able to tolerate hard times that happened to her.

When asked if the character is similar to herself, Hyo Joo smiled and said this question is often asked. This character is much more lively and cheerful than herself but after 4 months of filming, she herself got influenced by the character. Because they had such a happy filming period, when it ended she cried cuz she felt it was a pity.

Hyo Joo also praised that this theme of the drama is fresh and has never came across such dramas before so she didn't expect the result of the drama to be this good. She also mentioned that other than the actors hard work, this drama also needed a lot of behind-the-scenes production and CG, etc. With regards to the most memorable episode, she chose the time when KC went out of the screen to become a real person as the one and that she couldn't help but clapped her hands.

Since filming <W> caused extreme depletion of feelings, Hyo Joo said that she tried her best not to have any NGs so when filming there weren't much NGs. When asked what is the most interesting thing that happened during filming, she deep breathed and said that there were many kiss scenes, almost 1 kiss per episode, so she thought it was quite interesting when she saw the script. And with regards to the most memorable filming scene, she chose the "Kiss without any reason" in ep 2. It was only the 2nd time filming together and they already had to kiss so she felt a little sorry towards Jong Suk.

Hyo Joo is now busy filming her movie 《Golden Slumber》and she has not planned for her next project yet. She mentioned that she does not have any specific actors she wants to act with but talked about her idol, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, she lit up and said that any role will do as long as she has the chance to act with him and said that it will be her honour.

Han Hyo Joo, an actress with a gentle image, wants to act in an action film!
Hyo Joo smiled and said that she would like to act in an action movie before she gets any older. (MC mentioned about Chinese kung-fu) She said she has never learnt but should be able to learn fast showing her heart towards action movie.





由李鍾碩、韓孝周(又譯:韓孝珠)主演的人氣劇集《W—兩個世界》雖然去年在韓國已經播畢,不過劇集即將在ViuTV 99台播出。女主角韓孝周今日受邀來港為劇集宣傳,而拍檔李鍾碩就因為忙於拍攝新劇未能同行。



韓孝周表示希望今晚有機會品嚐美食,又表示很遺憾Art Basel已經結束,但也想逛逛Art Gallery。(林迅景攝)韓孝周表示希望今晚有機會品嚐美食,又表示很遺憾Art Basel已經結束,但也想逛逛Art Gallery。(林迅景攝)








而韓孝周最近正在忙於拍攝電影《Golden Slumber》,她表示下部作品未定,亦沒有特定想與哪位韓國演員合作。提到她的偶像梁朝偉,韓孝周就好雀躍:「有機會合作的話,任何角色也歡迎。」更謙稱是自己的榮幸。

韓孝周身形纖瘦,她透露維持好身材方法。原來孝周不太吃零食,也不太吃甜品 ,規律地一日兩至三餐,有時間的話一星期會做兩至三次運動。(林迅景攝)韓孝周身形纖瘦,她透露維持好身材方法。原來孝周不太吃零食,也不太吃甜品 ,規律地一日兩至三餐,有時間的話一星期會做兩至三次運動。(林迅景攝)




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@ibruThis thread doesn't belong to you. You keep telling others not to repost things that you have posted but what about you? You keep reposting what i posted. 

What about this one below? In page 2715 i posted about SIEG FAHRENHEIT IG first then you repost the same things right after my post. 

Just now, ibru said:

A cut with a strong sense of detail.

A sensual man who resembles the mood of Sieg Fahrenheit - Lee Jong Suk

Sometimes simple things look more clear. Minimal mood of Sieg Fahrenheit 


2017.03.28 @siegfahrenheit IG updated with Lee Jong Suk.....:wub:


I remember you did the same things before but i didn't say anything. I noticed other posters also did the same things as you but i didn't say anything. Because i know i don't own the thread and i'm not MOD.

So stop telling me about what to do. You don't own the thread and you don't own Jongsuk! Reflect on yourself before telling others what to do! I'm just curious about what will Jongsuk say if he knows he has fan like you?

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7 hours ago, ilwoo_aein said:

@ibruThis thread doesn't belong to you. You keep telling others not to repost things that you have posted but what about you? You keep reposting what i posted. 

what about this one? In page 2715 i posted about SIEG FAHRENHEIT IG first then you repost the same things right after my post. I remember you did the same things before and i didn't say anything. 


So stop telling me about what to do. You don't own the thread and you don't own Jongsuk! Reflect on yourself before telling others what to do! 

It was not about repost, but about stopping to post tonnes of IG photos when it is possible to post the photos as normal!

That is why I have posted HD photos of Sieg Fahrenheit!

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1 hour ago, ibru said:


It was not about repost, but about stopping to post tonnes of IG photos when it is possible to post the photos as normal!

That is why I have posted HD photos of Sieg Fahrenheit!


I know that you will say above things. Posting the the HQ photos or HD photos version (or whatever you say) from the IG that i posted is REPOSTING!!!! What you did is REPOSTING my post! Just admit it!

There's no rule in soompi saying that it's not allowed to post IG! If you don't want to see others posting IG, why don't you make your own thread?! Gosh, why are you being so annoying? I will report you to MOD!!

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hey  @ibru and @ilwoo_aein take it easy guys sometimes double posts happen it's not a big deal, i did it few times myself cz new posts didn't show till i refreshed the page , let us not fight over this simple thing :) just edit ur post if u noticed that it was posted b4 nd if not then it's not a big deal (no one will die hhh) we are all here to support suki we are one family. if we gonna fight we should fight wz antis not wz each other hhh

so common let us calm down  and keep supporting JS :) 

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7 minutes ago, ilwoo_aein said:

I know that you will say above things. Posting the the HQ photos or HD photos version (or whatever you say) from the IG that i posted is REPOSTING!!!! What you did is REPOSTING my post! Just admit it!

There's no rule in soompi saying that it's not allowed to post IG! If you don't want to see others posting IG, why don't you make your own thread?! Gosh, why are you being so annoying? I will report you to MOD!!


It's a pity that you don't understand....

I do not care how many times the same info is posted, I'm speaking about the quality of photos and respect to Lee Jong Suk.

It is my opinion. 

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10 hours ago, ibru said:


It's a pity that you don't understand....

I do not care how many times the same info is posted, I'm speaking about the quality of photos and respect to Lee Jong Suk.

It is my opinion. 


Quality of photos? When the original source is from instagram, there is no HD or HQ version! You keeps saying this and that because you don't want to admit that you did "reposting" things too! 

You talk about respect? if you want to respect Jongsuk then respect his fans too! What you did is showing no respect to Jongsuk! 

10 hours ago, Rania Zeid said:

hey  @ibru and @ilwoo_aein take it easy guys sometimes double posts happen it's not a big deal, i did it few times myself cz new posts didn't show till i refreshed the page , let us not fight over this simple thing :) just edit ur post if u noticed that it was posted b4 nd if not then it's not a big deal (no one will die hhh) we are all here to support suki we are one family. if we gonna fight we should fight wz antis not wz each other hhh

so common let us calm down  and keep supporting JS :) 


@Rania Zeid i didn't do anything wrong, yet this super fan of JS named @ibru pick fight with me over simple thing..I'm confused. I have no problem if someone else repost my post but why she keeps telling me to stop reposting while she also do the same thing? Besides, there is no rule in soompi saying that posting IG is not allowed. I don't want to fight with each other but she's the one who start it all.


WITH JS Japan update - LJS for Celebeau photoshoot



More photo of LJS filming WYWS


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2 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:

hey  @ibru and @ilwoo_aein take it easy guys sometimes double posts happen it's not a big deal, i did it few times myself cz new posts didn't show till i refreshed the page , let us not fight over this simple thing :) just edit ur post if u noticed that it was posted b4 nd if not then it's not a big deal (and no one will die hhh) we are all here to support suki we are one family. if we gonna fight we should fight wz antis not wz each other hhh

so common let us calm down  and keep supporting JS :) 


I will support him anyway if even will not post anything here in the future.

To get info about Jong Suk I can from your tweet or Supernad2, where possible to find good photos, detailed info: ALL WHAT SHOULD BE DONE IF YOU ARE REALLY A FAN.

I really respect your big love to Suki by sharing all information on this thread during years.

Even now possible to open any page and find all: articles, links, photos (not IG posts, wchich could be deleted any time by the owner, and after you will find only empty place...)

Thanks to you I became his fan:D

Severim seni!



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oh thank u ibru for ur sweet words :) it makes me really  happy to hear that

but @ibru look, @ilwoo_aein has a point we can't always find HD version of suki's pic and sometimes HD comes later so it's ok to post like preview of pictures at first and we can post HD later when they are available :) and posting both IG links and Pic of same thing is not wrong u can post both versions , and you are also right   @ibru  that is better to post as well the pic itself if we have it, not just the IG link cz it may be deleted later but if we don't have it then it's ok, we are completing each other here if someone posted only the link the other can post the pic and vice versa, and if it happens that sometimes there is double posting let us edited if we noticed it , if not than it's ok not a big deal.

Love u guys & can't see this thread without both of u here.

so let us ended this here and never fight again over such things , 

 let's keep doing what we are doing which is suporting suki he has new projects coming and he needs our full support :) Agree?? 





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13 hours ago, darcydevenus said:

I am going to fangirl just for a moment.... I see him everywhere on on the internet.  I went to coffee with my friend... we went to Gong Cha. ^^  

But the funnest thing is seeing him on all of his new cosmetics advertisements.... and they are on almost every website I go to... I am QUITE distracted by his eyes..... why did he have to have such a pair of 'fine eyes'?!  I'm just spazzing.   

PS: My friend laughed at me so much when we were at the café.  I wanted to take the poster off the door. ^^  Oh well.  Lee Jong Suk is simply my bias!  Love him!!!!


ahahahhahaah u should v taken that poster darcy ahhahahah

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