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DS Ratings (20140519, Ep.5)

Source: AGB and TNmS

Good morning, world! ‘Doctor Stranger’ has seen another increase in viewership. According to AGB Nielsen, Episode 5 of the series garnered 14.0% nationally, raising 1.3% from its previous episode. In the Seoul Metropolitan Area, it garnered 15.6%, an even steeper increase of 2.3%.

Currently second in the timeslot is ‘Big Man’, whose ratings recovered to 8.1% (+0.1%), while ‘Triangle’ rounds out the trio at 7.3% (-0.1%). The above numbers are not on the chart and recovered from this news article.



As for TNmS, ‘Doctor Stranger’ keeps its rising streak and continues to refresh its personal record — 14.2% for national (+1.1%) and 18.1% for Seoul Area (+1.9%).



By the way, some people were asking me what the blue line in the live ratings chart is — that is KBS1, which usually airs some sort of wildlife documentary during the timeslot.

Anyways, this has been some data to go with your breakfast, and we’ll see each other tonight (in 13 hours)! What a wonderful time it is when your bias is on TV each week. ; u ;

by hitoritabi  

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Episode 5 of 'Doctor Stranger'

I have settled into the pace of this series. Like, I see other people saying that the events sequences are hard to understand, but I am completely okay with it. Like, I am along for the ride. *bops* But since I have no trouble understanding, I decided to give a more recap-like reaction this time.

As usual, spoilers abound. Proceed with care.



So basically there are two lines in this story tonight.

First, there is Soohyun-Hoon-Jae-jun line. Jae-jun attacks Hoon for failing to save Soohyun’s mom. He asked why Hoon attempted the surgery even when the success rate is so low, doesn’t he know this is like murder? Hoon wanted to reveal why he did it (Soohyun), but this would be also revealing Soohyun’s true identity, so he just smiled and said he did it for the money.

At which point, Jae-jun flew into a rage and said that Hoon doesn’t even deserve to be called a doctor. Hoon tries to brush it off but couldn’t help but retort — when the patient has the will to live, isn’t it the doctor’s job to save her? If he cannot be called a doctor, fine, but how about all of you? All you people who calculate the rate of survival and decide not to try your best to save people… can you be called doctors as well?

Exit Hoon. Such charisma. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Pictured: Hoon suddenly realizing that he acted rather insanely to Dr. Moon. (Speaking of, Dr. Moon has completely become Hoon’s lackey instead of Hoon’s master. Lol.)

Jae-jun got Hoon booted from the hospital, he later explains to Soohyun that he actually acted towards Hoon because he loves her and is jealous to see Soohyun take Hoon’s side… which convinces Soohyun but not really us viewers, because it is obvious that Jae-jun’s sights are set on the hospital.

Also, Soohyun gains an interest in Jaehee and after seeing how deeply in love Hoon is, she decided to help Hoon find her. They even ended up in jail together after hacking a CCTV room. By the way, I am loving how she saves him more than once even in this episode — very cool.



The second storyline: Chavert (Cha-Javert) and Seunghee.

So we have confirmation that Seunghee knew that Hoon was following her and, working with Officer Javert, they were leading him on gradually. However, their plans got crashed by two people.

Firstly, Mr. Lim insists that he has found Jae-hee (he actually saw Seunghee), but also saw “Jae-hee” talking to Chavert, so he must be eliminated. Chavert was going to shoot him, but another truck came from nowhere and crashed Mr. Lim into a coma — he would have died in Hoon wasn’t there to do emergency surgery.


But that was not enough to save Mr. Lim, because Chavert then snuck into the hospital and ferried the unconscious Mr. Lim out. He left a message on Hoon’s phone as Lim, saying that he is going away to China and don’t find him anymore.

The other person who screwed up their plans is Chang-yi’s mom, who actually saw Jaehee back in concentration camp. She revealed to Hoon that she saw Jaehee die of gunshot wounds two years ago. (Though it a doctor who declared Jaehee dead, so it is POSSIBLE that the doctor was doing the same thing Hoon did in Budapest?)

So with their plans being screwed with, Chavert tells Seunghee that they are being forced to abandon their plans. Although they cannot complete the mission from NK, they can still get revenge. Seunghee refuses to let Chavert give up and decides to keep getting close to Hoon — showing up when Soohyun called her and walking up to Hoon directly, smashing his every defense.


Also, two scenes that made me cry:


Soohyun finding out the truth for her mom… The way that scene played out and her facial expressions just broke me. The actress who played her mom broke me with only a few words, “I missed my daughter…every day.” ;____; (I wonder why Seunghee told Soohyun the truth though? Her facial expressions seem to say that she really did it for the good of Soohyun and not some ulterior motive?)


The scene where Hoon describes Jaehee for Soohyun, and couldn’t get anything out except the sentence, “She loves to smile, she loves to smile, she loves to…” before breaking down in tears. Epic. Toying with my emotions like no other.


One scene that made me go WTF:

When Seunghee was standing in front of the computer, studying Jaehee and repeating her “Hoon-ah”, “hoon-ah”… CREEPIEST EFFING THING.



So this became much longer than anticipated… There are still things I didn’t recap (for example the political stuff continues to bore the balls off me) but that just proves how stuffed with material an episode is.

Bring on Episode 6!

by hitoritabi  

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articles abt DS 



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class="titleNews" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 10px; border-width: 0px 0px 3px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(80, 80, 80); outline: 0px; font-weight: normal; font-size: 23px; font-family: arial, dotum, Helvetica, AppleGothic, tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 28px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"[Ratings: Mon, 05.19.14] ′Doctor Stranger′ Hits a New High
The different between first and second, and first and third place continues to grow as SBS′ Doctor Stranger doesn′t seem to be ready to stop. 

On Monday night, Doctor Stranger recorded a new high with 14.0 percent. 

The episode jumped 1.3 percent from its previous episode as the mystery behind a character began to unfold itself, along with a potential for new romance and new rivalry. 

Meanwhile, KBS′ Big Man and MBC′s Triangle struggled behind with 8.1 and 7.3 percent in ratings respectively.

[Ratings: Mon, 05.19.14] ′Doctor Stranger′ Hits a New High

Monday, May 19, 2014


1. SBS Doctor Stranger 14.0 
2. KBS Big Man 8.1
3. MBC Triangle 7.3


1. SBS Healing Camp 6.0
2. KBS Hello 5.8 

*All ratings are based on AGB Nielsen Media Research

Photo Credit: SBS.


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