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How do you get your bangs to STAY?


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Uh, I honestly don't know if the title makes sense...at all. xD

But anyway.

My bangs have been bothering me for the longest time ever.

How do people get their bangs to stay swept so naturally? :C

Like, they make it so that it's not always falling in their face ever single head movement.

Mine keep falling straight into my face. ):

How do people do it so that it's so...natural?

No bobby pins; no hairspray; just pure natrualness...ness.

Sorry if this has been asked before; I've probably haven't seen it. :C

And now that I read back at what I've typed, I don't know if you guys will understand what I'm trying to ask... xD

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Guest alucard454

Well when my hair is wet I blow dry it to the side so it stays.


I pin it to the side until its time for school than I let it go. It doesn't move at all (:

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Well when my hair is wet I blow dry it to the side so it stays.


I pin it to the side until its time for school than I let it go. It doesn't move at all (:

Heh. I tried blow drying my hair when it was wet towards the side; it didn't work. :|

That's what I've been doing. xD My bangs annoy me so much during school that I'll need to bring a bobby pin or two with me so I can pin it up. :X

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you could try using a large barrel brush and rolling your bangs on it and blow drying it.

it should work and maybe use a tiny bit of hair wax to keep it in place.

hope this help : )

this brush: 


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Guest jellysponge

Yup, I agree with the above ^^^

That method is really good.

But since my hair just naturally sweeps, I don't really use it.

For bad-hair days, I just blow dry it to the side.

Honestly, if the blow-dry thing doesn't work.. then there is no "natural way".

You'd have to straighten or wax to keep it in place.

Hope this helps :3 

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If a barrel brush + hairdrying doesn't work, try "training" your hair?

So assuming you don't shower in the morning, trying clipping your fringe to the side you want while you sleep over a few days, then it'll stay.

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As all the others have said.

Although my friend told me that she's been blowing her bangs sideways since she was a kid, and therefore her hair just naturally began to sweep to the side.

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I think that if you use a round brush, your hair has to be cut a certain way for it to stay. I used to be able to do the round brush method, but it's not that efficient because I had to use hair wax and hairspray to keep it in place. And even then, it would fall. My hair is stubborn.

If you have a good flat-iron, just flat-iron it t the side and curve/turn your flat iron. It seriously takes less than 5 minutes to do. I never understood how to do it correctly, until I got a professional flat iron (ghd). Seriously, my hair makes that really nice Japanese/Korean swoop.

BTW if you have really long bangs, the round brush method doesn't work as well either. My fringe grew out, so now the blow-drying technique is useless. I can only use the flat-iron now.

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Guest Batgirl

i agree with above.

If you have short bangs then using a round brush works better as opposed to with long bangs.

When i say short bangs i mean bangs that hit my eyelashes.

I use a different round brush. I have the one pictured in the thread but its horrible for my bangs when i've attempted to style with it. I use this medium size one that has no vents, and the brush part is in more bunches and made of a different material. The one in the thread pictured for me works better when you're styling with more hair. Like giving your hair a blow out or volume all through out. It's kind of wire-ry.

Mine kind of looks like this


I pretty much blowdry my hair. Make my hair line, gather the bangs (not wet) that i want side swept, place/wrap it around the brush gently (if you wrap it tight the bangs will curl out more poofier), angle it in the direction i want it to sweep to, then blow dry the hair resting on the brush for like 4 secs. Keeping the bangs on the brush still, i lift the brush, blow dry another 3 secs of heat underneath my bangs to give it a slight lift so its not like laying flat on my forehead, then i'm good to go.

Of course this is with my hair texture. I have a friend who has hair thats just so fine and prone to oilyness that she needs product to get it to position and curve right.

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Glasses can also help sweep your bangs to the side as your hair will rest on top of them. After wearing glasses for about a month, your bangs will naturally stay swept to the side.

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Guest xoSaranghae

I use my straightener and curl it. It's pretty hard to explain, but essentially what you do is take your straightener and curl it in towards your head (slightly) and pull it to the side you want it to go.

It's important to note that you don't curl it at an extreme angle, only a slight curving of the straightener is necessary. :)

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what does your hairline look like? i realized i can't have bangs no matter what because the hair around my forehead grows sort of up and out/back (good for ponytails, bad for bangs. So when I cut bangs (no matter how heavy they are), they're really "springy" and tend to just fall back over my eyes instead of where I want them to be :( Ive noticed that a lot of people who naturally have nice looking bangs all the time have hair that grows sort of straight down...like over their face...? so it makes it easier for them to style their hair that way.

i'm trying to find pics...

ok here we go

even though this pic is illustrating beyonce's wig, its similar to how my hair grows:

"up and out" growth

and then this is an example of how some people's hair grows down towards their faces (you can especially see it at her part):

"down" growth

sooo yeah, hope that helped! i know how frustrating it can be, because i want nice, cute bangs too, but i realized i can't change the way my hair grows so now i just work with it instead of against it!

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Guest AzNMiss x3

Try blow drying your hair the OPPOSITE side that you want to stay on for side swept bangs with a barrel brush while it's wet. Then once it's dried, just sweep it the side you want it to stay on.

I still don't really get what you want but I hope this helps.

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Guest alpenliebe_candy

Try blow drying your hair the OPPOSITE side that you want to stay on for side swept bangs with a barrel brush while it's wet. Then once it's dried, just sweep it the side you want it to stay on.

I still don't really get what you want but I hope this helps.

LOL, i use this method too..my hair is really stubborn coz its wavy and kinky most of the time... i usually straighten my bangs so make it look neat. so i straighten it in opposite direction and and flip to wanted side.... i notice the stay put is good...

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I used to have this problem a lot; I'd have to use a straightener to force my bangs to curl towards the right every morning - -

Are your bangs really thick? Cause after I got a haircut and the person thinned out my bangs, they started to sweep naturally to the side 

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