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[Drama 2010] Smile, Dong-hae / Smile Again 웃어라 동해야

Guest fanda4000

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Here's the written preview for ep 132

말선은 안나가 MRI 등의 검사를 받는 모습을 지켜보며 희망을 갖는다. 도진은 선우에게 다가가 동해에 대한 적대심을 밝히며 자신과 손을 잡자고 제안한다. 한편 교통사고로 병원에 간 새와는 도진에게 연락하지만 냉정하게 거절당한다. 혜숙은 말선이 동해에게 경영수업을 시키자는 제안과 더 이상 혜숙을 믿지 못하겠다는 말을 필용에게 하자 충격에 빠지는데...

At the end of the line is not MRI tests, such as appearance and hope to watch. A Sun-Woo reach out to sea for hostile toward shedding and myself and hand held. On the other hand, went to the hospital in an accident and was also a new Gin but calm should not be denied. Hye-sook is a line East to management lessons are suggestions and Hye-sook no longer believe you can't say let Phil for being in shock ...

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Guest lj3k99

MS gets hope about Anna's condition after the MRI exam. DJ and SN join hands after DJ reveal to SN about DH and his nature. Not sure what DJ revealed, but I guess we will find out. SH goes to the hospital after an accident and DJ totally brushes her off. HS thinks it is strange that MS is telling DH to take business classes meaning that MS no longer trusts HS. Something about telling PY comes up.

MS and PY are the grandparents.

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Wow look at HS doing the same thing as DJ. HS is surprised that DJ has thought ahead. Yet DJ is so petty in his reasons.

Though i did enjoy SN watching the whole scene, but what is his mindset? I dont think he is an honorable dude.

I believe the problem was bad seafood? Something fresh was needed? No idea.

The GP has the right mindset. He is halting the hotel heir business for the time being. HS is surprised the man is working himself. He is the chairman.  I have a feeling things will get messy. HS takes things so personally. THe GP just wants her to relax and think.

THe preview showed some interesting scenes. Not very sure about SH being pregnant, I did not hear any of those words. Anna having residual brain trauma could be correct. I am not sure the GM should have just taken her to the hospital like that. The funny thing is SH is going through some tough stuff and DH and BY being there fore her should make her change hopefully. DJ and SN look like they have teamed up though.

I didn't here anything either in the preview about SW being pregnant, but the indication is there with her getting sick before the accident. It might turn out to be something else. If SN jumps in and helps DJ he is stupid. He has no idea what's really going on between DH and DJ and to just takes sides with DJ because BY chose DH rich or poor instead of him is just low. The problem with DJ and SN is that they think of DH as being a dummy and not knowing anything but how to cook. I just feel bad for GP that everybody he trust is going to hurt him.

GP telling HS to just rest and think is his way of trying get her to realize what she has done is wrong.

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MS gets hope about Anna's condition after the MRI exam. DJ and SN join hands after DJ reveal to SN about DH and his nature. Not sure what DJ revealed, but I guess we will find out. SH goes to the hospital after an accident and DJ totally brushes her off. HS thinks it is strange that MS is telling DH to take business classes meaning that MS no longer trusts HS. Something about telling PY comes up.

MS and PY are the grandparents.

If DJ is telling SN about DH nature we all know it's a lie. He told PY and MS that DH is a user and that he used the hotel to win the contest then quit and started up a business with Mr. Lee. Hopefully SN will be a standup guy and talks things over with PY. We all know this writer repeats so it's possible they will take us back to DH being harrassed again.  SW is getting back the same treatment she gave to DH when she dumped him. 


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Guest farhah1986

MS gets hope about Anna's condition after the MRI exam. DJ and SN join hands after DJ reveal to SN about DH and his nature. Not sure what DJ revealed, but I guess we will find out. SH goes to the hospital after an accident and DJ totally brushes her off. HS thinks it is strange that MS is telling DH to take business classes meaning that MS no longer trusts HS. Something about telling PY comes up.

MS and PY are the grandparents.

I'm curious with what DJ tell SN about DH.I'm a bit disappointed with SN as he easily get influenced by DJ simply because his jealousy for DH.Does he think BY choose DH because now he is a 'rich person'?One more thing is that ,DJ think he is too smart to outcast DH from being the hotel successor.He should remember that everytime he try to make DH in difficult situation,DH always manage to find a way to get himself out of trouble.I guess something drastic will happen that no matter what DJ tactic is,DH will end up being the hotel successor.

As for GM,she no longer trust HS after her lie.I think that why GM want DH learn business to takeover the hotel. Who else is the better person who can continue their legacy other than their own grandson?I'm also curious about the preview statement about telling PY comes up.Does someone with evil intention tell that DH dated SW for 6 years before and twist the stories?I hope not,because GP just started to love his grandson.

About SW,I don't have anything to say about her except that she deserve to be in that state after what he has done to DH and Anna.I'm curious with the news about SW in the magazines.What is the news all about?One more thing with the preview about all reporters question SW about what?Maybe it will be a good oppurtunity for GP announce that DH is their grandson.

Once again we cannot really believe the preview because it always happen in another way round.

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Guest farhah1986

I didn't here anything either in the preview about SW being pregnant, but the indication is there with her getting sick before the accident. It might turn out to be something else. If SN jumps in and helps DJ he is stupid. He has no idea what's really going on between DH and DJ and to just takes sides with DJ because BY chose DH rich or poor instead of him is just low. The problem with DJ and SN is that they think of DH as being a dummy and not knowing anything but how to cook. I just feel bad for GP that everybody he trust is going to hurt him.

GP telling HS to just rest and think is his way of trying get her to realize what she has done is wrong.

You are right.DJ and SN think that DH is stupid and know nothing but cooking.They didn't realize that DH really has talent in business just like his grandfather.Not only that,DH just solve food problem that rise at the hotel.I think even DJ know nothing about that.They should know that if DH is stupid how can DH help Lee's family rise again in business.I think maybe the thing about SW evil deed before get leak out to the press.Thats why all reporters question her.Funny thing is that BY protect her and DH help her at the hospital.DH and BY is just kind person who can't see anyone get hurt.

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BY's mum, SO needs to shut up.  She's overly reacting over DH.  It really makes KJae, TH and everyone around her embarrassed.  Even DH feels awkward with her behaviour.  It makes her no difference from SW's mum, SNyeo who just knows how to suck up DJ, treating TH as a maid in the house.  As for SNyeo, she really shows favouritism over SW.  But I don't take pity on SY; she gets into my nerves most of the time.

I'm glad that GP and GM don't look down on people with poor and humble background.  They seems happy that DH is dating BY and that Anna likes PJ.  They like the Lee family, even allowing DH to continue to help out in their kimchi business.  GM was laughing away when Anna told her about her dream kissing PJ.  Anna may not have realised her liking for PJ as she has always thought that she must be faithful to KJ.  Hopefully GM helps bring this couple together.  At least PJ knows his humble background and feel inferior towards Anna now instead of jumping into the wagon and sucking up GP and GM.  But he truly deserves Anna.

I actually like the new dude, SN.  It's sad if he turns out to be a bad guy.  I don't blame him for liking BY and wanting her as he has liked her since high school.  He's rich and smart  He can definitely outsmart DJ.  If DJ thinks that he can make use of him to destroy DH, he's wrong.  I wonder how many shares SN has in the hotel, probably more than DJ perhaps?  We tend to think that it's a battle between DH and DJ.  But I"m beginning to think otherwise.  Who knows, SN is making use of DJ for the hotel instead.  When the dirty deeds get out of hands, only then would DJ realise how stupid and naive he is and what a mess he gets into, creating problems for the hotel.  DH is the only one able to solve the problem for him and the hotel.  DJ would realise his mistakes too late.  I may be wrong but if this serial is ending at episode 150 or more, it has 20 more chapters to go.  Anything can happen, right?

If Anna did not have a head injury, she should be a very smart person, taking over GM's gene.  She can outsmart HS too.  Hopefully an operation can help bring her back to normal self.  But I like her present situation, an innocent, sweet girl.

DH and Anna change their dressing styles.  Anna looks sweet in that dress.  But I prefer DH's casual dressing; making him looks young and carefree.

SW, with DJ hating her and the media harrassing her about her home-shopping dirty tricks, she is over.  But I doubt she will give up so easily.  Even when BY protects her from the media, she may push BY away and tell her not to pretend to show concerns for her.  She won't admit defeat to BY.  She's still living in denial, thinking she would be the mistress of the hotel one day.  What I don't want to see is her clinging on to DH, taking his concerns for her as love instead.  6 years of relationship is a long period afterall.  SW is a very thick-skinned girl.  She just won't give up her dreams and ambitions.  SW is actually having an inferior complex towards BY, that's why she doesn't want to lose out to BY in anything.  BY is just too nice to her no matter how many wrong things SW has done to her and DH.

I like the head chef too.  He knows DH has talents and motivates him to work hard.  But I don't wish to see him with SNyeo.  I hate how she clung on to PJ in the beginning.  She and SW can be two lonely people everafter.


With 20 or more episodes to go, and with the battle over the hotel successorship, I hope to see more romance between DH and BY along the way.  Even if the storyline is going to drag for a long time, their romance will make up for it.

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Guest lj3k99

The episode starts off with nothing special.

SN was some what swayed by DJ saying that DH is a nobody that came out of nowhere and took something away from HS and DJ, the hotel that raised by them for 30 years. This is such bull. At the same time he was like what is your issue with DH in the first place. DJ did a whole background check on SN checking to see if he will be an ally or enemy. SN is either playing him or is a fool. Everyone that tangles with DJ, HS, SH seem to get burned.

PY is asking KJ to leave Anna and focusing on HS. Time has already passed on.

MS is tasking DH with eventually running the hotel. MS states HS cannot run the hotel. DH and PY look kind of surprised as her fury. Also whats with all the evasdropping? For a kdrama, it has way too much.

MS has all of HS failures stated in front of PY who was semi defending her. NO wonder MS has such fury. I would have never figured MS to dig that far. Two people who have the worst jobs are the two valets kept by the grandparents.

The daughter is so cute. She is urging her daddy to call Anna, haha.

Why are BY and DH such good people? Saving SH from reporters after they dug up dirt on her about the home shopping fiasco. Yet the people who get hurt is not SH, but everyone else? PY asks DH to take over Camellia kimchi business? I think he will ask if they can make another conttract with Taebon. It is wrong if he does both.

Maybe the reason SN approached BY is because he felt guilty? Asking her to grab him while he is still sane?

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Guest farhah1986

The episode starts off with nothing special.

SN was some what swayed by DJ saying that DH is a nobody that came out of nowhere and took something away from HS and DJ, the hotel that raised by them for 30 years. This is such bull. At the same time he was like what is your issue with DH in the first place. DJ did a whole background check on SN checking to see if he will be an ally or enemy. SN is either playing him or is a fool. Everyone that tangles with DJ, HS, SH seem to get burned.

PY is asking KJ to leave Anna and focusing on HS. Time has already passed on.

MS is tasking DH with eventually running the hotel. MS states HS cannot run the hotel. DH and PY look kind of surprised as her fury. Also whats with all the evasdropping? For a kdrama, it has way too much.

MS has all of HS failures stated in front of PY who was semi defending her. NO wonder MS has such fury. I would have never figured MS to dig that far. Two people who have the worst jobs are the two valets kept by the grandparents.

The daughter is so cute. She is urging her daddy to call Anna, haha.

Why are BY and DH such good people? Saving SH from reporters after they dug up dirt on her about the home shopping fiasco. Yet the people who get hurt is not SH, but everyone else? PY asks DH to take over Camellia kimchi business? I think he will ask if they can make another conttract with Taebon. It is wrong if he does both.

Maybe the reason SN approached BY is because he felt guilty? Asking her to grab him while he is still sane?

I really love GM!She has a very sharp eyes and smart.Once a person lied to her,she will never trust them anymore,thus she ask her valet to investigate what HS has been doing for the past one year.GP and GM ask her to find their daughter when they went overseas and yet she never take any effort to find her.It prove that HS has intention to takeover the hotel herself.So before GM reveal to GP that HS cannot run the hotel and it reason GP still has a little trust on her. I guess GM really give a big influence on GP decision.Thats why GP give a task to DH to help the hotel maybe to train or look whether DH fit to manage the hotel.I think whenever DH face any difficulties after this,GM will be the one who will help him.I hope GM will have people to take a look on DJ/HS movement after this.Actually I never think that GM will secretly ask her valet to investigate HS!We really cannot underestimate GM.She know what she's doing to protect her family.I love every scene involving GM.We never know what she will do after this.HS look shock with GM revealation and shiver to her spine.She really can't argue or deny GM statement.

As for SN he still consider whether to help DJ or not,but I think he will help him.

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Guest sammy23

Does anyone know  in episode 132 what Grandfather and KJ were talking about?  I think GP asked something about her daughter from KJ.   Also what did GP said to DH at the very end?   thanks

The episode starts off with nothing special.

SN was some what swayed by DJ saying that DH is a nobody that came out of nowhere and took something away from HS and DJ, the hotel that raised by them for 30 years. This is such bull. At the same time he was like what is your issue with DH in the first place. DJ did a whole background check on SN checking to see if he will be an ally or enemy. SN is either playing him or is a fool. Everyone that tangles with DJ, HS, SH seem to get burned.

PY is asking KJ to leave Anna and focusing on HS. Time has already passed on.

MS is tasking DH with eventually running the hotel. MS states HS cannot run the hotel. DH and PY look kind of surprised as her fury. Also whats with all the evasdropping? For a kdrama, it has way too much.

MS has all of HS failures stated in front of PY who was semi defending her. NO wonder MS has such fury. I would have never figured MS to dig that far. Two people who have the worst jobs are the two valets kept by the grandparents.

The daughter is so cute. She is urging her daddy to call Anna, haha.

Why are BY and DH such good people? Saving SH from reporters after they dug up dirt on her about the home shopping fiasco. Yet the people who get hurt is not SH, but everyone else? PY asks DH to take over Camellia kimchi business? I think he will ask if they can make another conttract with Taebon. It is wrong if he does both.

Maybe the reason SN approached BY is because he felt guilty? Asking her to grab him while he is still sane?

Thank you lj3k99 for the summary.  You answered all my questions! thanks

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Well it looks like SW is going to be the first one to go down. That dirty deal with the kimchi has hit the press. There's no way HS and DJ are going to want her around after this. She makes them look bad. She will probably lose her job. SW still has not learned to be thankful to people yet. DH and BY helped her to get away from the reporters and she's still being nasty.

I love GM she is on top of things. HS thinks she is a joke. Even when GM was addressing the fact of her running the hotel HS and her wrong doings she never said anything to GM she would alway turn to GP with her answers. She acted like GM wasn't even there. I think GP and GM  will keep a close eye on HS and DJ because they now know how deceitful they can be.

SN is another YJ clinging to another person who has no interest. If he goes to the dark side he his going to be sorry. GP trust him right now and if he crosses him the life he keeps telling BY he can provide for her will be over. If DJ aproached him after doing a background check then there must be something there that would make DJ so confident that SN will be willing to help him.

I see GP reasoning about KJ moving on from Anna. There's no way Anna's parents are going to aprove of that match up because of HS. Even if KJ cannot be with Anna he still  doesn't want to be with HS.

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Here is the written preview for ep 133

홈쇼핑 매출조작 사건으로 각 신문에서 기사가 나자 술녀는 어쩔 줄 몰라 한다. 필용은 동해에게 도진 대신 카멜리아 김치사업을 추진하라고 지시한다. KTN 아나운서의 품격을 해쳤다는 이유로 새와는 징계위원회에 회부되고 김준은 괴로운 마음을 감추지 못한다. 한편 필용은 김준의 앞에서 동해에게 자신의 성을 주고 귀화시키겠다고 말하는데...

Home shopping sales manipulation case in each newspaper articles I now drink who do not know the choice line. Phil Dragon is also Jean to the East instead of Camellia seed promotes the kimchi business dictates. KTN announcer's classy addressing the reasons new and referred to the Disciplinary Committee and Kim, Joon is the agonizing mind does not conceal. Meanwhile Phil Dragon is Kim Jun-in front of the sea of Japan to give his last name naturalized: key say ...

I'm not sure if I'm translating this correctly. If this is somehow incorrect and someone can translate it better. Please do so

The case concerning the Home Shopping manipulated by SW is in all the news papers. SW does not know what she is going to do. SW has injured the dignity of the KNT annoucers. KJ's mind is troubled and he cannot conceal it so he forwards it to the Disciplinay Comittee.

GP dictates that instead of DJ, DH is now to be in charge of the delevopment of the Camellia Kimchi business.

I'm really not sure about this last part.  GP tells KJ that the key to the whole situtation is for DH's last name to be changed to GP's 

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Guest sammy23

Here is the written preview for ep 133

홈쇼핑 매출조작 사건으로 각 신문에서 기사가 나자 술녀는 어쩔 줄 몰라 한다. 필용은 동해에게 도진 대신 카멜리아 김치사업을 추진하라고 지시한다. KTN 아나운서의 품격을 해쳤다는 이유로 새와는 징계위원회에 회부되고 김준은 괴로운 마음을 감추지 못한다. 한편 필용은 김준의 앞에서 동해에게 자신의 성을 주고 귀화시키겠다고 말하는데...

Home shopping sales manipulation case in each newspaper articles I now drink who do not know the choice line. Phil Dragon is also Jean to the East instead of Camellia seed promotes the kimchi business dictates. KTN announcer's classy addressing the reasons new and referred to the Disciplinary Committee and Kim, Joon is the agonizing mind does not conceal. Meanwhile Phil Dragon is Kim Jun-in front of the sea of Japan to give his last name naturalized: key say ...

I'm not sure if I'm translating this correctly. If this is somehow incorrect and someone can translate it better. Please do so

The case concerning the Home Shopping manipulated by SW is in all the news papers. SW does not know what she is going to do. SW has injured the dignity of the KNT annoucers. KJ's mind is troubled and he cannot conceal it so he forwards it to the Disciplinay Comittee.

GP dictates that instead of DJ, DH is now to be in charge of the delevopment of the Camellia Kimchi business.

I'm really not sure about this last part.  GP tells KJ that the key to the whole situtation is for DH's last name to be changed to GP's 

Thank you awsparkle for the preview and translation.   I don't think DH will accept  his GP's last name.  I think he will take his fathers last name, that's all he can have from his father.

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Thank you awsparkle for the preview and translation.   I don't think DH will accept  his GP's last name.  I think he will take his fathers last name, that's all he can have from his father.

That move would bring down the house. HS might burn down the hotel and DJ woud jump off a bridge. I think Granpa right now is trying make sure DH is in his rightful place and changing his name to his would establish that. This way HS nor DJ could ever stake claim to the hotel.

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Guest farhah1986

That move would bring down the house. HS might burn down the hotel and DJ woud jump off a bridge. I think Granpa right now is trying make sure DH is in his rightful place and changing his name to his would establish that. This way HS nor DJ could ever stake claim to the hotel.

You are right,GP now want to put DH in his family registary.So that no matter what happen after this DH won't lose his right in the family.Even if HS or DJ manage the hotel,DH as the grandson for chaiman won't lose any right within the family.That move alone will protect DH and establish his position within the family and the hotel itself.It like a prove DH legally has right for the hotel. Although GP now not going to trust HS fully after this but he full aware that KJ is HS husband and he's not gonna let Anna being with KJ.After all KJ now cannot do anything for his son DH.Actually I also thinking about DH last name.It will come a time that DH will change his last name to his grandpa's name.

DH must be in deep concern about GP decision.Firstly he cannot manage the same business at the same time.So I tink he might propose to mearge with Taebon Kimchee and become a partner.I think that is the most logic decision he can do.Or maybe DH have other idea to help the hotel clear the image.As for DJ,he must be furious with this as GP start giving DH responsibility and intention to have DH manage the hotel.DH might face a bit of trouble but he definitely can do his job very well.

For SW,I think she might get fired or suspended from her duties.I don't know what she gonna do after this.If she think that she can try to get DH back she's wrong because GM won't let her.She's going down after this.HS and DJ has no reason to keep her anymore after she damage their image and hotel reputation.

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Guest sammy23

You are right,GP now want to put DH in his family registary.So that no matter what happen after this DH won't lose his right in the family.Even if HS or DJ manage the hotel,DH as the grandson for chaiman won't lose any right within the family.That move alone will protect DH and establish his position within the family and the hotel itself.It like a prove DH legally has right for the hotel. Although GP now not going to trust HS fully after this but he full aware that KJ is HS husband and he's not gonna let Anna being with KJ.After all KJ now cannot do anything for his son DH.Actually I also thinking about DH last name.It will come a time that DH will change his last name to his grandpa's name.

DH must be in deep concern about GP decision.Firstly he cannot manage the same business at the same time.So I tink he might propose to mearge with Taebon Kimchee and become a partner.I think that is the most logic decision he can do.Or maybe DH have other idea to help the hotel clear the image.As for DJ,he must be furious with this as GP start giving DH responsibility and intention to have DH manage the hotel.DH might face a bit of trouble but he definitely can do his job very well.

For SW,I think she might get fired or suspended from her duties.I don't know what she gonna do after this.If she think that she can try to get DH back she's wrong because GM won't let her.She's going down after this.HS and DJ has no reason to keep her anymore after she damage their image and hotel reputation.

Well, SW may start threatening DJ to keep her position as DJ's wife.  This is exactly what HS did to KJ.  HS and SW are so like each other.  So DJ will understand what his father has gone through, Maybe!  And then............I don't know, whatever.........I don't like GP  making KJ to staty with HS.  He has to first ask KJ  what does he wants and then decide for him.....whatever,,,,,,it's just a drama! 

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I'm just keeping track of this thread in other to find out when going to be the final episode of this series...Thank you so much for the members here for keeping this thread alive by sharing a lot of things that has been going on with this series. I dun even have the heart to watch it anymore...

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