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[Drama 2010] Smile Mom 웃어요 엄마


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English translations from 百度尹晶喜吧, by Keon_Ok_Kun

The weekend viewer-rate queen, Ms Yun Jung-Hee said that her share of performance will increase in future, hope all of us will give her our support.

SBS weekend serial, “Smile Mam” (Script Writer: Kim Soon-Ok, Director: Hong Song-Cang, Production: Golden Pine Tree, Love Letter) will visit the home-viewers on every Saturday & Sunday at 8:40pm. In this serial, the capable wife, Kang Sin-Yong (by Yun-Jung-Hee), has put in all her effort to help her husband, Sin Mor-Lu, to become a Parliament Member. Yun Jung-Hee said that her share of performance will increase in future and she hope to have the support from everyone.

On 20 Nov (Sat) morning, at Yong Deng Po New World Shopping Mall, we met Yun Jung-Hee at her outdoor filming scene. She said that she didn’t appear much in the 1st few episodes because the focus was on how So Bok-Hee pushed her daughter, Sin Dal-Leh, to become a super-star. However, the share of performance on the complication of triangle relationship between Kang Sin-Yong, Sin Mor-Lu and his ex-girlfriend, Huang Bo-Mi will increase in near future, after Bo-Mi came into the picture. Hence, Jung-Hee was hoping to have the support from every viewer.

When Yun Jung-Hee was asked whether she had any pressure against the opponent’s serial which also broadcasting at the same timing. She replied with a smile: “The new production ‘Gloria’ is written by the writer of ‘Family Glory’, Mr Jung Ji-Wu, it is a pretty good script. Although, ‘Smile Mam’ was shown slightly later than ‘Gloria’, more or less will feel some pressure about it, but I have the confident to win ‘Gloria’.”

Unknowing Bo-Mi had appeared before her husband, Kang Sin-Yong went to MP Pak’s house after learning her husband, Sin Mor-Lu, tendered his resignation. This scene described how bad she was treated by Mrs Pak.

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English translations from 百度尹晶喜吧, by Keon_Ok_Kun


Yoon Jung-Hee: “How to use Twitter?” Looking forward to the impact to her life from Twitter.

Yoon Jung-Hee, the celebrity, had recently started her 1st usage of Twitter in her life.

According to Yoon Jung-Hee’s friend, to a introvert person like Yoon Jung-Hee, is so shy to get in touch with stranger, she has never ever got into any blog or mini webpage before, however, since after she got the assistance from Kim Jin-Wu, the actor who plays the serial ‘Smile Mam’ together with her, she started to pick-up and had 1st post to Twitter.

After she opened with her 1st jerky sentence: “Good day…..I am Yoon Jung-Hee, I also started using Twitter.” She laughed at herself and said: “How this should be used.” She was clumsy like a new user start getting in Twitter.

According to her colleague, Yoon Jung-Hee would normally carry her mobile phone, however, she only used it for voice call and messaging only. She was famous with her idiocy in IT. So, everyone was looking forward for the impact she would got to her life after using Twitter.

In SBS serial, ‘Smile Mam’, Yoon Jung-Hee was playing a capable wife , Kang Sin-Yong, putting all she could to help her husband. Recently, it was shown that she was splashed all over because of her husband. After this scene was broadcasted, there were many topics about ‘Sin-Yong’s humiliation’ , ‘Yoon Jung-Hee was badly splashed’ on the serial message page.

When she was interviewed at the scene, she said: “The fore portion of this serial, Kang Sin-Yong is a woman who could sacrifice anything and do all she could to support her husband. In this challenging path, she even experienced cold water pouring on her. However, in the coming future, the later portion of the story, she would like all of us to look forward for her conversion to a strong and vigorous woman.

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English translations from 百度尹晶喜吧, by Keon_Ok_Kun


‘Smile Mam’Yoon Jung-Hee was drowned in the attraction of Twitter.

Yoon Jung-Hee, the actress who came back to the screen with SBS serial, ‘Smile Man’, had started tweeting on 5th of this month.

Yoon Jung-Hee was introvert and usually quite shy to get in touch with stranger and had no experience in blogging and using mini webpage, she was almost isolated from internet. But with the help from Kim Jin-Wu, the actor who played together with her in ‘Smile Mam’, she started her 1st tweet in her life in Twitter.

She spent almost one full day to post her 1st message to Twitter successfully. Her Media Communication Manager, Ms Yoon Jin-Suk, said: “Although the message can be posted through smart cell phone but she posted her 1st message via notebook instead. Yoon Jung-Hee had tried very hard to post her message through cell phone, but failed. Until Kim Jin-Wu came to help her with smart cell phone, she then successfully made it. Yoon Jung-Hee said that this was her 1st time tweeting and it was really incredible.”

Drowning herself in the attraction of Twitter, Yoon Jung-Hee took the rest day opportunity on 6th December to post her 3rd message: “Today is my rest day….although the body feels so heavy like thousands of kilogram, but I still want to keep myself up to go swimming….gogogo~^^” On 7th December, before she step out for shooting, she posted another message to tell everyone her latest development: “Need to go to Oh-Nel Dong for today’s shooting~the weather is so cold, fortunately it is not outdoor filming….really very lucky^^ to me, clothing and hot pad are my necessities^^, I think today I may doze off…I need to keep myself up…fighting! ♥”

Furthermore, everyone has started talking about Yoon Jung-Hee’s earnestness in her profession after they learnt that Yoon Jung-Hee got pour all over for the husband in SBS serial ‘Smile Mam’

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Guest lucky_moon

Ep12 mostly focused MR, his wife & his first love story.

BM is sure a foxy lady trying her best to ruin the relation between MR and his wife.

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'웃어요 엄마' 촬영팀이 킨텍스에 왔어요 ! (유후와친구들의아이월드)

가족나들이코스로 인기를 얻고 있는 유후와친구들의아이월드 에 촬영팀이 떴습니다.

촬영팀이 어디냐 하면은~~

시청률수 두 자리를 기록하고 있는 일일드라마'웃어요 엄마' 촬영팀이 킨텍스에서 촬영을 했습니다.

다비치의 강민경 씨 출연으로 더욱 많은 관심을 받고 있죠.

지난 10일 윤정희 씨와 아역배우들이 킨텍스에 떴어요!

촬영팀은 새벽 일찍부터 촬영준비로 분주한 모습

유후와 친구들의 아이월드 의 모습과 함께 촬영현장을 살짝 둘러볼까요?



유후와 친구들 관람장이에요~

케릭터들 너무 귀엽지 않나요?

아이들과 캐릭터들이 직접 교감하면서 정말 즐거운 시간을 보내는 것 같아요.




아래는 촬영 후 모니터를 하는 모습 ^^

촬영차량도 많이 왔어요



등장배우 윤정희 씨와 아역배우의 촬영모습이에요.

뒤로 또 유후 캐릭터가 등장하네요~



아래 사진은 행사장 바깥에서 인터뷰를 하는 모습이에요~

유후와 친구들 케릭터 외에도 아이들이 좋아할만한 케릭터들이 많은 것 같죠?


행사가 끝나기 전에 꼭 한 번 가보는 게 어떨까요??1_31.gif

I wish someone can help to translate it :wub: Thanks

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English translations from 百度尹晶喜吧, by Keon_Ok_Kun

Jung-Hee Messages in Twitter

야외촬영이급많아졌다..부랴부랴...예방접종을...예전엔...주사없이도 감기한번 안걸리는 나였는데..이젠...스스로주사를다맞네^ 아자아자아자...!!! 감기야..물러서거라!!!!

More outdoor shooting had added unexpectedly... high urgency … prevent it before getting it …. I don’t easily get caught by the flu even without vaccine…. Now…. I am vaccinated ^ cheer, cheer, cheer up!!!!!!

4:46 PM Dec 15th via C twit

다들...감기조심하세요!! 춥다..추워...ㅠ 눈물이 절로...ㅠㅠ

Everybody ..... please be careful don’t get caught by the flu!!!! Cold! … really cold …wuu … my tears is flowing unwittingly….wuu wuu

4:48 PM Dec 15th via C twit

It seems the actor (Jung Chan) who plays SY's first love is down with H1N1 virus ???......was sent to the hospital on 13 Dec.....and confirmed it was H1N1 on the 16 Dec.

No wonder YJH said in her twitter that more outdoor shooting was added unexpectedly....and high urgency. And even got vaccinated. Hope everyone in the filmimg crew is fine. I am sure everyone will get themselves vaccinated just as a precaution.

So....will they replace Jung Chan's role with another actor.....or will the script be changed ?????

I think the first love's role is quite crucial....This is just my own speculation : BM will frame SY having an affair with her first love ...then stage the accident which caused SY's daughter to be seriously injured .... then put all the blame on SY for causing the accident while out meeting her first love. The mother in law will then throw SY out of their home and get a divorce.

I think the next few epsds will be very interesting.

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