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Cast for the New Huan Zhu Ge Ge (Princess Pearl) Remake

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Guest mashimaro_is_luff

why ? why do u have to mess with perfection? at least have some respect and make it right, this is utter failure *palmface*

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wow, is Auntie Qiongyao really behind this? She's usually amazing with casting and has very strict standards....and I like most everyone else am utterly disappointed. There's too much of a shadow of Zhao Wei in the choice of Xiao Yan Zi, Zi Wei looks even younger than Xiao Yan Zi, and the guys just look waaay too young.

BOOOOOOOO. I'm just gonna stick with the original version, thanks. I'll probably watch the first episode or so though just out of curiosity.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest therainhouse

Read Qiong Yao's blog post about why she decided to remake Huan Zhu Ge Ge, then maybe you'll be able to understand. 

Seriously, people, try to understand why she's doing this. The original actors will always have a place in my heart and I highly doubt that this new set of actors will replace my image of Zhao Wei as Xiao Yan Zi, Alec Su as Yong Qi, Ruby Lin as Zi Wei and Zhou Jie as Er Kang, but, well, I respect Qiong Yao's wishes, so, I'm taking a positive attitude to the remake just like she is.

Qiong Yao on why she decided to remake Huan Zhu Ge Ge 

I did a translation of her post . The original article is in Mandarin. 

Think positive. 

Cheers, people. 

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Guest ovovoovo

So it's called Princess Pearl? Man, how many years has it been.. I remember watching the original version when I was younger.

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Guest severus

Le fu.ck?

Obviously that first girl was chosen because she almost looks like Vicki Zhao.

I can already smell the failure, and it reeks of armpits.

Not like the third season of the show didn't suck enough ball sacks.

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Guest therainhouse

Le fu.ck?

Obviously that first girl was chosen because she almost looks like Vicki Zhao.

I can already smell the failure, and it reeks of armpits.

Not like the third season of the show didn't suck enough ball sacks.

Hmmm.. I must say, I should explain, Li Sheng was chosen because she looked like Xiao Yan Zi, not particularly because she resembles Zhao Wei. If she didn't have the ability to play Xiao Yan Zi, Qiong Yao wouldn't have chosen her. Out of all Qiong Yao's dramas, Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3 was the only one that didn't work out properly. Other projects were all done quite well. You must understand that Qiong Yao writes with all her emotions and her heart. My theory is that Qiong Yao was at a low point in her life when she wrote Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3. And when the actors changed, the characters changed and the plot altered itself for them. 

Please try to understand why she's doing what she doing and think positively. I would honestly consider myself an expert on Qiong Yao's works, Huan Zhu Ge Ge especially, and after much analysis and research, I'd say that this remake is a lot more similar to the first two seasons than the third season. 

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I don't want to diss the new actors & actresses. But this is a pretty close cut drama to my heart, so no. Just, no.

I can't see any other remake - ever - that has a possibility of matching, let alone topping, the original.

Goodness gracious, can someone please make a law somewhere banning the remake of these great classical drama series?

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Guest therainhouse

Goodness gracious, can someone please make a law somewhere banning the remake of these great classical drama series?

If there was such a law, then, a lot of good stuff would never be seen. Dreams Link was actually quite equal to Dream Behind the Curtain. Romance in the Rain was better than Love in the Rain. The latter was just so full of pain.


I'm not saying this remake will top the original. Far from it, the first 2 seasons scorched my heart and their places there can never be removed. I bought both the first 2 seasons and have watched each 7 times at least.  Believe me, the current cast feels the pressure. After all, they watched it too, They're fans, too. 

But, if they can't get past that mindset that 'the original was too great, we'll never be able to do it, we'll never be able to make it as Xiao Yan Zi, Yong Qi, Er Kang and Zi Wei.' then, this remake might just be a true failure. If there was such a law, oOyen, we'd never get to see good stuff. If Shanghai Bund 2007 wasn't made, all we have to live on is Chow Yun Fat's version, which is perfection itself but Shanghai Bund 2007 was pretty amazing as well. 

If there were such a law, Batman Begins would have never seen the light. There would never, never be remakes of Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility

If the law you mentioned was passed, there would never be Return of the Condor Heroes 2006, there would never be Legend of the Condor Heroes 2003, they wouldn't be filming Water Margin and Journey to the West now. That's what would have happened. Like I said, Qiong Yao's old, if she were to get knocked down tomorrow by a car, if she were to pass away in her sleep tonight, and her last memory is of the actors of the New Huan Zhu Ge Ge laughing on set, I'm sure she would be happy. 

Live a little. Take a breather. Tell you what. If you're not happy with this remake, go earn as much money as you can, invest it in stocks, shares, anything. Because it takes a lot of money to produce a drama . Yes, you know that to be a fact. Buy the rights from Qiong Yao or the copyright holder, and make Huan Zhu Ge Ge the way you see it. I'm not going to say, 'If you don't like it, then don't watch it.' Because plainly I hate it when people say that, so I'm not going to say that to you. A lot of people who don't like the remakes watch them anyway because they feel the pull to the story that they loved so much. I can't say I'm certain that this is the case for you. But, if you truly, truly have the money and the abilities to film an adaptation of the story, by all means, produce a remake. And I mean this seriously. No sarcasm. No offence. Not at all. And this is not just directed to you. Everyone who reads this, if you guys are confident you can do it, then go ahead.. Get the rights, clear the legal papers, go to Hengdian, do what you want to do in line with your vision of Huan Zhu Ge Ge

oOyen, you say this is a pretty close cut drama to your heart. Whose heart is closest to it? I'll tell you. Qiong Yao's. If she has agreed to it and is enjoying the production, why can't you have faith that you'll like it? If you like Huan Zhu Ge Ge 1 and 2, which she wrote when she was happy and excited, you'll like this version which Qiong Yao wrote out of joy. Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3 was written when Qiong Yao was having a hard time. Most of the cast had pulled out and the story was whacked out. 

Qiong Yao has an excellent track record of making solid dramas. Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3 was her only mistake where her dramas and novels are concerned. I highly doubt the New Huan Zhu Ge Ge would be her second. 

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i really dont care what they do actually

far as i know

i will never watch this

if u dont like it then stay away from it

i remember people bashing a lot when meteor shower was just a news

but when it did happened

it went quite well isnt it

not that i am saying this could work too

i have my own princess pearl

and nothing could ever change that

for now

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Guest therainhouse

if u dont like it then stay away from it

1. I think, a lot of people here will still tune in to the first few episodes at least, because they're curious how it'll turn out. Correct me if I'm wrong. This is a theory. 

Anyway, sometimes, we may like the story, but the actors just don't fit with our idea of the characters, and we flip, it's an involuntary reaction. Your memories are planted so deep, that when something comes and disturbs the peace, you bare your teeth and go, 'stay away, this is my territory'' Hardcore fans all feel that sentiment in varying degrees, but it's there. 

Maybe you won't watch it at all, maybe you'll watch the first episode, I'm not psychic, can't tell whether you're going to, sometimes, the 'if you don't like it, don't watch it' statement isn't effective and it's not a viable solution either. You watch it, then you feel, oh you like it, but, as you keep comparing it to the original, you feel, 'Oh, this isn't as good as the orignal.' And that's understandable, the comparisons are inevitable. So, in a way, you like it and dislike it, sort of a love-hate relationship, now how does that 'don't like, then, don't watch' statement work here? 

i remember people bashing a lot when meteor shower was just a news

but when it did happened

it went quite well isnt it

not that i am saying this could work too

2 (i) Meteor Shower/Let's Go Watch Meteor Shower 1 and 2  were flops. First season, plot holes, gaps, styling, character development. 

Season 2, they upped the goofy factor, which is all very well, if you're watching a sitcom, but it wasn't a sitcom. It's a drama. What are the themes in Season 2? Love, friendship, survival, staying tough, staying together through adversities. 

Half the time, I felt like I was watching a show set in an alternate universe where the universities there organised dance-offs and the prize.. a wish granted by the boy you liked. Irrelevant to society today. Who does that? Now, if this was a fantasy show, then it would work fine. The thing is, you can see that they're trying to integrate reality into the storyline and the characters and it didn't work. What do they want, comedy or reality?

(ii) As an unauthorised adaptation of Hana Yori Dango, it sucked. C'mon, you must admit that this was the worst. Everything else was better than Let's Go Watch Meteor Shower 1 and 2. Boys Over Flowers, with Koo Hye Sun overacting at times, and with Kim Hyun Joong being a novice actor, was better than these. 

It went well commercially, but not critically. Reviews are still mixed. Some people liked the goofiness, which was off-putting, many thought it was over-the-top. Draggy, very draggy. The characters seemed like they were in middle school. I liked Zheng Shuang in Let's Go Watch Meteor Shower 1, by the second season, I thought, all she could do was purse her lips at Zhang Han and say, 'Oh, is that it? Then, go to her.' 

It went well because some of the cast members were idols, Yu Haoming and Wei Chen, for example. Their fans were extremely supportive. 

(iii) Also, because, I think fans in China were glad that they could have their own version of Hana Yori Dango. It's that sense of pride that fills you, 'Oh, they're doing it here!' 

i have my own princess pearl

and nothing could ever change that

for now

3. I'm assuming by the first sentence here, you have your own DVDs. You liked it enough to buy them. And the original left a huge impression on you and still holds a place in your heart. 

But, when you said, 'nothing could ever change that for now', aren't you contradicting yourself? 

'Nothing could ever change that' means it'll stay that way forever, right, but then you went and said,  'for now', you just about erased the first two lines by those two words. 

Don't hesitate to tell me I'm wrong. It's great to share opinions and theories. No offense meant. 

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You people said "never, i'm not going to watch this remake." but when it comes out I bet most of you will watch this. Reading Qiong yao decision of why she remaking this great drama is very touching. She seems quite happy because her whole family is supporting her along with her sick husband so I bet this remake will be just as wonderful. It can't compare to the first two season that we all love and grow up with but it will definitely be good. BTW, the new actors looks great I rather have them than any other people. The new xyz looks adorable i can sense she'll be a great xyz. People should give them a chance. I really can't wait for it to come out. Story line seem appealing. Not much from season 3 anymore. New yong qi looks cute and childless.

Remember don't judge a book by its cover.

therainhouse-totally agree with everything you said. ;)

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Guest therainhouse


It's good. You're on Team Qiong Yao too.

I actually don't think this will surpass the original but it'll definitely be refreshing. I know that even if I end up not liking the remake as much, I'll accept it because I'm a fan of the story and a fan of Qiong Yao and her works. Her life is so rich and full of love and passion and faith. 

I should let you guys know about the reaction in China and Taiwan. People there are divided just like you guys, but there are a lot more supporters of the remake. 

Instead of complaining and criticising the actors' physical features, let's move on, and give Qiong Yao some suggestions, shall we? She actually visits the forums there. 

There's a thread for the themesongs of the new drama. And a lot of people are giving their input and ideas as to who could sing the songs. I think that's a step up from discussing the actresses' looks.  If you want this to be a drama that's fun for them and for you, help them, give them ideas. Like scene openers, the usual style features the books being opened. Little, little things like that. 

Things like that, you know, it's a great encouragement to her, the cast and the crew that so many people are behind them. 

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^^therainhouse ^^

Really, they have thread like that. It seems really exciting I would really like to participate too. I think it'll be great if she had the two main character sing for the themesong just like in the first two season. Although I don't like season 3 much there was this one song in there that i like where all the main couple sing in together.

I think everyone reason for not wanting to watch the new remake is because they give hzgg 3 a chance and it was disappointment. So I do hope that when the new hzgg airs on tv it will change everyone point of view. I also wonder if they're also going to change the title since the story is a bit different?

Please let us know if you have any news and info about the new remake.

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Guest therainhouse


I will publish an FAQ post about the remake on my site. It'll be out on October 18, 2010. 

I'll answer the questions that are most frequently asked.

1.Why a remake?

2.Why not reuse the original cast? (Although you guys probably know the answer to this question.)

3.When will the remake be aired?

4.How were the actors chosen?

5.The number of seasons and episodes.

6.Will it be like Huan Zhu Ge Ge Season 3?

I have revealed the plot outline for each season in the comments section in the post titled 'The New Huan Zhu Ge Ge Gallery' 

But, if you want more spoilers, you'll have to be very specific. For example, if you want to know about Xiao Yan Zi and Yong Qi only, do ask. 

I'm not going to unload everything just like that. Lol. I have a lot of scoop. A lot. Like specific scenes and things like that. I mean, if you can read Mandarin, you can check it out on Tieba too. I'm gathering all the tidbits and information related to the remake. 

Anyone else who's interested can send me their questions regarding the remake. You can ask me anything at all. Like the casting process, production details. You guys can send your questions to this e-mail : seventeenththesecond@gmail.com

If you do not want me to release the spoilers in the post, you can add a note saying 'Please do not share this in FAQ post.' and I will answer your question about the spoiler by e-mail. 

Qiong Yao started a thread of her own and left a message there. She said she's been reading our posts and suggestions and she'll consider them. 

Regarding your question about the titles, they are slightly different.

Season 1: 还珠格格之燕儿翩翩飞 Romanisation:  Huan Zhu Ge Ge Zhi Yan Er Pian Pian Fei   

Translation: The Pearl Princess: The Swallow Flies

Season 2: 还珠格格之风儿阵阵吹 Romanisation: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Zhi Feng Er Zhen Zhen Chui 

Translation: The Pearl Princess: The Wind Blows

Season 3: 还珠格格之人儿何处归 Romanisation: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Zhi Ren Er He Chu Gui  

Translation: The Pearl Princess: Where Will You Go?

The Pearl Princess. Princess Pearl. Princess Returned Pearl. Princess Returning Pearl. Ah. Drives me nuts because none of them are just right.

Here is my version of the titles translated. I like to make them very romantic.

Season 1: The Pearl Princess: The Swallow's Flight 

Season 2: The Pearl Princess: The Breath of the Wind 

Season 3: The Pearl Princess: Where is Your Home? 

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Guest therainhouse

Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3 was a fail because of the cast change..this remake smells likea fail too imo.

at least get some better looking actors..maybe HK actors...

Oh, I would love to have your nose, to smell out failures, just by looking atstills, if I had your nose, I could be NoseGirl. Wait, if you’re a girl, thattitle officially belongs to you. You could start your own show at the circus ormaybe you should be one of the exhibits in the museum. I’d love to line up allday just to get a look at your nose. Perhaps you’ve been struck by a meteor, ormaybe you’ve got some kryptonite with you... Maybe you were trained to smellout failures, like maybe you’re a police dog, sniffing out drugs and the scentof murderers. Yep, you’ve got a great job. 

Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3 was a failurebecause of two reasons 1.the plot 2.the cast

1.The plot was so warped. We just couldn’t reconcile a Yong Qi who would havesex with a woman other than Xiao Yan Zi with a Yong Qi so completely in lovewith Xiao Yan Zi. The other storylines were strange too.

2.The actors just weren’t the same, they couldn’t make us laugh and cry likeZhao Wei, Alec Su,  and the others did. Although Betty Ma really shone,she brought out the motherly part of Zi Wei. 

I don’t particularly like Zhang Rui’s lips, toothin for my liking, but you knowwhat, he’s not my boyfriend, I’m not going to kiss him. So, what do I care? Idon’t like Li Sheng’s upper lip too. But, who cares? Casting directors don’tchoose actors based on looks alone, they choose based on their calibre andbased on the fact that they can play these characters. For all her dramas andmovies, Qiong Yao is the one personally handling the casting decisions. Youhave no idea how hard she’s working on this.

The cast is working really hard, they’ve been studying the script for 12 years,they’re 10 times, 20 times the fans that you guys claim to be.  As a fan, you’rejust so awed by the original performance, that when you act, it feels like theoriginal actor is there with you, his performance is fused with yours. haejoong, if these actors were to accept the message from that psychicnose of yours, and if they were to stop now, just because ‘it smells like afailure’ and a few hundred people are saying ‘It’s gonna be a failure’ Then,they’re true failures, because then, they never even tried to do their best. 

There are probably a few hundred people saying, ‘No, no, no, I can’t take it.’About 498 to be exact, but there are so many more taking this with an openmind. 

This particular paragraph is directed at no one in particular, just people whosay they’re depressed when they look at the stills of the remake. Don’t sayyou’re depressed. When you’re depressed, you stare at the walls for hours onend, sometimes, you cry into pillow at night so that no one can hear, you tryto cut yourself, bang your head, eat pills, things like that.  You playall sorts of music endlessly, eat all sorts of food hoping the pain will goaway. Try to cry but can’t. You get into a state where you just think ‘No oneloves me anymore.’ or ‘I’m not gonna do well at this.’  Does that fit anyof you? So, don’t say you’re depressed. Some words are used too lightly. Is the New Huan Zhu Ge Ge going to make you reach for a kitchen knife todraw across your veins? Those who say they’re depressed when they look at thenew Huan Zhu Ge Ge don’t know depression, you guys are confident, so confidentof yourselves, you start dissing other people’s features. How would you allknow depression? Don’t say it’s just a figure of speech, because some peopleactually suffer from depression and you guys don’t and won’t. At most, you’llbe irritated and you’ll complain but you won’t be furious. You won’t be ragingfor hours on end you want to sue the producers. 

It’s hard to convince and persuade people, I know, many people tried topersuade me about the remake of a drama I loved a lot, that it would bealright, at least give a chance, that kinda talk. But, I was set in my ways.Now, the remake’s aired, I still find that it falls short when I compare it tothe original although other people are saying it’s the best remake that everhappened. Yea right, give me a break. 

I can’t convince any of you to give this remake a try. What I would like to dois take a bet. I say the new Huan Zhu Ge Ge will be quite good, not as great as the originalbut good and it will certainly not be a failure. Those of you whowant to betthat it’s a failure. Fine.  What’s at stake? What do you want me todo? Hmm.. as I said before, I have the first and second season of Huan Zhu Ge Ge. I’m willing to give away the first version if I lose. Shippingcharges on me.  Or what would you rather have? Public apology? Oh, I’mokay with that too. 

I am a real snob when it comes to Huan Zhu Ge Ge. Iconsider myself a walking encyclopedia on Huan Zhu Ge Ge and its remake. 

haejoong, what you need to do now is go get a doctor to check out thatnose of yours. I’m sure your DNA is altered slightly. Maybe you got bitten by apolice dog just like Spider-Man was bitten by a genetically altered spider.Lots of blood tests, be happy, you’re going to be part of a huge experiment.Your nose is the discovery of the century.



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