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7th Grade Civil Servant - Special Interview with Chan Sung

source  http://news.kstyle.com/article.ksn?articleNo=1965450&categoryCode=IV


It is not exaggerating at all to say Chan Sung is a rookie actor, but both Choi Kang Hee and Joo Won found him a reliable actor.  As a member of an idol group 2PM, Chan Sung got worried when he first heard he was cast for TV drama 7th Grade Civil Service because he thought he might cause trouble to others for his poor acting.  Most viewers would have prejudice against idols and honestly some idol  dramas were just hopeless.    But for Chan Sung’s case, worries were completely wiped out from beginning of the drama , I want to praise and encourage him.  Let’s have a chat with him to find out how he did the preparation and what hurdles he had to overcome.

- I am amazed with your stable acting, looks like you did lots of preparation work

I had to think thoroughly and I practised.  I had to remember every trivial movement and feeling during practice, and then apply them practically to acting.

- Do Ha is a comical and charismatic person, did you find it hard to immerse yourself in the character?

I found it hard in the beginning.  I discussed with my acting instructor.  Then I learnt to catch the feeling when I was reading the script.  Producer and writer gave me lots of advice, because of them, even it was only a little bit but I got praised.  Co-stars also did help me a lot.  When we were filming the training scenes,  we spent more than 10 days together and we became close from that time.

- You were lucky meeting Ahn Nae Seng and Jung Young Nam?

Certainly. Before filming started, Ahn Nae Seng sunbae did give me personal lessons.   He advised me on how to say lines naturally and many other aspects.  I am very grateful for him and I will never forget it.

-  It is not that easy for idols to escape from being strictly criticised for their acting ability because viewers have prejudice against them already.  What was the response?

People from my agency and 2PM members encouraged and told me I did well.  I also received phone calls from a friend who is currently serving military, he said he enjoyed watching it.  He also said he had more chances watching TV in military.

-  In the previous episode, Do Ha started to confront with people.   When I did the interview with Joo Won earlier, he said there were only 2 episodes left, it was just a shame that the confrontation was not brought up a bit earlier.

Because there are lots to be explained in the story, (at time of interview) there are only 2 episodes left, it is a shame.  If I can re-do it, I think I can focus more and express it better.  I should be preparing it well.

-  I do worry Do Ha will face a regrettable ending

I am thinking how the script is going to be written, I just hope there will be a good ending for Do Ha.

- You have confidence in acting.

It is interesting but hard.  Things like how to catch the feelings, basic techniques like intonation and pronunciation of lines were difficult.   I can hear Sunbae actors  saying their lines so naturally but I just can’t do well.    Because these were the things I realised when the filming first started, I am still making an effort to fix my problems.  It is still a very long way to go. 

- Even so, I reckon you know exactly what you should do in future.

Yes, I do.  I start with the basic foundation, how to observe a character, people.  Producer did advise and tell me since I just made my debut in acting at a young age and I am still lacking on how to observe people like other actors with more practical experience can.  I am deeply empathized with what was told.  So to start, I think I have to overcome a lot and learn how to observe.  But there are still lots of things I don’t know.   The problem is I found it pretty hard to link up the relationship.

- It was difficult for you to juggle with filming and activities with the group at the same.

Other than that, I had to fly too often.  It wouldn’t be too much of a big problem if activities are only held in Korea (laugh). 

- They are totally different areas, did you have problems in concentration?

Filming goes on for a few days, I can say my lines and do my acting naturally.  But it doesn’t happen that way, when schedule for concerts comes, my momentum is sort of broken in certain extent.  More or less I found it hard to completely concentrate on stage.  When going to do the concerts, I have to concentrate even more on choreography and lyrics.

 - Do you ever think which is more suitable for you?  Being an idol, any for or against to your acting.  I heard it is quite common that it can cause some troubles.  I also worry about you this time but you did well.  Joo Won also said that a rookie has been excavated.

My relationship with Joo Won hyung in the drama is pretty awkward but actually in film set, we both laughed after the cut sign was yelled out.  We are always fooling around and joking around.   We have love and hatred relationship in the drama but our relationship is only love after the cut sign. (laugh)

- Acting is not an area you are familiar with, how do you handle situations which you are not used to?

Because I am not with the members who are usually next to me, this is a new experience.  Although, in a sense that there is not a person who I can rely on,  rather than trying to find a way,  I would prefer to adapt to it naturally.  I never have any problems on getting along with sunbae actors.  I just make a move on what I see, it is fortunate that I am well looked after.  It is like I had been living with my classmates all these years and now I got a job and I am working in a new workplace.  Now I clearly understand I am not a shy person.

- I think you were not shy before.  When I watched the variety show, you mingled well with female artists whom you first met. (laugh)

Yes, that’s right.  I am not shy.  I find it enjoyable.  I can build up experiences on feeling people other than myself.  Once I am out in the society, I realise there are lots of people whose thinking is different from me.  I can understand why even we have different thinking and opinions in the group as I have  already fully understood their personalities.  But it is different here, there were times I couldn’t understand why it became like that.  Anyway, because everyone was exhausted in film set, I sometimes deliberately made some funny faces, I was just trying to lift up the atmosphere in the film set.

- I think it is hard to do it on your own

No, the atmosphere is very good in film set.

- The viewer ratings have been sliding down, is the atmosphere still good?

That’s right, it is just amazing.  Producer and filming crew are still happily filming,  I think it is such a blessing.


- You and Choi Kang Hee had a huge gap in age.  Even so, you two are like friends without any awkwardness

That is Choi Kang Hee noona’s power.  In the beginning, I was the only person feeling awkward (laugh)  But Kang Hee noona was leading me.  Everyone knows Joo Won hyung is friendly.  He approached me one step at a time and even gave me lots of advice.  Because this is my first proper drama, even his trivial advice had become my bigger power.   He is a very delicate person, after giving me his advice, he definitely confirmed with me “It would be alright if you say it like this”. 

- Do you think you and Seon Mi (Kim Mi Seon) will do well?  Seon Mi’s love is very sad.

The frustrating part is why Do Ha doesn’t accept the feelings of Seon Mi, she is such a perfect woman, she is weak but also strong and responsible, I wonder when Do Ha is going to accept her?


- Do you have any particular role you want to play in future?

I want to try out any role which I have never done before,  but I don’t know exactly what role I want to play.  As long as the offer of a good project comes, I will try to play the role given to me.   I want to become an actor comprehending on various aspects and views.

- When is 2P making its comeback?

Very soon probably in May. 

- Adult viewers know about 2PM but they may not know each and every member that well, do you think it is a surprise for them if they found Chan Sung standing on the stage?

(laugh) The songs are very nice this time, I think everyone of all generations will find them likeable.  Please don’t miss it.

- The things which idol groups cannot forget is gratitude to their fans because there will be no idols if there are no fans

I am always thankful to my fans.  Because it is only my own activities and the activities I want to do, but the fans say “Thank You” to me instead.

- If there are no problems, you can reward the fans by doing group activities longer

The members always say let’s make ourselves a group to be the longest in timespan but it is difficult because there are Shinwa sunbaes. (laugh)

- Do you have any plan for other projects?

If activities of promoting the album is going to be late, I want to do a little bit more on acting but it is early.  This time, I actually more or less forced myself doing acting, album recording and overseas activities.  I hope it won’t happen again because it is mentally very tiring.

- What do you want to do if you have a break?

I don’t have a plan.  I only want to spend my time leisurely.  I think it is possible to de-stress myself by travelling.  Even I don’t do anything, year 2013 will end (laugh) I have to accumulate more experiences  but there is no time.

I watched MBC’s “Unstoppable High Kick”, I saw the naughty Chan Sung and now I am delighted to see you became a fine man.  Were you like that in your childhood, it is just like you were like that, isn’t it?

The staff who is currently working in the lighting team of 7GCS also worked in that situation comedy and in “Super Star Survival”.  He also said the same thing.  When I thought about it, it flashed through my mind.  Some parts were disappointing.  Why did I do that at that time?

- It is not too late to start now

Well, that’s right.  This year, even it is hard, I want to do more acting because I can feel the enjoyment of expressing a character.


Earlier I discussed with KBS2 variety program team “Real Experience Project – Human Condition” about a topic on reduction of rubbish, without even thinking I just used a disposable cup for drinks but Chan Sung was using a tumbler.  I felt like I got punched on my face.  I think he is a role model for fans.  Thank goodness for him being practical in life and not being greedy.  More than anything, he feels thankful to fans, well done.  As a reliable actor, we will be expecting more of his future activities.

Written by Jung Suk Hee (Naver) 

26 March 2013, 10.22 hr

Japanese translation released on 7 April 2013, 10.35hr

photo credit:  MBC, Naver, Studio S

My comments:

After 7G, I was hoping to read a more detailed interview of Chan Sung as BTS did not satisfy me enough, I want to see more interactions between CS and JW.  When I found this article, I was happy but  actually I wasn’t intending to translate it at all because it is quite time consuming to translate such a long article and it only mentioned 5% about Joo Won.  Why bother wasting my time!  But I changed my mind after translating part 2 of that JW+YSY interview in Japan and also BTS of JW’s dramas kept flashing through my mind.  I just found some similarities of both JW and CS and how JW has been growing as a friendly and approachable actor.   Is this what he always mentioned in most of the interviews that he wants to become a “humane” actor or an actor people can smell human. (sorry I just don’t know what is the right word to use.) 

Both JW & CS went through heavy pressure when filming their debut TV drama regardless JW had more acting experience on stage.   Both would have learnt something from the sunbae actors playing the drama.  If sunbaes offer help, hoobaes can learn.  Joo Won, from a rookie actor in TV drama getting advice from sunbae back a few years ago to a well recognised actor proactively approaching hoobaes to offer acting advice.  I just found him so sweet and he has grown up a lot.  We all know JW is a very delicate person, that’s why some of us would have been attracted by his charismatic acting, but not to his look in the first place.  CS mentioned JW gave him trivial advice which became his power in acting.   Then I thought of acting with trivial body movements……….that reminds me some of the gifs posted by you girls here (purely got nothing to do with moatiness).   In the scene where he was going to whip Mok Dan in BM, the way he took off his jacket, the way he rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned his shirt, all these trivial body movements were part of his attractive acting, he didn’t even need to say any lines, but we viewers could understand his feelings through his well expressed  body movements,  hidden sufferings and unwillingess reflected on his face.  I guess this is his way of presenting art, full of dedication and refinement.  For him, everything so trivial in acting can become so powerful.   For CS, he was really lucky that JW sunbae approached and gave him advice.  JW was like a little brother in the interviews with YSY a couple of years ago but now he is totally a nice and caring hyung to his hoobae.

Honestly, I am very happy that he is going back to musical stage.  When I am in my car, I play his songs and I always think what a waste if he only does dramas and movies since he has got a great voice which was how I first got attracted to.  When I  read the news yesterday, I got very excited.  Finally, he is doing musical.  Then, I somehow thought of JYJ’s Junsu (my favourite singer).  I am hoping tickets of JW’s  runs will be sold out immediately and he will be awarded with best musical actor next year.  I can understand Korean entertainment industry is very competitive and this “out of sight out of mind” thinking but on day one when he committed himself taking up acting as a career, his intention was purely for acting, not for fame and money.   So his decision did not surprise me.  Although we won’t be seeing JW in drama for a long while, I still wish him all the best to his musical. I agree with @LightGrace and welcome to this thread.  Look forward to seeing BTS of their practice and rehearsal.  Release of DVD is even better. 

@jsubmarine   only the word “Musical” can lure you out to the thread.  Have you been busy doing some secret missions in the Korean Peninsula?  I miss you, my friend.


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Lol.... I was out shopping with my siblings when i saw Bear peeking at a shop window.. Imagine my thrill in seeing the bear! I knew i had to get one at least for my car (i can only imagine my officemate's WT* faces if i bring that to the office! =)) ). i bought the stuff toy, but i have to content myself with the phone strap since i draw a line at getting the same mobile case that Cutie has. But now i'm kinda regretting not getting that phone case too! =))

Am i the only one here getting obsessed ot what?? :-O

my roommate, U shld hav seen my expression where I spotted tat little fella lying in the hammock in the store window a few weeks ago... lucky thing Mummy Bunny was with me or else I probably will end up eating plain bread for the next couple of months :(


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7th Grade Civil Servant - Special Interview with Chan Sung

source  http://news.kstyle.com/article.ksn?articleNo=1965450&categoryCode=IV

It is not exaggerating at all to say Chan Sung is a rookie actor, but both Choi Kang Hee and Joo Won found him a reliable actor.  As a member of an idol group 2PM, Chan Sung got worried when he first heard he was cast for TV drama 7th Grade Civil Service because he thought he might cause trouble to others for his poor acting.  Most viewers would have prejudice against idols and honestly some idol  dramas were just hopeless.    But for Chan Sung’s case, worries were completely wiped out from beginning of the drama , I want to praise and encourage him.  Let’s have a chat with him to find out how he did the preparation and what hurdles he had to overcome.

- I am amazed with your stable acting, looks like you did lots of preparation work

I had to think thoroughly and I practised.  I had to remember every trivial movement and feeling during practice, and then apply them practically to acting.

- Do Ha is a comical and charismatic person, did you find it hard to immerse yourself in the character?

I found it hard in the beginning.  I discussed with my acting instructor.  Then I learnt to catch the feeling when I was reading the script.  Producer and writer gave me lots of advice, because of them, even it was only a little bit but I got praised.  Co-stars also did help me a lot.  When we were filming the training scenes,  we spent more than 10 days together and we became close from that time.

- You were lucky meeting Ahn Nae Seng and Jung Young Nam?

Certainly. Before filming started, Ahn Nae Seng sunbae did give me personal lessons.   He advised me on how to say lines naturally and many other aspects.  I am very grateful for him and I will never forget it.

-  It is not that easy for idols to escape from being strictly criticised for their acting ability because viewers have prejudice against them already.  What was the response?

People from my agency and 2PM members encouraged and told me I did well.  I also received phone calls from a friend who is currently serving military, he said he enjoyed watching it.  He also said he had more chances watching TV in military.

-  In the previous episode, Do Ha started to confront with people.   When I did the interview with Joo Won earlier, he said there were only 2 episodes left, it was just a shame that the confrontation was not brought up a bit earlier.

Because there are lots to be explained in the story, (at time of interview) there are only 2 episodes left, it is a shame.  If I can re-do it, I think I can focus more and express it better.  I should be preparing it well.

-  I do worry Do Ha will face a regrettable ending

I am thinking how the script is going to be written, I just hope there will be a good ending for Do Ha.

- You have confidence in acting.

It is interesting but hard.  Things like how to catch the feelings, basic techniques like intonation and pronunciation of lines were difficult.   I can hear Sunbae actors  saying their lines so naturally but I just can’t do well.    Because these were the things I realised when the filming first started, I am still making an effort to fix my problems.  It is still a very long way to go. 

- Even so, I reckon you know exactly what you should do in future.

Yes, I do.  I start with the basic foundation, how to observe a character, people.  Producer did advise and tell me since I just made my debut in acting at a young age and I am still lacking on how to observe people like other actors with more practical experience can.  I am deeply empathized with what was told.  So to start, I think I have to overcome a lot and learn how to observe.  But there are still lots of things I don’t know.   The problem is I found it pretty hard to link up the relationship.

- It was difficult for you to juggle with filming and activities with the group at the same.

Other than that, I had to fly too often.  It wouldn’t be too much of a big problem if activities are only held in Korea (laugh). 

- They are totally different areas, did you have problems in concentration?

Filming goes on for a few days, I can say my lines and do my acting naturally.  But it doesn’t happen that way, when schedule for concerts comes, my momentum is sort of broken in certain extent.  More or less I found it hard to completely concentrate on stage.  When going to do the concerts, I have to concentrate even more on choreography and lyrics.

 - Do you ever think which is more suitable for you?  Being an idol, any for or against to your acting.  I heard it is quite common that it can cause some troubles.  I also worry about you this time but you did well.  Joo Won also said that a rookie has been excavated.

My relationship with Joo Won hyung in the drama is pretty awkward but actually in film set, we both laughed after the cut sign was yelled out.  We are always fooling around and joking around.   We have love and hatred relationship in the drama but our relationship is only love after the cut sign. (laugh)

- Acting is not an area you are familiar with, how do you handle situations which you are not used to?

Because I am not with the members who are usually next to me, this is a new experience.  Although, in a sense that there is not a person who I can rely on,  rather than trying to find a way,  I would prefer to adapt to it naturally.  I never have any problems on getting along with sunbae actors.  I just make a move on what I see, it is fortunate that I am well looked after.  It is like I had been living with my classmates all these years and now I got a job and I am working in a new workplace.  Now I clearly understand I am not a shy person.

- I think you were not shy before.  When I watched the variety show, you mingled well with female artists whom you first met. (laugh)

Yes, that’s right.  I am not shy.  I find it enjoyable.  I can build up experiences on feeling people other than myself.  Once I am out in the society, I realise there are lots of people whose thinking is different from me.  I can understand why even we have different thinking and opinions in the group as I have  already fully understood their personalities.  But it is different here, there were times I couldn’t understand why it became like that.  Anyway, because everyone was exhausted in film set, I sometimes deliberately made some funny faces, I was just trying to lift up the atmosphere in the film set.

- I think it is hard to do it on your own

No, the atmosphere is very good in film set.

- The viewer ratings have been sliding down, is the atmosphere still good?

That’s right, it is just amazing.  Producer and filming crew are still happily filming,  I think it is such a blessing.

- You and Choi Kang Hee had a huge gap in age.  Even so, you two are like friends without any awkwardness

That is Choi Kang Hee noona’s power.  In the beginning, I was the only person feeling awkward (laugh)  But Kang Hee noona was leading me.  Everyone knows Joo Won hyung is friendly.  He approached me one step at a time and even gave me lots of advice.  Because this is my first proper drama, even his trivial advice had become my bigger power.   He is a very delicate person, after giving me his advice, he definitely confirmed with me “It would be alright if you say it like this”. 

- Do you think you and Seon Mi (Kim Mi Seon) will do well?  Seon Mi’s love is very sad.

The frustrating part is why Do Ha doesn’t accept the feelings of Seon Mi, she is such a perfect woman, she is weak but also strong and responsible, I wonder when Do Ha is going to accept her?

- Do you have any particular role you want to play in future?

I want to try out any role which I have never done before,  but I don’t know exactly what role I want to play.  As long as the offer of a good project comes, I will try to play the role given to me.   I want to become an actor comprehending on various aspects and views.

- When is 2P making its comeback?

Very soon probably in May. 

- Adult viewers know about 2PM but they may not know each and every member that well, do you think it is a surprise for them if they found Chan Sung standing on the stage?

(laugh) The songs are very nice this time, I think everyone of all generations will find them likeable.  Please don’t miss it.

- The things which idol groups cannot forget is gratitude to their fans because there will be no idols if there are no fans

I am always thankful to my fans.  Because it is only my own activities and the activities I want to do, but the fans say “Thank You” to me instead.

- If there are no problems, you can reward the fans by doing group activities longer

The members always say let’s make ourselves a group to be the longest in timespan but it is difficult because there are Shinwa sunbaes. (laugh)

- Do you have any plan for other projects?

If activities of promoting the album is going to be late, I want to do a little bit more on acting but it is early.  This time, I actually more or less forced myself doing acting, album recording and overseas activities.  I hope it won’t happen again because it is mentally very tiring.

- What do you want to do if you have a break?

I don’t have a plan.  I only want to spend my time leisurely.  I think it is possible to de-stress myself by travelling.  Even I don’t do anything, year 2013 will end (laugh) I have to accumulate more experiences  but there is no time.

I watched MBC’s “Unstoppable High Kick”, I saw the naughty Chan Sung and now I am delighted to see you became a fine man.  Were you like that in your childhood, it is just like you were like that, isn’t it?

The staff who is currently working in the lighting team of 7GCS also worked in that situation comedy and in “Super Star Survival”.  He also said the same thing.  When I thought about it, it flashed through my mind.  Some parts were disappointing.  Why did I do that at that time?

- It is not too late to start now

Well, that’s right.  This year, even it is hard, I want to do more acting because I can feel the enjoyment of expressing a character.


Earlier I discussed with KBS2 variety program team “Real Experience Project – Human Condition” about a topic on reduction of rubbish, without even thinking I just used a disposable cup for drinks but Chan Sung was using a tumbler.  I felt like I got punched on my face.  I think he is a role model for fans.  Thank goodness for him being practical in life and not being greedy.  More than anything, he feels thankful to fans, well done.  As a reliable actor, we will be expecting more of his future activities.

Written by Jung Suk Hee (Naver) 

26 March 2013, 10.22 hr

Japanese translation released on 7 April 2013, 10.35hr

photo credit:  MBC, Naver, Studio S

My comments:

After 7G, I was hoping to read a more detailed interview of Chan Sung as BTS did not satisfy me enough, I want to see more interactions between CS and JW.  When I found this article, I was happy but  actually I wasn’t intending to translate it at all because it is quite time consuming to translate such a long article and it only mentioned 5% about Joo Won.  Why bother wasting my time!  But I changed my mind after translating part 2 of that JW+YSY interview in Japan and also BTS of JW’s dramas kept flashing through my mind.  I just found some similarities of both JW and CS and how JW has been growing as a friendly and approachable actor.   Is this what he always mentioned in most of the interviews that he wants to become a “humane” actor or an actor people can smell human. (sorry I just don’t know what is the right word to use.) 

Both JW & CS went through heavy pressure when filming their debut TV drama regardless JW had more acting experience on stage.   Both would have learnt something from the sunbae actors playing the drama.  If sunbaes offer help, hoobaes can learn.  Joo Won, from a rookie actor in TV drama getting advice from sunbae back a few years ago to a well recognised actor proactively approaching hoobaes to offer acting advice.  I just found him so sweet and he has grown up a lot.  We all know JW is a very delicate person, that’s why some of us would have been attracted by his charismatic acting, but not to his look in the first place.  CS mentioned JW gave him trivial advice which became his power in acting.   Then I thought of acting with trivial body movements……….that reminds me some of the gifs posted by you girls here (purely got nothing to do with moatiness).   In the scene where he was going to whip Mok Dan in BM, the way he took off his jacket, the way he rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned his shirt, all these trivial body movements were part of his attractive acting, he didn’t even need to say any lines, but we viewers could understand his feelings through his well expressed  body movements,  hidden sufferings and unwillingess reflected on his face.  I guess this is his way of presenting art, full of dedication and refinement.  For him, everything so trivial in acting can become so powerful.   For CS, he was really lucky that JW sunbae approached and gave him advice.  JW was like a little brother in the interviews with YSY a couple of years ago but now he is totally a nice and caring hyung to his hoobae.

Honestly, I am very happy that he is going back to musical stage.  When I am in my car, I play his songs and I always think what a waste if he only does dramas and movies since he has got a great voice which was how I first got attracted to.  When I  read the news yesterday, I got very excited.  Finally, he is doing musical.  Then, I somehow thought of JYJ’s Junsu (my favourite singer).  I am hoping tickets of JW’s  runs will be sold out immediately and he will be awarded with best musical actor next year.  I can understand Korean entertainment industry is very competitive and this “out of sight out of mind” thinking but on day one when he committed himself taking up acting as a career, his intention was purely for acting, not for fame and money.   So his decision did not surprise me.  Although we won’t be seeing JW in drama for a long while, I still wish him all the best to his musical. I agree with @LightGrace and welcome to this thread.  Look forward to seeing BTS of their practice and rehearsal.  Release of DVD is even better. 

@jsubmarine   only the word “Musical” can lure you out to the thread.  Have you been busy doing some secret missions in the Korean Peninsula?  I miss you, my friend.


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@manyearsago, Thank you for translating dear. I actually have a question, did you know how 7G is faring in Japan? Was the reception ok? I'm just curious as to how it is doing. Oh one more thing, did they dubbed the voices? If they did, was it... ok? I was remembering Gaksital's voice dubbed in Chinese. :-SS

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Cutie baker: Oohhh Mmmmyyyy... itz getting a bit warm in here isnt it, or is it jus my imagination???


Bunny: Come and hav some icecream to cool u down


Maknae: Gaaaarrr... ooooohhhh... too cold... icecream headache... *poke eyes*


(cr. DCinside, google, Baidu)

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coolreborn said:

moonandhearts said:

mrdimples said:

Hmmm.........found some dazzling white tight delights in my treasure trove

Err....is it my imagination or is that pants rather translucent?

If it isn't your imagination or mine, then someone post the front view ASAP!

With pants that tight, I'm surprised that there appears to be no seam of his undies. Is he wearing any?

photo credits to cadence @ soulsrebel.wordpress.com

Cutie: Sorry girls....

Cutie: I am wearing one. :)

:)) ;)) =)) ;))

yeah you're definitely wearing one there in the Lee Kang To Uniform! now how about in those that @mrdimples posted? those are pretty tight white pants too. ^^

And there goes my pleasant dream. Oh well, better luck next time.

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