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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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cr: JW DC

That Man interview at Press Con - Video clips

Part 1 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM1Njk4NjY0OA==.html

Part 2 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/WtJ6jzvIh5s/?resourceId=0_06_02_99


I don't know how this movie will fare but I am looking forward to see Joo Won's dedication to his art. See how far he will 'destroy' his image to play the part of an uncouth country bumpkin. 

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credit" D on JW DC

@gilaswan, you like this hairstyle huh? 

I forgot to include in my fan account that Joo Won does not look thin. I think he has regained some of those 7kg he lost. We all know he doesn't like to pump iron but can I just say how awesome his physique is? I have never seen a man who doesn't work out faithfully and still has this kind of body. Sure, you may not see bulging muscles but you can tell from his outline that he has an almost perfect body frame, wonderful and marvelous proportions. If he bulks up a bit, we will all be dead. He has his genes to thank, this kind of physique is God given and his fondness for swimming laps in his youth helped to tone it further. 

Onto other things, we have Healing Camp show to look forward to. Here's some pics from JW DC







cr as tagged. Got them on JW Baidu. 

I feel like I have been posting too much? I still have lots to do on blog, so much that I made a checklist. 

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cr: JW DC

That Man interview at Press Con - Video clips

Part 1 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM1Njk4NjY0OA==.html

Part 2 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/WtJ6jzvIh5s/?resourceId=0_06_02_99


I don't know how this movie will fare but I am looking forward to see Joo Won's dedication to his art. See how far he will 'destroy' his image to play the part of an uncouth country bumpkin. 

This man is sooo different from Joo Won that I saw yesterday!! BUT who cares...actor Joo Won.This style also can... ah.....ah... :wub: 

My mom is going to kick me anytime soon because I keep tell her how handsome he is..  

I will post mine after I put watermarks and some editing.


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This man is sooo different from Joo Won that I saw yesterday!! BUT who cares...actor Joo Won.This style also can... ah.....ah... :wub: 

My mom is going to kick me anytime soon because I keep tell her how handsome he is..  

I will post mine after I put watermarks and some editing.


same here hahahhaha my mom thinks i'm going crazy keeps tsk-ing and telling me to go study

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Joo Won: The good actor



Tertiani ZB Simanjuntak

The Jakarta Post

Publication Date : 11-10-2015



“I’m not afraid of taking on challenges. Not many actors my age can stand on stage and act like I do. I have the confidence to stay in my acting career for a long time because I have done all the titles other actors avoided,” said the 28-year-old during a group interview  officer in 2012’s Bridal Mask, as among the challenges he had taken that had in turn propelled him.















Sometimes I wonder who writes these things. Do they not know how arrogant this sounds to speakers of English? Such reports can give rise to the misunderstanding that an actor lacks humility, which in Joo Won's case would be so far from the truth! And his role in Good Doctor was not that of someone with Asperger's. Get the facts right if you want to be an entertainment writer, please. Tsk. 

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Joo Won: The good actor



Tertiani ZB Simanjuntak

The Jakarta Post

Publication Date : 11-10-2015



“I’m not afraid of taking on challenges. Not many actors my age can stand on stage and act like I do. I have the confidence to stay in my acting career for a long time because I have done all the titles other actors avoided,” said the 28-year-old during a group interview  officer in 2012’s Bridal Mask, as among the challenges he had taken that had in turn propelled him.















Sometimes I wonder who writes these things. Do they not know how arrogant this sounds to speakers of English? Such reports can give rise to the misunderstanding that an actor lacks humility, which in Joo Won's case would be so far from the truth! And his role in Good Doctor was not that of someone with Asperger's. Get the facts right if you want to be an entertainment writer, please. Tsk. 

Glad someone talked about this because I was spontaneously said 'really?'. But tbh I still hesitate to believe he did because this is totally opposite with what I saw and read before. For eg. when the writer? (not sure) complimented his portrayal as Sam was the best he ever saw but Joowon commented that the writer didn't really mean what he said.

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Now I hope Joo Won will come to Malaysia ...I dont know the fans Joo Won in Malaysia...I want to become just like yours screaming Joo Won is handsome..:wub:

The fan Indonesian and Singapore its sporting..You all guys soo lucky to meet Joo Won..

I feel alone in here..I dont know what my heart want to see Joo Won..more dup dup to watch and read from here..

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This is the day which I will remember for my whole life. I was finally able to meet Joo Won in real life although it was not as smooth as I wished to be. Nevertheless,who am I to complain? I am just so glad to see him.Almost upclose. Although there are 4 or 5 heads blocking in front of me.


Preparation for the day


I have a lot of ideas about gifts for Joo Won.A lot. But I was not able to do much due to my schedule. So in the end,I decided that I should just give him a jacket .So this is the one that I bought for him. And I added the 2 DIY movable eyes on the right side.Hopefully, he doesn’t mind.


Also,this is the drawing that I gave to Joo Won.



(shoot...This was horrible…. I hope JW doesn’t throw away TT)


plus Muruku,snacks.


Before we went for the “fan meeting” We created the whatapps group to communicate one another.  @ Farbarri @ Rionae @Ai Fung @Tasia and @Pris0980


D- Day


I was still in my dreamland when Farbarri arrived at the venue.I think it was around 9:10 AM when the notification from my phone woke me up.I was totally in panic when she told us there are people queuing already. I quickly dressed up,took the presents and some “necessities”and run to MRT without taking my breakfast. Along the way,Farbarri informed us about the increasing numbers of people in queue.Scared that I will not be in first few rows,I took the taxi to the place.


Unluckily(or luckily) I went into the wrong building which turned out to be an office and I almost bumped into this Singapore actor. Ha! I was so embarrassed that I ran away from him. He must be thinking that I am a strange girl.



I reached the venue around 10 50 AM and Farbarri and Tasia were already there. It was so nice to see you all,ladies. :)


Both of them are so kind and friendly which I am thankful for.I am a very closed person and very awkward with strangers.So ya. I just zoned out for awhile. While they chatted,I sat and thought about my actions. I kept asking myself,why did I do that?Why am I queuing so early? Why? It is not that  I regret it(NOT at all) this is just so out of character for me.


Nevertheless,the awkwardness quickly erased away and soon we were chatting about Joo Won and other stuffs. :) Pris0980 joined us soon after and followed by Rionae.


This was the most painful 8hours for me. We were sitting on the floor,just doing nothing? At least for me. Since I rushed out from my house,I brought the unchargeable portable charger. So ya. NO using of Handphone until Joo Won appears.Or the battery will die. That happened 6 hours before the event. You know,living without checking the handphone for 6 hours,that’s hell...


Although,I brought the  books to read and study,I just can’t. So I just stoned a bit,chatted a bit.Like that,hours passed by.


We were allowed to enter into the designated area only at 3pm. And…. MORE WAITING @-@




Since,Farbarri arrived early,she was in first row so she went back to her place. Tasia was in 4th row on the right.Me and Rionae were in 5th row,middle. Pris0980 won the autograph pass and so she was separated from us. Everything was peaceful and fans were quietly sitting down… well,until MC arrived at 7 15PM.


Everyone squeezed to the front and the young fangirls screamed their lungs out in their dolphin pitch. I have to admit,I was not happy. First I hate crowds,next I am a bit sensitive. Their screams made me get goosebumps.Mind that JW was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN YET. The push from behind separated me and Rionae,I was slightly in front of her,still in 5th row.


While,the MC promoted One channel like no tomorrow,I was starting to regret everything. I kept telling myself,this is my last time and I will never ever do it again. Joo Won shi,why me? Why am I like that? As I continued to ask myself these useless questions, Park Hye Soo came out. I took some pictures of her and video. But Only 5 or 6 seconds.


PHS 1.jpg

PHS 2.jpgPHS 3.jpg



Because I am very short,I have to tiptoe and while tiptoeing to see better view of PHS,someone stepped on me.Disappointed and angry,I didn’t bother to tiptoe anymore.I just listened to her sweet voice when she sang,wishing hard that Joo Won will come asap. Because,I really cannot stand anymore.


When PHS went in I knew JW is coming out very soon,I prepare my phone and slightly leaned forwards for better view. Just his face. Seeing just his face for awhile will do,I thought. Then,there we go,Joo Won came out.  

O .  M  . G


Joo Won. Unbelievable. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life. Tall and lean; the perfect height. The flawless fair skin and the FACE. OMG! THE FACE. He looks the same as we've seen on screen yet he looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo different. I am bad at describing features but Joo Won’s face is really like an angel,slim and smooth.Perfect eyes,mouth,nose… I’ve fallen in love with him at the first sight.I was totally out of my mind. The girl beside me screamed her lungs out again and Joo Won looked at our direction because of her. For a millisecond,we had eyes contact.Plus he was smiling. That’s it. I am done. The MC talked and talked,JW answered the questions and the translator translated. I heard nothing. NOTHING. My eyes were fixed at him. Like a mad woman. How can a guy be so perfect? I don’t know.It is humanly impossible for his to be that attractive.Is he human? XD


Oh..the only thing I heard is when JW said he is sorry for giving the fans so much troubles.Because MC said fans waited him since the morning. Everyone screamed. So Do I. I just let myself go. He was like a magnet attracting me. While some fans tried to leave during the autograph session,I moved forwards,forgetting everything. That’s included our Rionae. I am sorry :(


I moved from 5th row to 3rd row,How I did that? I don’t know. And I was tiptoeing the whole time he was on stage. And smiling like idiot. He said his goodbye speech and the event ended. I ran out to catch glimpse of him leaving,and I did. Barely. Almost cry for ending so early.


There is video about this event so I will not describe the outline of it. Joo Won looks tired but still you know,handsome like no other. He was not as lively as he used to be.More of; demure,shy and maybe a bit playful.It was visible that he lacked energy.

I understand him,he almost had no time to rest.After tiring days in Indonesia,he had to come to Singapore. IN Singapore he went for press conference,interviews,then fan meeting and finally flying back to Korea on the SAME NIGHT. GOSH. That’s really too much. He is not robot!  SIM Entertainment, you guys are second to SM entertainment. And that’s not compliment >:(


A few cute/memorable moments that I remember:


1)When Joo Won came out from backstage,he was curious and mindful. He looked at every,YES EVERY, directions and waved at fans.Then he smiled. Wah… I can’t believe he is THIS HANDSOME. There is video that I recorded. It is the links below.


2)When one of the winner was allowed to take selfie with him,her handphone has only 3%of battery left. When MC and translator informed this to him,he laughed. That’s was sooo cute. Like a child.


3) During the autograph session, as usual,it is his habit to check the brand name? Instruction? of markers. So cute. Then after autograph,he kind of helped the crew by taking care of the markers so that they will not roll around when the staff carry the table down the stage. He then gave those markers to one of the crews later.


4) That cute tongue-out while taking the photos. Plus,group Selfie.


The photos for Joo Won are here!!


JW 1.jpgJW 2.jpgJW 4.jpg

JW 5.jpg

JW 3.jpg

JW 6.jpg

Jw 7.jpg


When you are in Joo Won's event,you MUST not spend your time filming him or taking picture of him. The cameras are useless when it comes to JW. They don't capture his real beauty or expressions. Just enjoy and look at his face. His behaviors.  You will fall for him again and again

Video for yesterday event :)


Edited by Ma OO
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I feel very happy for you @Ma OO I have known you on this thread for such a long time. Reading your account makes me regret not going there to queue in the morning. I had my Saturday schedule filled but there's always choice in life and I chose not to do it for Joo Won. Actually, it's not for him, it's for myself. What to do, I can only regret now. Stupid as it sounds, I never knew what a difference it made to see him in person up close. I can stare at all his photos, watch his dramas and write ten thousands of words describing this man but nothing prepared me for seeing him in front of me. Luckily, I had a glimpse of him in the carpark. But what would I give to see him for just minutes more. 

Can I have your permission to post your account on the blog? You can PM me if you wish. 

I just think this is a good avenue to spread love for Joo Won in Singapore while fans are still dreaming about him after yesterday's encounter. Our blog is also read by fans in the region. I sincerely hope he will come back because there are fans waiting for him here. 

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I cracked up when I saw this photo xD


cr: omy.sg

Everyone kind of looks like some kind of fish being hanged to dry xDDDDDDDDDD

And as what @pris0980 said, it would be funnier if there was a video of him moving, and everyone's hands move along xDDDD Conductor of the fishes? xD :w00t:

Add on: Well, we have seen him conducting fishes (or corals) before anyway


Edited by rionae
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I feel very happy for you @Ma OO I have known you on this thread for such a long time. Reading your account makes me regret not going there to queue in the morning. I had my Saturday schedule filled but there's always choice in life and I chose not to do it for Joo Won. Actually, it's not for him, it's for myself. What to do, I can only regret now. Stupid as it sounds, I never knew what a difference it made to see him in person up close. I can stare at all his photos, watch his dramas and write ten thousands of words describing this man but nothing prepared me for seeing him in front of me. Luckily, I had a glimpse of him in the carpark. But what would I give to see him for just minutes more. 

Can I have your permission to post your account on the blog? You can PM me if you wish. 

I just think this is a good avenue to spread love for Joo Won in Singapore while fans are still dreaming about him after yesterday's encounter. Our blog is also read by fans in the region. I sincerely hope he will come back because there are fans waiting for him here. 

Yes. You can post it on the blog. I am still uploading the video on youtube so please wait awhile. I was regretting the whole time until I see Joo Won up close. That's was so amazing. :) Well,there is always next time and for Joo Won,there has to be. 

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@rionae That picture is sure funny! I was telling my friend yesterday how everyone is pointing their cameras/handphones in the same direction and she laughed as well! :D

@mrdimples I too felt the same. But at least you have got a glimpse of him upfront! :D  I wished I went earlier and saw what everyone saw - his off screen beauty! Now I'm really wondering and starting to picture how does he look like in real life. Haha, I'm so gonna start camping early next time to grab the first row if he comes to Singapore again! :)

I saw this news in baidu and wondering if it's true or not : joowon had fly off to Vietnam right after his fanmeeting in Singapore. Can someone confirm this?

@mel1004 I don't see any post in his tieba on baidu on this though.

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