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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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back from jw's sg event! 

this was my first time going for such events so i wasn't expecting to have to wait so much longer past the actual start time of 7.15pm! the emcee was honestly starting to get on my nerves with all the "anytime now" etc and like cos of my sucky position i have to keep tiptoe-ing and looking past everyone's heads every time i thought jw was gonna come out.


JOOWON WAS SO AWESOME like when he walked out it really felt like he's superior; with that height and handsome face and aura <3 he came out while doing his cute waving thing and i just OMG-ed. At where I was standing the sound system was really bad so I couldn't really hear very well what they were saying but regardless it was just surreal enough to see him in flesh and hear his voice so i'm just happy with that (: PHS was also lovely and sweet and i loved her singing! the song just gets nicer the more i listen to it haha. glad that she got her fair share of cheering too! not as outshadowed by joowon as i had actually expected.

he did appear to be slightly tired though hopefully can get some rest after this!

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I think for someone who has been following Joo Won since Ojakgyo Brothers, I fail in many ways as a fan. When I was in Seoul, I saw him in the musical GHOST 3 times, no less. And that entire week, he didn't go down the escalator where fans were waiting. True, I was seated 5 rows from the stage but somehow, the lighting and makeup made me feel as if I didn't see Joo Won in person. When it came to fan projects, even when I was the one organizing, I never could go for all sorts of reason. I just didn't. 

At the end of Tomorrow Cantabile, I said I would stop fangirling Joo Won. I don't know if one ever retires from fangirling but I felt tired. Then Yong Pal came about, I ended up more involved in that drama than just a mere viewer or follower. I think I never wrote as much as I did on Joo Won's dramas as I did on YP drama thread and on DB. @ecs707a can attest to the absurd lengths I went through to write. Towards the end of Yong Pal, I think that fangirl in me revived a little. 

When I heard Joo Won was coming to Singapore, I knew I had to see him. Even if I fangirl no more, it's almost like I had a uncompleted task to fulfill. Plus there's nothing more thrilling than seeing your bias on your home ground. 

As a hard luck fan, nothing went right. I couldn't go to the airport. In any case, I lived through the experience live chatting with @rionae while she was there. It's the first time, I wondered why Singapore had 3 airport terminals. When you don't know the flight details, this is a nightmare. I will let her tell her story. 

I couldn't camp at Suntec City, the venue where the fan meet would be held because I had an important engagement which could not be moved. So I decided to try my luck waiting for Joo Won at the Press Conference venue. I was hoping to catch him just before he enters the restaurant. I waited for an hour, staring at the stream of people walking in, registering at the table and keeping my eye at the lifts, which Joo Won might appear from. I had @gilaswan to thank because she was an attendee and I asked her to update me just in case Joo Won was already in the restaurant. I thought it could be possible that he had lunch first in the restaurant, probably in a private room then adjourn to the press con. Of course I was hoping it wasn't true. Alas, my hopes were dashed. He was indeed already in the restaurant so I had not way of seeing him. 

I was running out of time and couldn't wait for pc to end so I went to my next appt with a heavy heart. 

By the time, I finished and reached Suntec City, it was past five. The area in front of the stage had been cordoned off. Did I mention I didn't win the autograph pass either? Anyway, I waited and waited and the crowd build up. I spied a possible entry point and I went to wait there because I figured with the crowd about 10 people deep, I couldn't get a good view of Joo Won. 

My legs were killing me but I couldn't give up. When 7.15pm came, the crowd screamed. I was at the back of the stage, I thought Joo Won had houdini his way there. But it was the MC, a popular local radio personality, celeb and good host. He worked the crowd and got the deafening screams he wanted. It took almost almost an hour to pick people from audience who would go up on stage and he played some games. I wasn't very sure because I just wanted him to get it over and done with. 

Then at around 8pm, suddenly there was a flurry among people standing in front of me, I laid my eyes on Joo Won for the very first time(if I can discount my GHOST experience).

Prior to today, I had told @gilaswan, who I knew was attending the press conference, that I wanted her opinion of Joo Won and a fan account. I knew her from Yong Pal thread and she's fairly new to Joo Won. I wanted a pair of fresh eyes so as to speak. I have heard of wonderful fan accounts but sometimes I wonder if hard core fangirls can lose their objectivity? I am not making light of their opinions, just that I wanted another perspective. I don't even trust myself at times. 

Guess what? @gilaswan's report was something that I have been told or read countless and countless of times. She told me: "He's very much better looking in person." I was like "Noooooo!" Not another person! She was incredulous that I didn't believe he is truly that. I think I made myself a nuisance always bugging @coolreborn and a couple others about what do they mean by he's much better looking in person. I am a die hard cynic, I guess. 

When Joo Won appeared in front of me today, about 5 metres away, I was floored. Finally, I knew what others had been getting at. I don't think I have seen anyone who looks remotely as good looking as him in real life. Not people that I know but just about every face I have seen. He looked exactly like he does on screen but much more good looking. No wonder, others can't describe it. You got to see him for yourself. All the girls around me screamed and screamed more they did when Joo Won did a back hand wave as he passed us. 

I won't post any pics because I couldn't get anywhere close to him to get a decent one. I was so peeved at several boy fans who blocked my view. There was even a boyfriend who let his girl sit on his shoulders while she feasted her eyes on Joo Won and snapped away. 

Joo Won looked very appreciative of the crowd. When he heard from the MC that some had started waiting at the venue as early as 8am, he was shocked and told fans to take care of themselves and return home safely after the event. Whenever he's not being interviewed or have pockets of time, Joo Won would actually scan the entire venue, he would hold his stare at say the crowd on the upper floor and smile. I saw this from different places because I was constantly trying to get a better view. When Joo Won stares at certain segment of the crowd and smiles, he has this knack of making people feel that he is looking at you, just you. Don't ask me how he does it. And of course, this drove people crazy and screaming ensued. 

They played games and had the autograph session. Then Joo Won and Park Hye Soo took selfies very much like the one he took in Jakarta with the crowd behind him.  He was clearly an expert at this. He actually took the pains to take in the upper and lower floor fans separately. Then they expressed their thanks and it was over before we knew it. 

I was thinking of making a beeline for the same barricade which I had stood to wait for his entrance but when I saw the crowd there, I decided to forget it and go home. I didn't managed to see Joo Won closer than I had hoped but I was happy.

As I got to the car park, searching for my car(actually I went to the wrong level), I saw a small crowd waiting in front of a lift lobby not too far away. And it had a barricade! This must be it. I went there and I could get an empty space just behind the barrier. The black 'mafia' vehicle which I had spotted in the hotel(press con) car park was parked right there, waiting for its passenger. I knew that must be Joo Won's vehicle. There was even someone who got ready to open the door, presumably so that he could jump right in, LOL. 

In less than a minute, Joo Won walked pass the glass door. He smiled and waved as he pass us. Just before he went into the vehicle, he turn slightly around and smiled one more time. he said something to the effect of thank you and take care. I don't know, my senses left me. He was beyond handsome. Again, in that short few seconds, he managed to captivate me with his stare. He doesn't know me of course but the way he does it, you feel as if he's really looking at you only. His eyes are so mesmerizing, almost like holding you in a trance. 

This time, besides seeing how gorgeous and cute he is, I saw something else. I saw a young man who's more mature and manly than his looks sometimes belie. He has this charisma and aura about him which just impact whoever who sees him. There's also this look in his eyes which speaks of someone who knows what he wants. I am too old to be intimidated by a mere 28 year old man but there's something steely in Joo Won. It's purely my intuition. I know now how he made it through 150 performances of Spring Awakening, I know now how he made it from an almost reject in Baker King to one of the most if not most respected actor for his acting skills among his peers. 

Thank you, Joo Won for enriching my drama watching and making it an wonderful place


I wasn't taking this vid properly because I was concentrating on looking at him :D 

Edited by mrdimples
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Hi guys dropping by

@mrdimples, I have to come out of lurking just to congrats you of your meeting joowon, so happy for you. Btw that's the best video I've seen from that event taken from a fan account.thanks for sharing, btw im older than you  but I do still admires Kdrama  people esp. JooWon:):):)as what Tae Hyun said age is just a number.:lol::lol::lol:

Edited by ye2014
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I think for someone who has been following Joo Won since Ojakgyo Brothers, I fail in many ways as a fan. When I was in Seoul, I saw him in the musical GHOST 3 times, no less. And that entire week, he didn't go down the escalator where fans were waiting. True, I was seated 5 rows from the stage but somehow, the lighting and makeup made me feel as if I didn't see Joo Won in person. When it came to fan projects, even when I was the one organizing, I never could go for all sorts of reason. I just didn't. 

At the end of Tomorrow Cantabile, I said I would stop fangirling Joo Won. I don't know if one ever retires from fangirling but I felt tired. Then Yong Pal came about, I ended up more involved in that drama than just a mere viewer or follower. I think I never wrote as much as I did on Joo Won's dramas as I did on YP drama thread and on DB. @ecs707a can attest to the absurd lengths I went through to write. Towards the end of Yong Pal, I think that fangirl in me revived a little. 

When I heard Joo Won was coming to Singapore, I knew I had to see him. Even if I fangirl no more, it's almost like I had a uncompleted task to fulfill. Plus there's nothing more thrilling than seeing your bias on your home ground. 

As a hard luck fan, nothing went right. I couldn't go to the airport. In any case, I lived through the experience live chatting with @rionae while she was there. It's the first time, I wondered why Singapore had 3 airport terminals. When you don't know the flight details, this is a nightmare. I will let her tell her story. 

I couldn't camp at Suntec City, the venue where the fan meet would be held because I had an important engagement which could not be moved. So I decided to try my luck waiting for Joo Won at the Press Conference venue. I was hoping to catch him just before he enters the restaurant. I waited for an hour, staring at the stream of people walking in, registering at the table and keeping my eye at the lifts, which Joo Won might appear from. I had @gilaswan to thank because she was an attendee and I asked her to update me just in case Joo Won was already in the restaurant. I thought it could be possible that he had lunch first in the restaurant, probably in a private room then adjourn to the press con. Of course I was hoping it wasn't true. Alas, my hopes were dashed. He was indeed already in the restaurant so I had not way of seeing him. 

I was running out of time and couldn't wait for pc to end so I went to my next appt with a heavy heart. 

By the time, I finished and reached Suntec City, it was past five. The area in front of the stage had been cordoned off. Did I mention I didn't win the autograph pass either? Anyway, I waited and waited and the crowd build up. I spied a possible entry point and I went to wait there because I figured with the crowd about 10 people deep, I couldn't get a good view of Joo Won. 

My legs were killing me but I couldn't give up. When 7.15pm came, the crowd screamed. I was at the back of the stage, I thought Joo Won had houdini his way there. But it was the MC, a popular local radio personality, celeb and good host. He worked the crowd and got the deafening screams he wanted. It took almost almost an hour to pick people from audience who would go up on stage and he played some games. I wasn't very sure because I just wanted him to get it over and done with. 

Then at around 8pm, suddenly there was a flurry among people standing in front of me, I laid my eyes on Joo Won for the very first time(if I can discount my GHOST experience).

Prior to today, I had told @gilaswan, who I knew was attending the press conference, that I wanted her opinion of Joo Won and a fan account. I knew her from Yong Pal thread and she's fairly new to Joo Won. I wanted a pair of fresh eyes so as to speak. I have heard of wonderful fan accounts but sometimes I wonder if hard core fangirls can lose their objectivity? I am not making light of their opinions, just that I wanted another perspective. I don't even trust myself at times. 

Guess what? @gilaswan's report was something that I have been told or read countless and countless of times. She told me: "He's very much better looking in person." I was like "Noooooo!" Not another person! She was incredulous that I didn't believe he is truly that. I think I made myself a nuisance always bugging @coolreborn and a couple others about what do they mean by he's much better looking in person. I am a die hard cynic, I guess. 

When Joo Won appeared in front of me today, about 5 metres away, I was floored. Finally, I knew what others had been getting at. I don't think I have seen anyone who looks remotely as good looking as him in real life. Not people that I know but just about every face I have seen. He looked exactly like he does on screen but much more good looking. No wonder, others can't describe it. You got to see him for yourself. All the girls around me screamed and screamed more they did when Joo Won did a back hand wave as he passed us. 

I won't post any pics because I couldn't get anywhere close to him to get a decent one. I was so peeved at several boy fans who blocked my view. There was even a boyfriend who let his girl sit on his shoulders while she feasted her eyes on Joo Won and snapped away. 

Joo Won looked very appreciative of the crowd. When he heard from the MC that some had started waiting at the venue as early as 8am, he was shocked and told fans to take care of themselves and return home safely after the event. Whenever he's not being interviewed or have pockets of time, Joo Won would actually scan the entire venue, he would hold his stare at say the crowd on the upper floor and smile. I saw this from different places because I was constantly trying to get a better view. When Joo Won stares at certain segment of the crowd and smiles, he has this knack of making people feel that he is looking at you, just you. Don't ask me how he does it. And of course, this drove people crazy and screaming ensued. 

They played games and had the autograph session. Then Joo Won and Park Hye Soo took selfies very much like the one he took in Jakarta with the crowd behind him.  He was clearly an expert at this. He actually took the pains to take in the upper and lower floor fans separately. Then they expressed their thanks and it was over before we knew it. 

I was thinking of making a beeline for the same barricade which I had stood to wait for his entrance but when I saw the crowd there, I decided to forget it and go home. I didn't managed to see Joo Won closer than I had hoped but I was happy.

As I got to the car park, searching for my car(actually I went to the wrong level), I saw a small crowd waiting in front of a lift lobby not too far away. And it had a barricade! This must be it. I went there and I could get an empty space just behind the barrier. The black 'mafia' vehicle which I had spotted in the hotel(press con) car park was parked right there, waiting for its passenger. I knew that must be Joo Won's vehicle. There was even someone who got ready to open the door, presumably so that he could jump right in, LOL. 

In less than a minute, Joo Won walked pass the glass door. He smiled and waved as he pass us. Just before he went into the vehicle, he turn slightly around and smiled one more time. he said something to the effect of thank you and take care. I don't know, my senses left me. He was beyond handsome. Again, in that short few seconds, he managed to captivate me with his stare. He doesn't know me of course but the way he does it, you feel as if he's really looking at you only. His eyes are so mesmerizing, almost like holding you in a trance. 

This time, besides seeing how gorgeous and cute he is, I saw something else. I saw a young man who's more mature and manly than his looks sometimes belie. He has this charisma and aura about him which just impact whoever who sees him. There's also this look in his eyes which speaks of someone who knows what he wants. I am too old to be intimidated by a mere 28 year old man but there's something steely in Joo Won. It's purely my intuition. I know now how he made it through 150 performances of Spring Awakening, I know now how he made it from an almost reject in Baker King to one of the most if not most respected actor for his acting skills among his peers. 

Thank you, Joo Won for enriching my drama watching and making it an wonderful place


I wasn't taking this vid properly because I was concentrating on looking at him :D 

Count me in also. This is my first time seeing him and he is really handsome.Breathtaking. To the point where I fitted my eyes to him and failed to understand other things that the translator was saying. His face was so clear and angelic. I have some photos too but his real life image is so much different and more beautiful than we have ever seen on screen. I know it, This is just the beginning of me stalking Joo Won. He made me into a mad woman. 

Edited by Ma OO
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Interesting and nice

Joo Won Greets Fans In Singapore For The Gang Doctor

Posted by Jessica Chan
Joo Won & Park Hye Su Greets Fans In Singapore For The Gang Doctor

Joo Won & Park Hye Su Greets Fans In Singapore For The Gang Doctor

Singapore’s skies got a little brighter today for Korea’s hottest male star, Joo Won, has arrived on our sunny shores! He is here to promote his highly-rated Korean drama, The Gang Doctor, currently showing on Singtel TV (CH 513, 604) and Starhub TV (CH 124, 820 and 823). His co-star and newcomer, Park Hye Su joins him in answering some burning questions from the media before their highly-anticipated fan meet happening at Suntec City North Atrium tonight (10 October 2015) at 7.15PM.

to continue reading, go here >>>>

source: http://www.superadrianme.com/entertainment/joo-won-fan-meet-press-conferences-singapore-gang-doctor/


Edited by mrdimples
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I feel cry and sad so much..:tears: because didnt go to Indonesia ot Singapore..I busy work for this week..I excited to read all experience in here..I know Joo Won is real more handsome than picture based on experince I go other fan meeting...

Thanks for sharing for all excitement.Just hope one day I will see Joo Won..:wub:

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So happy that everyone get to see Joo Won :D I was also there early at the fanmeet and waited 4 hours ago alas  my view was blocked by this fat guy wearing a Micky mouse shirt in the media section :tears:  I also went to the airport hoping to catch  a glimpse of him but didn't know where he would exit :blink:  I'm so glad that a fan beside me was kind enough to shift so that I could get a worthy glimpse :) Joowon was really shy in person, I've watched all his variety, drama, movie before he is in Yongpal, although I love his acting, I am in love with him in 2D1N.. He's always the adorable maknae who tries his Best at games :wub: and tries extremely hard at quiz games  :lol: he actually brought me a lot of laughter showing his cute side. He's all serious and professional when he's acting. I cried when he said he is leaving 2D1N to concentrate on his acting, :( I just can't get enough of him and want to know more and more about him. It's my first time see him, and it will not be my last time :sweatingbullets:  I really proud of him that he is so nice to his fans, the people around him and always thankful, he is not just a celebrity, he is like a big brother. :lol:

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source: http://entertainment.toggle.sg/en/hallyubuzz/article/coming-soon-joo-won-the-5756286

Coming soon: Joo Won the action star?

The actor was in town to promote his latest drama, medical series The Gang Doctor

 11 Oct 2015



Video: Tan Shiqi


“I think all men have the sort kind of thinking - as a man, we should do manly things. I think action scenes are really something that can achieve that, which is why I really want to try out a full-out action role in the future,” Joo Won declared to a crowd of over 3000 screaming fans.

The musical-talent-turned-actor graced our little red dot for the very first time yesterday (Oct 10) as part of promotions for his latest drama, medical series The Gang Doctor. Arriving in Singapore after wrapping up activities in Jakarta, the 28-year-old, who only had about an hour of sleep, looked visibly tired but remained enthusiastic and sincere when interacting with the media and his fans.

Also on the tour was the actress who played his younger sister in The Gang Doctor, Park Hye Su. The 20-year-old first found fame as a contestant on reality series K-Pop Star 4 and made her acting debut with this drama.



“It was my first time acting so I worried a lot about whether I was able to do well. I remember my first scene with Joo Won very clearly - it was one where we sat down and had a meal together. This was our first time meeting but he made me feel like he was really my older brother and that helped to put me at ease,” she shared during the media session at Grand Park Orchard.

Joo Won’s professionalism on set was also exhibited on numerous occasions, with the actor shedding a whopping 7kg during filming because “out of 60 scenes, I’d probably be in 55 of them,” he grinned wearily. “There was an episode where I was shot so I finally got to lie down on a hospital bed instead of doing action scenes and I actually fell asleep. I think (my co-actress) Kim Tae Hee heard me snoring, so that was kind of embarrassing too,” he chuckled.



Despite not sleeping for six days in a row to keep up with the filming schedule, the 28-year-old was hands-on with all the action scenes he had to film, which included high-speed car chases, jumping off bridges and more.

“There was this scene where I had to drive a car rather recklessly and ultimately crash into a wall. There were cameras all over the car to capture the scene from all angles so I literally couldn’t see what was in front of me, but the final product turned out really well so I’m glad,” he shared.

The Gang Doctor revolves around his character, a doctor whose actions are ruled by wanting to do his best for his younger sister, who has liver problems. This brings him into the complicated realm of underground house calls and ultimately into the cutthroat world of rich-eats-rich. Although the drama belongs to the medical genre, the circumstances surrounding his character, genius surgeon Tae Hyun, result in him being involved in numerous gun fights, knife attacks and more.

While he may not be an action star per se, the action scenes in the drama were nothing short of impressive, which makes us anticipate when a casting director will pick him up and fulfil his wish.

The Gang Doctor’s repeat telecast will begin on Nov 7 (Sat), 4.30pm on ONE (StarHub Ch124/820/823 and Singtel TV Ch 513/604).

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Personal thoughts on Joo Won following his press con in Singapore on 10 Oct 2015

I'm looking at the presscon photos, some taken by media people who went, and I'm still finding it very surreal that I was actually there... :o

My friend (with whom I went) and I spent the afternoon thereafter repeatedly talking about why we thought he seemed so charming in person. With all those cameras clicking away and hands with other digital devices up in front of me, it wasn't always easy to catch a clear, unobstructed view of him despite being in such private, close quarters with him. But oh, when I did - there was a moment when I decided to put my smartphone down and just look at him, soak him in - and I think at that moment the room just fell silent for me as I tried to absorb his voice and details. I have never seen any other Kdrama star before in person, so I don't know how he compares with them, but at that press conference yesterday, Park Hye Soo simply faded. Not to discount her acting in the show or her lovely voice for the OST, but my friend and I agreed she was very plain in person and lacked that presence that Joo Won has. The moment he walked into the room, despite his quiet demeanour, you could tell - "Joo Won is in da house!" It was a working event, so there were no screams and yells. As quickly as everyone filed in, everyone filed out post event. But amidst the non-stop sounds of cameras going off, I swear you could hear people holding their breath when he stepped in. 

Joo Won has a certain presence I would say. Not an imposing one, but his presence could be felt but not one of arrogance. If you couldn't get any more clichéd than this, he fit perfectly the descriptor of "the strong and silent type". At many times through that short 45 minute conference, he fiddled with the mic and looked at his feet a lot. As the interpreter rattled off, you also got the sense that he wasn't always with us. But somehow those actions did not make him come across as aloof as some stars might make you feel. With Joo Won, those acts somehow made you just feel sorry for him - at those moments I just saw fatigue in his body language. Not the negative sort of fatigue though. Just the kind of tiredness I think a schedule like Yong Pal's would put him in. It didn't feel like he has had rest despite the well-rehearsed words of assurance he gave the press. And you feel sorry for him. Then when based on fan accounts of his fan meeting whereat he seemed livelier and more energized, I actually found myself feeling even sorrier for him. I remember at one point during the conference when I was just concentrating on looking at him, I just wished I could give him a hug and tell him, "There, there... Rest will come shortly." Regardless, you can tell Joo Won was grateful for it all. Therein lies that humility. He was grateful that he has fans outside his native Korea - something I believe he never expected to have. He was grateful he was being recognized for his work. 

I'm no fangirl - I was there because I had the opportunity to go and I was encaptured by him sufficiently through Yong Pal to want to not let such a rare opportunity to see him in person go to waste. And life is exceedingly busy this period, so all logic actually pointed to me not going. But I'm glad I went in the end on my husband's encouragement (thank you hubby from heaven!). It really was an enjoyable event.  

(@mrdimples (why can't I tag you??) - welcome to repost this on the blog you manage. :))

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Personal thoughts on Joo Won following his press con in Singapore on 10 Oct 2015

I'm looking at the presscon photos, some taken by media people who went, and I'm still finding it very surreal that I was actually there... :o

My friend (with whom I went) and I spent the afternoon thereafter repeatedly talking about why we thought he seemed so charming in person. With all those cameras clicking away and hands with other digital devices up in front of me, it wasn't always easy to catch a clear, unobstructed view of him despite being in such private, close quarters with him. But oh, when I did - there was a moment when I decided to put my smartphone down and just look at him, soak him in - and I think at that moment the room just fell silent for me as I tried to absorb his voice and details. I have never seen any other Kdrama star before in person, so I don't know how he compares with them, but at that press conference yesterday, Park Hye Soo simply faded. Not to discount her acting in the show or her lovely voice for the OST, but my friend and I agreed she was very plain in person and lacked that presence that Joo Won has. The moment he walked into the room, despite his quiet demeanour, you could tell - "Joo Won is in da house!" It was a working event, so there were no screams and yells. As quickly as everyone filed in, everyone filed out post event. But amidst the non-stop sounds of cameras going off, I swear you could hear people holding their breath when he stepped in. 

Joo Won has a certain presence I would say. Not an imposing one, but his presence could be felt but not one of arrogance. If you couldn't get any more clichéd than this, he fit perfectly the descriptor of "the strong and silent type". At many times through that short 45 minute conference, he fiddled with the mic and looked at his feet a lot. As the interpreter rattled off, you also got the sense that he wasn't always with us. But somehow those actions did not make him come across as aloof as some stars might make you feel. With Joo Won, those acts somehow made you just feel sorry for him - at those moments I just saw fatigue in his body language. Not the negative sort of fatigue though. Just the kind of tiredness I think a schedule like Yong Pal's would put him in. It didn't feel like he has had rest despite the well-rehearsed words of assurance he gave the press. And you feel sorry for him. Then when based on fan accounts of his fan meeting whereat he seemed livelier and more energized, I actually found myself feeling even sorrier for him. I remember at one point during the conference when I was just concentrating on looking at him, I just wished I could give him a hug and tell him, "There, there... Rest will come shortly." Regardless, you can tell Joo Won was grateful for it all. Therein lies that humility. He was grateful that he has fans outside his native Korea - something I believe he never expected to have. He was grateful he was being recognized for his work. 

I'm no fangirl - I was there because I had the opportunity to go and I was encaptured by him sufficiently through Yong Pal to want to not let such a rare opportunity to see him in person go to waste. And life is exceedingly busy this period, so all logic actually pointed to me not going. But I'm glad I went in the end on my husband's encouragement (thank you hubby from heaven!). It really was an enjoyable event.  

(@mrdimples (why can't I tag you??) - welcome to repost this on the blog you manage. :))


I can't tag you either. urrghh soompi ah!!

Thank you. I am going to do a Joo Won SG on the blog. Can you give me a couple or at least 1 pic for the post above? Can I also post your earlier post with the vids. 

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@mrdimples. Now the tagging works!! My friend took pics with her DSLR - ironically, because we were in the last row, we could stand throughout and so had a fairly unobstructed view. I've asked if I could share her photos. Will let you have the pics once I get her ok. ;) And sure, take the vids. They're on YouTube anyway. 

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Just to share a cam I took though not the best:)


That's very good, considering you were taking it from the 2nd floor? I am compiling some vids and accounts. Can I include yours on the blog joowoncutie.wordpress.com ?

No problem,, happy to share

Took it from the third floor actually..


Here is one of him doing a selfie

We moved to the first floor then so I could take at least one vid straight on :)

A few other moments 


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cr: entertainment toggle sg

@Ahpheng as a Singaporean, I never used entertainment toggle much, weird right? But now, I am so grateful for their awesome HD pics and videos. I wasn't too happy with some of the official ones. But seeing these on toggle is really great. 

I hope you can see this video(maybe someone can tell me how to embed non Youtube videos)  it's like being there in person. Thank you Toggle! 

<iframe frameborder="0" width="640" height="360" allowfullscreen src="http://video.toggle.sg/en/embed/345679" ></iframe>

or this link http://video.toggle.sg/en/video/clips/joo-won-has-an-embarrassed-moment-when-filming-with-kim-tae-hee/345679

and http://video.toggle.sg/en/video/clips/what-advice-would-joo-won-give-his-15-year-old-self/345678

JW should come to SG again. These videos are already English subbed and you get all the interviews in English. Even though it's not our native language, it's something that most fans can understand. No need for translation :D 

Edited by mrdimples
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