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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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@gilaswan you should share with the rest what you learned about Korean's formal and informal speech. 

What my students said? About it being better to be rude in jondaemal than polite in banmal because you can never be polite in banmal except with family and extremely close friends? 

Actually, similar things happen here too in Singapore right? At least in my circle because of the nature of my work. Many students with whom I have developed a friendship following their completion of a module with me or graduation, often speak casually with me (as how Singaporeans know casual speech) but never drop addressing me formally still. Others attempt to address me by my first name just to see how I will react (and normally I don't bother once they have graduated) and then decide if they feel comfortable enough to keep speaking with me in that manner thereafter. Then there are those who make very deliberate attempts at bridging that status-relationship ("Can I call you such-and-such?"). But with our culture, it's a lot of guess work involved though. I cannot imagine any of my colleagues telling students, "No, you can't!" once they have graduated - at least, I can't imagine myself wanting to say anything like that. But I reckon my body language will show if I truly think it's ok or not. There are just some I feel more comfortable with and others I don't. Social relationships and speech acts - SO COMPLEX.

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@gilaswan you should share with the rest what you learned about Korean's formal and informal speech. 

What my students said? About it being better to be rude in jondaemal than polite in banmal because you can never be polite in banmal except with family and extremely close friends? 

Actually, similar things happen here too in Singapore right? At least in my circle because of the nature of my work. Many students with whom I have developed a friendship following their completion of a module with me or graduation, often speak casually with me (as how Singaporeans know casual speech) but never drop addressing me formally still. Others attempt to address me by my first name just to see how I will react (and normally I don't bother once they have graduated) and then decide if they feel comfortable enough to keep speaking with me in that manner thereafter. Then there are those who make very deliberate attempts at bridging that status-relationship ("Can I call you such-and-such?"). But with our culture, it's a lot of guess work involved though. I cannot imagine any of my colleagues telling students, "No, you can't!" once they have graduated - at least, I can't imagine myself wanting to say anything like that. But I reckon my body language will show if I truly think it's ok or not. There are just some I feel more comfortable with and others I don't. Social relationships and speech acts - SO COMPLEX.


To me, the dumbfounding part is the importance and implications of formal and informal speech in the Korean Society. I don't want to sound offensive but it's like stressing on the superficial rather than the substance. 

I think I wrote on Yong Pal thread that years ago, I asked Softy the blogger at Cadence how is it that Joo Won is well known for being respectful towards his elders and yet at the same time, he joked about using banmal. Softy who's Korean, explained that Joo Won would never disrespect his elders and therefore he would always use jondaemal. However, he is also someone who is very affectionate and likes to get closer to people he likes. So, on those occasions or people with whom he uses banmal, they never take offence. They actually draw closer to him. For example, Uhm Tae Woong who worked with Joo Won in Special Investigation Unit, was at first taken aback when once Joo Won dropped the informal speech. I am not sure if Joo Won continued with it but UTW and JW became really close. 

Edited by mrdimples
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@gilaswan you should share with the rest what you learned about Korean's formal and informal speech. 

What my students said? About it being better to be rude in jondaemal than polite in banmal because you can never be polite in banmal except with family and extremely close friends? 

Actually, similar things happen here too in Singapore right? At least in my circle because of the nature of my work. Many students with whom I have developed a friendship following their completion of a module with me or graduation, often speak casually with me (as how Singaporeans know casual speech) but never drop addressing me formally still. Others attempt to address me by my first name just to see how I will react (and normally I don't bother once they have graduated) and then decide if they feel comfortable enough to keep speaking with me in that manner thereafter. Then there are those who make very deliberate attempts at bridging that status-relationship ("Can I call you such-and-such?"). But with our culture, it's a lot of guess work involved though. I cannot imagine any of my colleagues telling students, "No, you can't!" once they have graduated - at least, I can't imagine myself wanting to say anything like that. But I reckon my body language will show if I truly think it's ok or not. There are just some I feel more comfortable with and others I don't. Social relationships and speech acts - SO COMPLEX.


To me, the dumbfounding part is the importance and implications of formal and informal speech in the Korean Society. I don't want to sound offensive but it's like stressing on the superficial rather than the substance. 

Our speech acts are no less superficial. Their sociolinguistic structure is just not as familiar to us, but for them, honorifics = substance. It's a bit like how we might look at communities that don't use "proper" terms to address older or younger siblings. Not sure about you, but I am sensitive to such terms. I find it somewhat inappropriate that younger cousins these days don't all use these proper terms of address now.

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@gilaswan you should share with the rest what you learned about Korean's formal and informal speech. 

What my students said? About it being better to be rude in jondaemal than polite in banmal because you can never be polite in banmal except with family and extremely close friends? 

Actually, similar things happen here too in Singapore right? At least in my circle because of the nature of my work. Many students with whom I have developed a friendship following their completion of a module with me or graduation, often speak casually with me (as how Singaporeans know casual speech) but never drop addressing me formally still. Others attempt to address me by my first name just to see how I will react (and normally I don't bother once they have graduated) and then decide if they feel comfortable enough to keep speaking with me in that manner thereafter. Then there are those who make very deliberate attempts at bridging that status-relationship ("Can I call you such-and-such?"). But with our culture, it's a lot of guess work involved though. I cannot imagine any of my colleagues telling students, "No, you can't!" once they have graduated - at least, I can't imagine myself wanting to say anything like that. But I reckon my body language will show if I truly think it's ok or not. There are just some I feel more comfortable with and others I don't. Social relationships and speech acts - SO COMPLEX.


To me, the dumbfounding part is the importance and implications of formal and informal speech in the Korean Society. I don't want to sound offensive but it's like stressing on the superficial rather than the substance. 

Our speech acts are no less superficial. Their sociolinguistic structure is just not as familiar to us, but for them, honorifics = substance. It's a bit like how we might look at communities that don't use "proper" terms to address older or younger siblings. Not sure about you, but I am sensitive to such terms. I find it somewhat inappropriate that younger cousins these days don't all use these proper terms of address now.

Singapore has a less definitive norm for the lack of better word or phrase. Like you said, you are sensitive to such terms. I am different, I grew up calling my older siblings by their names. And they are a lot older than me. 

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<earlier posts deleted to shorten post length>

Singapore has a less definitive norm for the lack of better word or phrase. Like you said, you are sensitive to such terms. I am different, I grew up calling my older siblings by their names. And they are a lot older than me. 

Actually, we have our own ways of determining formalities in speech as well. Interestingly, some of my students just did a research piece on this and they looked at how Singlish is our version of banmal. Hahaha... they could be right! Imagine JooWon giving his press con in Singlish. :blink::lol:

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After Korean Drama Awards, I read somewhere that 80% of the netizens' comments was on how Kim Soo Hyun deserved the award, 10% were hurling insults on Yong Pal writer and Kim Tae Hee for winning and 5% expressed disappointment that Joo Won didn't win. Piqued, I asked our Korean translator, sdee if she came upon this. She replied me in this interesting and perceptive post*: 

edited with her permission*
KoreaDrama Award is the same award I told you about before that they only give awards to the ones attending the Awards.  If JooWon went, I am pretty sure the result may have been different.  This is the awards that they did not give an award JooWon for Goo Doctor.  Good Doctor's writer won because he was there at the awards.  JooWon couldn't make it for his schedule at that time and once again because of his schedule this time as well.  
For me, this really doesn't count as real deserving awards.  It's not due to their merit but just because they showed up for the awards from the list.

I want to share this with you...



sbsstar/JooWon you who are working like a cow
Monday 11:15 PM <Healing Camp> 
#Now Won't you become SBS employee# JooWon# YongPalYi# JOOWON


It's evident SBS has fallen in love with Joo Won.  KBS and MBC both are very visibly sending out a love call to JooWon to their Broadcasting System through their entertainment news.
I have a feeling SBS is not going to just let JooWon go without an awards this year.  Also, consensus of the public is on JooWon's acting ability in YongPalYi.  Many are even saying JooWon saved YongPalYi to be the drama of what it became.  The writer had received many criticisms for towards ending of the drama.  
Also most importantly, it's evident JooWon is not really into receiving Awards.  He does like it but it's not the ultimate goal for acting.  He says if he receives, it encourages him but it also burdens him if it's big awards.  It's consistent with his goal wanting to be a long lasting actor and to become better actor in his30- 40's than in his 20's.  If he wanted awards, he would be attending all the awards instead of going for FM's.  
Regarding BaekSang, I consider it more of a popularity contest than a real awards or real recognition of the acting the actors have done.  Even for a popularity awards, there are loop-holes that one person can vote as many as they want, it just will cost them $$.  So, the management company who are spending lots of money by hiring the part-timers would end up with more votes...this is why I say these awards are not up to par with say awards like PD that cannot be biased.  I guess it looks good to overseas fans but from Korean insiders, they respect it with a nod for their popularity but they all would know who really deserves the awards that year.  
It was pretty funny KBS did a special of JooWon while YPY was airing and they literally said, hope for your DaeSang (Best Actor's Awards) from KBS next year.  kkk  And they even flashed the words JooWon being called 'KBS Employee"
I say JW will have more of a respect built even without those KoreanDrama Awards or BaekSang Awards, going forward and in his later years.  Who knows, in 10 years, JW may win even more awards than his peer.. or even in 20 years, JW may be more on top in Korea than anyone in his age group.  And I think JW is looking at his acting life in long length this way, instead of this year...  I heard that in Healing Camp, (talk show format) he talked of his life in 20's.  And he said he does not have any regrets looking back at his life at this time.  He will keep going at it the same way in his 30's and in 40's and I think ultimately what he is after is to look back and be able to say, I have no regrets in my acting life.  I did the best I can every moment, hour, day, and year. 
The hard work he's laid down as foundation in his high school placed him as a Musical Actor.
The hard work he's laid down during the time as a Musical Actor led him to screens and exploded on screen.
Now, what he built in his 20's I truly believe will show up as  rewards to reap in his 30's and so forth.  
And I truly believe that the way he's working up one level at a time is considered well earned and deserved when looked back by everyone including even his antis in later years.  It will be undeniably more powerful than actors built with powerful backing from their rich management company.   
Truthfully, it would be much sweeter if JW sweeps all top awards in his later years.  That will prove that he's receiving it not because of his popularity from international fad at those years when the actors are young flower boys but out of real respect for the craft he's built since he was 15.
This is what I am reading from JW's one of the message to his fans a year or two years ago.  He said the road is going to be rough and very long...I think that was him warning us who wanted to be his fans to be prepared to support a marathon runner instead of a sprinter and have patience believing in his goal that's far far ahead...10, 20, 30 years.
I know you are not into a person's reading or astrology but the one I translated this year for you before YPY aired... he's future gets better and better as he lives on.  I guess what I was trying to say in this long email (again... sorry) is don't be disheartened or disappointed by these awards for one year.  Let 's look at accumulated result later when JW"s say in 40's and 50's.  ^^
For now, I am just happy JW is being loved by the entertainment industry and even being respected at his young age. ^^
Edited by mrdimples
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Ooooh... JooWon ssi... you must win awards this year otherwise there is no justice ah... And I agree - awards where attendance is a pre-requisite for winning just isn't prestigious enough. No loss, Joo Won ssi!

I know I keep saying this, but watching Good Doctor - aiyoh... JooWon so cutie. His role in Good Doctor makes him even cutee-er. :wub:

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"MC Kim Je Dong then questioned, "Are you the type who can't get back up when you fall hard for someone?

Joo Won replied, "It's not that I can't get up, it's that I refuse to get up,""


I am dying watching Joo Won in Healing Camp, he's so so gorgeous and adorbs. I see the audience falling in love with him.  Even the guys looked engrossed 

We will bring u subs


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Hai girls! Sorry I've been out of it for the past couple of days. I didnt have time to go to soompi, hadnt even back-tracked the pages since Saturday and my phone takes the longest time ever to upload things. I still smile every morning thinking about what happened last Saturday. It was more perfect than I could ever have imagined. So here goes~

My intention for this event was to get to the venue as soon as possible. Every time I see Joowon, I think to myself "this may be the last time I see him, so make the most of it". So this thought propels me to grab the first flight to Singapore on Saturday morning at 6.10am which will let me reach Singapore at 7:15am. I had to get up at 3am to get ready, so just imagine how exceptionally tired I am waiting until 7pm that night.

Anyway, I followed the girls' instructions on how to get to the venue, and I reached at 8:50am. The rest, you've read from @Ma OO that I met up with @Tasia first, then her, then @pris0980 and @rionae later on. We had so much fun teasing each other, planning what to do, talking about Joowon. You girls even had me dip my feet into the moaty lake for a while! Geez...

Anyway, as @Ma OO said, it was all waiting from my 8:50am until 7:15pm. Despite my body aching all over from the cramped space, I was having the time of my life. I just want to see Joowon up close for a longer period of time like in Thai fanmeeting as opposed to glimpses of him, and since I got the front row, I'm perfectly happy. Mission accomplished!

I didnt see Joowon came out as there were so many people and my line of vision was blocked by the stage. But I do see Angel manager, and I think he saw me in that split second. :D Jaecheon walks around the floor when Park Hye Soo came out to talk and sing, and he took pictures of her then stood obediently in his backpack. Fans recognized him too. He was like a mini-celebrity himself. My full focus for that night was Joowon, so I ignored Jaecheon (sorry, sweetie~) He was even here and there when Joowon came out, but I didnt notice.

Park Hye Soo

She was very stiff. Not surprising since this is only her 2nd time standing in front of fans like this, in a foreign country. I really love her for she was so gentle and sweet. She's just like her role in Yongpal, speaking softly and sweetly. She stands on the exact same spot, not moving any of her leg muscles in those killer heels. She only moves her upper body part.


When she's about to sing, the minus-1 audio was the wrong one played. She stands there awkwardly, grabbing the mic tightly in her hands, and just look around curiously at the MC. He sensed something was wrong too, so he controlled the situation by asking us to scream more, and to talk with Hye Soo. He's a really good MC!

Next, the correct minus-1 song was played. I was singing along with her loudly, then realized my ugly voice is gonna be captured in fancams, so I opted to lip-sync instead which was so difficult! I'm used to singing loudly in my car. Her voice was perfectly steady despite her not holding the mic close to her mouth to capture the sound perfectly. But she sings extremely beautifully. I love her a lot for her beautiful voice~ She may be the next Joowon when it comes to singing OSTs for dramas.


I will never get tired of seeing this gorgeous man. Everything about him was perfect that night, from head to toe. He colored his hair slightly brown, to match his perfectly tan skin and light brown eyes. He wore black shirt with white inner shirt and black baggy pants (wish it was tighter, but then I wont be able to focus on his face and kept staring at his lower body instead) with his favorite black shoes. He even wore his favorite watch! I love when guys rolled up their sleeves, and he did it in front of me! *swoon*

When Joowon came out, he was such a tease~ He walked ever so slowly, taking in his surroundings from the topmost 3rd floor, down to the 2nd floor, then finally he swept his eyes on the ground floor. He's definitely enjoying this! LOL! I love him all the more for wanting more screams. And scream for him, I did.

I never intended to take fancams, for I've always just wanted to see Joowon's face without ever having to worry myself about the recording. Had a bad experience before with recording, I didnt even record anything for Thai fanmeeting. But since I'm in front, I decided to record, and it was the second best decision I have ever made. I got to replay each of his reaction when he talks, and when he waited for the translator to talk. He looks around at fans with his cute face expressions. He loves to pout! He's so adorable, really. And he has this way of using cute and funny hand gestures when he talks. I need to make a video compilation of his body gestures, which is just so cute, really~

Well, the rest of the fanmeeting passed by perfectly~ You girls can watch from fancams later on, so I wont spoil it yet. In the beginning when Joowon sat down, he answered a question. When the translator was talking, I seized the chance to call out his name and he looked at me. He recognized me! Seriously, I totally wasnt expecting it! I just wanted him to smile at my camera, wanting an eye-contact for a second or two. But the look of recognition on his face...

It was priceless to me. Luckily I recorded it! I feel thankful that Joowon remembers his fans. :wub: We made several eye-contact throughout the event. The first was when he recognized me in the above clip. Here are some other times we made eye-contact which got me questioning how did I survive that night. I actually didnt notice these eye-contacts, but luckily for my recording, I saw them.

I dont remember when this happened, but he's just so cute!


This part was when the MC asked who was the earliest to arrive. I said 7 am at the airport. I wasnt looking at him at this time, but was trying to catch the MC's attention instead. My phone was still recording and as I replayed, I saw this. HOW COULD I MISS THIS MOMENT??!!!! The translator even translated what I said to Joowon.


And the goodbye~ Well, not exactly wave-goodbye, but he's saying his goodbye to the fans, and I was saying "Annyeong~" to him.

Will share more videos some other time~

EDIT: Put some parts in spoiler coz this post is too long

Edited by farbarri
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I am dying watching Joo Won in Healing Camp, he's so so gorgeous and adorbs. I see the audience falling in love with him.  Even the guys looked engrossed 

We will bring u subs

Oh MY! Thank you so much.

About Korean Drama Awards,I was only able to watch the part when they were announcing Daesang. Although I knew JW will not get it,there is tiny bit of me wishing that he will or maybe Jisung. Honestly speaking,I will have accepted it if it was other senior actors . Even from the short clips that they shown for nominees,it is clear that the other are way better than the person who get award. Nevertheless,we cannot change anything. But I was somehow happy when K netizens voiced out that they are unhappy with the results. I don't know where you read it,but I saw it on other posts that they were bashing the winner. Finally they have eyes huh? I hope.

I have the feeling that Joo Won purposely chose to go for promotion instead of attending the show. Apart from that popular guy,the rest of the nominees are senior actors who spent decade in acting industry. Their acting is at tip-top level and powerful. I am not saying that Joo Won is not but  as a young actor,he still have more to go. I think JW also know that. Since this award show is known for giving popular actors,I believe JW do not want to get Daesang with the help of his recent popularity. He will rather get it fairly. Hence I think JW somehow opt out as he believe it is not going to be fair for senior actors at all,or himself. 


His name was first on naver search.


Cr to the owner.

Edited by Ma OO
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Thank you for all the fan accounts! Glad that you all had a wonderful time. I am reading your fan accounts and smiling like a fool at my phone because I can imagine myself doing the same... Anything for Joowon-ie oppa~

@mrdimples in your post sharing sdee's email, she mentioned KBS airing a special about Joowon. Do you know which show it is? Entertainment Weekly? Even better, do you happen to have the link? *puppy dog eyes and goofy grin* Also, thank you for promising subs for healing camp. I will wait faithfully for it.

About the subs... If anyone finds Healing Camp with chinese subs can you please post it here or PM me? My chinese skills are half baked but I will convince my mom to read the subs to me. (I swear she thinks I'm too crazy for Joowon)

I've already seen healing camp raw and abused my rewind button.

And on the cultural influences on speech, nuances, etc...

 I am pretty easygoing but I noticed something that annoys me a lot. A little background on myself... I grew up in an Asian country and moved to North America and I am currently teaching at a post-secondary institution. I get really annoyed when my students call me by my first name. But really, that's

my problem because it is ok to go by first name in this culture. (I know, totally my problem.) Though I have to say tone and body language is important. So I am usually less impressed with those who call my name without a second thought and speak to me like I am their childhood buddy. Don't worry, no grades were harmed in the process. (I hope my students are not in here... And if you are we are not going to discuss Joowon in class. But if I get paid to do that......)

And about how soompi (ads) hates me...

 Recently there's been this ad that takes me away from the soompi sites to offer me a free iphone6. Erm, no thank you. And how dare you interfere with my kdrama and soompi forum addiction by redirecting me! I'd forgive you a bit if it were a pop-up screen which I can close.

Edited by callmegiggles
added spoilers for possibly boring paragraphs
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Omoooo!!! Thanks for the screencaps @coolreborn and will wait for those subs as promised by @mrdimples!!! Yay!!! I think @mrdimples posted in Yongpal thread of the reactions of those who attended Healing Camp who got mesmerized by Cutie and were even saying how 3-4hours of recording was not boring at all. 

Ooohhh I'm also curious about that Joo Won special aired by KBS! And that was so funny asking Cutie to be an SBS employee too in that hashtag. Hahaha! Well, aside from solid acting chops and lots of talents, he has this awesome and cute personality that go with it and perfect for talkshows, interviews, etc or just making filming atmosphere light and fun. So for sure, he's gonna be receiving love calls from different stations! I'm just happy that there are now more options for him in choosing his next projects because of this surge in his popularity, and that new fans get to watch his old dramas and see his awesomeness! ^^ 

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@yonaomi123 I saw your signature. Why do you wish Joo Won is in D- Day? You like the drama? I haven't checked it out. 

Have you seen this? Joo Won and Kim Young Kwang are models for GGIO2. 



Hey mrdimples.  I'm really enjoying D-Day so far and having Young Kwang and Joo Won reunite after doing Good Doctor together would be awesome!!! 

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@mrdimples: Love the pics you posted of JooWon... he should wear button down shirts more often - he looks so good in them! Sweaters are cute and all, but I like that dapper style on him better. ;) Ah... I'm still missing YongPal so much but aiyoh, aiyoh... he's so sweetiepie in Good Doctor. I really admire musical theatre people too. I also tend to think of them as "real actors" - not that those who don't have a theatre background aren't in a real craft. It's just that I have a lot of friends in theatre and I know how much work goes into their training, rehearsals and productions and I respect their craft a lot. It's for this reason that I also admire JCW. I find that actors with a theatre background are very humble because they truly know the work of an artist, and not just an artiste. 

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Joo Won thought he was going to die during filming?


On October 12 airing of SBS 'Healing Camp,' actor Joo Won guested on the show where he talked about the burden of taking on main roles as well as the physical toll that he's endured through filming.


When asked about being burdened, Joo Won said, "Being burdened is inevitable. I think its natural to feel burdened as the lead role since the production costs are no joke." 


He continued, "I don't like to burden anyone so no matter what happens, I try to tolerate it. If I try, I can understand anything. With time, it can happen."


MC Kim Jae Dong then asked, "When do you feel the most disappointed?" to which Joo Won answered as his eyes started to fill with tears, "I blow up when people don't recognize how much of an effort I'm making." 


He continued, "I was filming for nearly three months and for two months I couldn't sleep and felt like a crazy person. I was physically... I thought then that I would die like this. I had an IV in my arm while traveling. I just lived like that. Then, I thought, 'Is it okay to just tolerate this?'


In the past, I would think what's good is good. But then I thought that people were just like this because I kept tolerating. So I blew up. But the problem was when I blew up, when I felt that disappointment, I ran to my car and cried.


Check out Joo Won on 'Healing Camp' above.


credit: allkpop 

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