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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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I've been waiting for days for news of which city or place in Australia where Running Man will go.
Things I hope and pray for:
- They come to Melbourne for at least one day
- Missions with the audience (they can do the games that include foreigners)
- The fan sign booth mission (It'll be funny if they stick a booth in the centre of the city...people will go "what is this?")

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Guest FarahN1430293511

SBS Running Man ‏@RunningManCast  20h

A few of my favorite Sukjin moments on Running Man #JiSukJinDay (he's my favorite member XD) pic.twitter.com/brIKJZmzt9

I don't know why but I like him too xD

Even with the weak-link identity - though got to say that it did help him a lot in the last eps.Since no one thinks of him as a threat, so everyone leave him alone.Got to say that I laughed hard when I see that. xD

(is this the right way to quote people? Why do I feel like I'm doing something wrong here.....)

And another thing, why do people consider Gary to be ugly??IMO, he could still be considered as good looking, at least pleasing to the eyes.

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Hello everyone!!
I was searching on the net and came up with this article! http://news871.ndsoftnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=40889

SBS 간판예능 '런닝맨' 출연진과 제작진(이하 '런닝맨 팀')이 오는 23일 브리즈번 공항에 도착한다.
일요일 동시간대 시청률 부동의 1위를 달리고 있는 런닝맨이 브리즈번에서 로케를 시작해 멜번에서 촬영을 진행할 예정인 것으로 파악되고 있다.

14일 복수의 소식통에 따르면 런닝맨 팀은 22일 저녁 한국 인천공항을 통해 출국해 다음날인 23일 오전 6시30분(호주 동부표준시) 브리즈번국제공항에 도착해 3박4일 동안 호주 주요지역을 돌며 ‘호주 특집’을 촬영하게 된다.

런닝맨 팀은 브리즈번 도착 당일 오전 8시30분께 1차 베이스캠프인 '탕갈루마 아일랜드 리조트(Tangalrooma Island Resort)'에 도착, 여정을 풀게 된다.

리조트는 브리즈번공항서 5분 거리에 있는 선착장에서 페리를 타고 75분 정도 소요되는 휴양지이다. 전 세계에서 3번째로 큰 모래섬인 '모튼섬(Moreton Island)'에 자리잡고 있다.

탕갈루마는 호주 원주민어로 ‘물고기가 많이 모여 드는 곳’이란 뜻으로 돌고래, 펠리컨, 호주물총새 등 야생동물과의 만남과 스노쿨링, 스쿠버다이빙을 포함한 해양 스포츠,  모래썰매타기 등의 사막 사파리 프로그램을 운영하고 있다.

런닝맨 팀은 이날 오후 2시 골드코스트의 다른 지역을 방문해 촬영할 예정인 것으로 전해졌다. 촬영이 끝나고 다시 베이스캠프로 돌아와 숙박한 뒤 다음날인 24일 멜번 지역으로 이동할 것으로 예상된다.

제작진은 아직 멜번에서의 일정을 조율 중이며 비(정지훈)의 참여는 이미 확정적인 상태인 것으로 전해졌다.

비 측 관계자는 호주동아일보 기자와의 국제통화에서 "비가 깜짝 게스트로 참여하는 방안을 제작진과 막판까지 조율 중"이라고 말했다. 제작진은 비가 오프닝부터 함께하지 않고 깜짝 게스트로 등장하는 방안을 여전히 검토 중인 것으로 알려졌다. 비의 게스트 참가 여부는 이미 네티즌들을 통해 공공연한 사실처럼 알려진 바 있다.
한편 런닝맨 팀은 호주 로케를 마친 뒤 오는 26일 멜번에서 호주 국내선을 통해 시드니공항으로 이동한 뒤 국제선으로 갈아타고 한국으로 돌아갈 예정인 것으로 전해졌다.
호주관광청의 공식 초청을 받고 ‘호주 특집’을 추진해 온 런닝맨 제작진은 이번 호주 로케를 통해 호주의 수려한 천혜의 경관을 영상에 담겠다는 취지를 밝히기도 했다.

염현아 인턴기자  edit@hojudonga.com

<저작권자 © 호주동아일보 무단전재 및 재배포금지>

I put that in google translate and I see Melbourne, Sydney airport and Brisbane. Anyone who can speak korean, is this true..? :D
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FarahN said:

SBS Running Man ‏@RunningManCast  20h

A few of my favorite Sukjin moments on Running Man #JiSukJinDay (he's my favorite member XD) pic.twitter.com/brIKJZmzt9

I don't know why but I like him too xD

Even with the weak-link identity - though got to say that it did help him a lot in the last eps.Since no one thinks of him as a threat, so everyone leave him alone.Got to say that I laughed hard when I see that. xD

(is this the right way to quote people? Why do I feel like I'm doing something wrong here.....)

And another thing, why do people consider Gary to be ugly??IMO, he could still be considered as good looking, at least pleasing to the eyes.

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Guest mangotango123

I heard from my mate that they're film in Sydney today. He apparently knows the restaurant that might be participating in the filming.

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Infinity challenge will be heading to Jamaica for the reggae festival so it's likely YJS will be going too. Also the information coming from the chinese side are that they are heading for melbourne and brisbane

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Huh; there seems to be no preview for next week's episode.
On another note, am I the only one that really misses the group dynamics from the earlier years? Namely where Kim Jong-kook would order around Gary and Ha Ha, along with how everyone was much more scared of is physicality. I can understand why Ha-Ha can't be a playboy anymore, due to his real life marriage of course.
I wish that they would have a vintage episode of their past antics; especially when Song Joong ki is available to appear so that it'll really feel like a "retro" RM episode.

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herolee10 said: Huh; there seems to be no preview for next week's episode.
On another note, am I the only one that really misses the group dynamics from the earlier years? Namely where Kim Jong-kook would order around Gary and Ha Ha, along with how everyone was much more scared of is physicality. I can understand why Ha-Ha can't be a playboy anymore, due to his real life marriage of course.
I wish that they would have a vintage episode of their past antics; especially when Song Joong ki is available to appear so that it'll really feel like a "retro" RM episode.

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