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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Yea? I john teshing hate you guys who are in charge of the fansigning Woke up at 3 to go online for fansigning that was supposed to be lined up at 6... I couldn't make the cutoff. If I was told that line forms earlier and that we could camp. I would have camped. We were lied to and deceived. We are fans that got them where they are and they thank us by disrespect and lies. Good job.

I could understand and see why you're upset. You could always go to soshified and try talking with Soy or try talking with them the volunteers and such through twitter and have your voice heard because I'm sure it wasn't planned and that it just so happened that fans camped out themselves.

On another note...omg at Jessica's kiss scene in the new preview Ep 10. Like alkdjfljal;kdfj. I like thought hahaha

I am so proud of the achievements the girls are making. They've worked so hard to get to where they are now. SNSD brings the fans out<3

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Guest HyperionZ

Yea? I john teshing hate you guys who are in charge of the fansigning  Woke up at 3 to go online for fansigning that was supposed to be lined up at 6... I couldn't make the cutoff. If I was told that line forms earlier and that we could camp. I would have camped. We were lied to and deceived. We are fans that got them where they are and they thank us by disrespect and lies. Good job.

Its SM being sloppy and careless as usual unfortunately. They didn't plan and talk with Best Buy that well and prevent people from lining up way early like they said they would (I'm thinking they didn't think that many people would like up that early, and honestly, I didn't expect so many people would even before they started to let people line up for real at 6 am). There was supposed to be no camping, but Best Buy allowed it, and according to Soy, SM didn't want that. So its just SM not getting their I's dotted and not being on point with the fansigning. They really should have done a lottery like in Korea, because then it would have been fair and people wouldn't have camped.

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Guest confuzzlld

The girls' picture with Bill Murray on Buzz Feed!

Korean Pop Stars Love Bill Murray

"After his appearance on Monday’s “Late Show,” Bill Murray found himself among the eight smiling faces of Korean girl group sensation “Girls Generation.” Yep, sounds about right."

...oops, seems like the writer missed a girl! lol

--This site is all about reactions, so if you want to see some genuine ones, this is the place! ;P

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Guest LittlePinky82

according to oniontaker@twitter, the girls have said a us album is being prepared for a spring/summer release and that interscope has been flooded with requests from other TV shows after the Letterman and Kelly performances and that SM is desperately trying to change their schedule but looks unlikely at the moment. 

OK, time for personal opinion right now. I AM SO PROUD AND AMAZED. TBH I was pretty confident they can pull this off despite many people saying that this wasn't a strong song and how America does not dig the whole choreographed performance and SNSD kind of music. I knew that in order to have ANY chance of success in America, you need to be different so there is no point trying to emulate the trends in western pop at the moment but instead, stick with the kpop method of doing things because western audiences haven't seen this before.

Honestly, the reactions were above and beyond what I was hoping for and I think SM hit the jackpot with the Letterman remix, it showed a perfect combo of SNSD - killer vocals and sharp moves and the Kelly perf + interview really reinforced that and helped establish the girls a tiny bit with the interview. I think we won a lot of fans over so I hope SM and Interscope capitalize on this immediately and rethink SNSD's schedule for the year... And of course, thank you SONE's who are in NYC atm for all the support for the girls and showing America how big they are!

All I can say is:

Veni. Vidi. Vici. 

We came. We saw. We conquered!

Omgosh so we are gonna get a US album that's in English from the girls?! That would be great and it'd be fun to see them during the summer here. I'd love that! I'm so glad they're getting such demand. It shows that their appearances made a difference and people liked them. I'm really happy for that! I was nervous too and a little worried although not as much as some people were but it seems that it went so well. 

I agree with keeping the Kpop method. Why change what isn't broken? The US hasn't had girl groups (or boybands for that matter too) since the 90's. So it's been a long time since we've really had anything. There's country girl groups but that's something different than pop groups. I think the girls appearances this past week is that they just need to be themselves and people will like them or not. 

I agree about capitalizing on it while it's still strong and an interest. I just love the news they're planning on a US English album! 

I know its not a big deal and maybe I'm over analyzing, but I just hope it was not a fellow sone doing that.

what you guys think?  over analyzing? eh?

Eh I can understand how you feel and I admit to feeling kinda awkward with that, but only the person knows their intent if it was for just a support "yeah you're great!" type of whistle or "ooo you're hot!" type of whistle. Shrug. I think the timing was more weird than anything lol.

I haven't seen it in my area yet either, and I don't think I will unfortunately. Interscope isn't really going to promote this CD much because its pretty much their Korean album American version. I think right now, they will just continue to build up the girls in the US slowly until they are ready to make a full English album. Now with the 2 really good performances by the girls on big stages, SM will now have to decide whether they want to re-plan things this year for SNSD and include more appearances in the US, or just stick with what they have currently (I say they are thinking of changing it already if what Oniontaker says is correct about Interscope getting lots of demand for SNSD for interviews, etc. after their performance. Also, SM is the expert in last minute changes and last minute ideas.) Anyways, I am not sure how much it opens the door for other Kpop acts to perform in the US, but it definitely got more attention.

Yeah, but they could have it in stores if they're gonna say on national tv it's in stores... But yeah I was so looking forward to getting it at the FYE near me and they didn't have it. :( Even though I already have the Korean cd I wanted this one for my car and to help show them support since $10 isn't too much. I could not eat out once or something. I think you'd prob be right though. I hope they do eventually have out an English cd. I wonder if their appearances helped their sales any? I hope Interscope is getting more demand for the girls. That'd be great! Maybe they could be start of the Hallyu wave here. happy.gif I love seeing the positive reaction to the girls and all the positive buzz from the appearances. :-D

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Guest HyperionZ

Yeah, but they could have it in stores if they're gonna say on national tv it's in stores... But yeah I was so looking forward to getting it at the FYE near me and they didn't have it. :( Even though I already have the Korean cd I wanted this one for my car and to help show them support since $10 isn't too much. I could not eat out once or something. I think you'd prob be right though. I hope they do eventually have out an English cd. I wonder if their appearances helped their sales any? I hope Interscope is getting more demand for the girls. That'd be great! Maybe they could be start of the Hallyu wave here. *quoted image* I love seeing the positive reaction to the girls and all the positive buzz from the appearances. :-D

There are CDs in stores, but they aren't in many stores and there isn't many in stock. Maybe with these appearances Interscope will decide to release a bit more, but they won't do any full promotions. I think for now, the strategy of building up SNSD in the US and getting a pulse on how SNSD could do in the US is a smart one because it would be a bad strategy to promote a korean album in the US. Once they get to work on a full English album and hopefully a stronger title song, then we will truly see more albums in stores for fans to actually buy.

One thing I think they need to fix though. Honestly, I enjoy listening to the Boys and its a solid song to me, but the girls make the song really good. The korean lyrics have a good meaning to it and it seems to flow better, but Interscope/SM (I hope Interscope helps out more) need to find a lyricists who can write lyrics that make more sense. If they can do that, the girls can do even better.

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Guest l3aKa_poonZ

another DanRad + SNSD


Daniel Radcliffe had been given a copy of ‘Mr Taxi’. Although he hadn’t listened to their music he stated that Tiffany was the prettiest member.
cr; kimisaurous

Taeyeon & Tiffany … the most beautiful girls for Daniel Radcliffe!
cr; GG Chile Fans (Chilean Fanbase)
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[quote name='HyperionZ' date='02 February 2012 - 01:26 PM' timestamp='1328210795' post='17601324'

One thing I think they need to fix though. Honestly, I enjoy listening to the Boys and its a solid song to me, but the girls make the song really good. The korean lyrics have a good meaning to it and it seems to flow better, but Interscope/SM (I hope Interscope helps out more) need to find a lyricists who can write lyrics that make more sense. If they can do that, the girls can do even better.

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completely agree about 'the boys' probably their worst song to date, especially for a single, i suppose that's what happens when big money gets involved though, hopefully they never work with teddy riley again, the boys is tired even for the US market.

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Guest LittlePinky82

There are CDs in stores, but they aren't in many stores and there isn't many in stock. Maybe with these appearances Interscope will decide to release a bit more, but they won't do any full promotions. I think for now, the strategy of building up SNSD in the US and getting a pulse on how SNSD could do in the US is a smart one because it would be a bad strategy to promote a korean album in the US. Once they get to work on a full English album and hopefully a stronger title song, then we will truly see more albums in stores for fans to actually buy. 

One thing I think they need to fix though. Honestly, I enjoy listening to the Boys and its a solid song to me, but the girls make the song really good. The korean lyrics have a good meaning to it and it seems to flow better, but Interscope/SM (I hope Interscope helps out more) need to find a lyricists who can write lyrics that make more sense. If they can do that, the girls can do even better.

On the forum I came from one person told how at the store they found the cd they only had ONE copy. Yes. One cd and the person was lucky to get it. I was like: wacko.gif  If you're gonna have the cd at least have a good bit of it. But yeah I can understand wanting to build up first. But I hope it's true that they're gonna have an English album in the spring/summer. And yeah from what I understand the album is just their Korean album just was put out by Interscope I would guess to be less expensive of an import. I once saw an import of a Britney Spears single at FYE for $40 a couple of yrs ago. And this was a single. So I think it was smart of them to do to have the cd more available for people to check out. $10 isn't much at all. 

With the Korean vs English versions my take is as devoted fans we're used to hearing the Korean version. The English version is really no different. Just translated in English. But it just seems weird (I know it does to me anyways) to hear it in English when I'm just so comfortable hearing it in Korean. I think they'll do a good job with their English album.  I think the song is fine for what they're promoting.  If for some reason it didn't work out no big deal but since it's going well the song is catchy and radio friendly.

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Guest HyperionZ

On the forum I came from one person told how at the store they found the cd they only had ONE copy. Yes. One cd and the person was lucky to get it. I was like: *quoted image*  If you're gonna have the cd at least have a good bit of it. But yeah I can understand wanting to build up first. But I hope it's true that they're gonna have an English album in the spring/summer. And yeah from what I understand the album is just their Korean album just was put out by Interscope I would guess to be less expensive of an import. I once saw an import of a Britney Spears single at FYE for $40 a couple of yrs ago. And this was a single. So I think it was smart of them to do to have the cd more available for people to check out. $10 isn't much at all. 

With the Korean vs English versions my take is as devoted fans we're used to hearing the Korean version. The English version is really no different. Just translated in English. But it just seems weird (I know it does to me anyways) to hear it in English when I'm just so comfortable hearing it in Korean. I think they'll do a good job with their English album.  I think the song is fine for what they're promoting.  If for some reason it didn't work out no big deal but since it's going well the song is catchy and radio friendly.

You know, if they did decide to take one SNSD title song and wrote English lyrics for it, I would have to choose ITNW. I know Gee might be a nice choice or Genie (although there is already an English version), there is just something special when I listen to ITNW. Not only would it be special song for SNSD and SONEs to promote in the US, but it is a song that shows the energy, passion, and desire of SNSD. The song has strong vocals and the dance choreography is just top notch, so it would be an impressive showing to the American public. Now, the English lyrics would have to make sense and flow or that could lessen the impact of the song, but that is how I feel about ITNW if they ever decided to do remake a korean song for the US album.

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Guest LittlePinky82

You know, if they did decide to take one SNSD title song and wrote English lyrics for it, I would have to choose ITNW. I know Gee might be a nice choice or Genie (although there is already an English version), there is just something special when I listen to ITNW. Not only would it be special song for SNSD and SONEs to promote in the US, but it is a song that shows the energy, passion, and desire of SNSD. The song has strong vocals and the dance choreography is just top notch, so it would be an impressive showing to the American public. Now, the English lyrics would have to make sense and flow or that could lessen the impact of the song, but that is how I feel about ITNW if they ever decided to do remake a korean song for the US album.

ITNW is one of my favorite old songs from them. I also love "Gee" and "Genie" and RDR. It's kinda old though and more poppish than their more mature pop sound they have now though. I love the song so I'm way biased so I dunno how it'd do here now. I don't know if they'd use an old song to promote themselves here in this new market. I would be happy with that song though too. It's catchy and radio friendly. I know when I first heard the song I'd just randomly start humming it to myself and I'd even go to bed humming it lol. 

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Guest HyperionZ

ITNW is one of my favorite old songs from them. I also love "Gee" and "Genie" and RDR. It's kinda old though and more poppish than their more mature pop sound they have now though. I love the song so I'm way biased so I dunno how it'd do here now. I don't know if they'd use an old song to promote themselves here in this new market. I would be happy with that song though too. It's catchy and radio friendly. I know when I first heard the song I'd just randomly start humming it to myself and I'd even go to bed humming it lol. 

I agree its more old school pop, but maybe doing a little retro pop wouldn't be bad at all. Still, I think its a refreshing song that gives energy to those who listen to it and during these times, maybe a song that revitalizes people is the way to go.

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Guest LittlePinky82

I agree its more old school pop, but maybe doing a little retro pop wouldn't be bad at all. Still, I think its a refreshing song that gives energy to those who listen to it and during these times, maybe a song that revitalizes people is the way to go.

Yeah. I just would be really surprised if they used any old songs. I don't think it'd be like with Japan and other markets in Asia where they've done that. I think they'd prob have a song made specifically for English speaking  fans. 

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Guest shinhdeplol

Brian and SE7EN praise the girls for their American debut :)


Brian is proud of Girls’ Generation’s American debut

Singer Brian Joo expressed his support for Girls’ Generation’s successful American debut saying how proud he was of the girls.

On February 2nd, Brian, who recently released a new album ‘Reborn – Part 1’, told Enews, “I called Tiffany who is currently in America and told her how proud I was of them, and cheered them on a lot.”

Brian used to be an artist within the same company as the girls, SM Entertainment. He still keeps in contact with the girls and maintains a close relationship with them, giving them words of encouragement and advice.

Girls’ Generation, who recently released an album in the US, appeared and performed on CBS’s ‘Late Show with David Letterman’ and ABC’s ‘Live! with Kelly’, also holding an interview with one of America’s main newspapers. Brian said during the interview, “I told Tiffany that I wanted to join them and also perform in the US. She told me that I had plenty of potential to do so also.”

He continued saying, “In the era when I debuted, I couldn’t even imagine of advancing overseas, especially in America; it would be something that you would never even think of. I’m glad that Korean entertainment industries have developed so much.”

“When I grew up in the US, I experienced a lot of racism. And when Americans saw Asians, they only thought of Japan and China. They didn’t even know the country of South Korea. So I’m glad that through Girls’ Generation and through K-Pop, Korea is able to finally grab the attention of people worldwide.”

He finished off saying, “After actively promoting in Korea, I plan on promoting over in the US also. Please look forward it.”

Credits: enews24.net

Translated by: geeyoung123@fanwonder.com


“[sNSD being on Letterman] Girls’ Generation is incredible, and (after watching the broadcast) I felt that K-Pop is really exceeding expectations. I felt something deep down in my heart,”

— Se7en (120203 eNewsworld Interview)

C: ygfamilyy @ tumblr

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Taeyeon's smile :)


C: 파란파도 @ bestiz

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Viewers Praise Jessica’s Acting Skills in ‘Wild Romance’


Girls’ Generation’s Jessica is making headlines with her acting skills in the weekly drama “Wild Romance”.

Jessica plays the role of Kang Jonghee, the unforgettable ex-girlfiend of Park Moo Yul, who is played by Lee Dongwook.

On the tenth episode of the drama, Jonghee was revealed to have a serious case of bipolar disease, which caused her to leave Park Moo Yul in the past. While they were able to rekindle their relationship, disaster struck as Moo Yul’s stalker began attacking Jonghee. Upon witnessing a terrible event, Jonghee began to have a seizure. Despite Moo Yul’s efforts to calm Jonghee down, her condition continued to deteriorate from simple shivers to not being able to breathe. She even attempted to physically harm herself, which greatly upset Moo Yul.

In earlier episodes, Jessica’s acting had become a hot topic among viewers for her romantic kiss scene with Lee Dongwook. However, the latest episode allowed Jessica to show off her impressive acting skills by portraying a darker side to her character. Many viewers were enthralled with Jessica’s acting, saying that, “Jessica’s acting proves she worked hard,” and, “I felt bad for Jonghee who is suffering from bipolar disorder.”

Source: Sports Chosun

Written by: SeraphKY@soshified

Edited by: bhost909@soshified, LetsGo@soshified

Contributor: minigiglo@soshified

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Guest shinhdeplol

‘Salamander Guru’ reveals preview of Taeyeon & Minho’s date


SBS‘s new sitcom ‘Salamander Guru‘ has revealed a preview of Taeyeon‘s cameo!

On February 3rd, SBS’s ‘Open TV Viewers’ World‘ shared a behind-the-scenes look at Taeyeon’s scenes with SHINee‘s Minho.

Judging from the preview, the Girls’ Generation leader plays a determined girl who utilizes all her charm to woo her crush. In one particular scene, Taeyeon brings her aegyo out in full force when she begs Minho to get a hairclip for her. Unmoved, Minho asks why, and Taeyeon replies it’s because she wants to own something that he bought for her exclusively.

Check out the video below!



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