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Guest shinhyun

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PLEASE CAN SOMEONE GIVE THE LINK FOR THEIR SONG "SORROW" i can't find it anywhere. I love that song and i want to hear it. Also I love them. They were my first liked Korean Boy Band.

they have it in youtube, try there!

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Those photos are from some months ago~

Thanks for joining! We'll work to get new news on NRG soon, and see if we can find out when/if Sung Hoon's album is coming out

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey has anyone heard this song by Chun Myung Hoon - Run!!? 3rd song on the 7th album.

Did anyone notice that it has the same tune as the Shaun Desmond song "Let's go"?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest adikkeluangman

[NRG-Member Chun Myung-hoon Currently Fulfilling Military Service]


It was recently found that Chun Myung-hoon, a member of the music group NRG and a local TV personality, has been fulfilling his compulsory military duty since January. An associate of Chun stated on March 8th, “Chun Myung-hoon began working at a company in the defense industry in Seoul in January”

According to the source, Chun’s health had deteriorated due to his packed schedule last year and was thus, unable to even receive basic military training. This is the reason the news was kept under wraps. Chun is currently fulfilling his military service duty as a governmental worker, while also regularly going to a hospital for treatment.

Fellow-NRG-member Lee Sang-jin will begin his military service, also as a governmental worker, in June. Two members of NRG are currently fulfilling their military duty.

Credits ~ KBS World Radio + Kpopper.com + noV@Kpop Kingdom

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It was recently found that Chun Myung-hoon, a member of the music group NRG and a local TV personality, has been fulfilling his compulsory military duty since January. An associate of Chun stated on March 8th, “Chun Myung-hoon began working at a company in the defense industry in Seoul in January”

Fellow-NRG-member Lee Sang-jin will begin his military service, also as a governmental worker, in June. Two members of NRG are currently fulfilling their military duty.

No wonder Chun Myung Hoon's not seen nowadays. Last time I saw him was on his first ever NEW XMAN.

Didn't Lee Sung Jin go to the army back in 2005..or 2006?

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Thank you Anrui ^^ I'm checking your forum.

Sungjin? Last year when I heard about their military duty, it was said that Sungjin didn't have to cuz he's got only one parent left... so.. why?

:D the day 5 days ago was one of my happiest day, finally I found out where to buy NRG's old albums, haha~ I've been looking for them for about 4 years @.@ lucky me :lol: Although they r quite expensive but I dont care, NRG's my greatest luv eva :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Shai_Juni

Okie Dokie, I've been scouring the Soompi forum for this thread. N.r.G has been my favorite group since...well.. dirt? haha that's a good way to put it. SO here goes... Since I have their DVD and they have this segment called "NrG from 1997..." and it has the chapters of their being together, here goes, my brief history according to the dvd.

Okay, once upon a time, there was a group called Fire Engine.. No I'm serious, there was lol. And one member, Kim Tae Hyung would go on to create the label Music Factory. He's the president. Now, there he created the group HAMOHAMO... with members Lee SungJin, and Chun MyungHoon. They made one album with songs such as "Papillion" and "PangPang". Which I personally liked but yeah, this isn't about me, MOVING ON, ahem... they made one album, didn't do so well, so they debuted again with the other members to form NRG.

SO, YooMin and SungHoon knew each other back in grade school cause they were both at this tv station for what was then "Channel 19" some cable network in South Korea, that had a show called "Music Break". Incidentially according to them, when telling the story, they had both run away from home, which I guess is common, or something, anyways. They were there watching the show and they were leaving and SungHoon looked to the side and there was "Fire Engine" and they told him and YooMin (who's real name is Noh GapSung btw) to come here, and not knowing better then to do what they were told, they went and the members made them sing and dance on the spot, and they were impressed and said they'd talk to them later. Well since they had run away from home, they waited around and one member had told them 'Didn't I tell you to go home, I'll make you sorry if you don't' and they told him they'd run away from home, so he took them back to his house and fed them. Not only that but he called the school to tell them that SungHoon and YooMin were being trained as singers for a time and weren't to be punished for not being there.

Now this is where my recollection gets fuzzy, cause they put HamoHamo in with them, and then, it was actually SungJin's MOM who saw HwanSung, and called her son to come see him and he was just a lil kid. Or so I gathered from their goodbye note segment to HwanSung cause he had said in his letter to HwanSung "Do you remember the first time we met? My mother called me to come see you and there you were sleeping with your finger in your mouth (hwansung's bad habit was sucking his thumb when he slept.) and I thought, he's only a boy." HwanSung was in another group though which I'm assuming didn't do well either cause I don't remember them at all.

SO, here we are, with SungJin being 20 at the time of their debut as NRG, MyungHoon is 19, SungHoon, YooMin and HwanSung are all 9th graders, and no i'm not kidding, they were in ninth grade when they first started. haha

They Debuted in October of 1997 (which should answer someone's question in this thread of how long they've been around, I'm sorry I forgot your name.. >.<) They had "Hal Soo It Suh" (Yes, I can!) as their single, followed by "Breakfast at Tiffany's" which you can see how "pretty" both SungHoon and espically YooMin were. <3

Then their second album came out cause they debuted at the end of the year and with "Messenger" they won SBS's New Face along with Tae Sa Ja, for those of you who remember them. They released other singles along with Messenger such as "Make Love" and another one I forget which.

Third album came out with just the three youngest members. SungJin had gone to become a VJ on some show, and MyungHoon had turned to song writing, composing, and producing. The 3rd album didn't do as well as most people would have hoped and SungJin and MyungHoon rejoined the group, but thats when HwanSung got sick. There are alot of rumors floating around of what he had, and why he died, and blah blah blah. The report was that he died from a rare strain of pnemonia that shut down his immune system, and labored his breathing to the point he couldn't breath on his own, and he went brain dead. And THAT is when his parents decided to take him off the resporaters because to them he wasn't "Alive" anymore, he was just there, and I think they wanted better for their son.

So he was cremated (can't spell to save my life either if you hadn't noticed) and was put in the tomb thing with his picture that is surrounded by yellow flowers. It really took it's toll on the other members of NRG. If you've ever seen the Concert in China dedicated to him, when they tried to sing "Breakfast at Tiffany's" YooMin broke down and cried after the first few words cause he just couldn't do it. On a personal note, once I saw that, I turned the tape off, and it has been sitting in it's case for 6 years paused at that point because I can't watch it. It makes me cry to much. Which is odd cause I never knew him personally but it still hurts. :(

MOVING ON... they made their 4th album with the song "Sorrow" which was written by KangTa. How nice of him, ne? They went on to do, 3 more concerts as well if I'm not mistaken.

5th album came out with a lighter note to it, wasn't all sadly and depressing because as they say, time heals all wounds, and they were able to visit HwanSungs memory with a smile instead of tears, as SungHoon put it. Their 5th album, with the single "Hit Song" proved to be their jackpot, they were voted Best Singer of the Year by all the cable channels. KangTa himself who was Co-Hosting the show presented them with the award, they won against Shinhwa if that means anything to you.

6th album, with "Korean Guy Fighting!" which was an ode to their craze for soccer! The video is hysterical if you've never seen it. One of my favorites too btw.

7th album, and their last for the time being, with their video of SungJin going against fighter Kim Min-Su. He scares me but SungJin won because of special "NRG" boxer gloves, bahahahahahahaha... Also the mysterious departure of SungHoon. Now there's been rumors galore of why he left. The only one I believe is when asked he said he "had to take care of business" whether it be his, because I believe he owns his own business, or his fathers' (who, if you remember, suffered from Liver disease awhile back, and SungHoon had 60% of his own liver cut off to donate to his father so his father could live.) I'm not sure. But I don't think he'd just "walk out" on NRG. But again, you can believe what you like and since I don't have a solid answer, that's what I prefer to believe myself.

Which brings us to the present. SungJin will begin his Military Service in June, while Chun MyungHoon is already serving his in a Govermental Building because a health condition prevents him from doing basic military training. (I got that lil snippet from wikipedia btw) Nothing was said about YooMin and his serving, but we all know SungHoon doesn't have to because he's an american citizen. Which brings me to another point. We all know that both Teddy and Danny from 1tym, since they're not korean citizens can only be in korea for a certain amount of time before they have to go back to america right? So maybe THAT's where SungHoon went? O.o again I dunno, just tossing ideas out there.

phew, my fingers hurt after typing all this but I hope this answered alotta questions people had about NRG. n___n


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest secretz

omg i just find out about NRG todai cuz im watching Love letter and it mentioned how NRG was once a hallyu ( korean wave). Too bad i just found out about them todai. im listening to their 3rd album now :) out of the members i only know lee sung jin and Chun Myung Hoon from variety show like Love letter and Xman. I like them both they are very funny. I wish i've found out about them earlier.

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i love Nrg there so good at singing but to bad they aren't together anymore. i still love them anyways... i was a big fan back in the old days and is still a fan today even when there not together like the old days...

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Shai_Juni, thanks for all the summary.

I was just at the old NRG Forum, http://www.network54.com/forum/40459 and saw you posting again.

I'm sunghoon(nrg) btw. I go by elizabeth on soompi now. used to be "eNeRGy04"

I really miss the old days. I can't believe Chun Myoung Hoon and Sung Jin are serving their military service already.

DAAAARN, nothing about Moon Sung Hoon yet? I miss him.

Pim, I'm sure those 4 years were worth the looking.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Anrui

Hello everyone~ I guess if I ever visited Soompi we could keep this thread more active lol At least there is the new NRG forum im TRYING to keep active.

If any of you can translate, please let us know! We need more help~

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so this is the the 7th year that 06.15 becomes one of the special days to me

i still remember my first 06.15 as an NRG fan

i was not brave enough to re-watch NRG's performances,

which Hwansung did appear in


time has passed

and i as well as NRG fans can get used to this loss

instead of tears, i find it happy to look at his pictures, his smiles, his face, even in this day

considering him still alive, just in another bright world helps lots

i just feel a bit sad that i cant get any news from Korea

i wanna know if there are still people call 'NRG fans' there

do they do anything for him

also wonder about other NRG members & his family


i think im gonna write him a letter :)

i do this every 06.15 & 02.14, one thing has become my habit ^^~

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