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f(x) Krystal apologises officially after being criticised for inappropriate broadcast attitude

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I’m sorry for the disappointment for not displaying the proper manners in the previous broadcast appearance.

f(x) Krystal has been in the limelight for her broadcast attitude during her recently appearance on MBC ‘SaeBaGwi’ and has posted up an official apology for that. During the show that day, seonbae singer Tae JinAh was having a phonecall quiz with Maya, Krystal was seen with a bored experssion, her head lowered and her legs crossed and her toes showing.


TV viewers have commented that Krystal had looked, Uncomfortable.


Krystal then posted up an apology on f(x) official homepage on 6th June saying :

I repented on what I did. I will make sure that such will not happen again, and I will always be alert and show my hard-working features. I will apologise again for the worry I caused to fans and TV viewers for not being alert on the show.”

Netizens’ comments on Krystal’s apology was like : “ Do work harder in the future ”, “ Even though your behaviour was a little too much, I still hope to see you do well the next time.” , while others comments were like “ you should apologise to Tae JinAh not to your fans ” “ you cant help it , its runs in your family ” etc.



CR : Kbites

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It was rude in my opinion. Some people have to understand that this is Korea (Asia) where respect to elders is utmost important. However, let's just move on from this. She is just 16 and a rookie after all. I think she realizes now that literally everything she does will be watched. (That just sounds creepy actually, but anyway.)

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Guest sweetbabigrl

sorry i have a question

is it wrong to show your toes?

yeah even if you're bored

at least pretend like you're interested

to show some respect

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Guest disfunktional.

lol yeah, i don't get the toes thing?

i see how it's seen as rude, but it's something no small, why do they have to make it such a big deal.

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Guest cantthinkofaname

wow harsh much "it runs in your family" oh yeah like that human beings knows them personally.

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Guest xiaolongnu28

I think it's already been stated that she did not notice the camera? She's young, and I can see how it could be rude, but I don't see what the big deal is. Netizens have crazy unrealistic standards for their idols, and they just need to knock it off.

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Guest 0oyokisuo0

lol great. this on top of being untalented. being young is NOT an excuse, the younger you are the more respect you show.

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Guest meiming8_1

She should have been more respectful, it was wrong of her. At least she apologized though. She'll definitely take more care in the future now, and everyone will (and should) move on from this. I don't get the toes thing though? I was just happy to see her beautiful shoes :lol:

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Guest oh`retro

I had a feeling someone was going to be like "it runs in the family" or something.

I mean, it was pretty rude, but not that big of a deal.

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lol yeah, i don't get the toes thing?

i see how it's seen as rude, but it's something no small, why do they have to make it such a big deal.

its not that she was showing her toes, this was translated wrong. she was shaking her foot, not like "shaking" but like you know girls cross their legs and they kind of swing/shake their foot around? she was doing that. that's what the viewers found rude, which it is, if you see her posture she's just leaning back in her chair shaking her foot around. In korea, in front of elders you don't just lean back in your chair or whatever, i know because i got in trouble for this too.

and it's true being young or new in the industry is not an excuse, actually if you are NEW in the industry you should be even more aware than anybody else of your actions no matter where you are. you always should be on alert and tense when your new.

and about her not noticing the camera...so what? so she should put on a show and act like she's listening when the camera is on her but when it's not she can just do that?

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I think it's already been stated that she did not notice the camera? She's young, and I can see how it could be rude, but I don't see what the big deal is. Netizens have crazy unrealistic standards for their idols, and they just need to knock it off.

she's on a show, cameras are everywhere. and the problem is not the camera, but it's the fact that she disrespected Tae Jinah, a well respected senior. and this is not an "unrealistic standard", if a regular kid had done this, they would have been whooped by their parents.

i thought it was rude, and i agree with the comment that she shouldn't apologize to fans, but rather to Tae Jinah. it's pretty forgivable since it's her first mistake, and it seems like she realized what she did wrong so imo, it's okay.

& about that "it runs in the family" comment, i didn't think it was that bad. i thought it was referring to the fact that she "spaced out" and it runs in the family cause Jessica tends to space out often too. if my interpretation is wrong .. then ouch.

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Guest Trixbox

well it's no excuse.. if it's in countries outside korea then it wouldn't matter as much if a sunbaenim is talking.

be more professional in the future i guess.

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Guest coldfire-x

Dang the "it runs in your family" comment is pretty harsh.. if the person meant what I think he'/she meant.

Her heels are pretty high for a 15/16 year old to wear though.

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Guest evilgary

yea i do agree she is still young and she just came from the US. so its no wonder that she doesn't know about this so they should actually give her a chance

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Guest Hemera

why do people always use the age and u.s. citizen thing? she's 16...not a toddler...she should know better. and despite common belief..there are things such as respect and common courtesy in america. growing up in the states (which she didn't) does not excuse such behavior.

i do like f(x) and im disappointed...just hope she learns from her mistakes..

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Guest Kiklo

Damnn......she's only 16?

yeah that was rlly rude..she had like a diva attitude..wack. she better grow up and be more respectful!

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