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Issues with a friend


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something to get off my chest
I really want to get this off my chest because it's been bugging me a lot lately. I have this friend that I've known since I've started high school. Everything was okay at first I guess but lately it seems like she's not acting like a friend but like my mom (at least that's what I feel like). Anyway, the other day we were doing group work in chemistry class and she took the worksheet and started work without explaining it to the rest of the members in the group. I tried to help but it seems like she was ignoring me, so I ask her to please help explain it to me and her reply was nothing. In the end I finally gave up and sat there looking at her doing the work, and talk with the other two members then she suddenly blurted out "Can you guys be quiet." When it was time to go she said that next time if we (the group members) don't help her then next time she won't bother helping us anymore. Okay, honestly I know that she was mad and that she had a good enough reason to be mad because we weren't doing a good enough job helping her finish the work but what made me mad was that when we try to help she doesn't let us. So how can we help her if she won't let us. That night she message me saying that she was just having a bad day and didn't mean to yell at us. I told her that it was okay because everyone has their bad days.

We're doing a project together on blood borne pathogens and today I asked her if she wanted me to do anything. All her answer was "Uhhh I don't know." Honestly, I feel like it's her project and not our project because she seems to be rejecting everything that I suggest. Then she's gonna say that she did everything even though her life is super busy and I didn't do anything so I should do something. Seriously, did I not say 'What do you want me to do?' I even offer to type everything and print it but her answer was "I don't know". I guess in her opinion I should have contributed more.

I really don't know what's going on with me. Everything has been bugging me a lot lately, maybe because of finals coming up plus there's so much projects and research paper that has to be done that is probably I'm feeling like this. Yes, I know that friends fight about things but I don't know if I can force myself not to go off. When I'm around her I always get the feeling that she's rubbing how great she is in my face. Yes, may be I'm being immature about this but it's how I feel. I'm not saying at she's a bad friend, she's actually a nice person. We never really had a fight before but since we started school there's been a lot of fighting lately. I don't know, maybe I'm just over reacting about it.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I wanted to say.

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Guest iEatPowder

Maybe be she's a perfectionist, or a control-freak, or a combination of the both. Either way, just let her know that she's being a selfish hypocrite and then hug it out.

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Why don't you take control of the project instead of just allowing her to do it all? I mean, it's a group project for a reason, so everyone can take part of it. You just divide up the work amongst yourself and just let her do her part and you guys do your own. When she says I don't know, you should just make the decision then. If you want to type the paper then just do it. Talk to your friend about this.

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Guest tofuxx

this is why group work is challenging.

shes probably more of an independent worker. i guess just tell her what youre gonna do instead of asking. then she can't say "idk"

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